Cage Match 6/1-6/4



  • Hello locked.

    Hello phantron.

    What's up acibalik123.

    Yo Tcway.

    How You doin' Major Carnage.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    You can hit me, Emeryt (sorry that my points suxx, I had no good retals) icon_razz.gif

    Phantron conveniently forgets that AI cascades are a reality... If you use level 5 Rage, you better make damn sure you have enough AP and 5-matches available, otherwise it's bound to bite you sooner or later.
    By your logic, it's worth it to use Rage on the Hood in a very tight situation despite having zero AP of other colours. Cue lazyThor wiping you out with the very next cascade, enhanced by your own giga strike tiles, whereas you could have survived otherwise with fewer strike tiles for the enemy.
    This happens, and unless you boost for every single PvP match (150% damage against AP stealers, stockpiles otherwise), there is no failsafe, the closest thing we have is Magneto/Hood and even they are not immune to cascades of doom. I ain't shield-hopping, what I need is consistency/safer play healthpacks wise. (I am too bored with story healing these days and will only do it in a critical situation.) So, by all means, 5/3/5 Patch with 5/5/3 Magneto is the best offensive duo right now, but to each their own. Even then, the meta seems to shift to include LD, LT and Sentry and perhaps soon-to-be Gold Storm and BP.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    locked wrote:
    Spoit wrote:
    I've been preferring laken for the villian LRs. Synergizes well with ragman
    My LD is a baby yet, but I need to max LT/BP first, too. Nice comp! Who the third is, Magneto?
    Whatever the featured one is
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    I think stoopid is on the were a juicy 40ish points for me in a retaliation, so I had to hit ya back.

    And boy what a match it was...Spider-Man stunned my Patch which put Hulk in front. Your Patch berserker raged him which caused an endless stream of Anger when your turn ended. Hulk anger downed your max health Patch, max health Spidey, and 3k health Magneto in one turn.

    I will never have a win like that one again.
  • K, got to 900, sorry if I hit You on my way, I'm pretty sure I hit mikedollar for juicy 40+ pts.

    Feel free to hit me, I'm unshielded.

    I really like this tourney. Standard tactic Patch + CMags, but the fights, thx to stronger Patch, are much faster. And I can go on without any medpacks - Patch tanks most, Hulk tanks black leaving only blue to CMags. It took me less than 40mins to climb from 250 to 900, including one lose on purpose to my fellow scAvenger and 1 hit for -33pts.
  • i skiped you a lot too.. mikeydollar is in my bracket so i decided to give him a little comp.. icon_e_biggrin.gif (these days i only compete for rewards im interesting in)..

    I'd noticed your big push this morning! We'll see who can hang on for it - I'll play fair and won't hit you unshielded icon_e_smile.gif
  • Welp I just used Berserker Rage with 2 green and 0 blue on the board because I am the dumbest person alive

    That'll teach me to drinbk and play
  • gamar wrote:
    Welp I just used Berserker Rage with 2 green and 0 blue on the board because I am the dumbest person alive

    That'll teach me to drinbk and play

    I can empathize. I got super stoned this morning and insta-maxed my lvl 55 Hood.

    I was saving that ISO for Storm (Amazing X-Men). icon_cry.gif
  • gamar wrote:
    Welp I just used Berserker Rage with 2 green and 0 blue on the board because I am the dumbest person alive

    That'll teach me to drinbk and play

    This morning in PvE I had my super-boosted Punisher lay down Judgment tiles.
    During the match against Loki.
  • I brought LD in against Loki in the PvE today and I wasn't even drunk.
  • gamar wrote:
    Welp I just used Berserker Rage with 2 green and 0 blue on the board because I am the dumbest person alive

    That'll teach me to drinbk and play

    You're smarter than the AI. It used TBTI on me for zero damage.

    Shielded at 816 for the duration. Work schedule plus noon end time are not cooperative for me. Between this and the PVE, I just need one blue and one black and my BP is fully covered, so I think I'll be ok.
  • Popped up an 8 hour shield, will last until there are about 6 hours left. Please whack me if you've got me in a node until then, I'll make another brief push or two to try and nab my last BP black via alliance rewards.

    Fun tourney - all the debate about best patch builds is all well and good, but nothing feels as satisfying as a boosted 355 TBTI.
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    Great, I'm at the point in the PvP where I'm getting hit for 40+ points and the retaliation's worth 5. I think I might stop for the evening and just play tomorrow morning. If I gain any more points I'll just lose them overnight anyway.
  • man. F this game sometimes. played 2 matches. gained around 40. came out to around 150pts of loss in attacks. that is just ridiculas that can even happen. a few of them were retaliions against me for 40pts, yet my retaliation was only worth 5. hows that remotely fair. went from 850 down to 711 in a blink.
  • Oletheos wrote:
    man. F this game sometimes. played 2 matches. gained around 40. came out to around 150pts of loss in attacks. that is just ridiculas that can even happen. a few of them were retaliions against me for 40pts, yet my retaliation was only worth 5. hows that remotely fair. went from 850 down to 711 in a blink.

    3rd pvp in a row like this then? Great... Just when you think they couldn't make pvp more unfun...
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm sitting at #5 in my bracket, which looks to be a fairly hotly contested one with johnny1punch at #1 currently. However, I'm not really sure what I'm doing.
    I have Patch maxed with 355, which I'm happy with, so pushing to 1100 for the cover doesn't entice me.
    I've got Panther maxed as well, but at 544 currently, since I just applied covers as they came, so I'd like the black cover, but the bulk of my alliance don't really pull their weight.
    I could use that green IW cover, but it doesn't seem like a smart use of my time/effort/energy/stress/HP.
  • Oletheos wrote:
    man. F this game sometimes. played 2 matches. gained around 40. came out to around 150pts of loss in attacks. that is just ridiculas that can even happen. a few of them were retaliions against me for 40pts, yet my retaliation was only worth 5. hows that remotely fair. went from 850 down to 711 in a blink.
    It happens to me alot... its unfair being attacked by ppl with zero points or 100 points when i have 700-800 points, its so frustating that this game gives me urges to smash my laptop into pieces.
  • I take out everyone but Patch, meaning he's the only one left alive, so every tile has his icon. Then the AI "randomly" to get 18 red AP in a cascade. *sigh*

    I feel like every team-up in Season 2 (aside from Iron Man) has been a character that's basically meant to drain your health. That + the ridiculous community scaling in PvE + lightning rounds makes it seem like the plan is to just flood us with content until we have to buy health packs.
  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    i skiped you a lot too.. mikeydollar is in my bracket so i decided to give him a little comp.. icon_e_biggrin.gif (these days i only compete for rewards im interesting in)..

    I'd noticed your big push this morning! We'll see who can hang on for it - I'll play fair and won't hit you unshielded icon_e_smile.gif
    I play you fair too.. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    Shielded for the night...I hit a few of you, I remember walkyourpath, reckless, and my apparent mmr bubble mate John Courage. Feel free to hit me back.

    HailMary and DecoyDuck, I'm just shooting for a top 10 if either of you were trying for first.