Puzzle Gauntlet



  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    Wasn't Spidey 2099 the greatest web tile generator?
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 981 Critical Contributor
    abmoraz said:
    Stranger said:
    Please help, share the idea how to solve "A Change of Pace round 5" (column of web tiles).
    Once it was possible to pass Dr. Doom 5*, Spiderman 4*, Spiderman Man 2099.
    Options with Silk, Thor 5*, Luke Cage, Miles Morales did not result.
    Perhaps there are more successful selection options for heroes?

    Bag-Man, 2* Magneto, Iron Spider.  Iron spider tanks and generates (and removes) tons of web tiles.  Mags generates blue from his purple (and his red can generate AP as well).  Bag-man's blue switches 2 sets of tiles and converts all 4 to web tiles.  Once you get the 18 blue, there should be a column that needs 4 or less tiles.  Game Over.
    Do you mean Infinity War Spider? If so, he cannot be in the same team as Bagman.
  • pook0203
    pook0203 Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    Dogface said:
    I've tried Bending The Rules, against Prowler and Monica. You need 4 corner fortified tiles. At one time I was up to 3, but moments later back to 1. I gave up after 15 to 20 minutes. Very annoying.
    Hey Dogface you got 5* Carnage by chance and Polaris as well Prowler will take care of your fortified problems for you. I finally got through it with using my best 5star to take the damage and go for attack tiles fast as I could so polaris could start doing what she does best and that is create attack tiles everywhere it sucks though damn team up tiles are a biaaaaaaiiitch you get 3 on the board and the last one has a damn team up tiles in its place. That was how I beat it man.
  • furbear00000
    furbear00000 Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2021
    Stranger said:
    Please help, share the idea how to solve "A Change of Pace round 5" (column of web tiles).
    Once it was possible to pass Dr. Doom 5*, Spiderman 4*, Spiderman Man 2099.
    Options with Silk, Thor 5*, Luke Cage, Miles Morales did not result.
    Perhaps there are more successful selection options for heroes?

    If you have 5* Spiderman, Miles, and 2099, this is what I did (it did take a while but worked):

    Boost Blue and Red AP +4. 5* Spider-Man’s blue power can stun lock the enemy team and Miles’ red can help keep the enemy Miles stunned (which is huge) and also help generate more blue and red AP to keep the stuns up. 

    Try and leave the enemy Peter Parker not stunned as much as possible so that every match he makes creates webs. 
    Be patient, store up as much yellow and purple as you can, and try to keep team-up tiles off the board. When it looks like you’re close to getting a column, fire all your yellow and purple powers. With some luck, you can get this. 
    Also, try and deny red so Parker doesn’t OTK you. 
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2021
    helix72 said:
    I think you're missing the main point, which is you asked "what would you want to win more of" not "what is the most valuable resource in the game". Those are very different questions.
    There was an option for gaining an LL token, still support tokens were what players wanted more.
    Although only used for half the game, it is logical to think that support tokens are the most valuable resource in the game. 
    A LL token is a piece of  3 powers in 3 characters inside a 15% of succesful rate, and optimally it would be needed to have at least 13 of that character. Obviously that it is not much, although many could consider the opposite. 
    A grandmaster support token grants a 3* support, for chances to 33% of a 4* and a 5% of a 5*. That, no matter how you can see it, it is a lot.
    You can argue this support is not good or you already have it, but that it is another theme not related to the value of that reward and in any way devalues it.
    In that case you would be less interested on that reward, in any case you can say that support tokens dont have a most important value.
  • Stranger
    Stranger Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    Use IM40/Shuri/Spiderman (Infinity War)(5/5/3). His green will create 8 web tiles. IM40 feeds green and Shuri lowers his green power to 4 ap. If you have 16 green ap, you can create a total of 32 web tiles. 

    Really effective method, thank you
    All puzzles solved B)

  • Stranger
    Stranger Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    Stranger said:
    Please help, share the idea how to solve "A Change of Pace round 5" (column of web tiles).
    Once it was possible to pass Dr. Doom 5*, Spiderman 4*, Spiderman Man 2099.
    Options with Silk, Thor 5*, Luke Cage, Miles Morales did not result.
    Perhaps there are more successful selection options for heroes?

