Adventures with 5* Wasp.
In short:
Goose got 4 covers and is 454
Hunter got 6 Covers and is 454
Hex-23 got also 4 covers is 3/1/3 - I bought 1 green with shards as it is safe. I have 2 more covers with shards = 4 needed. At least one more will be from PVE, so I need 3 more.
Magik got that needed shards and is 450 and I had 17 pulls left and with that I bring one cover for Colossus (3/2/1).In total 77 pulls with 14 covers so its just nice. In the end I have decided to broke hoard fully to champ Magik 'cause next pull session will be in ~two months, just after both Goose and Hunter will leave LLs. No need for more lvls for Hunter and no need to speed up Hex-23 champing too. I got Goose and Hunter champed after 31 pulls but decided that I want Magik champed today rather than wait few weeks and gave it a try and managed to to that.
In the end I have ~100K ISO (all from lv up), 0 LL and ~200 CP left. Marvel Hoard Puzzle once again it is.
Others updates:
All 1* ascended after I got last needed cover for Venom. Spidey and IM are lv 144 and I am building next copy of them.
~4,8M ISO needed for 4*. I just got under 5M. Yai.0 -
A quick update.
Collossus is on the way but after some more digging Jeff will be next. His green is cheap and nice counter against mThor.
Also been doing some testing and started to like Goose with Kitty. So far, my faster and safest treat for mThor/SC. So I went all in more to get more flerken covers and managed to champ Weapon Hex too (who feels amazing too). But after they will leave LL, I'll wait for Hunter to leave too before next pulling. I like her but she is not worth my effort and not even near as fun as even pre-rework Wasp has ever been to me. And I am not crazy about Victor so far so I can just champ him and forget.
So far Goose is 458, Hunter 456 and Weapon Hex 453. Colossus is 5/3/3 thanks to all the extra stuff and some luck. And 4* Wasp went to 341 so far. In 3 cover she will catch up with Ant Man which means that I will try to max champ them together. I really want to ascend them fast so I can try that Hope/Janet/Scott combo.
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Update time!
I stopped pulling. Been spending everything I was getting to get more Goose. Results? Terrible yet awesome luck. Goose got just 2 more covers while Hunter 13.... Hex is 458 and I will pull before she will leave but now it's hoarding time. The other plus is that both Colossus and Jeffrey are champed and Both Ant-Man and Wasp are ~351 so.. ya'll know. This few more pulls wont make much difference so in the end I kept pulling until jeff was champed and Gwenpool was a big help (sharded cover).
Sadly, That makes Wasp my 3rd most coverd 5... But 4 Wasp before ascending will give me like 7 more so... Happy me, I guess.
Right know I leveled all my 3* up to maximum and will do it on spot. The plan is to ALWAYS have at least 100k ISO saved for such things and spend the rest. still 15 4* left to champ but that is ok.
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Yet another update.
Two changes:
5*: To roster Martyr I had to broke the hoard to get some shards for Moondragon. Spend all CP in classic and few tokens in LL. So I decided to check my luck and spend the rest LL today. 1 Hex and 2 Victors. Now, I strongly would like to pull more Hex, most likely It would by safe to wait till both she and Hunter to leave to build hoard for Victor/Martyr/whatever. Will see. i champed Doc Strange and now working on Jean.
4*: The other one is that I have 13 4* left and i decided to do it different approach. I am adding levels to all of them at once as long my ISO would not drop below 100k. Unless i have big ISO surpluss or want to champ speciffic one, like Moondragon, I will keep that. It a bit faster as it reqires somethng like 40-50k. so i need ~2,3M more. Propably can champ them in two months, especially if there will be some nice offers. Community Event speed it by a lot.
4* Wasp is lv 355, and Ant Man is 354. So close.
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Would be earlier but I juest came back from hospital (medical check up).
I champed Jean Grey in between and working on IW Cap now.
Done some testing and I had more success with Emma and OR against SC/mThor that when using Collossus or Jeff. Maybe I am using them incorectly or whatever. Will do some more testing and pairings. Maybe I was just unlucky those past few days? I decided to chase Shaw and bought the chained offer and already have him 209 (3/4/3) as he looks like a direct counter to mThor. Will see. Should have him champed in couple days.
