Adventures with 5* Wasp.



  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,249 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Rod5 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @Rod5 said:
    Feel free to report how well you do with her in PvE too, and not just as Thanos fodder.

    I did pretty well with her in PvP when she was boosted. She was my 30th 550 (I think?) and at 672 she's got like 450,000 health and does 30k match damage or so.

    Next time she's boosted you should come to s2 and see!

    I’ll make a point of doing so - sadly I only have the 5 550s, thankfully they are the good ones and I won’t need any boosted to take down the walking target that is Wa5p 😂

    5 550s???? Look out everybody, it's a superwhale! Whatever will we do?

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,249 Chairperson of the Boards

    Oh, I've got Black Widow at 550 too, and she's completely unplayable, under any circumstances, even at 672.

  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Rod5 said:

    @Tiger_Wong said:

    @Rod5 said:
    Feel free to report

    She’s nowhere near the worst 5* in the game. She’s nowhere near as bad or as difficult to use as Odin, Abigail, or 5* Black Widow.

    You’re so free. 😂😂 and your opinion is so trash.

    You can get a winfinite Hope and all you really have to get is 6 black AP. The rest happens no later than turn 5 if you never make a yellow/blue match.

    “Feel free to report” how Odin, Abigail, and 5* black widow have anything close to exploitable.

    Stay free.

    Odin is a defensive pain in PvP, which is already more than wasp - Natasha’s powers are expensive but they at least do something approaching damage (unlike wasp), Brand is also a pain in PvP paired with the right character - cheap powers (unlike wasp) that do something vaguely useful (unlike wasp).

    🤣 odin’s jump in front is the worst in the game. Most of the time, he doesn’t even mitigate damage. He just jumps in front, and the character takes damage. His kit is slow, convuluted, under-powered, and almost impossible to utilize and exploit. Offensively, he’s a junk support character.

    Brand 🤣 has nothing that makes her a pain. What’s supposed to be such a pain? Her weak heath burst that caps out at 3x a turn? Her AP destruction that’s basically Odin’s, ie not worth the AP you collect to use. 2-turn repeater that damages on activation but then you keep waiting and waiting for the AP destruction. Oh wait…. I know. It’s her yellow that makes her a pain! Yeah. The power that drops 1 repeater/CD to 0…… but you have to wait 2 more turns to do it? Yeah. She’s a pain alright. A pain to use.

    And the power and costs comments are beyond laughable and just shoe how little you know about Hope. As I said before, you only need 6 black AP and by turns 5 at worst, you’re gonna do all the damage you need again and again and again, until all the characters on the opposing team are dead. Hope’s cost and damage are far better than Widow, Odin, and Abigail. They aren’t on a team that goes winfinite. Or on a team that can exploit their powers when used.

    “Do something vaguely useful”? 🤣 how about nuke a full health lvl 650 team on turn 5? When have Odin, AB, or Widow EVER been that useful?

    🗑️ opinions are 🗑️ opinions.

  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 589 Critical Contributor

    You need to get out more

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited January 2024

    @entrailbucket said:
    It's pretty simple. If we're rating characters on a scale from 1 to 10, most 5* are in the 7-10 range. >Wasp went from, like, a 3, to a 7. That's a big jump, and it's meaningful.

    Except there's 6 or 7 characters that break the scale and rate at 14 or 15. If you compare everyone >to those guys, then of course 7s and 8s look terrible and useless -- they are, in fact, terrible and >useless.

    If the scale maxed out at 10 everyone would be happy with Wasp.

    And that Quote from Feb 16th 2023 is best i can ever give ya. Too many people thinks that she is still 1 in that scale.

    Anyway, Champed Okoye few days ago and broke the hoard today. I did the hoard breaking only because I wanted to recruit via shards all missing 5*: Sersi, Ultron and Big Wheel, endidng with 1/2/2 covers respectivetly thanks to 500 bonus for Ultron and Wheel. So officially I have everybody rostered - including Badger and Weapon Hex.

    Next on the list is champing Vulture (3/4/3) into Magik (3/3/3) and of course, new releases in between. Current state is:
    Peggy lv 457
    Goose 3/3/2 + one more from Monica in 3 levels.
    The Hunter 3/2/3.

    23 4* left to champ with ~6 more coming in meanwhile. Then I can focus on ascending more charas than just 1* and 2*. (my ascendend 1* are now my 2* team and ascended 2*, 3* one) for DDQ. I really want to to be ISO independant ASAP.

    As of What I am using now: keep being busy so Emma/Omega Red/Crystal when none of my 5* champ is boosted or Omega/3Hunter/Boosted5 if somebody is. Polaris/Kamala/BRB for CN. Hunter can be strange but her Purple power with boosted 5* damage gives is like 20-30k match damage in strong colors. as ya can see, not much Wasp usage but if I had more time I would use her.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor

    Ok guys. I really don't like the mThor. Long story short, I don't like flip coin mechanics in games and mThor is just a flip coin for me: I have days when I can do 20 wins agaist mThor/SC on 5 health packs and days when I can do 2 on 15 while using same team: Phoenix Emma/Omega Red. And all based on pure luck whether the board will allow me to deny them AP or not.

    So... I need a better solution. maybe there is something I miss in my roster that is better/more consistent than Emma/Omega? Full and upgraded roster below. And I do not mind retaliations as I aim for wins, so even 4* is ok as long as it will work.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,697 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Mr_F said:
    Ok guys. I really don't like the mThor. Long story short, I don't like flip coin mechanics in games and mThor is just a flip coin for me: I have days when I can do 20 wins agaist mThor/SC on 5 health packs and days when I can do 2 on 15 while using same team: Phoenix Emma/Omega Red. And all based on pure luck whether the board will allow me to deny them AP or not.

