Adventures with 5* Wasp.
Just for the record: I can do without a Dazzler cover. Thanks!
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When the Phoenix Five Magik is released I’d accept a cover…
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Changes are live, my 465 Wasp went from 56k to 81k health. I forget what old match damage was but new blue for mine is 1124.
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At lv 454 it was 715/636/557 and 51967 Health. Now it is 1033/918/803 and 74919. ~30,8% up.
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So... What I my finall thoughts on rebalanced Wasp?
I did ~65 fights with her, half with half-update and half with full update. The teams I have used were Wasp/Emma with Yelena/Kitty. I was able without any problems to defeat all teams I have faced unless there were two conditions:
-It was Immortal team with et least two members or any sort of other top meta teams.
-mThor got crazy on her stuff.The teams I have faced were mostly BRB/Polaris, Polaris/Kamala based or any mix of any 3 mid-to-low tier 5*.
This makes her IMO a mid tier now: either low-mid or mid-mid at best. She is like most of the 5* tier who are not part of the meta or having niche usage like Electro (AoE dmg reduction). Which is nice, cause before she was so weak that she basically was 3rd wheel and wasn't not near the ability to be part of any team capable of defeating anything near meta or strong mid-tier teams. Yes, desptite the fact I was able to make her going before the changes, the 80% of the job was done but the other two charas and I never was denying the fact that she was overall weak and F tier.
Her Blue, Sting Operations/Call The Swarm, do the great job in flooding the board with swarms or doing massive damage and board shake. It' definetly not the every fight you use Call but If you really are Wasp player, you know that it wasn't the goal before and is not now.
Shrink Tactics/Shrink the Swarm feels lacklusting. It always was. I usually do not chase yellow do fire it but when it happens, I put in on my frontline to force Wasp to tank. The Shrink's healing seems bugged as it was supposed to be AoE but it's single. It never has healed anybody beyond Wasp for me. But the ability to remove swarm tile the cheap way and get access to Sting Operations or Pain Index is nice.
Pain Index/Grow The Swarm is great ability. It can do massive single target damage but because I have paired Wasp with Emma, it's buffed by 70+%. But it's kinda like any other team: the characters like BRB, Kitty, Polaris or Chasm shine not alone but with somebody. It's the specific combo who makes them beast. Same here: Emma seems to be the key. Grew the Swarm may seems lacklusting but it is due to the the fact that if it's damage was higher it would be too powerfull with other abilities and it's possible winfinite. She has six abilities and they have to balanced toghether.
Overall: Wasp now possess six abilties to do her stuff. 3 expensive and 3 cheap, makig it her expensive overall to get going. She always was expensive. That is why her best patner is somebody with good board shake to gain lots of AP like mThor or Emma to help her get AP to do the stuff.
In my opinion: She averages at best as a B tier with every aspect of her gameplay. She is now not terrible, not "awesome". Usable, and a much more viable option to enter 5* land - but only with at least one, good partner to help her generate AP.
Opinion on rebalance: judging from the other who were made, those are great changes not falling behind the other rebalances. Overall, I like the changes.
I know not everybody likes the changes and they feels lacklusting for them. I can understand why. They are great for me and I am happy with her state. Could be better, was worse, can't complain. I approve the changes with potato stamp. Bach!
More in next days, when I do more test and try her without Emma.
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Marvel Hoard Quest: Road foar Hit Monkey Has biegun. Been using cp and LL to get Riri so have to keep both. Also I have switched to chase LL and CP through 3* and 4* by shargeting.
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RiRi is low key high tier. Probably not a great partner for wasp though. Her green is top tier and lets you negate an enemy turn.
If you are gathering AP to fire wasps 1-2 turns can be useful.0 -
@Mr_F said:
It has happened yesterday but as a part of agreegment I could not speak about it till today.There is a movie called "Evan Allmighty". For me, as a catholic, it's a wonderfull movie which taught me how really God is working and what wonder or miracles really are. And also how we can make things better.
