March madness?



  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,457 Chairperson of the Boards

    Really sorry to hear that @slidecage and RIP Stormy.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2024

    thank you all for your kind words.. buried them last night

    going to be real hard today.. last saturday took the little guy shopping all day and went to a craft show.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,959 Chairperson of the Boards

    @slidecage said:
    thank you all for your kind words.. buried them last night

    going to be real hard today.. last saturday took the little guy shopping all day and went to a craft show.

    Sorry. It’s gotta be hard.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    They love you every day of their lives, then they rip your guts out when they pass. So sorry for your loss.

  • Hellblazer666
    Hellblazer666 Posts: 217 Tile Toppler

    Did one more 40 pull got 3 more roster slots so I got 5 now for new characters . among lots of covers LL Tokens etc

  • HowDoIUnlockBatman
    HowDoIUnlockBatman Posts: 44 Just Dropped In

    If you're short on HP and there's still plenty on time on the vault then 4 days of 10 pulls = 4800 which might not seem like much of a saving but it has the added bonus that you can reset the vault if you pull whatever you wanted on the first couple pulls and give yourself a shot at getting it again

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    @HowDoIUnlockBatman said:
    If you're short on HP and there's still plenty on time on the vault then 4 days of 10 pulls = 4800 which might not seem like much of a saving but it has the added bonus that you can reset the vault if you pull whatever you wanted on the first couple pulls and give yourself a shot at getting it again

    This is what I've been doing.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards

    @HowDoIUnlockBatman said:
    If you're short on HP and there's still plenty on time on the vault then 4 days of 10 pulls = 4800 which might not seem like much of a saving but it has the added bonus that you can reset the vault if you pull whatever you wanted on the first couple pulls and give yourself a shot at getting it again

    Don't understand this.. would this cost you more (then again you would get more covers)

    If you say pull 3 of the 5 5 stars you would have to pay 300 each day to reset it

    Say if you did 1. 40 pull and got the 5s. Reset 300

    Now if you did a 10 pull got 2 5 stars. Reset to get them again
    Pull 10. 3 more times. It would cost you 1200 to reset instead of 300

    Yes you might got a few more 5 stars but didn't it cost more

    Now say your 10 pull was **** (ll) yrs I could see why not resetting

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,457 Chairperson of the Boards

    @slidecage said:

    @HowDoIUnlockBatman said:
    If you're short on HP and there's still plenty on time on the vault then 4 days of 10 pulls = 4800 which might not seem like much of a saving but it has the added bonus that you can reset the vault if you pull whatever you wanted on the first couple pulls and give yourself a shot at getting it again

    Don't understand this.. would this cost you more (then again you would get more covers)

    If you say pull 3 of the 5 5 stars you would have to pay 300 each day to reset it

    Say if you did 1. 40 pull and got the 5s. Reset 300

    Now if you did a 10 pull got 2 5 stars. Reset to get them again
    Pull 10. 3 more times. It would cost you 1200 to reset instead of 300

    Yes you might got a few more 5 stars but didn't it cost more

    Now say your 10 pull was **** (ll) yrs I could see why not resetting

    It assumes you'll fully clear the vault, not just get 5*s because the number of LTs is worth it.

    As a worked example 5 x 10 pulls = 4800HP whereas 1 x 50 pulls = 5000HP. In addition there are 6 pulls left.

    If you pull 1 per day alongside the 10, you've spent 5300HP and got 55 rewards, rather than 50 and a reset for the same cost.

    If you were only going to clear 5 times, that could be done in a month, with the extra 5 days used to spend 100HP on the last pull and rest the vault for free.
    So the example would be:
    Day 1: 10 + 1 (1300HP)
    Day 2: 10 + 1 (1300HP)
    Day 3: 10 + 1 (1300HP)
    Day 4: 10 + 1 (1300HP)
    Day 5: 10 + 1 (1300HP)
    Day 6: 1 pull and reset (100HP)

    If you went for 6 full clears:
    Day 6: 10 pulls (1200HP)
    Day 7: 10 + 1 (1300HP)
    Day 8: 10 + 1 (1300HP)
    Day 9: 10 + 1 (1300HP)
    Day 10: 10 + 1 (1300HP)
    Day 11: 1 pull (100HP)
    Day 12: 1 pull and reset (100HP)
    Day 12: 10 pulls etc.

