Cage Match 6/1-6/4



  • Thanos wrote:
    qtquazar wrote:
    Thanos wrote:
    I haven' seen anyone mention a 4/4/5 build. Is there any merit to it? I've always used punisher over patch so i dont have much experience with him. Three in green seems like too little and five in green seems like too much. I would think four in red would still do decent damage. Any thoughts?

    Btw, i'm pretty sure She Hulk is next on the list. icon_e_sad.gif

    I ran 4/4/5 Patch all Season 1 (2nd place finish in group/1st in alliance points), and am running him all Season 2. It's a solid build--green is more mitigable (while still letting you kill OBW by the time you have 9G), and red fires when you need to finish a match/enemy (red is a killstroke at 14, so how often do you actually *need* the strike tiles from it?).

    The conventional wisdom is conventional icon_e_smile.gif

    qtquazar, i do hereby declare you my nemesis. icon_twisted.gif Your always in my brackets, i finnished in 3rd behind you in season 1, and now your in my same bracket season 2 and we've been in several pvp brackets. So your secret weapon is a 4/4/5 patch then. who are you pairing him with other than mags? I started testing with both hood and BP, not sure which is a better fit. I like the raw power of BP but the faster AP ramp of hood is also nice. Not sure which way is best... any thoughts?

    AB is already my nemesis, but you can be his wacky sidekick or his domineering cop boss. Your call.

    Hood would be scary with cMags + Patch, but mine is underleveled (the one char i NEVER manage to draw covers for). I think he's probably the best choice right now though.

    BP does nice black, but the blue is worthless and draws away from cMags, and the Yellow is almost redundant.

    Falcon is a surprisingly decent fit, but questionable whether you want to drop ISO into a gimmick character. Eliminating your own negative tiles is a nice bonus.

    Obviously, the spidey nerf has hurt me pretty badly, since that was my major ISO investment after Patch, and he's not even remotely usable now.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    noob of Djangos (and possibly others), sorry but it looks like I can't skip past you second time, so please pardon me hitting you twice or more. I will offer good retal points after I climb to 900.

    Edit: OTOH immediately after hitting 700 I got into 2x 85 land again.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well I went up to 900 and am now a juicy target for lots of people. Dropped to below 800 now. I apologise to those whom I hit 2-3 times but I tried skipping and there were no other matches available.
  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    kensterr wrote:
    Well I went up to 900 and am now a juicy target for lots of people. Dropped to below 800 now. I apologise to those whom I hit 2-3 times but I tried skipping and there were no other matches available.
    are you shielded?
  • kensterr wrote:
    Well I went up to 900 and am now a juicy target for lots of people. Dropped to below 800 now. I apologise to those whom I hit 2-3 times but I tried skipping and there were no other matches available.
    are you shielded?

    He dun intend to shield so go ahead and hit him
  • Ryz-aus
    Ryz-aus Posts: 386
    I am done climbing for now, so if anyone wants to hit me I won't retaliate for at least 12 hours.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sorry if it seems that I retal, I skipped those but might have hit you back by accident. I skipped all the hard matches for easy ones instead. Need the ISO for my Cmag. Feel free to retal or hit me again. icon_e_smile.gif
  • hey locked no worries. . I just wanted the 50 hp at 900, dont even bother to shield in pvp nowadays.. kensterr want to say sorry to u hit u 2/3 times few hrs ago cos I was thinking not your style to shield with > 1 day left. . I spend a lot* of iso to skip Frankynight n mikeydollar7 (lol especially him few hrs ago n almost 1 day ago) as they going for 1000/1100 n multiple shield hops.. they seemed not affected by e burn out.......
  • Unknown
    edited June 2014
    hey frackynight a quick question saw u using mag n bp.. is it a gd deterrent. I run max patch hood thor(same team as mikeydollar7 - hey bro do u get hit also at 700+ onwards) cos I get my **** kick from 700+ pts onwards. . lol I wonder what progression is there when 3x141 dont work..
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    hey locked no worries. . I just wanted the 50 hp at 900, dont even bother to shield in pvp nowadays.. kensterr want to say sorry to u hit u 2/3 times few hrs ago cos I was thinking not your style to shield with > 1 day left. . I spend a lot* of iso to skip Frankynight n mikeydollar7 (lol especially him few hrs ago n almost 1 day ago) as they going for 1000/1100 n multiple shield hops.. they seemed not affected by e burn out.......
    No worries - I looked at your roster and I thought of finding easier targets instead. Can't concentrate too much on matches as I need to look like I'm working with my boss lurking around. icon_e_smile.gif
  • lol!! playing at work!! icon_lol.gif I am in ur main season bracket. . u are in a very favourable position for top 5 icon_e_wink.gif
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    its never my intention to be in top 5. I think others haven't push much in shield training. I'm just farming isos for my roster. icon_e_smile.gif

