Adventures with 5* Wasp.



  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    Venomous said:
    Yes Sandman gives Green Goblin and Doc Ock gives Sandman. I know because I have been upgrading Sandman for a long while now. However I unfavorited him when I got the first move. I wanted to upgrade other 4 stars for a time since I had Sandman favorites for so long. However, I am getting 5 star fragments by upgrading my 4 stars so I will have another green goblin move in no time. Right now he is 2 2 1 and he is 7 legendary tokens from another move to become 2 3 1. I plan to use the shards to get him to 3 3 1 next. ( While the passive is useful, the active for his yellow isn’t IMO. ) 
    I keep seeing you saying "moves" but im not sure what that is?
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    I read that as covers on a color, their "special moves" if you will
  • Venomous
    Venomous Posts: 236 Tile Toppler
    Sorry. Habit. Yes. I meant comic covers. I tend to use 'Move' and 'Comic Cover' interchangeably since by unlocking a comic cover you unlock their move. You know how when you upgrade a 4 star, you get a comic for the character and then you begin getting shards instead? Well I upgraded Sandman up until I got the first Green Goblin cover. 
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    So, I recently has played a lot more than usual. Like Two weeks of "normal play". I managed to get almost all 4* I missed (Loki is the I do not have but he will be featured soon soo...) and with 5* I miss only Odin, Hela, Ghost Rider and Loki - which luckily I either new or have feaders. This is due to lucky pulls in LL today -  Ronan and Electro. The rest in between I managed to keep with some other lucky pulls in last fe months. So I switched from pulling classics and will keep pulling LL only - just to keep up with releases and transition into hoarding. I do not need anymore that much more pulls
    Here is some news on topic with Adventures with 5* Wasp.

    I can clear SCL7 in ~1h with Wasp 451/Chavez 274/ Yelena 390. I picked this team as they are high level, rainbow coverage and Chavez puts criticals for massive damage boost for 5*. I do not fire powers here as mostl of the time enemies are deadt before I collect AP. Currently shargeting Yelena to champ her, next wikk be Professor. Next either Storm, Electro or Rescue. I dunno yet.
    Anyway, this mean I can switch to SL8 for some events with easy, fast clear time and better rewards.
    Also I did some PVP testing. Wasp/whatever boosted or Polaris/BR can bring me to my usual 16-19 wins per event. Not a problem here. In Simulator 1400/~40 wins was easy with Wasp/Prof X/Yelena team backed up with some Cardusa and BRB/Polaris/Nico. Mostly the Wasp team.

    How do I feel with her? Well, She is a weird character but if you know what you are doing you can do some pretty big damage. My best was 1HKO some 4* with CtS. Also she is weird as it works like that: she supports and requires support to to that so both character can turn into damage dealers.
    1. she tanks and keep safe Yelena and Proffesor X alive in my team.
    2. thereofe they can do their job and support her (Yelene's AP steal, Proff's purple (yellow) heal) and keep her alive.
    3. So she can do damage with CtS, collect some AP and
    5. Let them fire powers so she can.... repeat with 1.
    What I mean, that I found a good team with her which works. On defense, not so much as AI can not do it properly (like keep firing Xavier Purple (yellow) only etc.). So I feel pretty nice. Like her even more. She is not THAT bad as people describe but also not THAT good. I mean a lot of champions do her job better: bigger, faster and easier. She is fun.
    Love her.
    Basically that means I can say I am in transition to 5* play BEFORE chamipng every 4* as most of the time I use 5* only with some 4*. Yai. ^_^
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you’re after Yelena, don’t forget she is fed by Red Gaurdian.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    I know that. But I do want to cover all 4* before switching to shargeting 5* through 5*. Only 19 left so ya know, I maybe this year reach the milestone of needing to cover only 5* and new releases.
    Also I have ~14M dept on 4*. Total 21M to champ all so... You know. Slowly catching.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    For sure. Once you cross that divide of the 4* debt, it just shifts up to 5* I've discovered lol. I've actually largely reversed my cp spend to what you've done, and been back in Classic a lot once I have the next-out covered or champed. I'm all in on Latest currently, but I only need two more for Ronan to finish him. I'm currently working on DareDevil via Kingpin/Bullseye and Loki directly. I'll probably work on Goblin next, maybe Banner after that since those two are closest to 13 covers. My own Wa5p is at 3/3/3 currently. 
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    I believe, and I may be wrong, that once one will enter a sweet 5* land, Iso dept s not a problem anymore. No matter what, 5* pulls are so rare so I can stash up ISO between Ya can get a cover. Rougly speaking, I earn minimum of 25k per day. Usually more. So basically I can say I can fully cover cost of getting one 5* cover per day. So If I will do that when all 4* champed it will be even easier. and faster etc.
    New releases are not a problem too.