    On day 30, you could also go for a 7th clear and pull a 50 from a new vault and a 1 pull the day after, deciding if the remaining 5 rewards left are worth the 300HP gamble to get.

    Unless you're planning on spending more than 37,500HP, I think this is the most cost- effective way to clear the vault.

  • HowDoIUnlockBatman
    HowDoIUnlockBatman Posts: 44 Just Dropped In

    I mean if you genuinely believe that a 5 cover has the same value as 1000 red iso then i don't know what to tell you. I guess you're right. Don't reset the vault when you've got what you want. Keep pulling until you've got everything you don't want as well.

    Good job on saving that 300 HP i wasted resetting the vault

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,457 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2024

    @HowDoIUnlockBatman said:
    I mean if you genuinely believe that a 5 cover has the same value as 1000 red iso then i don't know what to tell you. I guess you're right. Don't reset the vault when you've got what you want. Keep pulling until you've got everything you don't want as well.

    Good job on saving that 300 HP i wasted resetting the vault

    Hey, if you can pull all the 5s, shards, LTs, and roster slots in the first 50 pulls, six times in a row then good for you! I've never been left with 6 items that I wouldn't pay 100HP for (300 for the reset and 200 from opening a 50 rather than 10 x5) and never had enough spare HP to clear more than 6 times anyway.

    To bring this to life, if you pull the 10 pack first on day 10, you're left with 3 items in the vault. You can choose to either have 3 items or nothing and reset for that 300HP. Saving 3 days by resetting gets you nothing in return unless you have terrible luck on the 7th round of clearing it and are left with 5 great items.

    As I said though, if you're spending more than 37,500HP on the vault then you can do something different, but it will be worse value overall per HP. Since you can't choose the items, you're equally as likely to be unlucky in rounds 1-6 of the clears and leave something good behind.

  • HowDoIUnlockBatman
    HowDoIUnlockBatman Posts: 44 Just Dropped In

    Again. You seem to be labouring under the misconception that any of those items have value. How many roster slots do you want exactly? Are you ever going to use 5* dr strange? Are you going to ascend mordo? Are all your 5* at the same level or are you going to use one of your many roster slots to start a dupe 5*?

    I'm not taking about resetting the vault after 40 pulls. I'm taking about resetting it after 11. If i pull kang, omega red, Shang chi and Thor in the first 11 then i reset. If i pull 4 out of the 7 i reset. If i don't then i pull 11 tomorrow and the next day until i have what i want.

    If i do then i have an opportunity to hit what i want a second time or a third. While you're filling up on roster slots and LL tokens. I'm putting levels on characters i might actually use. Not pulling tokens for a chance to pull whatever rubbish is currently in latest legends.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,959 Chairperson of the Boards

    I think what is being debated is what is of value to someone?

    I personally find everything in the vault of value currently….

    I think we can all agree the vault is very useful and sure at a certain point there may be things you don’t want, and resetting then is absolutely fine. Whenever that is.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    Just because someone doesn't use Str5nge, doesn't mean he is valueless. The champ rewards are very good for the 5* tier. And once you have his costume, that costume spot basically becomes 500 HP. I also have a bunch of the 4's ascended, so I'm getting a lot of 5* champ rewards from those covers, too.

    Unless all that's left in the vault is iso, I can't imagine the point of resetting early. Keep in mind that, when you empty the vault, the reset is free.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards

    Dr Strange is crazy good after his buff. I've been using him on goon nodes in PvE and his passive is like 20k unboosted, plus he feeds his own AP for the stun.

    When he's boosted he'll actually be a good m'Thor counter -- she's gonna eat 50 or 60k every time she casts a power.

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,457 Chairperson of the Boards

    @HowDoIUnlockBatman said:
    Again. You seem to be labouring under the misconception that any of those items have value. How many roster slots do you want exactly? Are you ever going to use 5* dr strange? Are you going to ascend mordo? Are all your 5* at the same level or are you going to use one of your many roster slots to start a dupe 5*?

