Adventures with 5* Wasp.



  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 589 Critical Contributor
    If time commitment is genuinely important to you, why don’t you just use a better team?

    Wasp is undeniably the slowest 5* character 😂. At least Banner does some damage if he goes green.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    Rod5 said:
    If time commitment is genuinely important to you, why don’t you just use a better team?

    Wasp is undeniably the slowest 5* character 😂. At least Banner does some damage if he goes green.

    Enjoyment over time spent. I preffer to use character who I like over the one who are simply better. I'm fine with Wasp. That is the reason I avoid using Legion, Apocalypse or Onslaught. Or Knull.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Funny how people can simultaneously complain about people spamming meta characters and berate someone who goes off meta.
    Complain about meta characters? Nowadays the group of meta characters are huge, and some of them counter the others in a rock paper pattern, and others are just changing every week. Not sure who would be complaining about spamming meta characters today.
    To berate someone. If you read all this thread me and others warned him not to spend precious resources on this way.
    My intervention here was to remind it.
    Because the most boring thing is to repeat the same team over and over, be it the meta team or be it the off meta team wich one likes so much.
    The meta team gives resources for to acquire all the characters possible, and the game right now is rewarding that behaviour.
    I can guarantee that to play with a lot of 5* champed characters is really fun.
    Each one is free to act as wanted, of course. 
    But this game as any other is not meant to be played like that.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    There is one thing many here keep forgeting: I play for fun and screw the meta.
    The short version: because my micromanagment and carefull planing resulted in near zero stress, less time comitment, 0 time slice boundary and at the same time, using characters I want to use and 2-3x more rewards.
    The shorter version: Because I can have same rewards while using non-meta characters with n-time the fun oppisng using same things as "everybody else using".
    The shortes version: because I can.

    I am 100% sure: I do not regret chasing Wasp. After I will finish Yelena the 3rd option will be Electro.
    Cause she is fun. Thats all.
  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 589 Critical Contributor
    …except you’re increasing your time commitment by using the weakest characters.

    Play with the worst characters with animations on all you want, but advocating your approach as reducing time commitment is just misleading.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mr_F said:

    The shorter version: Because I can have same rewards while using non-meta characters with n-time the fun oppisng using same things as "everybody else using".

    Same rewards? If you would be having the same rewards there would be more people playing the worst characters, don't you think?
    Another point you are totally wrong: you can't say a meta team is not fun unless you have played it. After all we are talking about the very same game. 
    You can say one year ago all people playing the same teams were not fun. I repeat it is not the case anymore.
    One thing is for sure: the game you see when you play it's totally different from mine.
  • fractalvisions
    fractalvisions Posts: 325 Mover and Shaker
    Why do you guys feel the need to keep reiterating what is obvious? It's very clear from his posts that Mr F is well aware that Wasp is a weak character. He's set himself a challenge and he's enjoying that challenge.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why do you guys feel the need to keep reiterating what is obvious? It's very clear from his posts that Mr F is well aware that Wasp is a weak character. He's set himself a challenge and he's enjoying that challenge.
    My interpretation that may or may not interest anyone but myself. The first two or three posts may have been about a genuine concern that Mr.F might ruin his own game and quit as a result. The 30 or so posts since are about justifying their own roster management by belittling other people’s decisions. The same happens to entrailbucket when he posts he only draws from classics and is able to manage champing all the latest.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2021
    @Bad Clarification: with whatever amount of time comitment I can afford for this game on daily basis I can do 75 wins in simulator, 500+pts in other PVPs and get top 100 with Wasp as much as I can with meta characters. Sure, with better teams etc I would have better rewards but that would require a comitment (both time and planning) I can not currently afford to do*. Currently I can go whatever slice and do all 6 clears at once and still be top 100. That is what I mean by "same rewards".

    Also I use meta characters. I know that sometimes I just have to. I know that meta cab be fun too but I have more fun with Wasp/Yelena than using BRB/Polaris. For me a 4 turn win when why Polaris (with Juggs/Sabertooth) kill enemy Polaris  round 1, Grocket round 2 and Kitty by round 4 is no more fun. Fast, yep. Sometimes needed - yep.  

    @Rod5 Actually... no. Before having Wasp champed and Yelena leveled* highly covered I spend more time on PVE than today, because I used 4* to do same work. Sure, If I used a meta teams that would be even less but you get my point. Also that would require me to do things I can not afford to do as of today*. I'm not saying that Wasp is fast. I am saying that She is faster compared to what I used and that I do not have to use better ones to keep the lower (for me) times therofe I can still use my personal most loved one champion here.

    *like doing 4+3 clears with right teams. Currently I none of the slices time stamps would allow me to do that. I have other duties that will block me.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    I believe he's saying his time commitment is lessened not because he's using Wasp, but because he's not competing as hard as he was before.

