MPQ 11th Anniversary Zombie Slayer Community Challenge



  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,762 Chairperson of the Boards

    @turbomoose said:
    I only just realised that you can get bonus points using the characters with swapped characters and I’m 10 years in. Suppose I should have read the post properly really

    Actually, unless I’m misinterpreting, you don’t get bonus points from using the cover swapped characters. You do, however, get points for defeating those characters, in pve and pvp.

    The bonuses come from using the other 3 categories:

    1. Playable zombies
    2. MPQ originals
    3. Midnight Suns
  • Codex
    Codex Posts: 286 Mover and Shaker

    @LavaManLee said:
    I've been playing the game for over 10 years and have no idea what I am actually supposed to do with this event. Why do they make it so difficult to understand (a) what needs to happen and (b) how what I do actually makes things happen?

    I totally understand the "we should all be grateful for free stuff" sentiment, but wouldn't it be nice to actually know what is going on and be able to explain to others what to do to contribute?

    If someone texted me from my alliance and asked me what to do to earn progress, I could not tell them.

    My math could be wrong but today node in mpq vs zombies may give out the most pts so far.

    I used 3may, headpool and OR. It hard to tell how much pts headpool gives; the instructions are ambiguous. This is either 2 or 6pts.

    There is one wave, I counted 5 zombie minions and two zombie heroes, So 15 pts there. I did not consider the shadows and mindless ones zombies. If the devs considers them zombies this would be either 15 or 20 pts.

    There is also a possibility of the two zombie heroes on this node be considered having zombie covers. So that could be considered either 0 or 2pts.

    In total, this node could yield anywhere from
    17 to 28pts per battle. It generally takes 30 seconds to complete. This might be best node to farm. Hope that is helpful.

  • Codex
    Codex Posts: 286 Mover and Shaker

    You could also swap 3may with a midnight suns affiliation for an additional pt. But, the affiliation is spelled differently in the game versus the rules, so I am not sure if it counts. "Sons" versus Suns"

    If anything this could be grounds for protesting.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 934 Critical Contributor

    @WilliamK1983 said:

    @mooken said:
    What would be incredibly helpful, both for our own testing and for awareness, is to let ppl know in-game when they've earned points towards the community goal. I have no idea how many points I've earned, and if I'm even earning points or not. Not to mention 80% of the player population who aren't aware of the event.

    Expanding on those points these are the questions I have.

    1- do we get points for using a cover swapped character or just for defeating one?

    2- when defeating or playing with doctor strange(dead strange), headpool, or spider-man(zombie) it doesn't give a value for using one, just defeating one. What is the value for using one and is it per zombie hero used like it is defeated?

    3- if you use three mpq originals in a battle, is it worth 1 point or 3? Same for midnight suns.

    @MPQBlaine @S0kun any insights would be greatly appreciated.

    Could use some clarity a week of nothing but rain ahead and could really grind hard for the community during that time. Would love to know I'm doing it as effectively as possible.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,145 Chairperson of the Boards

    We don't appear to get points for using a cover swapped character.

    I think using an undead costume cover like Strange was 5 points?

  • cooperbigdaddy
    cooperbigdaddy Posts: 405 Mover and Shaker

    Sorry to be even more annoying, but does 4Blade count if he's not wearing his Midnight Sons/Suns costume? I have none of the Midnight Sons/Suns costumes for any character.

  • S0kun
    S0kun ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 659 Critical Contributor

    Been seeing a bunch of questions over the weekend so we added an FAQ to the thread with some answers to your questions.

    Keep it up folks! Tier 1 down and progress is steadily looking good!

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,762 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 8 October 2024, 01:01

    @S0kun said:
    Been seeing a bunch of questions over the weekend so we added an FAQ to the thread with some answers to your questions.

    Keep it up folks! Tier 1 down and progress is steadily looking good!

    This is an excellent FAQ and much appreciated.

    Thanks for taking the time and effort to help clarify things!