Yesterday was a day when I have learn that somebody has made me a miracle by just doing ARK (Act of Random Kindness). Someone, and I know who but am not allowed to write or say the name, has reached the BCS Team because of me and this thread. And after that someone from BCS side, and also I am not allowed to write or say who, has reached me and asked me for my in game name.
You propably know where it leads. Some of You has suggested that they should give me straight 550 Wasp or replaced my 2* with such. And I cried because You Guys out of nowhere has just suggested that. Because reasons. I cried because I have already knew what BCS had actually gave me because of this Thread and You guys. I do not have better screenshoot and I was just clicking and not thinking clearly what is going on. On the screenshoot you see unclaimed as of yesterday Wasp Blue Cover. What ya can not see is extra 50k ISO who is already claimed.
Yes, It is just one cover. But isn't small things make bigger ones?
The Act of Random Kindness works Guys. Thank You All from a bottom of my Heart. God's Bless You all.
Sincerly, Mister F.
That's awesome! One time they gave me a 4* Punisher cover for my birthday. I love that they surprise some of their loyal players!
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Wasp is not my only priority now as I am fully 5* player now. I have to look wider on my gameplan and keeping with the anything else. Since Chasm release, I did not missed champing any new 5* so far. I have Emma, iShulkie & Arcade champed so I am fully on Chu Chu Train and do not want to get out of it. Riri is just next on release list and "readish" for me; HM is 4/3/2 and Wong is now 2/2/1. So I have to stabilise and make sure that I will get new 5* without any doubt and slowly but steadily getting out of ISO dept on 4* and 5*. That is my main goal: getting put of ISO dept.In current pace, I am earning about 50k per day, So I need 12 day for new 5* and 4 days for new 4* to keep up. That pair release is 28 days, so I have 12 days of "free" ISO every cycle (around 600 k). So... around 14 months I assume I will be free of dept. Maybe earlier, depending on luck, anniversary and double ISO events/offers or money spend.
So I am not searching for new partners for Wasp that much - I have four teams now to do all the job:
- Wasp/Emma/Yelena for no SAP heavy enemies
- Wasp/Emma/Kitty for SAP heavy enemies
- Wasp/Emma for Pick Two if my boosted 5* aren't better.
- Wasp/Deathlock/IW Widow as Winfinity team for PVE.
I will do some testings and maybe will move out of SCL 8 and move to 9 or 10 if the clear time will be ok. Riri might be just another option but It's not like I would like to force it.
Also, I forgot to mention that with Wasp rework and my teams I moved out of using Grockenautilaris for most of clears and ANIMATIONS ARE ON! I love to watch them!
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@Mr_F said:
Wasp is not my only priority now as I am fully 5* player now. I have to look wider on my gameplan and keeping with the anything else. Since Chasm release, I did not missed champing any new 5* so far. I have Emma, iShulkie & Arcade champed so I am fully on Chu Chu Train and do not want to get out of it. Riri is just next on release list and "readish" for me; HM is 4/3/2 and Wong is now 2/2/1. So I have to stabilise and make sure that I will get new 5* without any doubt and slowly but steadily getting out of ISO dept on 4* and 5*. That is my main goal: getting put of ISO dept.In current pace, I am earning about 50k per day, So I need 12 day for new 5* and 4 days for new 4* to keep up. That pair release is 28 days, so I have 12 days of "free" ISO every cycle (around 600 k). So... around 14 months I assume I will be free of dept. Maybe earlier, depending on luck, anniversary and double ISO events/offers or money spend.
So I am not searching for new partners for Wasp that much - I have four teams now to do all the job:
- Wasp/Emma/Yelena for no SAP heavy enemies
- Wasp/Emma/Kitty for SAP heavy enemies
- Wasp/Emma for Pick Two if my boosted 5* aren't better.
- Wasp/Deathlock/IW Widow as Winfinity team for PVE.
I will do some testings and maybe will move out of SCL 8 and move to 9 or 10 if the clear time will be ok. Riri might be just another option but It's not like I would like to force it.
Also, I forgot to mention that with Wasp rework and my teams I moved out of using Grockenautilaris for most of clears and ANIMATIONS ARE ON! I love to watch them!