In 4* champing another change of plans. All of unchamped are leveled up to 229 which lead for me to neading like ~165k to champ one. And 'cause I earn ~40k+/day I previously wanted to keep at least 100k+, I decided to champ them on spot when I have ISO and know that nothing needing ISO will come up soon enough to worry. So I have 6 left: Hulkling, Human Torch, Ikaris, Melinda, Morbius and Rhino. Then I build that 100K fast enough to keep up on spot leveling on 3* and 5*. Right now I have stash some cause of Shaw and upcoming LL pulling sessions when Martyr will enter LL.
Project: Swarm Team. Wasp and Ant-Man are ~364 now. Propably fully champ both in two weeks!
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OUT OF ISO DEPT! OFFICIALLY OUT OF ISO DEPT! Everything rostered and leveled to level cap with exception to some 2* left to re-champ and ascend to 3* which would not be problem (wont be happening soon)!
And Wasp is max champed! Ant-Man has upcoming PVP in few days when I can grab his last 3,5 covers!
Other stuff: Cap is champed, working on Apoc.
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@Mr_F said:
OUT OF ISO DEPT! OFFICIALLY OUT OF ISO DEPT! Everything rostered and leveled to level cap with exception to some 2* left to re-champ and ascend to 3* which would not be problem (wont be happening soon)!And Wasp is max champed! Ant-Man has upcoming PVP in few days when I can grab his last 3,5 covers!
Other stuff: Cap is champed, working on Apoc.
Wait until you start ascending 4 stars. I had millions of iso with nothing to spend it on until the next character release, and then ascension came and I spent everything I had to ascend my maxed out four stars and their dupes.
I still have like 30 something maxed 4 stars waiting on enough iso to level up their dupe and ascend them. Just about 14.5 million needed to finish them all.
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Actually, the difference is that you were already READY for ascencion and I am not. I dont have anybody ready for ascension, considering the fact that I want max champ everybody before ascending. Also anybody beyond 1* will come to me slowly. I have four 2* ascended and they are still not at max 3* champ despite few month passing since I ascended them. They are close but stilll it will take some time. I will not need suddenly milions of ISO to do anything there. It will come one by one to me. And I'm going to max champ everybody before ascending them as I do not see reason to speed that. if my 5* can give me every reward i want, then it does not matter whether I will ascend them now or 6 months later.
One example: since I "discovered" how 3* Hunter can speed me up in some PVE weeks when I do not have 5* weekly buffed or have one. It was like 3 months ago. I shargeted her and still do not have her ascended to 4*. akk if ny 3* shards goes to her and still I need 40 more levels... Ascension is really slow, especially the way I plan to do it.
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@Mr_F said:
@BriMan2222Actually, the difference is that you were already READY for ascencion and I am not. I dont have anybody ready for ascension, considering the fact that I want max champ everybody before ascending. Also anybody beyond 1* will come to me slowly. I have four 2* ascended and they are still not at max 3* champ despite few month passing since I ascended them. They are close but stilll it will take some time. I will not need suddenly milions of ISO to do anything there. It will come one by one to me. And I'm going to max champ everybody before ascending them as I do not see reason to speed that. if my 5* can give me every reward i want, then it does not matter whether I will ascend them now or 6 months later.
One example: since I "discovered" how 3* Hunter can speed me up in some PVE weeks when I do not have 5* weekly buffed or have one. It was like 3 months ago. I shargeted her and still do not have her ascended to 4*. akk if ny 3* shards goes to her and still I need 40 more levels... Ascension is really slow, especially the way I plan to do it.
I wasn't ready for ascension though, that was my point. Even with a majority of the 4 stars maxed and with dupes and millions of iso I am still millions of iso short. There are how many 4 stars in the game now? like 150. It will take about 55 million iso to ascend every 4 star, and they are releasing new ones every month, and that is just the 4 stars. I also have dozens of 3 stars that are ready to ascend, but I'm not as worried about getting them ascended.
Even with letting it come one by one to you, it will eventually catch up to you where you won't have the tens of millions of iso it requires to ascend everyone.
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I will try explain my point in other way:
When ascension came, you have already some charas max champed and dupes in progress. That way you suddenly needed millions of ISO to ascend them and still need that.
For me, I had nobody ready above 3* and I still decided that for me it's better to farm 1-3 than ascend them, cause of champing all 4*. And when I decided that I am ready to ascend some... My 2* Moonstone (lucky vault pool), Maggs, Storm and Hawkeye are ~230-250 lv. Not near 4* ascension. My 3* Hunter still needs 40 levels. It took me like 2-3 months to get those levels on Wasp and Ant Man (total of 76) and now I need another 226 of that, because I will not ascend with non max dupe.