    Honestly I'm having a good time so far with this Anniversary, although it's sometimes a lot to keep track of.....thanks for going the extra mile on it. Leaning hard on the zombie theme adds fun to it for me.

  • Bzhai
    Bzhai Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker

    It would be nice if we had dailies that required characters on this list. That would move things along.

  • Tac
    Tac Posts: 23 Just Dropped In

    How come we can’t track progress in-game?

    Community challenges currently live in their own out-of-game bubbles where our community team is utilizing analytics tools that weren’t designed for this feature and connecting those dots manually to activities in-game that also aren’t designed to be broadcasted publicly. While we 100% agree that it would be awesome to be able to track these community challenges in-game, we simply can’t with the game’s current architecture.

    How about displaying top20 / 50 in participation on the progress dashboard, so there's at least one way to follow that?

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,342 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Tac said:

    How come we can’t track progress in-game?

    Community challenges currently live in their own out-of-game bubbles where our community team is utilizing analytics tools that weren’t designed for this feature and connecting those dots manually to activities in-game that also aren’t designed to be broadcasted publicly. While we 100% agree that it would be awesome to be able to track these community challenges in-game, we simply can’t with the game’s current architecture.

    How about displaying top20 / 50 in participation on the progress dashboard, so there's at least one way to follow that?

    I think this would have the same problem. The leaderboards are framed within particular PvE and PvP events. If I understand the response correctly, the current data is pulled from several areas with manually defined parameters i.e. "vs zombie character in Best of 24 event" in 24-hour period, "vs character in Headpool event" in 24 hour period etc and then those are added into a database and that updates the dashboard. To then convert that out of the database and into the game would require developing a new capability in- game, backend development, UI development, and testing. Then all that gets thrown away when the new engine comes out.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 934 Critical Contributor

    I kinda prefer not seeing a leader board. Since I haven't a clue about where I am on any progress related to the zombie slayer board I just keep on going. If there was a leader board and I saw how badly I'm being beat, I wouldn't grind as hard. I don't care how I do personally on the zombie count, I'm grinding for the space stone. If I happen to land t10, that's great but that's not my goal.

  • Tac
    Tac Posts: 23 Just Dropped In

    @Scofie said:
    If I understand the response correctly, the current data is pulled from several areas with manually defined parameters i.e. "vs zombie character in Best of 24 event" in 24-hour period, "vs character in Headpool event" in 24 hour period etc and then those are added into a database and that updates the dashboard. To then convert that out of the database and into the game would require developing a new capability in- game, backend development, UI development, and testing. Then all that gets thrown away when the new engine comes out.

    I'm specifically saying not ingame but on the progress dashboard where we already follow the overall progress of the challenge.
    If it can track overall progression it should also be able to filter that progression per player

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,425 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 9 October 2024, 15:58

    Still waiting for the day

    Sorry folks we missed the goal but just for the low low amount of $$$$$ you can buy the rewards the group missed out on

    Why not they do it for the seasonal quest

    I think I would open up my wallet for this. Over the skip the line

  • Bzhai
    Bzhai Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker

    @slidecage said:
    Still waiting for the day

    Sorry folks we missed the goal but just for the low low amount of $$$$$ you can buy the rewards the group missed out on

    Why not they do it for the seasonal quest

    I think I would open up my wallet for this. Over the skip the line

    See you in 20 days then.

    Anyway, there's seems to be an uptick over the weekend. But can we sustain this now that Headpool pvp and pve is ending?

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,805 Chairperson of the Boards

    Won't it go down for boss event when we play less.

  • Bzhai
    Bzhai Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    edited 9 October 2024, 17:12

    That's what I anticipate too. Unless the boss event is 100% full of zombie enemies.

    Also MPQ vs Zombies is ending in less than 24 hrs. Will there be a fresh event after that? I'm assuming yes coz they said they're awarding weekly prizes but it could be totally something new.