
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm sure this'll get sorted out eventually, because if not then I see people leaving in droves.

    This booming silence for over 24 hours doing the work week is leaving a really bitter taste in our collective mouths, though.
    A normal company would issue some statement _somewhere_ instead of running off to the basement to hide (and work on the servers, hopefully).
    They'd also work overtime to fix stuff instead of shuffling off to the pub at 5pm on Thursday.
    Maybe they'd even stay in the office over the weekend since, you know, they made people fight tooth and claw for those Fury covers.
    And if there is a problem with _those_ I imagine all hell to break lose on Monday.
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    I'm sure this'll get sorted out eventually, because if not then I see people leaving in droves.

    This booming silence for over 24 hours doing the work week is leaving a really bitter taste in our collective mouths, though.
    A normal company would issue some statement _somewhere_ instead of running off to the basement to hide (and work on the servers, hopefully).
    They'd also work overtime to fix stuff instead of shuffling off to the pub at 5pm on Thursday.
    Maybe they'd even stay in the office over the weekend since, you know, they made people fight tooth and claw for those Fury covers.
    And if there is a problem with _those_ I imagine all hell to break lose on Monday.

    And do you know what might be even more worrying

    IceIX wrote:
    If you've noticed, haven't been around much today. Been insanely busy with end of season madness and getting the next Episode finally nailed down.

    They might be seriously thinking about starting the next episode before this problem is sorted out.
  • Zero rewards yet. Earned my first X force red too...did not remember to take a screen shot hopefully entropics did. If they dont hand me all the covers I am owed when they fix this will not stay around.

    Can't even load the game to join heavy metal...top 25 in season is in danger now...
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    ZeiramMR wrote:
    As far as the results picture going away, I believe it is coded to remain up for 24 hours regardless of rewards being delivered or not. I had God of Lies results showing until Thursday at noon EDT. This was not a malicious "sweeping under the rug" as some people suggested.

    Question: Has anyone received personal (non-alliance) rewards that started the event after the score adjustment? I've seen a few people saying they received their rewards who started ASAP. Wondering if there is a cut-off that can be timed to one of the event changes. My suspicion is that the missing rewards are actually because of back-end server issues as evidenced by the various other server problems yesterday.

    FWIW, I started before the score adjustment. Not quite immediately, maybe 2-3 hours after the event started, and I had enough time to do a clear of each pin before the score adjustment was applied. I have received nothing.
  • Still no XFW and cDaken here. That's more than 24 hours after end of event. This is really some tynikitty tinihit. Well, maybe it will finally lead me to drop this game, thus freeing huge chunk of my time for other games, that, y'know, reward for playing smart and good.
  • I know the feeling, I am SOOO pi*sed off I can't spend 450 HP to make room for a character I can't use and probably won't be able to use for 2 more months. I'm going to quit, too.

  • I can't believe they haven't dished out the Daken rewards yet. They were quick enough to hand me my **** Bullseye cover when I fell out of the top 150. I hope everyone who is missing rewards gets them soon.
  • Still don't mind waiting for my 3 standard tokens

    Going to get 1* I don't need anyway or storm or Iron man I'm already done maxing for ages
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    Sooo... I guess someone WILL tell us here when they got their alliance reward/cover? icon_e_smile.gif
  • DirigiblePilot
    DirigiblePilot Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    morgh wrote:
    Sooo... I guess someone WILL tell us here when they got their alliance reward/cover? icon_e_smile.gif

    Or ANY cover at all! It's two mornings after the event, and many of us still haven't gotten any reward. As I began to state earlier, if D3 had only told us that there was a problem, we'd be mildly annoyed but understanding. But now we've progressed through annoyance to irritation, then nervousness that we wouldn't get anything, and now anger because that appears to be true, so far. It's much easier to deal with an annoyed playerbase than an angry one.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    morgh wrote:
    Sooo... I guess someone WILL tell us here when they got their alliance reward/cover? icon_e_smile.gif

    Or ANY cover at all! It's two mornings after the event, and many of us still haven't gotten any reward. As I began to state earlier, if D3 had only told us that there was a problem, we'd be mildly annoyed but understanding. But now we've progressed through annoyance to irritation, then nervousness that we wouldn't get anything, and now anger because that appears to be true, so far. It's much easier to deal with an annoyed playerbase than an angry one.

    It's that lack of assurance that we will get what we earned that is the most disconcerting. If there were ANY sort of reassurance or acknowledgement, that would go a long way. As it is, I'm (we're) left with the possibility that the issue will not be resolved timely or fairly.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    In the News and Announcements:
    Server Maintenance at 11:00 am EDT, 5/16/2014
    Postby ElectroBlast » Fri May 16, 2014 9:44 am
    We are taking the servers down for some emergency maintenance today at 11:00am EDT.
    We expect the maintenance to take a few hours and will message here when they are back up.
    Thanks for your patience!

    Maybe this will resolve things??? Are we not able to play during this? I was able to get in, though it's now within the 'downtime'.
  • I think everyone should be awarded a purple 3* daken cover due to having to endure this mess. Just sayin'....
  • Bagman covers for all!
  • Servers haven't fine down for me, unless they went down and up during the course of a match.
  • Well they'd give everyone extra ISO and HP and everything would be forgotten/forgiven.

    Let's see what they do and say. I hope we'll have all Daken covers for the week-end.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor

    An acknowledgement on the opening screen that rewards are coming soon but to expect delays on Heavy Metal too. So you'll just have to wait for those Rags covers!!!

    Also, Lazy Daken tournament has started without you. Have fun! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    But, a big sigh of relief that they will get us rewards, eventually...
  • Are you on mobile? There is no notice on PC.
  • Just got my indy daken. No alliance one yet.
  • Same here. Got personal and alliance rewards. He is 0/1/1 now. I wish I had that purple though.