***** The Hulk (Immortal) *****



  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,991 Chairperson of the Boards
    y4747 said:

    The most important question, to me, is whether his revive works if he's downed while stunned?

    would also love to know.
    Now that we know the character and powers, can this be answered, please?
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,052 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX said:
    bluewolf said:
    y4747 said:

    The most important question, to me, is whether his revive works if he's downed while stunned?

    would also love to know.
    Now that we know the character and powers, can this be answered, please?
    Hulk cares not for your Stuns, or Airbornes, or Invisibilities. He'll come back after being Downed with anything affecting him.
    That’s amazing. Thanks for answering these questions, Ice!
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    So he does at least 5.5k passive aoe damage, ~8k ally damage, and 32k for 7ap without condition.  That's all brutal (in a good way).

    He also does 17.8k self damage every time he makes a match and revives around 19k health.  So isn't he going to be cycling an awful lot? (Does his death cycle reshuffle the player team's order?  If he is in front and dies does he go to the back before reviving, this exposing a teammate?).

    I don't see him playing very for most players.  Too much self damage.  But for those willing to buy health packs, he seems like a pretty clear member of the meta.  For everyone else, he seems likely to be a terror in cl10 and on pvp defense.

    Yet another member of the "characters that require heavy healthpack usage are just better in mpq (at least when released)". The heir to sentry and thanos.
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    Another Hulk
    Self Damage 
    Own team damage. 

    No thanks , pass
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,528 Chairperson of the Boards
    @IceIX does that passive AOE stack with Wakanda Forever?
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX said:
    Kojubat said:
    IceIX said:

    What Does Kill Me -  PASSIVE
    (PASSIVE) Death is but a frequent inconvenience. Whenever the Immortal Hulk makes a match, deals 622 damage to himself. When Downed, if there are any non-Downed allies, the Immortal Hulk is revived with 4446 health, deals 1814 damage to his allies, and his base match damage is increased by 35% (up to a maximum of 210%.) (Max level 2502 self damage, 17869 revived health, 7291 ally damage)
    • Level 2: Deals 627 match damage to himself per match. Gains 39% match damage when revived. Maximum match damage increase raised to 231%. (Max level 2507 self damage)
    • Level 3: Deals 632 match damage to himself per match. Gains 42% match damage when revived. Maximum match damage increase raised to 252%. (Max level 2512 self damage)
    • Level 4: Deals 637 match damage to himself per match. Gains 49% match damage when revived. Maximum match damage increase raised to 294%. (Max level 2517 self damage)
    • Level 5: Deals 642 match damage to himself per match. Gains 63% match damage when revived. Maximum match damage increase raised to 378%. (Max level 2522 self damage)

    So... when does the revival occur in order of operations?
    1. Is it near-instant when he matches tiles, occurring immediately at the point of death, similar to how Bullseye's protect tile on a purple match will temporarily interrupt a cascade, causing later matches in the cascade to potentially be the next tier of boosted match damage?
    2. If so, will the same occur during an enemy cascade?
    3. If it occurs on the opponent's turn, can it occur multiple times from multiple matches/power usages?
    4. If it occurs on the opponent's turn, can it occur multiple times from the same power usage, such as Valkyrie's "Dragonfang Fury" or Beta Ray Bill's "Skuttlebutt!", similar to how Captain Marvel can boost strike tiles she has not actually created just yet?
    5. If it waits for the board to settle and/or powers to resolve, will it still occur on the enemy's turn, or do you have to wait until the start of Hulk's turn, like Nico's "When Blood Is Shed"?

    5. It waits for whatever the current thing affecting the board/characters is, then goes off. It doesn't matter when this happens, so it can happen on either player's turn.

    So by this I take is that if Dragonfang fury was used against him and downed him on strike 1 and then continued on to kill the last remaining character on the team with the remaining strikes that he would not revive since he waits for the current action to finish (Dragonfang fury) and when it does all characters are downed so the battle is over.

  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    edited March 2020
    @IceIX does that passive AOE stack with Wakanda Forever?
    The Green Door enemy team AoE? Yes, it stacks.
    KGB said:
    IceIX said:

    5. It waits for whatever the current thing affecting the board/characters is, then goes off. It doesn't matter when this happens, so it can happen on either player's turn.

    So by this I take is that if Dragonfang fury was used against him and downed him on strike 1 and then continued on to kill the last remaining character on the team with the remaining strikes that he would not revive since he waits for the current action to finish (Dragonfang fury) and when it does all characters are downed so the battle is over.

    Correct. The ability will see that there are no allies up at the end of the ability and not fire.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,528 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cool on that Green Door; might make an interesting juggern4ut alternative on the harder PVE nodes.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    We have DD/OML, Okoye, Doom, Gritty team being thrown around.

