*** Spider-Man (Classic) ***



  • Unknown
    edited May 2014
    How fair is it that I have my Black Widow maxed and need Spider-Man to stall while she picks up useless, damage-free greens on the way to her overpriced sniper attack.

    The spidey nerf has been known for 4 months now. So, yes it is fair.

    Also, you should have been running with Hulk or another green damage dealer (Ares, Thor, etc) to take advantage of all those green matches you are making during a match. Also, exclusively running on the desert environment to boost green AP collection.
  • Toxicadam wrote:

    The spidey nerf has been known for 4 months now. So, yes it is fair.

    Also, you should have been running with Hulk or another green damage dealer (Ares, Thor, etc) to take advantage of all those green matches you are making during a match. Also, exclusively running on the desert environment.

    Known to whom ? I heard about spidey nerf few weeks ago for the first time. And yes, I do not read the whole forum. Whatever is the truth, I have invested in spidey 4 months ago, does it mean he's out of the warranty ?
  • Yeah, the devs made several posts and one dedicated post on who they are changing....next should be a buff to xforce wolvie, a nerf to c.mags, a buff to m.hawkeye on the list.
  • griller wrote:
    Known to whom ? I heard about spidey nerf few weeks ago for the first time. And yes, I do not read the whole forum. Whatever is the truth, I have invested in spidey 4 months ago, does it mean he's out of the warranty ?

    Almost any time someone mentions Spidey on here for the past 3-4 months it's about his impending nerf. If you type Spider+nerf in the search you will literally find dozens of threads about it in general. Some have been closed because of duplicate discussions running at the same time.

    It's also why the devs haven't offered Spidey as a PvP/PvE reward since then.
  • Yeah, the devs made several posts and one dedicated post on who they are changing....next should be a buff to xforce wolvie, a nerf to c.mags, a buff to m.hawkeye on the list.

    Yeah, heard about C.Mags and this is my third important investment. So they are finally going to destroy everything I have. Thanks for mentioning that, if I was not 100% sure about quitting this game, now I am.
  • griller wrote:
    Yeah, heard about C.Mags and this is my third important investment. So they are finally going to destroy everything I have. Thanks for mentioning that, if I was not 100% sure about quitting this game, now I am.

    Good. More rewards for me and less whining I have to read on the forums.
  • Toxicadam wrote:

    The spidey nerf has been known for 4 months now. So, yes it is fair.

    Also, you should have been running with Hulk or another green damage dealer (Ares, Thor, etc) to take advantage of all those green matches you are making during a match. Also, exclusively running on the desert environment to boost green AP collection.

    The Spidey nerf has been known here, but here is the equivalent of a locked filing cabinet in a disused lavatory with a sign reading, "Beware of the Leopard." You know, the display department. As for the rest of us, the announcement came this morning.

    And it's all fine to say that you should always use a specific three characters but they don't always let you choose all three, do they? And as for only playing jungle levels, good luck there.
  • Phaserhawk wrote:
    After this last Daken tournament, I for one will be glad to see the webslinger put to rest. While I don't like what they did for his nerf, as I think this character really needed a redesign, I was losing to teams with barely covered 3*'s 1* and 2* as primary team and they had one 3*, at 141 and yup, that would be spiderman, and I was consistently losing to these teams with a maxed out LT and Hood. But the only reason they were competitive was Spiderman, so yes he is a problem, that being said, I still think d3 went the wrong way with him by just nerfing him across the board, i really hope this is a nerf to fix the current problem of being overpowered and at least making him semi-playable while they rework him to something else, I know that's not gonna happen, but it helps me sleep at night.
    Now that Spidey has been turned into Bag-Man 2, the OPness of LT and possibly LD teams will be felt that much more. Once D3 nerfs CMags, the power creep will be complete
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    griller wrote:
    Honestly, I can't imagine, how can I survive a 395 level PVE enemies without the 2AP stun. These enemies have so high hp (20 000), that it is impossible to kill them before they kill me, it's just simple math. 5AP stun for max 3 turns is called a less significant change ? This is the most important change which by my opinion makes spiderman almost useless for >200 lvl enemies. For me this is definitely the last drop and I quit this game. Not just nobody cares the European players, where most tournaments end 6am and to be successful, you simply must play last few hours, but this is the 2-nd time I have invested in character which is later made almost useless. Knowing that in advance I would invest in something else. Dear developers, if you break the agreement (you offer abilities, I purchase, you change it), you should return the investment made as it works in the whole civilized world. If you sell me anything, and later you remotely change it's functionality, you have to accept the return of equipment and return the money. Somehow I survived this approach in case of thor, but now, which character should I invest in ? Clearly not the strongest one as you permanently destroy investments made in strongest characters. I consider that highly unserious.