    I'm not taking about resetting the vault after 40 pulls. I'm taking about resetting it after 11. If i pull kang, omega red, Shang chi and Thor in the first 11 then i reset. If i pull 4 out of the 7 i reset. If i don't then i pull 11 tomorrow and the next day until i have what i want.

    If i do then i have an opportunity to hit what i want a second time or a third. While you're filling up on roster slots and LL tokens. I'm putting levels on characters i might actually use. Not pulling tokens for a chance to pull whatever rubbish is currently in latest legends.

    OK, but they do have value, just maybe not to you and the way you play the game. Kang, Omega Red, Shang Chi etc were all part of the "whatever rubbish is currently in latest legends" at one point. So LL are useful. They're never going to stop releasing characters, so roster slots are always useful. Each one saves me 1200HP in the future, which pays for 40 pulls off a future vault. Tokens give rewards for champ levels or ascended levels. They might not make a huge difference now, but every token is part of a reward ecosystem. They will add up.

    Would I buy 1000RIso for 100HP? No. But I would spend 100HP on 1 LT, and if it's a 50/50 chance, I'm going to buy it because its an in-game currency and I've got nothing else to spend it on.

    So really it's about how you want to have fun in the game. Do what you want. There's not a right or wrong way to pull from a vault, but my point was that it was the most cost effective way to clear it.

    In answer to your questions, I used 5* Strange recently, I'll probably ascend Mordo in the next few weeks and most of my 5s are at similar levels - a few are higher because they've featured in vaults more. I'm happy with how I play the game. 🙂

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,959 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    Dr Strange is crazy good after his buff. I've been using him on goon nodes in PvE and his passive is like 20k unboosted, plus he feeds his own AP for the stun.

    When he's boosted he'll actually be a good m'Thor counter -- she's gonna eat 50 or 60k every time she casts a power.

    I recently used Strange on a Mindless One node….he still does a good job. I also like using him in Sim here and there where I’m constantly looking for slightly odd teams to try to use.

  • HowDoIUnlockBatman
    HowDoIUnlockBatman Posts: 44 Just Dropped In

    @HowDoIUnlockBatman said:
    If you're short on HP and there's still plenty on time on the vault then 4 days of 10 pulls = 4800 which might not seem like much of a saving but it has the added bonus that you can reset the vault if you pull whatever you wanted on the first couple pulls and give yourself a shot at getting it again

    So let's break this down for the people who can't understand words good...

    1. Are you short on HP?
    2. Are you pulling for anything specific?

    Then here's a tip on how to maximise your chances at getting the most of that specific thing for the least amount of HP.

    At no point did i say.

    'this is the most efficient way to clear the vault. All veteran players are lying and wouldn't dare reply to this with helpful advice like 'why don't you simply go back in time and use your LL tokens to pull the characters you want when they were in the LL store like i did?'

    And yet here we are..

    I'm sure the rebalanced strange is absolutely fantastic. Would any of you experts like to weigh in on where to get the ISO to champ him or is that also going to involve going back in time or playing for a decade?

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards

    If you need iso the best way is to play lightning rounds. You can just do the 3 seed teams then stop if you don't have much time. Going further will get you more.

    I don't think that first statement is controversial. It seems like you and the other guy disagree about the value of some of the rewards, which is fine -- different players can want different stuff. I don't think Dr Strange or Mordo or (especially) LTs are objectively useless, though.

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,457 Chairperson of the Boards

    @HowDoIUnlockBatman said:

    At no point did i say.

    'this is the most efficient way to clear the vault. All veteran players are lying and wouldn't dare reply to this with helpful advice like 'why don't you simply go back in time and use your LL tokens to pull the characters you want when they were in the LL store like i did?'

    No you didn't. The efficiency of clearing the vault was the point I was making.

    You seem to have misunderstood my point about LTs though: at some point in the future, the next meta character will be in there. At that point a huge stash of LTs will have value, I'd assume, to you. Or maybe you won't care because you'll have a 550 Kang by then.

    Either way, just because you don't think something has value doesn't mean people can't disagree with you.

    As for the Iso to Champ Strange, there's 25k in the March Madness vault if you clear it rather then resetting it... 😉