Next Character Release Announcement (5/7/20 Release)



  • Projectus2501
    Projectus2501 Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    How will this strategy of 5* release help players in 4* land to up? I remember my 4* land time when there was the "normal" 4/4/5 releases and it was difficult already. 
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    I appreaciate the info. Be prepared for conspiranoid comments of f2p players feeling robbed for 2 consecutive 5* characters here and on Facebook page mostly thought. 
    Its great to play a boss event again, I was eager to it.
    And I understand the time and care on every decision about the game. Every little move is important nowadays. 
    Personally Im really happy hearing that info and that the game is strong despite all these circunstances that can break anything and anyone.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    [..] Given how hard it is now to cover 5*s while they are in Latests and the dilution in Classics, a faster 5* release will make it even harder for someone to even get one newer 5* cover from tokens. Someone who plays really hard (and/or spend money) could still fully cover new 5*s routinely
    I play this game way more than I'd like to admit, so I find it hard to agree with that claim. Of the last 5* releases, I only managed to champ 5* profX, and that was because I had saved CP for months. 

    Iceman: 4/1/5
    pX: championed
    Carnage: 2/5/2
    BRB: 2/4/4
    Sinister: 2/3/5
    Havok: 0/1/2
    Hulk: 0/0/1
    Yelena: not rostered

    You might be able to tell I also tried to get more covers for BRB.

    (As of this moment, I have about 18 pulls in latest saved up among tokens+CP)
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,092 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ouch. I won't be sorry to say goodbye to Sinister but I wanted a few more covers for Havok but that doesn't look likely with this release schedule. Can't hope to keep up but looks like it is time to lump it.
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2020
    just wanted to echo the whole "did you consider other options' sentiment. mainly, was it ever discussed to slow/halt the release schedule?

    there are several things this game could improve upon, including but not limited to:

    making supports easier to obtain and level up
    providing feeders for characters
    improving weaker characters (there are several candidates, you even made a thread asking for ideas once, remember?)
    speeding up the pace of play of the game, and the amount of time needed to navigate the menus
    giving dpd a bit of a refresh to reflect changes in the game
    adding a classic legends token (would help with acquiring/leveling up older 5* which is a problem still)
    adding different game modes/play styles to the game

    i'd like to think that folk who feel as though they have some control over how their roster progresses will be more apt to spend. not to mention that when people's opinions are considered and implemented they feel a bit more invested in the development of the game and then develop a better sense of goodwill and will also then be more willing to contribute financially.

    continually putting the screws to the player base is squeezing people out of the game. do you think players would be more apt to bail on this thing if there wasn't a new character every 2 weeks or if they eventually get to the point where they realize that A: they can no longer commit to keeping up with the release schedule or B: for newer players, realizing the amount of work needed to obtain and level up all the characters in the game is way too daunting so they give up?

  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    bluewolf said:
    MrPlow said:
    I doubt they'll give something back in return like a few extra weeks off from new covers.   IMO this is just them telling us to get ready for a new normal and we should be grateful that we got a heads up this time and threw in an alliance event in return.
    "This isn't the new normal"...... yet.  4 months ago people it was weird to have 3 4's in row, now it would seem weird to have 2.

    You all know the analogy of a frog in boiling water, right?  How it doesn't notice anything's really wrong if the heat slowly gets turned up, until it's suddenly too late?
    I call shenanigans. We've had 3 4's in a row a few times to adjust for shifts in the release pattern since 2017. It absolutely wasn't weird or new a few months ago. It's not common, but not so rare we wouldn't have known what was going on, either.

    You of all people should know that, being one of the forum users that tracks and records MPQ's history like that.

    I agree with the boiling a frog metaphor, but deliberately misleading people with information you should know to be false is not that, it's fear-mongering. There's plenty enough to be concerned about for this game without making up extra **** for no reason.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards

    I’m not saying we’ll go to 5/5/4 moving forwards in the near future. But I also don’t expect them to “balance the scales” by releasing 2 4s next.   I expect 454545 to continue.  This will short Havok, iHulk, and Yelena to 10 week stays. 

    The truth is that new 4s are not impacting the game much. This has been well established by now and there’s not much upside for them to make more of them when we are rapidly approaching 100 (!) in game.  So pushing out two in a row would just be met with ambivalence and shrugs from most players. 

    I also would not be surprised if eventually- maybe a year from now, or so - we are on a 5/5/4 release schedule. 
  • Jexy
    Jexy Posts: 52 Match Maker
    They're just trying to leech money out of us to pay for their other "great" mobile match-3s that they can then bleed dry, repeat ad nauseam (yeah, I barfed).
  • Reecoh
    Reecoh Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    I find it interesting that we happen to have 2 extra "legends" stores open right now in State Secrets & Cinema Legends, and the announcement was made after they were both open for a while and after, I suspect, most folks had spent what they will on them.
  • Projectus2501
    Projectus2501 Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    Everyone has their reasons to play this game. But my specific reason to play it, besides liking marvel and the game dynamics is: I can keep up with the game

    The moment I can't keep up will be the moment I will stop playing. I have 0 fun having half built chars and not even having time to learn how to play with them. 

  • Michael1957
    Michael1957 Posts: 630 Critical Contributor
    Since the character is a villain and in an affiliation , I presume he’s Sinister 6, Doc and Goblin are 5, Vulture, Kraven, Sandman and Rey Mysterio are 4s.  I’m praying for a 5* Electro !!
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    Reecoh said:
    I find it interesting that we happen to have 2 extra "legends" stores open right now in State Secrets & Cinema Legends, and the announcement was made after they were both open for a while and after, I suspect, most folks had spent what they will on them.
    It's why I don't bother with these special stores anymore. If they were releasing a bunch of garbage 5s then sure I'd pull from Yelena's store and try for more Okoye covers, but now there's no point because it's better to just hoard. Sucks for Havok though because he looked pretty fun with Kitty and BRB but now mine will probably be at seven covers forever.
  • Jexy
    Jexy Posts: 52 Match Maker
    They want us to have half covered five stars so we’ll spend to finish them. Typical freemium ****. 
  • Projectus2501
    Projectus2501 Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    Jexy said:
    They want us to have half covered five stars so we’ll spend to finish them. Typical freemium ****. 
    That would make sense if that would not meant to spend several hundreds of dollars to complete ONE char EVERY month