March madness?



  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards

    "How to value legendary tokens" is actually an interesting question, that most veteran players just sort of assume everybody knows instinctively.

    The Latest 3 are almost always...average (you could call them "dreck" if you were more cynical). They try to release characters that are like 5 or 6 out of 10 on the power level scale. There is power creep in MPQ, but it's very gradual and sorta inconsistent. In general, opening latest tokens as you go is a pretty bad idea if you're trying to optimize your roster.

    The big secret is that occasionally they make a really, really big mistake, and release like a 15/10 character. They're also really slow to address these mistakes, and sometimes they just don't bother at all.

    So everybody just saves up until the next mistake. If you build up a really big stash, you can insta-max the screwups, and ride them until the next one shows up.

    So no, you can't go back in time and open tokens to get m'Thor, or Chasm, or Omega Red. But if you save up a giant pile of them now, you can go all in on the next overpowered guy they accidentally drop, then start rebuilding your stash for the next next mistake.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    Also, don't underestimate the bonus shards you get from just pulling a LL token. You can actually get a lot of levels from them with a big enough hoard.

  • HowDoIUnlockBatman
    HowDoIUnlockBatman Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    edited March 2024

    Or similar. At least once a week

    Now show me where i can get multiple 5* covers for characters that aren't in LL and aren't favourited in classics for 100-200 HP each.

    So you've just pulled a LL token. Congratulations, you've just saved yourself from buying a lightning deal next week.

    So you've just pulled a roster slot. Congratulations. I hope you've already got enough that this means something to you and is worth more than 200HP

    So you've just pulled a 5* cover or 250 5* shards. Congratulations. You've just got yourself something that would take 80-160 LL tokens worth of pulls to get (3 shards a pull for a favourited 5(not including bonus shards)

    So you haven't pulled anything because you're listening to the people who tell you that you should save your HP for the anniversary vault. Congratulations. Keep reading the out of date new players guide. Never open any tokens ever and just keeping holding that bag because one day GameStop are going to start stocking Peggy nfts and we're all going to the moon...

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards

    I mean...yes, you can get an LT for not very much.

    But that's like saying you've already got a dollar, so why would you want another one? People save up, like, thousands of the things.

    Obviously the 5* shards and covers are worth more than the tokens (unless you've already got those 5* maxed out, like many of us do -- this changes the whole calculus), but the tokens also have some objective value.

  • HowDoIUnlockBatman
    HowDoIUnlockBatman Posts: 44 Just Dropped In

    It's more like having a bunch of tokens to go on the prize grabber machine at the arcade. Pulling the iphone on your first go and then being forced to put the rest of your tokens in the same machine by your grandad because you haven't got the walkman yet when you could have just gone next door and gone on their machine which also had an iphone and walkman in it.

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,457 Chairperson of the Boards

    Oh, I get it now. What I choose to do with my tokens has been wrong all along. I've been playing the game incorrectly all this time! All I needed all along was someone to just labour their point of view over and over again so that I could realise that I've been disproportionately valuing the wrong things and change my whole world view to match theirs. Thank you, internet!

    My view, and note that I'm not trying to change yours or tell you yours is wrong, is that by the time you have 25 iPhones, another one adds little value. I'd rather have a Walkman for a bit of diversity. I'd rather have RIso than Purple ISO. Others may think that's crazy. Depends on where you are in the game and how you want to enjoy it. You can certainly use objective measures to validate your position I.e. Purple Iso is objectively more valuable than RIso but I value it less because I have around 12.3m Purple and need about 2m Red. So am I wrong? No. Are others that need Purple and don't care about Red? No. Both statements are valid and can coexist.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards

    This vault means that I can now ascend either Chavez or Mordo as my first 4*5 so it has had value for me along with all the other great stuff. Not sure who to ascend though - I imagine Mordo must hit like a truck but Chavez is sort'a great too.

    Sorry - anyway - back to the regularly scheduled shenanigans although I'm not sure I trust somebody who wants to unlock Batman - Batman is lame!

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2024

    What was that cartoon that line came from

    Batman is lame. Then Batman tears up and goes Batman isn't lame (unless I dreamed it lol)

    Really though I just pull 50 and reset usually grab 3 to 4. 5s. Same with shards and 2 to 3 slots. Good enough for me

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2024

    ended with 4000 hp left total for event

    Pull 40. 8 times so what about
    40,000 spent

    30 slots would cost me 36,000

    5 stars 39
    Shards. 43
    Slots 30

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    Time to hoard for the next run.

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,032 Chairperson of the Boards

    I have 178 open slots and another 20 I could open, full of half built 1*s that I was saving in anticipation of ascension (but then ended up buying the 1a5 versions of). So close to 200 slots. I’m good for 5.5 years if the release cadence stays the same. And that’s before factoring in the slots that will be freed up once I max/max and ascend folks slowly. The roster slot need has died completely. Crazy since I believe they once said it’s their biggest revenue stream.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,959 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2024

    @Daredevil217 said:
    I have 178 open slots and another 20 I could open, full of half built 1*s that I was saving in anticipation of ascension (but then ended up buying the 1a5 versions of). So close to 200 slots. I’m good for 5.5 years if the release cadence stays the same. And that’s before factoring in the slots that will be freed up once I max/max and ascend folks slowly. The roster slot need has died completely. Crazy since I believe they once said it’s their biggest revenue stream.

    Oh man, imagine the complaints if they decided to increase the release cadence. (EDIT: I am not convinced they have the staff to do so....)

    I personally have 18 right now.....had to catch up a bit after the 3 year break. Got enough for 6 months, maybe less with ascension still being an issue where it will ebb and flow. My HP flow is enough to not worry either way.

    For newer rosters, or many rosters that haven't played as hard (and/or took breaks), the roster slot need is still very high....they are still selling HP to meet it.

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,032 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Tony_Foot said:
    The 5* would have to be absolute meta for me to care now.

    Wasn’t that always the case for you?

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Borstock said:
    Time to hoard for the next run.

    I doubt I will have much hp for it.
    Going to guess we may see a 4 of July vault (some reason think it won't be as good .. maybe 2 5 stars tops . You will see a lot more tokens and iso ... Red while blue )

    I think got 6k now in hp I probably end up saving up til Xmas vault (unless they drop a lot of 1 stars for 19.99)

    Guessing (what is avg gold lite player can earn per week) but my guess .. in have 12k come July.. 20k come Sept and 25 k end of year if they drop the 1 stars and I buy the rest I would have over 200k end of year