Waking Nightmare - Gorr Boss Event Information (7/20/22)



  • CharlieLima
    CharlieLima Posts: 112 Tile Toppler
    revskip said:
    Lack of difficulty on this is kind of a bummer.  My steam account is breezing through round 4 in my very casual alliance using just the loaners.  That account is a 2* transitioning to 3*.  Seems way too easy.  

    My main account is one shotting everything including a turn one whipping of level 6 Gorr with a small cascade.  I really liked the heroic much better than this.  That said the extra rewards are nice and appreciated.  But boss events should feel somewhat tough and have some kind of sense of accomplishment.  This does not hit that mark.  
    And for future reference for the devs, since the essential character isn’t chosen by default on the smaller nodes, I don’t bother switching from my favourite team. If it did default automatically, even if they were optional, I would probably play with that essential character.
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,751 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't get what the issue is with people getting more/better rewards lol.  It's not like suddenly new/casual players are suddenly going to be stomping pvp or anything.
    I have no issue with the rewards, even before 5* covers I wanted a boss event plus. Something to keep you playing and strategising past the progression. Or just a more difficult level. I like boss events when everyone is scrambling to put points on the board, to contribute and the player base is coming up with out of the box teams to get the hardest levels done.

    Instead we have a game you can play with your feet, with eyes closed. Hell you don't even have to use an featured. A four year old could take my moderate roster and play this to completion without even knowing what they are supposed to be doing.

    At the very least past 900k they could keep the scaling going and offer me more 4* covers, HP, ISO or mighty tokens. 
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    dianetics said:
    I like the shadows. Hopefully they’ll start inserting them into some PvE events.
     They don’t spend a lot of time messing with the board like sentinels or hydra. Going invis isn’t a huge deal since it’s only proc’d for one turn.
    Let's talk again when they show up in a challenge node.
    They're already doing about 9k guarantee damage at level 405.
  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2022
    Tony_Foot said:
    Bowgentle said:

    "we" are the top 1% players of the game.

    I'm not the top 1% :( 

    I doubt I'm even the top 10%  :D

    Nobody is saying you are that good. They are saying there are just that many people playing the game. jk

    But seriously I would say most people that participate in forums or anything of that nature for this game are likely in the top 10%. Go and look at how many alliances there are and how many people in those that don't even have any characters in the +300 range let alone a single champ 5.

    Both me and my daughter play daily. I looked at our alliance scores in pvp. The difference between that gap of 700+ alliances is around a 1000 points. A single player can do that. I know a fair amount of people don't play pvp but still lots of very casual people playing the game.
  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    revskip said:
    Lack of difficulty on this is kind of a bummer.  My steam account is breezing through round 4 in my very casual alliance using just the loaners.  That account is a 2* transitioning to 3*.  Seems way too easy.  

    My main account is one shotting everything including a turn one whipping of level 6 Gorr with a small cascade.  I really liked the heroic much better than this.  That said the extra rewards are nice and appreciated.  But boss events should feel somewhat tough and have some kind of sense of accomplishment.  This does not hit that mark.  
    Day 2 minions : Hold my shade 

    I don’t even see damage reduction working . Days 3 and 4 if increased again will have people complaining the exact opposite 

