***** The Hulk (Immortal) *****



  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx said:
    But wymtime, JJ can be targeted first (and often is, except when she appears with bishop).  and hulk does ~3x as much damage for less red.  Plus his damage is aoe rather than targeted, which means its harder to absorb with a damage sponge like okoye or GED or DD.  I think he is a substantive step up from JJ as a pure damage character.  He is better in just about every way, with all his drawbacks coming in the form of self/team damage, which can be overcome by liberal HP spending.
    OMG after watching Thanos video I will concede.

    @Thanos have you tried DD and Doom in Sim with Hulk?  My lord he is strong and the animation of him coming back to life is awesome!!

    i would also be interested to see him with Thanos.  If he kills an opponent when being downed will he still be stunned?
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,304 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sorry, this may have been asked, but not reading through all 8 pages of posts.  I am assuming he deals the revival ally damage to invisible allies as well?  

    I imagine Vulture and 5* CM might not be a bad pair?  Send them airborne turn before he dies.  Or does he even deal team damage to airborne characters, I would bet not?
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,304 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    Let's face it, simply deny him red and he isn't much of a problem in PvP defense.  Save him for last as he has a really small health pool.  That green AoE passive doesn't really scare me in a BRB meta.  5Thor will basically deny him of red and green on the board so once again, not really scared of him.

    He may be an offensive juggernaut though on PvP if you are willing to take the team ally damage.

  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    Thanos said:
    Alright, here's a couple videos to hold y'all over. Been having trouble finding teammates for him since he keeps killing everyone and unless health packs aren't a concern, forget pairing him with a 4*.  He'll definitely be a pain to play against, especially if he gets his red off. Taking team suggestions if y'all have any.

    GED + dd?  I think they are likely the best bets to tank his self damage succesfully (against tile movers).  Okoye could do it with a yellow battery.  But there are no yellow batteries that can survive the hulk self damage.

    One thing to consider as a mitigating factor is that unlike thanos, he cannot just kill his teammates and keep on rolling.  Hulk will slaughter himself without allies.  So true healers will be very important to him.  This will limit him a bit in pvp.  I think that he will be best for those that have 500+ dds and GEDs (or OML or maybe even SS and the weaker 5* true healers).

    I still think that he is likely to be a meta for those willing to spend lots of HP on pvp, and he seems extremely likely to be the best defensive scarecrow in the game.  And whenever he is in a challenge node it will be scariest one in the game.
  • RickOShay
    RickOShay Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2020
    I wonder how efficient Doc Ock's reactor will be at giving burst health to the team?
    Cheap green to get it started, and hopefully you can soon get it to stage 2 while keeping it safe on the board. 
    With all the board activity, those match-4's will make Ock's blue hit hard to compliment Hulk's red. 
    This team needs a yellow-purple user in pick-3 if you prefer a rainbow, and DD sounds like a winner. Will he heal too often to be creating strike tiles though? 
    Seems like there could be a fun balance there. And annoying to fight, Dock is un-stunnable with a tentacle tile on the board. His black is a 1-turn stun, and it gets less expensive to fire with each tentacle. 
    True heal is superior of course, but if you get ahead on burst, it keeps your true health bar untouched.

    It's a weird and fun team that no one will be surprised to see me playing.

    Also, consider Goblin. He's a weaker health character, but he will automatically fortify Doc's repeater. He has a much better black than Ock, and his purple does good things. IHulk, Ock, & Goblin makes a scary looking team already :smile: .
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    Warbringa said:
    Let's face it, simply deny him red and he isn't much of a problem in PvP defense.  Save him for last as he has a really small health pool.  That green AoE passive doesn't really scare me in a BRB meta.  
    Denying 7 red is hard.  Especially if you are also busy denying something else or trying to down someone else quickly (like bishop or okoye)
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks thanos!  This is helpful.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    I dont think any healer will change the báttle substantially. Neither going airborne or invisible, it would be too tricky.
    Just the latest legends with large health and just endure the punishment.
    On ofense he will help but not being the mvp, for the sake of a mountain of health packs and that few healers could posibly avoid it.
    On defense he will be in a team of latest 5*, or the enemy will just down hulk for to damage all team.
    A character for to champ to any extent and he would be of great help but for to rely on him the less posible, I think.
    But ask Loki 5* for his opinion in any case.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    if iHulk is a really good scarecrow, I think the ally damage shouldn't be a problem in PvPs because fewer players will attack iHulk team, which means players can float with higher points.