    oh and the feeling of unleashing tbti on max health lazy Thor is priceless!
  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    hey frackynight a quick question saw u using mag n bp.. is it a gd deterrent. I run max patch hood thor(same team as mikeydollar7 - hey bro do u get hit also at 700+ onwards) cos I get my **** kick from 700+ pts onwards. . lol I wonder what progression is there when 3x141 dont work..
    i skiped you a lot too.. mikeydollar is in my bracket so i decided to give him a little comp.. icon_e_biggrin.gif (these days i only compete for rewards im interesting in)..
    as usual, at a certain treshold, ppl attacked you no matter what team you fielded.. i stay unshielded all night long and have been hit pretty harshly (even by 3 85* teams) for 250 pts from 850 down to 600.. so only thing that work is shield hopping.. thats really sad.. btw i wonder if its really worthy of investing in building a strong roster when just levelling patch and cmag is enough to own the pvp.. oh well.. as long as i have fun doing that.. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • djpt05
    djpt05 Posts: 178
    Love how I'm at 600 pts and get hit by someone with 0, yet I can't find the people out there with 900.....
  • Berserker Rage creates strength 160ish strike tiles at level 141, so apparently it is totally okay to have 480 strike tiles to the enemy in a bad situation but if it's 960, that's totally not okay? It seems to me people who knock against green thinks you're supposed to use Berserker Rage as soon as possible. This is only true if the other side can't move the board or when the AI is in control (because they can't do anything clever to begin with). There is no such thing as a 'safe' Berserker Rage. Even at the weakest level it's giving the other side a strike tile on par with the biggest strike tile creating ability in the game. If you put it on the wrong time, someone on your team is going to die next turn. If it's a level 5 Berserker Rage it'd be 2 guys that are dead instead of 1, but either way you're already pretty screwed.

    If use Berserker Rage at level 3, it's only about 50% better than Judgment, but Judgment doesn't have drawbacks!
  • You can pretty easily manage the drawbacks of level 3 Rage though. Throw it down when you have purples in close proximity, or use C.Mags blue to overwrite the strike tiles. At level 5 there are just too many strike tiles to manage/eliminate.
  • Toxicadam wrote:
    You can pretty easily manage the drawbacks of level 3 Rage though. Throw it down when you have purples in close proximity, or use C.Mags blue to overwrite the strike tiles. At level 5 there are just too many strike tiles to manage/eliminate.

    If you have Magneto the other side dies the turn you use Berserker Rage level 5.

    Let's say there are exactly 6 purple tiles lined up in 2 convenient match 3 formation. If you use Berserker Rage level 5 you get +960 and they get +480 for a +480 advantage. If you use Berserker Rage level 3, you're expected to get 1.5 of their strike tiles so you get +480 and they get +240 for a +240 advantage. Your advantage is twice as big with Berserker Rage. If there are less than 6 purple the advantage is even greater. But more importantly since you're the aggresor the fact you started with +960 means a lot more than +480, because a lot of time you can end the game immediately with a +960 advantage in strike tile on that turn.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Respecced Patch to 3/5/5 earlier than intended thanks to Phantronness, not noticing drops in damage (sure, Patch is buffed, but mine only had 4 in green before anyway). Healing is teh awesome, imo with the rise of LT and the Sentry not going 5 in yellow is asking for trouble.
    In villain LRs where Magneto is uber-buffed, Patch is only a so-so companion, although still better than the Punisher in non-Jungle/Desert nodes.
    But we have hero LRs with buffed Patch weekly, too.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    locked wrote:
    Respecced Patch to 3/5/5 earlier than intended thanks to Phantronness, not noticing drops in damage (sure, Patch is buffed, but mine only had 4 in green before anyway). Healing is teh awesome, imo with the rise of LT and the Sentry not going 5 in yellow is asking for trouble.
    In villain LRs where Magneto is uber-buffed, Patch is only a so-so companion, although still better than the Punisher in non-Jungle/Desert nodes.
    But we have hero LRs with buffed Patch weekly, too.
    I've been preferring laken for the villian LRs. Synergizes well with ragman
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Spoit wrote:
    I've been preferring laken for the villian LRs. Synergizes well with ragman
    My LD is a baby yet, but I need to max LT/BP first, too. Nice comp! Who the third is, Magneto?