    So... I need a better solution. maybe there is something I miss in my roster that is better/more consistent than Emma/Omega? Full and upgraded roster below. And I do not mind retaliations as I aim for wins, so even 4* is ok as long as it will work.

    Looking at your roster you are going to run into some issues fighting this team.
    You really want Collosus to pair with Omega Red.
    Have you tried running Kang with Omega Red? Crystal is another option here since she will give you more sustain run her 3/5/5.
    You could also try to run SheThor and RiRi 3/5/5 and try to stunlock them.
    You could try to throw Cosmo out there with Omega Red and see if that work, but I haven't tried them togethor.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor

    Thanks. Will try those options and came back later with feedback. And Cosmo... I did not new that he can do that. I really have to re-read all 4* kits from last like 15 months. Being 5* player before ascension made me to not pay much attentions to them.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    You definitely need Colossus.

  • IrisRyu
    IrisRyu Posts: 176 Tile Toppler

    Or, if you can’t beat MThor, why not use her? Pair MThor and Riri and just stunlock the enemy team. They’re $@?! on defense, but should make for more health pack friendly climbs until you can level up Colossus (or other counters).

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited January 2024

    It's not like I can't beat her. I just need better and more staple solution to mThor/SC. Suggested Kang/OR for just mThor has worked so far = unlucky not so many mThor/SC. Have to drop a bit lower in X-23 PVP. Cosmo... well not so much. Too much coin flip with her*.

    Will test Riri/Jane. TY.

    *Cosmo is female, if I am not wrong.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Colossus completely takes Shang out of the equation.
    Kill Jane first, let Shang make his cascades and crits and laugh at him doing no damage.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,697 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bowgentle said:
    Colossus completely takes Shang out of the equation.
    Kill Jane first, let Shang make his cascades and crits and laugh at him doing no damage.

    His Col5 is 3/1/1. He does not have a ton of solid options for this pair.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    For future use of course.
    Right now he has to suck it up.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited January 2024

    Status update:

    Vulture is champed. Magic in progress with state of 4/3/3 (lucky 500 bonus shards). 18 4* left to champ + Multiple Man and Angela (not fully covered or rostered).

    LL status is that I wait for Peggy to leave and then I need one more cover for Goose: 5/4/2 they are now but next PVE will give me sharded cover bringing them to 5/4/3. Hunter is 3/3/3 and Hex-23 2/0/0 (and 1825 shards). I'm still thinking what to do next: keep hoarding for Hunter/Hex-23/next 5* and finish Goose with shards or try to pull that one cover for her. Propably the 1st option as that means ~6 weeks of ISO not spend on 5* = another ~6-7 4* champed. We will see.

    As of PVP: Kang/mThor are ok but not satisfying to play. i mean I do not enjoy that combo. This week I am using Yellowjacket as main source of damage and next will be Crystal (in both cases they are my solo boosted champed 5* that week) so the real testing how to deal with mThor/SC will be not sooner than february. Simulator is done and I just play it for daily mission and safely float ~1400-1500 pts.

    Also side project have I Started: Wasp as my 1st max champ 4*. Or Ant-Man to thanks him for his work in champing 5* Wasp. Still did not decided but currently it is Wasp just to get few more champl lvs. for Hope van Dyne.

  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,472 Chairperson of the Boards

    I really enjoyed 4* Wasp. She was part of my go to 4* team when I didn't have any viable 5*: Wasp/Medusa/Captain Marvel.

    I only need 3 more covers until I can ascend Wasp, and 10 more of Captain Marvel.

    You could target both Wasp and Ant-Man for max champ / ascension, then run an all 5* swarm team

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor

    @rainkingucd said:
    I really enjoyed 4* Wasp. She was part of my go to 4* team when I didn't have any viable 5*: Wasp/Medusa/Captain Marvel.

    I only need 3 more covers until I can ascend Wasp, and 10 more of Captain Marvel.

    You could target both Wasp and Ant-Man for max champ / ascension, then run an all 5* swarm team

    I thougt about it too. But still she need like 40 covers to get close to him.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited February 2024

    Hex-23 entering LL preparations:

    I have 73 LL which should give me enough shards to champ Magik. I need one cover for Goose - alternatively through shards. My Hunter is 4/3/3 +765 shards. Equals to needing 2 covers. I expect to champ all 3 as of tommorrow - 540k ISO is prepared.

    As of the other main goals:
    16 4* left to champ and only Multiple Man is not within champ range (5/3/3). 4* Wasp is 320 and Ant Man is 344 - I will try to max champ and re-roster them ASAP and then again max champ both and ascend.
    Next to target is Collossus. Apparently I need him to fight mThor and SC so... Wanted somebody else but gotta champ them all and order is not a big deal.

    Will report results tommorrow.

    EDIT: SWEET POTATO next week buffs... four 5* buffed for me!

    02/08/24 - 02/15/24
    5 Star: Arcade (Edward Acra)
    5 Star: Emma Frost (Phoenix Five)
    5 Star: Riri Williams (Ironheart 3.0)
    5 Star: She-Hulk (Immortal)

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,697 Chairperson of the Boards

    Get after multiple man. Hunter is next level boring.
    Get Magik she can do some work on a second or third team.
    Hex 23 is more boring than Samurai Daken.

    Champ whoever is going to fallout next after OldPeg ...."Goose" and save your tokens

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor

    I am flexible here and prepared for any configurations of (no) luck. Standard rules of wise pulling/Choo Choo LL Train will be applied. I do not expect champing Hex-23 but the rest is possible so I have prepared for that too.

    Like I will stop if I get that one cover for Goose like in 10 pulls. But if after 20 pulls I will have her champed and need like 2-3 more pulls for Magic, I will do them and wait with Hunter for next pulling.