Sinister 600 Poll: How do you like this event?



  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    Hate it!!
    Super grindy compared to other boss events- I like the variety of enemies though

    Doesn't beat my favorite Boss even, Sinister 6
  • moss04
    moss04 Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
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    The play of the event seems fine, but the rewards stink
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Love it!!
    Loving the new skins, even if it's only on the opponents. New AI skins alone will keep this game fresh for me for a while longer.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hate it!!
    Loving the new skins, even if it's only on the opponents. New AI skins alone will keep this game fresh for me for a while longer.
    Coming soon to costumes near you!
  • wait182
    wait182 Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
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    Good story, bad rewards. If you lack a character, you can not get the rewards. The whole team must have the same level. There are no heroes points. They are literally 4 days lost with this alliance event.
  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 984 Critical Contributor
    Love it!!
    I like more than I dislike. And in the end, while it's not perfect, it is new gameplay that we've been asking for and should be commended.

    Am very glad to have had Ock and Domino rostered (even if they were mostly dead weight on their nodes), but am most glad that I knew to not even try Deadly. Hard felt just right for my roster. It made me play at my sharpest but didn't drain my resources or time more than I felt was reasonable. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2018
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    Pro: plays like i always play PVE but has a boss node on it
    Con: i have a lazy alliance that won't play these raids, so i get way less for my trouble than a standard PVE would offer a single player
    Flavor: I was completely caught off guard by how difficult the Deadly node was in this one. I couldn't get a single win on the Octopus and Domino nodes, but i didn't get to them until just before the sub reset today when I was out of health

    I definitely prefer this to places of power, because I like the boss nodes. This is basically how I play every PVE event, except the rewards i'd get playing any standard story event by myself are way better than the rewards I get when you lock them out behind alliance-play. My alliance seems to hate these, so on a good day we have 7 people actively playing this. We can play on Medium and get a couple 2*s and a token every day, when a "normal" pvp would pay out way better for me playing on SCL8 to progression the way I do.
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,791 Chairperson of the Boards
    Love it!!
    Want to change love it to hate it. Found out it's red nebula all the way. Considering the new releases are so weighted on the bottom colour and I usually end up with new releases at 0/2/5 I think this sucks monkey thingies.

    I like that it's harder though.

  • St_Bernadus
    St_Bernadus Posts: 631 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2018
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    Like lots about the event but the fly in the ointment (though I'd like nicer rewards, that hasn't really bothered me) is that it feels like we were misled, Deadly in Places of Power was eminently doable by a 4 star roster, so the expectation was that would be true here too. And it really was not, this was a 5-star node. Playing on Hard on Day 2 has been a lot more enjoyable.
    The kicker is that personal progression is so tight that missing out on points on Day 1 can mean you won't reach full progression. (I did, out of stubbornness and of a need to shed some Deadpool points...)
  • Leela_27
    Leela_27 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
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    The structure is fine. What's not fine is the lack of information in how to best approach it.
    My alliance decided to try to split evenly between Deadly and Hard as much as possible (with newer rosters going lower) but it turns out that'll get us nothing.

    You need 14 people in an area all hitting every node for max points to get the full progress every day. Why wasn't that communicated? Same problem as last time, it's made out like you can get a ton of rewards, but it's just PvE with a ball and chain on your ankle.

    Sure, the lack of needing to do 7 clears a day helps, but if you don't know how to co-ordinate your alliance because there's a lack of information in how the points are structures, how can we make informed decisions?
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2018
    Hate it!!
    For Places of Power I played on deadly for three of the four days. I'm a 4* player and it was fairly challenging for me but not over the top. On the last sub I cleared everything in an hour. For S600 I'm playing on hard and I would agree with others that it is definitely a slog. I ran through it with Grocket, Kitty and 3* Fist on almost every node and it still took me two hours to complete.

     As one of the more outspoken supporters of progression only pve events I honestly don't like how these raid events are setup. They are way too confusing on what is required to get alliance sub rewards, not to mention that the rewards are pretty weak (for S600 anyway) and subs must be played daily otherwise your alliance gets screwed over if someone is unable to complete their clears.

     These events need to be setup more like the gauntlet where the completion of the final node on a sub unlocks the next sub. And you would have the entire event to complete everything. AND you could replay nodes after you cleared them.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
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    Having played Deadly yesterday, and Hard today, I have to say that I actually enjoyed playing Deadly more. But the rewards are nowhere near what they should be for that kind of work. Crank up the rewards, don't make Full Progression require near perfect Alliance coordination, and this could be pretty awesome.
    Oh, it was also nice to not have to be the bad guys today, since the Hard sub was the Lady Hydra one instead of Osborn's Last Stand.
  • lakantanz
    lakantanz Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
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    Found hard to allow for weaker rosters in the alliance very much easier than deadly.

