Adventures with 5* Wasp.



  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2021
    @sambrookjm What is you Wasp's unboosted lv?
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mr_F said:
    @sambrookjm What is you Wasp's unboosted lv?
    LVL 451, at 5/3/5.  The only time I had her as a target was when she was 50 shards short of being champed, and I was pulling from one of the new character stores.  51 shards later, she was champed.  The rest of the time was just dumb luck for getting her covers.

    Her Call normally does 6969 damage.  With a little bit of help from Okoye's boost (3626 per Team Up * 30 AP), it did 115,749 damage.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    Your calculation is off. Mine is same lv and build, so boosted damage is 17k 437. The rest is from Okoye.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mr_F said:
    Your calculation is off. Mine is same lv and build, so boosted damage is 17k 437. The rest is from Okoye.
    You're right.  The 6969 is the unboosted damage.
  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mr_F said:
    Your calculation is off. Mine is same lv and build, so boosted damage is 17k 437. The rest is from Okoye.
    You're right.  The 6969 is the unboosted damage.
    Nice nice.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2021

    (Late) Weekly update.


    ALL Caps: I runned Wasp/Peggy/Yelena. If I correctly remember, I finished top 200 with over 500 pts and 36 easy wins. 

    WEB 2.0: Peggy replaced by featured Miles. Few fight with Storm in place of Yelena. Fun event, I did 33 wins and 205 with 383 pts. People chased Ultron’s shards so I let them. Also I have Wiccan ready go be championed So I did not carred that much. Okoye was in the end skippable: too much health and I was damaged too badly so health packs was drained. Same with BB. I can win but it required in the end 1-2 health packs. I need more 3rd wheels.

    PEACE IN OUR TIME: did get 625 pst/19 wins rewards so I did minimum. Now people are hitting me back. ^_^ Will wait and try to get more rewards/keep 500+pts.

    Stone Season: already finished Simulator. Got today 1600 pts rewards so basically I got my regular season rewards minimum.

    Overall: not bad But I have to care for health packs as those are bringing me down on how much I can play here.

    PVE: in next update.


    Goals progress:

    • Total 5* champion till the year end: 1/5 (Wasp/ Yelena, Storm, Professor X, Electro)
    • Current sharget 4*: Red Guradian lv 281. My Yelena is up to 5/3/3 and 420 lv.
    • Current shargeted 5*: prof. X, 462 shards. So soon a sharded cover.
    • Electro status (She is on LL so…): 3/1/2 lv 345, 350 shards. No luck in LL with her.
    • 4* Champion progess: 80/116. Next three to champ: Grocket into Spider-Ham into Infinity Spidey.
    • Max 3* Champion progress: 4/47. Working on Doc Ock now.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Could you test out IM40/Shuri/5* Wasp and play them in this order:

    Note: The build for all of them is 5/3/5.

    1) Gather 8 red aps and 6 yellow aps.
    2) Fire Shuri's red followed IM40's yellow, preferably when his yellow cd can't be destroyed or matched. Hopefully, at least 4 cds went off successfuly.
    3) Make sure you have either 9 black aps or 27 blue aps. (IM40 can give you 24 blue aps if all went off successfully)
    4) Fire Shuri's red once.
    5) Fire Wasp's blue 6 times (That's the max anyway)
    6) Fire Shuri's red to fortify Wasp's cds and her green to stun enemies.
    7) Fire her red again, if necessary.
    8) wait for Wasp's cds to countdown.
    9) Fire Wasp's blue or black power to explode the board.

    If my Wasp is at least 4/0/1, I would do it myself.  :D I like tile destruction abilities a lot. So, I think hers would be pretty cool. That's up to 60 tiles destroyed if everything goes well.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2021
    @HoundofShadow My Shuri is not Champed yet... Waiting for ISO... I will try when i champ her. She is 11th on the list but I can move her up. Also my IM is kinda low on champ level.
    As soon as I get her champed I will try to find a place to try it. Maybe even record it.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    Could you test out IM40/Shuri/5* Wasp and play them in this order:

    Note: The build for all of them is 5/3/5.

    1) Gather 8 red aps and 6 yellow aps.
    2) Fire Shuri's red followed IM40's yellow, preferably when his yellow cd can't be destroyed or matched. Hopefully, at least 4 cds went off successfuly.
    3) Make sure you have either 9 black aps or 27 blue aps. (IM40 can give you 24 blue aps if all went off successfully)
    4) Fire Shuri's red once.
    5) Fire Wasp's blue 6 times (That's the max anyway)
    6) Fire Shuri's red to fortify Wasp's cds and her green to stun enemies.
    7) Fire her red again, if necessary.
    8) wait for Wasp's cds to countdown.
    9) Fire Wasp's blue or black power to explode the board.

    If my Wasp is at least 4/0/1, I would do it myself.  :D I like tile destruction abilities a lot. So, I think hers would be pretty cool. That's up to 60 tiles destroyed if everything goes well.