    If you have 5* Spiderman, Miles, and 2099, this is what I did (it did take a while but worked):

    Boost Blue and Red AP +4. 5* Spider-Man’s blue power can stun lock the enemy team and Miles’ red can help keep the enemy Miles stunned (which is huge) and also help generate more blue and red AP to keep the stuns up. 

    Try and leave the enemy Peter Parker not stunned as much as possible so that every match he makes creates webs. 
    Be patient, store up as much yellow and purple as you can, and try to keep team-up tiles off the board. When it looks like you’re close to getting a column, fire all your yellow and purple powers. With some luck, you can get this. 
    Also, try and deny red so Parker doesn’t OTK you. 

    Your option also turned out to be very effective. Passed the task from the first attempt.
    Furbear, Hound of Shadow, I am very grateful to you, both of your methods are working and led to victory.

  • Srheer0
    Srheer0 Posts: 510 Critical Contributor
    If anyone has a foolproof way of doing the far right node where you have to use one of the featured characters to create a column of strikes vs D3ken and Mantis please share.

    Tried it once with m3gs, hoping that by destroying the TUP tiles and shuffling the blues it would give me some success. Nope.

    Tried it 7 or so times with Silk. Killed the enemy team about 5 times and silk died twice. Each time the win condition gets near to happening, there is either a (fortified) web tile in the way from me firing blue power or a TUP tile is in the way. Or some of the strike tiles have to be matched.

    Frustrating me no end. I have even tried saving up 21+ blue ap to fire the power enough times. And again nope. No luck.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have three solutions for you.

    1. Karnak (3/5/5)

    2. Get 2 4* wasp team up and use Magneto. Then, flip those strike tiles into protect tiles. Then fire Magneto's yellow thrice. Then, flip those protect tiles into strike tiles again.

    3. Ask for Dazzler teamup and save up 30 red ap. Firing her teamup should create 35 strike tiles. If you want to be safe, get 2.
  • MrPlow
    MrPlow Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    What a boring waste of time for nothing.   Not wasting anymore time on this Puzzle Gauntlet.  I wonder if anything gets tested in this game from cosmetics to this ****.
  • hothie
    hothie Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2021
    I still can't beat the web tiles one. Between Miles one-shotting my heroes with Surprise, Spidey IW removing web tiles with his blue, and Wolfsbane creating specials with all 3 of her abilities, plus team up tiles in the way, I haven't been able to clear a column long enough to fill it.

    I've got Silk (4/2/4)
    3* Spidey (5/5/3)
    Bagman (4/4/5)
    Anti-Venom (5/1/0)
    Spidey IW (1/2/1)
    Spider-Gwen (1/1/1)

    as web-generators. Silk can stay on the board for days, until Miles one-shots her at full health. She's even managed to be the last one standing a few times so far, which still counts as a defeat. This entire gauntlet is so very luck-based that it honestly just isn't worth the time and effort.

  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    In retrospect I’m pretty happy that the ancestral plane is the reward for this gauntlet. I know there are solutions that probably aren’t completely rng based. But once I figured out I had the support and didn’t care about a duplicate it became easy to let it go. 
  • Captain_Trips88
    Captain_Trips88 Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    Can't help with the web tiles one, I was swearing at my tablet at how long the match lasted and how team up tiles were blocking every single column, then suddenly the victory banner appeared. I still don't know what actually happened, think opponent's move triggered it. 