    Quick Immortal Hulk stats:
    HP: 40027
    Revived HP: 17869
    Ally damage: 7291
    Self Damage: 17869

    1.Green AOE: 5490, works with Okoye. RNG based unless he is paired up with someone who can put out green tiles.

    2. Black passive: Deals 642 match damage to himself per match. Gains 63% match damage when revived. Maximum match damage increase raised to 378%. (Max level 2522 self damage)

    You need 6 revives to hit the max damage boost: 63%, 126%, 189%, 252%, 315%, 378%.  It might be useful in wave nodes.

    3. Red self damage: capped at 17869
    Red damage: 32489

    It's 3/5/5 for me.

    I think Dr Doom and DD looks good, but it might not be fast. There isn't any overlapping active colour at all.

    Green: DD
    Red: Hulk
    Yellow: Dr Doom
    Blue: none
    Purple: DD
    Black: Dr Doom.

    His PvP is going to be sad because I can't activate his red quickly enough . 

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,620 Chairperson of the Boards
    He sounds like a complete nightmare - he will be ridiculous to fight once players have a few covers under their belt but get the wrong cover distribution to begin with and his red will kill the hell outta him every match. I guess Doom could help keep him alive in such situations.
  • y4747
    y4747 Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    IceIX said:
    Hulk cares not for your Stuns, or Airbornes, or Invisibilities. He'll come back after being Downed with anything affecting him.
    thanks for the answer, @IceIX ! a follow-up - what if he fires his red to win the fight, but has less health than the red self-damage (which is guaranteed after a single revive)? i assume he will stay downed at match end, because victory will proc before his black passive? if so, that'd bring some calculation to when to fire his red...

    3. Red self damage: capped at 17869
    Red damage: 32489; doesn't work with Okoye.
    why do you think his red won't work with okoye?

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I misread it.  :D
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    He is truly a monster. And he can start a new meta. Fearful on defence, and a beast on ofense, altought he is a health pack eater.
    This is another top tier character,  you will see.
    Talking about challenge nodes, take in mind no event has repeated at the moment, and we dont known if the challenges are always the same or devs will change it.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    Vhailorx said:
    So he does at least 5.5k passive aoe damage, ~8k ally damage, and 32k for 7ap without condition.  That's all brutal (in a good way).

    He also does 17.8k self damage every time he makes a match and revives around 19k health.  So isn't he going to be cycling an awful lot? (Does his death cycle reshuffle the player team's order?  If he is in front and dies does he go to the back before reviving, this exposing a teammate?).

    I don't see him playing very for most players.  Too much self damage.  But for those willing to buy health packs, he seems like a pretty clear member of the meta.  For everyone else, he seems likely to be a terror in cl10 and on pvp defense.

    Yet another member of the "characters that require heavy healthpack usage are just better in mpq (at least when released)". The heir to sentry and thanos.
    He automatically comes back to life and does more match damage to tank.  This means he will not require health packs since you want him to die in a match.  An ideal starting health is just enough to survive self damage from one enemy match.

    for the ally damage 8K is easily done in a match and is also why he will be best paired with true healers or characters that revive.  Doom, Loki, Phoenix, OML, Okoye, DD, or SS. Or characters with really high health like BRB.   For PVP you might use the loaner 3* to start off with but that will be ok below 500 points.  The 3* is normally dead weight anyway

    edited: I am also really excited about this character an how unique he is.  I also think there will be some decent teams to help avoid the health pack suck.
  • tonypq
    tonypq Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    He seems interesting and Hulk is my favorite super hero, but I had always hoped they could have fixed 5 Hulk we already had. 
  • halirin
    halirin Posts: 327 Mover and Shaker
    This character seems way too powerful. I guess we'll just need to play stunner bro teams against him and save him for last. But in general paired with DD (or anyone) he looks game-breakingly good. Like Gambit 2.0 or Gritty released before the counters. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,528 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm wondering what the maximum green-on-the-board team for him is going to be. 5torm at the all 5* tier? Profe$$or X only adds 1 to the board on his purple, but the passive cascade potential is probably not to be ignored here. 

    He only makes and destroys Basic greens, so somebody that parks SAPS on them to keep them alive won't be useful. Since he is Hulk (Immortal), he locks out the rest of the green-producing hulks like TA hulk and Banner. Shuri may be a good choice, since empty fortifications could help them stay on the board, and she can burn the green with a stun if it ends up accrued. I'd probably experiment with Okoye/Shuri in pve, see how that feels on challenge nodes and the hard nodes.
  • MackDan1
    MackDan1 Posts: 107 Tile Toppler
    Are we going to have an Alliance event with tokens for Gods and Monsters? Some of us miss the change of pace.