So that means the charas I have focuses to ascend aren't that far in process. Those ascension will come to me one by one as I am really far behind veterens/players like you. Actually, being behind benefits me greatly as, in opposition to you, do not need suddenly estra X milions of ISO.
Sure, I may eventually came to situation you have described but it may never come. Or it will. God knows.
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Pulling session!
- champed Apoc
- got 8 covers for Wasp (so she is back to be top leveled with Hunter at 471)
- champed Victor (2/1/0 and ~800 shards into 454 and 250+ shards)
- Phylla is champable (5/3/5 , lv 300 and need ISO)
- got few other covers on 5* here and there.
- Hex is now 469 (+7).
In total, 32 5* covers in total for 183 pulls: 13 for Vic, 12 for Phylla and 7 for X-23. Definetly good pulling but now is time for saving ISO and hoarding again, after I level up what's left. Next pulling session when 5* after Auntie will enter LL (so trio Phylla/Auntie/???). No need to hurry up here and pull more for Vic. After I get some levels (2-3) on Wasp, I will focus on next champion which will be Killmonger or anybody else with 9+covers. I really wanna her to be my most leveled character.
Both Aunt Mays are recruited. Wasp and Ant-Man are lv 370 and dupes in progress.
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Upgrades! Upgrades! And ascensions!
Phylla is champed and so is Silver Surfer. Working on Thanos and next is High Evo.4*:
Got my 3* Hulk and Strange from vault so they "ascended" but I will get her 3* versions up to 266 and then lv up ascended 4*. Wasp and Ant-Man are re champed and 378/283 respectivelty and slowly working on them.3*:
Hunter is 8 covers from ascensions. Next will be Phylla, as I am working it max-max starting form chara with highest lv dupe. Some 3* need re-champing but 'cause I have some ISO stashed (350k) and growing I wint sell max anymore to get some back.2*:
Working on ascending them all. My 3* team of HE/Storm.Mags is near maxing and re-roestering. Moonstone is close and I just ascended Widow. Other in working progress, including bagman needing 6 more covers. Not farming theam anymore - just ascension.1*:
Same as 2*, not farming just ascending then. Only IM ic laking ascension now - rest is in various stages of being 2*.1 -
Updates! Nothing special was happening - regular stuff. 59 5* champions (new one Thanos, High Evolutionary, Aunt May, Jubilee, Jessica Jones, May Parker, Killmonger, Wolverine, Kain Parker, Havok, Wolverine (Daken), Hotpool, Elektra [Amazing character!], Hela, Magneto, Nova and Cable). Working on Panther and Hawkeye needs one cover which i will get from shards from Kate Bishop in 3 levels of her.
1-3*: regular shenningans. Ascension in process etc.
But the reason I am writing today is this (by a margin of 20 cover ahead of Ant-Man and I was shargeting both):
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You now have two 5* Wasps to enjoy.
Congrats, @Mr_F !!3 -
@skittledaddy said:
You now have two 5* Wasps to enjoy.
Congrats, @Mr_F !!Waiting for third (Nadia van Dyne)
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Oh I would love a Nadia Van Dyne. The daughter of Hank Pym who hated him so much she took his Ex's last name.
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Feels even better now that Team Swarm is all up. Working now on other personal fav 4, starting with X-23.
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Now that you have the whole team ascended to 5 star land, do the ascended versions of Wasp and Ant-Man make the team more viable?
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Need more testing. Those couple of fights are satisfying but not enough to reach conclusion whether I was lucky or it is that strong. Don't get me wrong: nothing meta changing or metakilling but some mThor ans SC were punched into ground.
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I'm not done testing but have some initial thoughts on why it goes so slow:
- I hate mThor even more.
- I'm starting to disliking Shang Chi too.
- Current meta is not suitable for testing anything which is not counter to AoE, mThor, SC and Ascended Polaris.
- I hate mThor cascades even more.
- I hate how fast mThor can generate AP to steamroll anything.
- I do not know why I see so many double/triple 500+lv 5* and sometimes even double/triple 550 when I barely scratch 480.
- I do not like very much how mThor and such are in so many vaults and offers. I understand why, I simply do not like the that.
- Majority of MPQ players I see are most likely clone of each other, gueassing by how everybody use same teams 99.99% of the time. This of serious pandemic of lacking time.
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