  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 727 Critical Contributor
    Use IM40/Shuri/Spiderman (Infinity War)(5/5/3). His green will create 8 web tiles. IM40 feeds green and Shuri lowers his green power to 4 ap. If you have 16 green ap, you can create a total of 32 web tiles. 
    Also used this method, it was my last puzzle to get and still took a couple of attempts.  If you can fire Shuri red first, IM40 can fire 2x yellow for 6AP (just make sure 6 yellow tiles exist).  That can get you close to the 16 green AP if you're lucky.  Then it's about managing the board to ensure you've one "good" column with no TU or other countdowns before firing Spidey's green.
  • hothie
    hothie Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    Punter1 said:
    Use IM40/Shuri/Spiderman (Infinity War)(5/5/3). His green will create 8 web tiles. IM40 feeds green and Shuri lowers his green power to 4 ap. If you have 16 green ap, you can create a total of 32 web tiles. 
    Also used this method, it was my last puzzle to get and still took a couple of attempts.  If you can fire Shuri red first, IM40 can fire 2x yellow for 6AP (just make sure 6 yellow tiles exist).  That can get you close to the 16 green AP if you're lucky.  Then it's about managing the board to ensure you've one "good" column with no TU or other countdowns before firing Spidey's green.
    I tried this once, but my Shuri (2/1/1) and SPIW aren't good enough to use this exact method. But in keeping with the concept, I used Hulk as a green generator, and Magneto to clear TU tiles. I hoarded green and red to be able to fire them consecutively. I was able to get 30 green and enough red to have Magneto clear the TU tiles, then SPIW's green 4 times, so the concept worked, but since the web tile placement is rng based, I didn't get the victory. Might try again tomorrow.
  • hothie
    hothie Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2021
    Bad said:
    Anyone can spit negative criticism. Im already seeing how many suggestions you are making for next puzzle, given that this one is not of the taste of everyone. 
    Puzzle gauntlet still has not repeated any mechanism: great originality. 
    And support tokens are the most valued rewards in game. 
    Dont you like it? Then dont play it.
    No one would expect the most valued reward will be spammed as Xmas presents.
    Okay, I'll make a suggestion in the form of a question.

    Seeing as how a player's success (or irritation level) in the Puzzle Gauntlet is normally very dependent upon the characters they have, and at what levels those characters are, should the Puzzle Gauntlets have an SCL?

    Players with a wider roster of characters that are effective for completing the Gauntlet's challenges have a much higher chance of success than those who are still in the process of building their rosters. Perhaps the level of difficulty in completing the challenges can be altered to specific SCL levels, which are traditionally based upon a player's SHIELD ranking.

    Maybe not because it's a reward-based objective rather than a straight competition, per se. And maybe it's been debated and decided before, and this isn't the right answer. I dunno what the right answer is, but it might be worth at least looking into if it hasn't before August.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    Srheer0 said:
    If anyone has a foolproof way of doing the far right node where you have to use one of the featured characters to create a column of strikes vs D3ken and Mantis please share.

    Tried it once with m3gs, hoping that by destroying the TUP tiles and shuffling the blues it would give me some success. Nope.

    Tried it 7 or so times with Silk. Killed the enemy team about 5 times and silk died twice. Each time the win condition gets near to happening, there is either a (fortified) web tile in the way from me firing blue power or a TUP tile is in the way. Or some of the strike tiles have to be matched.

    Frustrating me no end. I have even tried saving up 21+ blue ap to fire the power enough times. And again nope. No luck.
    Use Karnak (3/5/5). Go in with boosted red ap and two Polaris team-ups. Collect 20 red and 14 team-up ap. By the time that you have enough ap there should be at least one column with a decent amount of strikes in it. Use his red power twice to clear out any team-up and basic tiles in that column. Also, a tip would be to avoid trying this on a column that has a lot of one color in it so you don't risk making a match in that color when you remove the non-strike tiles like (green strike, green strike, team-up tile, green strike). Finally, you then use the Polaris team-ups and it should fill up the remaining tiles with strikes to get you the win.
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 981 Critical Contributor
    As useful as some of the advices are, I feel succes in these should not have to depend on certain team-ups. If it takes one or more of those, I believe the basic premise of puzzle gauntlet is a bit off.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, when they remove a lot of the puzzle aspect from Puzzle Gauntlet then anything is fair play to counter the RNG. 
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    hothie said:
    Okay, I'll make a suggestion in the form of a question.

    Seeing as how a player's success (or irritation level) in the Puzzle Gauntlet is normally very dependent upon the characters they have, and at what levels those characters are, should the Puzzle Gauntlets have an SCL?

    I always advocated for difficulty levels in any gauntlet. Then no one would be forced to play the same game as others,or if they play a level too hard it would be on their own.
    I 'd be really happy with that as generally I want harder challenges than the ones released.
    That would require a bit more effort designing the gauntlet, though.