    I'm excited for his PvP.
  • MadScientist
    MadScientist Posts: 317 Mover and Shaker
    Could Immortal Hulk be useful for some of the nastier challenge nodes / 5E nodes? Are there any supports that help him?
  • T_REZ5000
    T_REZ5000 Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2020
    Not really feeling this hulk.  On defense he’s basically a freebie for BRB+Kitty as they will easily neutralize his green and match dmg boost.  Not only that, he will accelerate them by giving kitty attack tiles and killing his own teammates.  If paired with GED it could be kind of annoying but nowhere near bishop or worthy levels of frustration.

    On offense he might get crazy in the right team but no way is that kind of HP expenditure worth it to me.

    He doesn’t look like he’ll be much help in challenge nodes either since he will certainly kill your team off well before those lvl 600s die.

  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Could Immortal Hulk be useful for some of the nastier challenge nodes / 5E nodes? Are there any supports that help him?
    Good question on the challenge node.  Unfortunately after watching the Thanos videos I think the answer is no.  When watching the videos I could not believe how frequently IH died and resurrected.  The issue with the challenge node is after round 4 you will be takeoff 10K match damage each turn so Hulk will die even more and that leads to 8K team damage.  IH might die 10 times in a challenge node fight doing 80K team damage.  That’s a lot.  I think their are some safer alternatives.

    from 5* in latest Legendary store I think Sinister was suppose to help with challenge nodes the most with his black trap tile.  Key word is suppose to help but I don’t think he is good enough overall
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    Could Immortal Hulk be useful for some of the nastier challenge nodes / 5E nodes? Are there any supports that help him?
    I think not, he will be dying so often that his teammates won't be able to stay alive; and without allies, hulk is actually super squishy.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    T_REZ5000 said:
    Not really feeling this hulk.  On defense he’s basically a freebie for BRB+Kitty as they will easily neutralize his green and match dmg boost.  Not only that, he will accelerate them by giving kitty attack tiles and killing his own teammates.  If paired with GED it could be kind of annoying but nowhere near bishop or worthy levels of frustration.

    On offense he might get crazy in the right team but no way is that kind of HP expenditure worth it to me.


    (emphasis added) But isn't that sort of the point?  There is tons of evidence that a small group of player WILL straight pay for pvp wins using HP (in the form healthpacks) if the best team also chews through ally health (sentry bombing, panthos, etc). 

    I think the only real question is how well his best offensive pvp pairings can deal with the stunner bros.  Okoye + IH will be really good against standard opponents, and can probably even overwhelm Kitty/BRB fairly easily with boosted aoe damage and hulk's nuke.  But I'm not sure how that team will handle something like bishop/brb, where they cannot easily collect  7 red ap (or any teamup) without proc'ing bishop. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,528 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bishop doesn't proc on AOE, does he? I think most jump-in-fronts get confused by it. He probably still gains AP from it though.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx said:
    T_REZ5000 said:
    Not really feeling this hulk.  On defense he’s basically a freebie for BRB+Kitty as they will easily neutralize his green and match dmg boost.  Not only that, he will accelerate them by giving kitty attack tiles and killing his own teammates.  If paired with GED it could be kind of annoying but nowhere near bishop or worthy levels of frustration.

    On offense he might get crazy in the right team but no way is that kind of HP expenditure worth it to me.


    (emphasis added) But isn't that sort of the point?  There is tons of evidence that a small group of player WILL straight pay for pvp wins using HP (in the form healthpacks) 
    Well, that could be true. But using some creative knowledge he could work really well on ofense.
    Like I already suggested, with loki5 and Phoenix and trying to kill them alternately.
    Now thats a funny exercise. Keep the gear on with some sacrifice lol.