    I'm not looking forward to seeing the invisible guys in SCL10. Shouldn't be a problem but if we get +500 versions of those guys hitting passively for 15-20k damage...
  • TheVulture
    TheVulture Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
    Things certainly escalated fast with these shadow's levelling; I'm not in a fast alliance, so hope solo progression is still achievable by Sunday morning - these are chewing through heroes fast already.
  • jbtilley
    jbtilley Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    What's the strategy for the new minion types? They're ripping my best teams to shreds in just a few turns.
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 981 Critical Contributor
    jbtilley said:
    What's the strategy for the new minion types? They're ripping my best teams to shreds in just a few turns.
    Kitty/Polaris/BRB usually does the trick. It helps to put Carol's Communicator on BRB, since he will likely take most of the damage at first. After a while it won't matter, because the damage you receive will be minimal.
  • allen_koholic
    allen_koholic Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    I don't like a goon having a turn 0 invis.  
  • stef_focus
    stef_focus Posts: 108 Tile Toppler
    Dogface said:
    jbtilley said:
    What's the strategy for the new minion types? They're ripping my best teams to shreds in just a few turns.
    Kitty/Polaris/BRB usually does the trick. It helps to put Carol's Communicator on BRB, since he will likely take most of the damage at first. After a while it won't matter, because the damage you receive will be minimal.
    When playing with Polaris, It also helps to have them not in front, as her start-of-turn damage turns them invisible immediately. Have another character take the start of turn damage, then (if you have the AP) stun them before they turn invisible and down them before the stun wears off. Don't save them for last.
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 829 Critical Contributor
    Dogface said:
    jbtilley said:
    What's the strategy for the new minion types? They're ripping my best teams to shreds in just a few turns.
    Kitty/Polaris/BRB usually does the trick. It helps to put Carol's Communicator on BRB, since he will likely take most of the damage at first. After a while it won't matter, because the damage you receive will be minimal.
    And this is why the limited roster would have been an adventure if they had only allowed 10-15 characters . People have already cowered off hiding behind their meta teams . And only 2nd day 
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 981 Critical Contributor
    Dogface said:
    jbtilley said:
    What's the strategy for the new minion types? They're ripping my best teams to shreds in just a few turns.
    Kitty/Polaris/BRB usually does the trick. It helps to put Carol's Communicator on BRB, since he will likely take most of the damage at first. After a while it won't matter, because the damage you receive will be minimal.
    And this is why the limited roster would have been an adventure if they had only allowed 10-15 characters . People have already cowered off hiding behind their meta teams . And only 2nd day 
    You're free to put up any team of your own choosing. If you want to make it challenging for yourself, be my guest. I just gave an advice to someone who asked for it.
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 829 Critical Contributor
    Dogface said:
    Dogface said:
    jbtilley said:
    What's the strategy for the new minion types? They're ripping my best teams to shreds in just a few turns.
    Kitty/Polaris/BRB usually does the trick. It helps to put Carol's Communicator on BRB, since he will likely take most of the damage at first. After a while it won't matter, because the damage you receive will be minimal.
    And this is why the limited roster would have been an adventure if they had only allowed 10-15 characters . People have already cowered off hiding behind their meta teams . And only 2nd day 
    You're free to put up any team of your own choosing. If you want to make it challenging for yourself, be my guest. I just gave an advice to someone who asked for it.
    Not arguing that , just saying I could imagine total anarchy here if Kitty and Polaris and a few hundred others would have been shut out like last months event 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Those are not goons. They are 5* Black Panther. 
  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    They're bullies is what they are. 

    They're goons that you actually need to think about to fight. I love them.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2022

    But seriously I would say most people that participate in forums or anything of that nature for this game are likely in the top 10%. Go and look at how many alliances there are and how many people in those that don't even have any characters in the +300 range let alone a single champ 5.

    I'm not on the top 10% in any event and I participe a bit on the forums(actually it can be checked watching top scores).
    I'd change top 10 for the word "interested", or "active", or "committed".
    Under these 3 words, and taking some advice, anyone can champ all the 5*s, even more now.
    Personally I'm doing the nodes in 1 minute plus another one for Gorr.
    Next time perhaps I will enjoy the boss event, I hope.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,058 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2022
    Dogface said:
    jbtilley said:
    What's the strategy for the new minion types? They're ripping my best teams to shreds in just a few turns.
    Kitty/Polaris/BRB usually does the trick. It helps to put Carol's Communicator on BRB, since he will likely take most of the damage at first. After a while it won't matter, because the damage you receive will be minimal.
    Grocket/Polaris/Juggs works wonders too since Juggs hits them all with his AOE damage boosted by the strike tile damage whenever he makes a match (pretty much always due to his match damage boost).  In addition to Carols Communicator, Lucky the Pizza Dog also gives true healing when your special tiles are matched. On this team put those healing supports on Juggs.

  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    KGB said:
    Dogface said:
    jbtilley said:
    What's the strategy for the new minion types? They're ripping my best teams to shreds in just a few turns.
    Kitty/Polaris/BRB usually does the trick. It helps to put Carol's Communicator on BRB, since he will likely take most of the damage at first. After a while it won't matter, because the damage you receive will be minimal.
    Grocket/Polaris/Juggs works wonders too since Juggs hits them all with his AOE damage boosted by the strike tile damage whenever he makes a match (pretty much always due to his match damage boost).  In addition to Carols Communicator, Lucky the Pizza Dog also gives true healing when your special tiles are matched. On this team put those healing supports on Juggs.


    They only work on heroes.
  • ironsmudgie
    ironsmudgie Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    Can someone that is in Round 8 please help?  I am curious how many points a full clear will earn?  Trying to figure out how close my alliance is to actually beating all rounds.   Currently 2/5 through round 7.