    Tried this on the last Ultron fight.  Wasp wasn't boosted, but my Shuri is (my only 4-star that's) max champed.

    It worked, although Wasp and Shuri were both almost dead by the end of the fight.  Without her boost, Wasp's Call to Swarm did about 20K damage, which still wasn't enough to take Ultron out.  The fact that Ultron couldn't be stunned certainly didn't help matters.  A few of Shuri's green finished Ultron off after Call the Swarm didn't.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    This sounds like a goon team; tile movers seem like they would easily disrupt the beginning stages of the machine. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Timing is important when firing IM40 yellow. Once it goes off, the world is yours. Shuri can stun with her green, so it's not that bad. It's not really meant for playing against only goons. IM40 and Shuri is my cheat code for spamming 6-8 ap cost blue and green powers. 

    Thanks for trying that team.  :D 20k damage is still pretty good for tile destruction based damage. If she's boosted, it's about 50k damage. 
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2021

    (Late) Weekly update.


    JET SET GO: Pretty easy. I did 600 pts + 40 wins. All Yelena/Wasp. Nova puts strike tiles and overall boost Wasp black.

    FUTURE SHOCK: Almost skipped due to not being able to win but finally I found a team of Miles/Wasp which worked and gave me the minimum of 22 wins. It worked cause I kept O'Hara alive (Wasp tanks ll of his) which allowed me to pua lot web for Miles for his purples. Best kille: 120+k from it.
    CLASS of 2020: skipping. I dont have nervs to do that.


    Both Events, the Hunt and Lost in time I did top 100. I did not had much time so I runned staple Wasp/Cage/Polaris combo or Wasp/Yelena/Proffesor. I needed faster clears for those. Top 100 is minimu every event without optimal clears. Time of clear: 90 minutes unless I am also beasy with others stuff.


    Goals progress:

    • Total 5* champion till the year end: 1/5 (Wasp/ Yelena, Storm, Professor X, Electro)
    • Current sharget 4*: Red Guradian lv 282. My Yelena is up to 5/3/3 and 420 lv.
    • Current shargeted 5*: prof. X, 10 shards. Got a cover, he is 3/3/4 now
    • Electro status (She is on LL so…): 3/1/2 lv 345, 350 shards. No luck in LL with her.
    • 4* Champion progess: 80/116. Next three to champ: Grocket into Spider-Ham into Infinity Spidey.
    • Max 3* Champion progress: 6/47. Working on Cyclops now. He shuld be today or tommorow so next is Angel.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Would be nice if she had any Rudd-verse synergy with either ant-man or Yellowjacket. I champed mine a bit ago, I managed to call the swarm several times. I wanted to utilize her invisibility to trigger Panther and/or Gargantos, but it’s yellow hungry.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2022
    Weekly Update!

    So... I DID bought some offers. Mainly for Lady Deadpool costume and than wonderful ISO from Emma offers. So I DO have both new Emma.
    And that is HUGE as that ISO made me possible to jump start into 90 4* champs, with ISO from level and flipping two 2*.
    As for PVE I jumped into SLC 8 from 7 cause my 5* are more than enough to be fast there - I am still running unoptimal clears due to time issues.
    PVP: I mainly run Wasp/Essential/SOMETHING. For SP2099 it was Miles, but for the rest Yelena or Proff. I can do fairly easy do 25 wins and got all the rewards up there. I also has managed to do 50 sim wins in prev season so I got the rewards.
    As for Emma PVP is Wasp/Proff + Fully Covered 4/5/4 Emma lv 120 (working on champing her now and respecing 5/3/5). Easy peasy as my 5* tank for Emma and her yellow tile swap setup Proff X 4/5 match damage. A lot of skipping though as BRB and Okoye and Kitty boosted does not help (a lot of meta teams so we all know).
    Sim will be thougher but still doable in meantime. I think.
    My biggest goal now is to leave ISO dept ASAP. That means to reach the moment when I can really only on daily ISO income to level up on spot everything I will get. So Currently I am champing my 3* ready to be champed and then will back to 4*.
    Expected finish... in 250 days. Lol.
    After geting shards from milestones I saw that at next level I will geet 530 shards. Sadly next next level is at 150, so it will be "only" 1 cover. Still nice.

    Goals progress:

    • Five 5* champion till the year end: My Wasp is 452 (retro rewards!), Proff X 4/4/4 (404 shards, shargeted). The rest is unchanged. I will cover Yelena and Storm through 4* so milestones shards will go to Electro and she will be next sharget.
    • Current sharget 4*: Emma to get 5* cover (need one more cover) and will back to Red Guardian (lv 292). Next is Thor.
    • 4* Champion progress: 90/130. Next three to champ: Human Torch into War Machine into Worthy Cap. I have 13 4* ready to be champed.
    • ISO DEPT (3&4* ready to be champed + 5* leveling): ~9,2M
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2022

    Wow! Forum is so active lastly! The thread went down so much!