    An event like this seems to be an excellent way to offer earnt in game costumes.  I mean, seriously who would pay for doc Oct or goblin skins, but a completion on deadly would incentivize it.

    While I may be being optimistic I hope supports and costumes will leave the "get by buying" approach in 2019.
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    As I mentioned in the other thread, once you're in the sub I actually like the design. We're fighting some different teams from usual, there's a nice spread of normal/required/wave nodes and then something new and different with the one-on-ones at the end, and the difficulty actually presents some kind of challenge. I understand that people with 4* rosters who were expecting to complete Deadly are annoyed, but for a 5* roster they've actually come up with some stuff that's interesting to play and requires an occasinal modicum of thought (at least for 450-460 5*s. I'd assume the whales at 550 are still walking it). If you were building a non-timed sub for 5* rosters, you'd need it to be hard to be anything other than a completely mindless grind (like the incredibly tedious Places of Power was). When youre not even fighting to push through it as quickly as possible, something else has to present the challenge.

    All of that said, the other stuff around it is a mess. The information provided to players for this game continues to be a joke, and - ridiculously - something that was way better years ago. It's not just for this event, but the way characters or events are often up in the game before we hear about them here, or the complete lack of response to most questions. They just don't really seem to give a damn about their player-base, which is a shame. The rewards in this event are poor, even compared to a normal alliance event (and highlighted by the difference from Places of Power, even if that was a special anniversary one-off). For no obvious reason they've made personal progression really tight, so that without a 5* Doc Oc rostered you appear to be screwed. Bizarre when you consider that people who play other alliance events through to the end for the node rewards end often up with two or three times the final progression target.

    So yeah, some good, but there's been too much bad around it. Run this again with more info beforehand and less forced/contrived organisation, and a better reward structure, and I think it could be fun. Or just turn it into the standard PvE it almost looks like. It's already much better than something like Honor Among Thieves, one of the more recent PvE designs.
  • cschwinge
    cschwinge Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    Hate it!!
    The rewards are terrible for mid-range alliances. 14 people doing full clears? The difficulty of Deadly was way to high (compared to other alliance events), so the first day had us without any real rewards because of how tough Deadly is. We'll see if we can scrape together enough people to complete Hard

    The 24-hour structure is pretty nice
  • Reecoh
    Reecoh Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
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    Like many others I'm enjoying the format of the event. No timers, set start & times, pick your difficulty each day - all geat IMO.

    However the rewards are lacking for the effort required and the reward structure seems backwards to me. With the current format I feel like I need to play in the hard pool to help ensure the alliance clears rewards there even though I'd rather be playing in deadly with my roster. And part of the frustration is that you can't just say 14 is enough, because not everyone will be able to clear all of the points. I believe an event shouldn't incentivize players to play below their abilities, but this totally is and may also punish an alliance if the players don't downgrade. I imagine alliances with broad ranges of roster strengths are going to really get hosed in the alliance rewards in this event.

    I 'd think a system where the alliance points accumulate across the entire event and give the same rewards for all with the progression being daily and determined by the difficulty would be better. That way, if you decide your roster needs to move down or up the difficulty scale it won't hurt the alliance's overall progress.

  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sorry.  I should have done a “Meh” option. Didn’t think of it. 
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2018
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    For me personally, it's a breeze. The only 'challenge' presented in Deadly was not dying of boredom irl while going through all the health in all the nodes. Didn't lose once. But, y'know, I'm in first world mpq with the better 5*s champed, America, etc. So... who cares. Nothing's going to be a challenge there.

    Really unimpressed with the lack of upfront information though. As ever, it's the communication aspect that lets this game down and makes it difficult to coordinate in a global game with players from many, many different time zones. I really can't fathom why they withhold so much information before events like this begin. Anywho.

    Also, needing a very, very old 5* as an essential in Hard is just tinykitty'd, imo. Fully understand it for deadly, but geez.

    The very, very minimal window of leeway for points needed in order to obtain the final personal progression reward is also really harsh. 

    On the plus side, they did at least add a way to see who's in what area, which is helpful.
  • Lemmik
    Lemmik Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
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    I like having something new.  i dislike the lack of proper communication. No where did I see that the points for a zone were going to go back to zero each day.  It said the missions would rotate but said nothing about the score.  My group screwed themselves by 1/2 going for hard and 1/2 going for difficult so we ere immediately ruled out of getting a 4* characters.  i thought with there being 4 days the points accumulated so if you were good you could finish all the zones over the event.  Next time the group knows we all hit hard everyday the best we can so we get 4, 4* also hate because the first day I could not spend enough time to clear everything I now cannot get the kingpin pack token as there is now no way to get enough points for it.  Big zero there the best thing about the group events is normally we finish them up Friday night and we get the weekend off playing so hard.