    If you were relying solely on spidey to get you that high than you were way in over your head and it was players like you abusing the system that they had to go to the 400 cap. While D3 is to blame, you along with many other players decided to invest in the most effecient and easiest way to get to the top, I don't blame you, but if Spider-man was the only reason you were getting that high and can't because he's not as good anymore, your collection is past its effectiveness of what it can do and you see how obviously broken Spider-man was because you said there was no way you could beat those guys without him, translation "I abused Spider-man because I could and got really far in tourney's and such, that the rest of my collection had no place in being" Look at it this way, how many covers, ISO, and HP did all those months of abusing Spider-man get you? I'm guessing quite abit, so I think all of the players looking for refunds should also refund back the covers, ISO, and HP they got because of Spider-Man. What? no one likes that? Well I guess D3 is looking at it the same way, you still have Spiderman, he's still playable, albeit nowhere near as powerful and you keep all the stuff you abused him to get and we call it even.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lyrian wrote:

    The funbalance message is up on the news page of the game. Likely, the change will occur tomorrow afternoon, once the Season closes.

    Or, you know, exactly 42 minutes or so before the end of it, leading to massive server downtime that prevents anyone from playing for the last hour of the Versus/Season events. icon_lol.gif
    42 minutes? hasn't it consistently been 2 hours?
  • D3 are you looking at this thread?????

    I hope so.

    I really dont think you can go live with these changes as is. The community is very much in flux over them. These aren't minor nerfs to bring him in line. You are killing a character people spent real money and lots of time on.
  • I was there once...I ran a 5/5 rags when he was a god among men. It was cheap, exploitable and I used it to win many lighting rounds. If there are ways to beat the system....people will ALWAYS find ways to try to make it easier and more efficient. Everything that either can cause an infinite loop or was so cheap it was nearly infinite fell directly into that category...meaning Rags, Spidey and C. Mags will definitely face changes. I think i learned my lesson and expanded to other characters but point being...if there is a way to do it easier, people will do it.
  • bonebreak wrote:
    D3 are you looking at this thread?????

    I hope so.

    I really dont think you can go live with these changes as is. The community is very much in flux over them. These aren't minor nerfs to bring him in line. You are killing a character people spent real money and lots of time on.

    They HAVE to change spidey. I dont think people are as against this change as with other big issues. I wish they found a way to make him as effective as hood (without breaking the game) but that's the way it goes.

    Dont get me wrong, I wish spidey would stay as-is but I just want to continue to do efficient prologue healing which conflicts with the monetization model of the game.
  • Twysta wrote:

    Can I ask what situations those would be? icon_mrgreen.gif

  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    davecazz wrote:
    I just want to continue to do efficient prologue healing which conflicts with the monetization model of the game.

    That's a shame. I want to keep using him because he's my favourite Marvel character. And I'm sure there are a LOT of fans of his out there who feel the same.

    I couldn't give a toss about his healing abilities. I love the character, and they're nerfing him beyond the point where he's a worthwhile addition to any line-up.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I couldn't give a toss about his healing abilities. I love the character, and they're nerfing him beyond the point where he's a worthwhile addition to any line-up.
    Hey now, Spider-Man is always using his web shooters in the comics to heal people, right? That's an essential part of the character!
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    bonebreak wrote:
    D3 are you looking at this thread?????

    I hope so..

    The answer is no and we all know it.

    To be honest I don't know why this thread was created. These changes are happening no matter what anybody here says or how angry they get.

    The only thing that jas gotten me riled on this subject is that after 4 months of thinking, design and testing the best they can come up with is a 3* Bag Man. Surely they have enough knowledge of how the game works to keep one of the most used characters still useable even if it meant a complete reworking of all of Spideys abilities. After all there is an entire forum full of ideas at their disposal.
  • Linkster79 wrote:
    Surely they have enough knowledge of how the game works to keep one of the most used characters still useable even if it meant a complete reworking of all of Spideys abilities. After all there is an entire forum full of ideas at their disposal.

    IMO all of the game state suggests the devs do not play the game -- like at all, or just seconds apiece. If nothing else, the UI would be quite different if a developer guy actually played through some PVP and PVE events for a win or T5 placement.
  • WilsonFisk
    WilsonFisk Posts: 365 Mover and Shaker
    I just pulled a yellow Spidey from a standard token. Normally I'm pretty excited anytime I get a 3* from a standard. This felt more like an insult.
  • After losing 3 matches in a row in LR against Spiderman's blue I can say with certainty I am a strong supporter of the change. I won't care even if the change nerf him to hell. I don't want to play against another Spiderman who can stunlock my entire team for 4-5 turns even if it means I have 1 less hero to use. His design was flawed from the start and they took too long to nerf him. So good riddance.


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