    Going back with update.

    As for PVE, ist smooth. No problems in SCL 8. Still do not think that SCL9 is in my reach, considering my time avaiable.

    As for PVP, 3* Emma was easy. Wasp and Proff are tanking her collors, and her yellow makes easy Blue Proff proc. 5* Emma was trickier, but still was not that hard with same setup. Magneto was pain in the place when back looses it’s noble name. I was so health pack broken due to overall so much damage done to my team, I had to use Brolalis a bit to do 25 wins. It’s also due to Okoye and Kitty being boosted – lot of skippimg.

    Luckily, this week My 2/5/1 Apoc and 3/2/3 Electro can shine in PVP and PVE. I Have so many characters to use that I can not complain (from usual 2-3 I have 5 this week – without Brolasis!) Also big uprade described below.

    Goals progress:
    • Five 5* champion till the year end: My Wasp is unchanged. But lucky 50 bonus shard has forwarded my Proff to 13 covers and I had Iso stashed so he is champed! 5/5/3. Most important part is that he nows tanks Blue and Black for Wasp not the other thing around. Which changes how I will have to use them in PVP. Yelena and Storm - no upgrade. Electro is now shargeted. I dunno if I will get enough shards to champ her till new year. Back up plan is described below.

    • Current sharget 4*: Red Guardian (lv 294). 26 Covers till Yelena being champed. Next is Thor (285 lv – so 35 covers to champ Storm). The back up plan for Electro is Doc Ock. If neccesarry, I will sharget him. I hope I would not have to.

    • 4* Champion progress: 90/130. No progress. I am currently champing 3* to lower my ISO dept there. 4 more 3* left and I will left the others at 12 covers and champ them whenever I got natural cover for them.

    • ISO DEPT (3&4* ready to be champed + 5* leveling): ~10,1M. So 1M more? Yes. I have pulled some Thor and Kamala 5* covers, managed to get 2 more 4* ready to be champed… few other covers of 5* from 4* feeders... But As soon as I will get over 3*, this will speed up. Plus double ISO anniversary.

  • leviticuschom
    leviticuschom Posts: 65 Match Maker
    edited September 2022
    Had the privilege to champ Wa5p today! cannot wait to share my adventures! Looking forward to pairing her with Gargantos this week.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    @leviticuschom Wish ya luck! Give her a chance to shine a bit! Prop Shuma Gorath will do the heavy lifting but she can support him quite well.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor

    Weekly Update!

    This anniversary is huge! Not only the vault got me all 5* covers, I flipped it when nothing interesting was left and today I once again has got all 5* covers and HP (the 10 pack gave me last 3 covers that were there)! Wont be flipping again as I will not have any more HP (or money) to spend more on the vault.

    This means that mine 2/1/1 BRB and one cover SC and Kitty has grew 6 covers. Kitty grew 7, as FF got me extra one. Which is HUGE for me. I wont drop Wasp cause of that but I woint complain about covers for any 5*, be it meta or non meta one.

    PVE is as always. Either I use Wasp/Proff/Yelena (or Essential) or mix Wasp/Boosted 5*s (if I have them leveled high enough). Basically, full 5* play through. Hard nodes like 5* essential I am doing occiasionaly with Brolalis, to safe sanity and health packs. Top 100 every time, at best top 50. So, unless something new will happen, I will skip posting any info about it further as nothing new is here every week.

    As for PVP, Apocalypse (2/5/1) and Electro (3/2/3) were boosted so It was easy with them. Now my Storm (5/3/3) is boosted and I already did my wins in Dino PVP and Simulator. I skip Class 2022 to keep my sanity.

    Goals progress:

    • Five 5* champion till the year end:

      Wasp and Proff are champed. 2 Milestones get gave me enough shards to bring sharded cover for Yelena through Red Guardian, so she is 5/3/4 now. I have bought one nasty offer which gave me 500 shards so Electro is now 3/3/3. Which is good. Ten more 4* champed and she will be 10 covers. I dunno If I will be able to champ her this year but will try! Anniversary definetly helps with that.

    • Current sharget 4*: Red Guardian (lv 303). 17 Covers till Yelena being champed. Next is Thor (285 lv – so 35 covers to champ Storm).

    • 4* Champion progress: 90/130. No progress. I am currently pouring ISO into BRB and Kitty as at 10 and 8 cover respectively they will be huge upgrade to my roster*. They will be my next 5* to champ, after the above five.

    • ISO DEPT: 5* need 5 499 909 ISO, 16 ready to champ 4* need 5 941 136 and I have 4 3* left to shard and champ (637 095 ISO). Those like 15 5* covers are expensive… I propably will back to 4* champing in next week.

    * Also a hidden rule: I am leveling any 5* when I have 8+ covers for them as such makes other goals easier and/or faster.