New 4s cost 370k ISO.
So 470k for a 5, 120k for a 3, 370k for a 4 - you need about a million iso per month just to keep up with the new releases.0 -
Yep. I know that. I just miscalculated the days. Its 20 for 1M so the the rest is for ISO dep champions. And I am buying some offers and there are double ISO periods.
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Yeah with buying you're getting to 50k per day.
Without it's closer to 40k I think.1 -
I really don't want to know what they'll gift me on my birthday.
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IF, big IF, I was gonna to get anything on my b-day I already have a junch what it will be. But I wanna state it clearly: that one cover is just enough for me to feel appreciated.
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Severed horse head.
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I Thought that Gamependium was shoutdowned... apparently not. So I just today has ugraded the roster and this is how it looks like, more or less (2* and 1* are shown as max champed cause I do not plan constatly upgrade them there).
With that, thanks to my latetly roster updates and fully moving to 5* I also have moved from SCL 8 to 9 for daily events. Looking for some advices on the essential nodes when none of my 5* will be boosted.
The current setup is I run easy nodeds with Juggs/Polaris/Rocket and hard nodes with Wasp Winfinite team (Wasp/Deathlock/IW BW) or Emma/Wasp + Yelena/Kitty and can do them with easy and 1-3 health pack used at worst case. If needed or low on health packs, still can go for any other combo. No big deal.
My concern are 4e and 5e nodes as pick two. Been thinking about Kitty/Rocket, Brolasis or iShulchasm as my to go.
As for current plans of roster upgrades:
I am leveling my Riri so she could be used at those 12 covers and waiting for last, sharded cover. That will come either with PVP rewards (can't remember if tere is any left) or pulls.
Next is Hit Monkey: He is 4/3/2 now and I have 275 shards. As next PVE is during weekend, I can move for this one to SCL 10 and grab full cover for him for 10 total and needing 3 more. When Kang Will enter LL, I will pull tokens trying to get last three for HM but with just tokens. Then will hoard more and, if needed, will pull next time just before he leaves and use tokens and if needed - CP. That is the plan for next few weeks.0 -
You have Kitty and Bill champed.
Go play CL10, there's nothing you can't beat.
And you need the resources.1 -
@Bowgentle said:
You have Kitty and Bill champed.
Go play CL10, there's nothing you can't beat.
And you need the resources.Been there done there when my BRB was just 2/1/1. The problem is time comitment: I dunno yet how long it will take me. I knew that SCL 9 is ok based on my so far 8 and 10 runs. The next one PVE will be sorta testing it out for 10, especially when I have no bosted 5* next rotation and during weekends I have more time. Do not wanted to have false measurent of time comitment there. If It will be faster than SCL9, I will definetly move there.* Also take into consideration Wasp.
The question is what is best choice for 4e and 5e? Like the fastest/most sure.
*CN is not a problem: I have two winfinite teams now.
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Play to progression, which is easily done with 4 wins and out for most nodes. If you wait to join either Slices 1 or 4 until the first day is nearly done (allowing yourself time to actually complete the first day of the PvE) that will give a good balance of free time, progression rewards, and top-100 placement rewards (Slice 1 normally will have flipped 3 times and Slice 4 twice by then). This will admittedly take more time than SCL9. BRB, Kitty, and Polaris will crush every node with tile movers (prioritize Polaris stun to get strikes on the board) and switch BRB for Grocket for non-tile movers (or if Kitty is boosted). Back in the day, I usually did Polaris and BRB for Pick-2 for the harder 5* nodes (It helps to stun everyone a lot) and Grocket and Kitty for the 3 and 4* nodes.
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I dont have time for optimal shenningan clear (3+4; 3+2 etc.). I do "clear all and forget". I usually play slice 5, which starts 8 AM in my place. And I joint and start after I finish working, so not earlier than 4PM. Bracket is nice and emptier. In SCL 8 its top 50 with that. I assume it will be top 100 at best in SCL 9 and 10.
If my clear time in next PVE would be around 60-75 minutes then its ok. Full SCL 10. If not, I'll stick to SCL 9 with occasional 10.
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