    I love this thread.

    If everyone set their own goals, developed their own strategy to reach those goals, and played in that way, the community would be a much more fun and friendly place. 

    You might share the same goal as a lot of other players (the most common one seems to be "win everything as quickly as possible") but maybe that's not what you actually want. 

    Maybe it's not quite "play with 5* Wasp 100% of the time," but if your goal isn't to win everything, why follow a strategy that supports that goal?

    Actually both. Wasp speed the thing up because of her match damage. The history of my lesser competiton is long. Basically: I did a lot of math and carefull thinking to see that I can get better overall results with less competition. 
    Think about it: why should I chase meta champions etc. to get top 20 when there is already so much competition when I can play whatever I want and get easy, less stressfull and time comitment top 100 or top 200 without neccessity of having anybody to do that.
    In other words: if i can spend 1h chasing top 50 using same characters every event then I will choose spending 1h getting easy top 100/200 and using different champions each week or even event.
    My goal is not to be on top. Is to progress at my pace and enjoy whatever champion I want whenever I want.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2021
    Current, overall state: I "just" got shards to cover Yelena - she is 4/3/3 now which is nice. Current PVP got me last Thor cover needed to bring Storm into 5/2/4 state (lv 405 - not enough ISO to lv up). I pulled Odin today so I can start hoarding and wait till Shang-Chi enters tokens (I may not champ Ronan but he is 1/3/1 so not that bad). I have all 4* with at least 1 cover but most have 3+. I do not have four 5*: Loki, Hela, Shang-Chi and Ghost Rider out of who Loki would be hardest - his feeder is not champed and not fully covered yet. Hela and Rider I just matter of getting 4* cover via 3* feeder. Not much a problem.I recently champed Silk, my personal favoutite 4*.
    So backing to Wasp Adventures: PVE is not a problem. She is my either heavy hitter or tank. Not much a suprise that in some cases other, boosted characters do the dmg lifting (like Karnak). In some event like current I have to run C4ge/Polaris to lessen health pack usage so I have more left for PVP. Cage was my choice as thoose pesky Mindless Ones spams attack tiles and in some combos 1k damage each round hurts.
    But my major problem is PVP. Mainly, the rampage/dominance of Polaris and some boosted 5* make Wasp harder to use. I have to re-think my strategy here so I can use her without loosing every game because of sheer match damage and health difference. My goal is 500+pts and if possible, higher. Huge factor is the 5*/4* boosted list.

    Simulator is done this season. Did 75 wins so I want just keep pts at 1100-1200 range and test some teams. Also my approach to this need rethinking - just rushing 75 wins makes me to high to soon so I can not find suitable opponents and will run into Polaris teams too soon, which - no surprise - are not good for Wasp.
    Its not like there aren't opponents I can beat. Its just a LOT of skipping.