    Anyway, I think I can catch up with 4* in a year or two and n betweenbe able to switch into 5* land smoothly.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    It takes me about 12 days to go from 0 to to ~570,000 you need to champ a 5*; and I'm not covering them in anything like a fast rate, so it's rare that I have more than one who needs iso. It's more about just factoring in the amount of iso you need to "complete" the tier. And obviously the 4*s keep coming out, but once  you're caught up they are definitely managable in between 5s.
  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards
    As of right now, today, I have 35,686,495 iso and literally nothing I can spend it on...all available levels have been bought.

    Eventually iso just starts piling up for everyone...high level champions kick out a ton of the stuff, and of course, once you've got everyone championed, you can't actually spend it anymore.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    @entrailbucket If they could transfer half of that to me... I would be already "post ISO". XD
  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 589 Critical Contributor
    Glad you’re getting some enjoyment from Wasp, the thought of spending an hour clearing CL7 using match damage alone makes me wince but to each his own 😂.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards
    She is one of the only ones left who has yet to be boosted so your time will be coming shortly!
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rod5 said:
    Glad you’re getting some enjoyment from Wasp, the thought of spending an hour clearing CL7 using match damage alone makes me wince but to each his own 😂.

    He was being warned. All I will say is that this guy has a deep love with the game, adressing an insane amount of time to complete pve conscientiously.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    @Bad Explain further please.

    My Wasp is doing 2613/1886/1635 match damage with a 2* Gauntlet support. Yelene is close enough with radio communicator. So with them i can just breeze with SCL 7 health pools.
    I did some SCL 8 events so I know that I can do it safely, just started the testing how fast I can go when Yelena is NOT boosted. Propably doable with similar amount of time.

    BTW I do 6 clears. So the non optimal way. All clears whithin 1h. Not 4.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the idea is that you could be using other "better" 5*s that do aoe passive damage to get through SCL7 in no time at all. For me, my fastest clear team I usually run has been: Rocket/Juggernaut/Gamora for easy nodes, they can win those in a single swipe even in SL10 so it is impossible to do that any faster, and then I switch to Okoye/Ghostpool/iHulk for the remainder of clears and do very high passive damage in addition to that high basic match damage. It takes me about the same amount of time you are saying for SCL7 for me to do 4x clears of all nodes in SCL10 (4x clears is all you need to get all the node rewards and way more than you need to hit full progression in 10), so I imagine that I could probably get through 7 in 1/3 of that time if not faster. I dont' play for placement so the reduction in progression rewards isn't worth the tradeoff to me or I'd attempt it.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2021
    If I would like to do it faster way, I would not chase Wasp. Etc.
    I did it on 1h cause I was doing 4 things in same time: eating, watching and browsing the internet. And Animation were on. And more, no 4e and 5e. t was on purpose to test the limits. If the slug mode is 1h then ya know: what will be when I will speed it? Can I slug or only speed? I quitted the game cause of time commitment so... that is important factor.  So no wi know: i can watch a movie/2 episodes of my show and finish the clears before I finish watching.

    Also: Sluggish mode on SLC 8, all nodes is 70 minutes. So far. Perfect for me. Especially when thats mean top 100. Top 100 on sluggish mode. Perfect.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Look at the video posted in sang-chi. It's scl10 CN. Look at those health pools. Will you be able to complete that some day with your team? Even if you stop watching movies or eating at the same time. Hint: never.
    In this game the player himself is in continuous progress. Chasing wasp you settled your ceiling room.
    Me and others players warned you on this thread, though. 
    At least I'm glad you are still enjoying the game after all this time.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2021
    True. I am just regular off meta player, who did skipped following just what is best and added enjoyment. I choosed slower progress over chasing the rabbit. I, consciously, has choosed that. I choosed Wasp over Hulkoye, Thorkoye, Whateverkoye. Over Grockenaut. Over Whatever. Sure, I know that sometimes I just HAVE TO use something better. Sometimes Even I use meta teams.
    I love Wasp, but that do not equal to trying to beat everything with her. Life is brutal and full of traps and kicks in the place, when back looses ts noble name.
    This thread is not to prove "Wasp is best" but "Wasp CAN be used with success to some degree". Can ya beat SCL 10 with her? Nah. Can ya do 75 wins with on PVP? Sure. Can you build a decent team woth her? Sure - I did that! Is that team... etc.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    I am a dreamer but not the only one.