    So my goals:
    Long term:
    • as soon as I will champion Spider-Man 2099 (3 covers left), sharget Red Guardian and then Thor to cover Yelena and Storm through them.
    • Sharget Proff till he is 11 cover (2 covers), Repeat above with him leading me to having three 5* champion to use with Wasp.
    • champion all 4*
    • championing Electro (I like her) as my 5th 5*. After Proff.
    • hoard for Electro. Do full progression/whatever placement PVE SCL 10 instead of 8/top 100 when she will be featured. Break the hoard when with 5* entering LL.
    Short term
    • championing Spider-Man 2099 for my 4* team of Spider-Gwen/Silk and him. Suprisingly strong team that can beat many other teams even with O'Hara at lv 209 now.
    • continuing of championg my 4* who just lack ISO and get LL/CP hoard bigger thanks to that. The list go with Riri into Black Cat into Grocket. Its a short term as I do one by one.
    • shargeting Colossus till I get Magik-> leading to possesing Hela.
    • targeting shards/covers in events for 4* who are not fully covered yet.
  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 589 Critical Contributor
    Question : if you had some good 5*s champed (you know, the ones who could actually deal with other decent 4*/5* chars without constant skipping), would you continue to use Wa5p?
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Speaking for myself, I use sub-optimal characters all the time just to do it, but typically only in Simulator and on Challenge nodes. I don't have time myself to do sub-optimal grinds on the main PVE track or against boosted 5* opponents in pick-2. 
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2021
    The short answer is yep.
    The long answer: My point here is that you CAN use Wasp (or any other "weak" character) and have success. From my expierence, if you have any two, highly leveled (400+) non-boosted 5* you can
    -clear SCL 8 with then and finish top 50 every time.
    -finish top 100 in PVP, 500 pts minimum without shielding. 50 wins is doable. PVP is more complex as it heavili relies on boosted list and I fairly often cant use Wasp there. During Punisher's I used Juggs/Karnak but on Spider-Man I 95% use Wasp/Yelena.
    Sure, sometimes you have to go meta. I chase Electro so i went SCL10 for next two events. Full BRB/Polaris run. Wasp/Yelena/Proff did the easy nodes. In SLC 8 I go Wasp/Yelena and still can be top 50 under optimal clearing.
    Look, If ya aim best top then of course, everything requires to use best possible options. But I am aiming top 50/100 in PVE and top 100/200 in PVP so I can use some weaker characters. Actually, Wasp is helpfull there as I WANT to be hit so I will not be to high and reach wall of meta teams or boosted 5* I don't have.
    There are two ways of approaching this game: slow and fast. For me the slow one is more enjoyable as I can use any more fun characters longer.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    Speaking for myself, I use sub-optimal characters all the time just to do it, but typically only in Simulator and on Challenge nodes. I don't have time myself to do sub-optimal grinds on the main PVE track or against boosted 5* opponents in pick-2. 
    This too.
    I just was adviced to use Thing as Thanos replacemnt for winfinite. Fun it is indeed. This is example of when meta meets non-meta and togheter they are meta.
    If it was not Electro chase I would use Wolfsbane this week... Eh.. Cant have everything.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2021
    Weekly update.
    Discovery: A Carol's communicator is better support than Wasp Gauntlets when paired with special tiles spammers. Not only it will heal but also It creates Swarm tiles out of black power.
    Will finish at worst scenario top 200 in SCL 10 when chasing Electro. Not a surprise that this level is not for my roster yet and definetly not for unboosted Wasp. After the next PVE I will swicth once again into SLC8. as I definetly will need more 3* covers. Stranngly, I found out that I REALLY need those 3* at high level. Their really hurt my PVP fights with their low Health pools. So I deciced to switch approach to 3* farm. Will hurt my ISO but overall its better approach for now.
    I expect to have four 5* champions till the end of the year. Which will be great.
    Long term:
    • I need ~250 more shards and ~91k ISO to finish SM 2099. Next to sharget: Red Guardian into Yelena and them Thor into Storm.
    • Proff X is shargeted. Not much progress here: will take some time to get him into 11 cover (2 cover) and then sharget him via 4* Prof.
    • championing Electro (I like her) as my 5th 5*. Current state: 3/1/1, lv 255.
    • Broake the hoard earlier. I am too impatient and I found out that Ronan is actually nice and may be paired with Electro. He is 1/3/1 now and a few more covers wont hurt me. Still those are 5* covers.
    Short term
    • championing Spider-Man 2099: explained above.
    • continuing of championg my 4* who just lack ISO: The list go with Black Cat into Grocket into Spider-Ham
    • targeting shards/covers in events for 4* who are not fully covered yet.
    • Get all 3* into 266 and dupe them. Its a short term as it is done one by one. Current state 1/47. Working on Punisher now. Will go from highest lv to lower.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2021

    Weekly update.

    So… My roster is not ready form SCL 10. At  least not “clear fast and forget”. Also, as far as I know, its less ISO due to less clears. I need ISO. But, I managed to snatch 325 shards for Electro, bringing her to total 350 Shards. So If I will snatch 150 more then I can get a “free” cover.


    Starting next PVE and next season I will post quicker updates on particular events results. So You can know better how good/bad she can be. So I also will set the rules for that. I’ve been using them for some time but just to be clear.


    1.     Use Wasp whenever possible.

    2.     Drop her only if my goal – 6 clears PVE and 16+ wins PVP – is not possible due to health pack shortage, real live etc.

    3.     No meta combos. Brolalis is exception to that but only to get 16+ wins if I get pinched.

    4.     Avoid using other 5* unless its on easy nodes or Alliance Event or PVP.

    5.     Use as broad as possible variety of 4*.

    6.     New one: Brolalis is FORBIDDEN in PVP Simulator unless we are a week till the end of season and I do not have 75+ wins yet.

    7.     New one #2: No Whales in any form in SHIELD Simulator.

    Goals progress:

    • Total 5* champion till the year end: 1/5 (Wasp/ Yelena, Storm, Professor X, Electro)
    • Current sharget 4*: Red Guradian lv 279
    • Current shargeted 5*: prof. X, 182 shards. Will soon get 220 from milestones.
    • Electro status (She is on LL so…): 3/1/2 lv 345, 350 shards. I had to lv her up due to SCL 10 adventures. I had to keep her alive longer to save health packs for Brolalis. Totally worth.
    • 4* Champion progess: 79/116. Next three to champ: Black Cat into Grocket into Spider-Ham.
    • Max 3* Champion progress: 3/47. Working on Psylocke now.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just wanted to let you know that, thanks to Wasp being boosted, I was able to use Call to Swarm to take out a LVL 620 Bullseye in the Challenge Node.

    Granted, the damage was improved somewhat by a boosted Okoye with 30 team ups...but Call to Swarm finally did the trick!  :)