The Battle of Who Could Care Less



  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2018
    She's definitely not a solo killer, but i think she's interesting to play. I'm also still interested in Ghost Rider for my personal roster, but i have quite a few "better" options available to me at the moment. Right now I have (from left to right in my roster, i guess based on current iso level):

    13+ covers:
    Lady Thor
    ghost rider
    kid nova
    professor x

    At 12 covers I have:

    I have a bunch more at 10-11, notably Iceman and Teen Jean; I think i'm still going to let Shield Training dictate who I bring up to 209, and on the 5* release weeks I'll see if i can manage to champ somebody.
  • Roland113
    Roland113 Posts: 298 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2018
    I'll be honest, from your list, Wasp and Nova are two of my favorites.

    I've got six at the 13 cover mark:

    Mockingbird - 212
    Punisher - 212
    Invisible Woman -211
    Mr. Fanastic

    and a bunch at 10 or more (meaning I can get them to 209)
    Meh Hulk - 210
    Iceman - 210
    Kate - 210
    TA Hulk - 209
    Moon Knight
    Prof X
    Iron Spidy

    The ones with the levels filled in are already where they need to be, I've actually got categories.

    Level 212 - Have 13 covers, want to champ them
    Level 211 - Have 13 covers, not a priority for champing
    Level 210 - have 10-12 covers, want to champ them
    Level 209 - Have 10-12 covers, not a priority for champing

    My plan is to get everyone to their prospective levels and then start champing the 212's then the 211's.
  • monsieurmojo
    monsieurmojo Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    Ghost Rider 4*
    Road Warrior, you have some really good ones in there. Peggy, Thor, Wasp, and Nova would be must-haves for me (in that order). Peggy and Thor, boosted, will completely wreck opposing teams when boosted (especially with a bit of help from Battery Man). Wasp is part of my favorite-ever 4* squad with Carol and Luke Cage. Nova is really fun, too: think of him like Iceman Lite.
  • heybub
    heybub Posts: 293 Mover and Shaker
    Ghost Rider 4*
    Roland113 said:
    heybub said:
    Neither, save the iso for someone who matters.
    Yeah, sorry, the answer turned out to be both.  Now we've just pretty much been discussing 4 star leveling strategies for the last few pages and how awesome champed Electra is (ok, awesome may be an exaggeration, maybe 'situationally decent?')
    yeah, I just read the title and then lost interest...shouldn't 4* suckiness in general be moved to a separate post?
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    I cannot stress enough how good Riri is now, especially if you run her with Vulture.
  • Roland113
    Roland113 Posts: 298 Mover and Shaker
    DAZ0273 said:
    I cannot stress enough how good Riri is now, especially if you run her with Vulture.
    This is seconded.  Riri and Vulture are lights out.

    Also, I think Gwenpool gets a bad rap cause she's a little difficult to work.  In my mind, she's top tier as well.  She is one of the 4*'s that I use even when she isn't boosted.  Her board control has changed the swing of Ultron events for me.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    Roland113 said:
    DAZ0273 said:
    I cannot stress enough how good Riri is now, especially if you run her with Vulture.
    This is seconded.  Riri and Vulture are lights out.

    Also, I think Gwenpool gets a bad rap cause she's a little difficult to work.  In my mind, she's top tier as well.  She is one of the 4*'s that I use even when she isn't boosted.  Her board control has changed the swing of Ultron events for me.
    I really like Gwenpool. Her black can be a little difficult but her other two powers are fun and can hit very hard and of course the board control is also very useful.
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,249 Chairperson of the Boards

    Obligatory repost of Gwenpool's cheat codes from her character thread.  The only code I ever use is 149 cause it's the easy to remember, and causes the most damage.  

    She is a beast when boosted (who isn't), but that green when boosted, it's like Val's red on steroids.  Although sometimes it's like Moonies green where it'll randomly hit the person you don't want it to hit  :D

    With Carol teams, and just in general, Ant-Man is very underrated.   

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for the advice y'all. I have a few ideas about what order I'd like to champ them based on my current list of existing champs and the teams I like to play. I feel obligated to champ Peggy fairly soon, but I've been wanting run a Mordo/Lockjaw/Lady Thor team for the longest time - I feel like that team would be awesome. Transitioning from covers and iso being a bottleneck to a pure iso-bottleneck is an interesting new status quo for me lol. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    Peggy is good - her stun with the damage attached is great but of course it doesn't work on last man standing. She is a bit vulnerable to the likes of Rocket & Groot in terms of her yellow unless you can hide her at the back as she can take a little while to get going without an AP feeder and if she is taking the damage then you'll lose the increased enemy AP cost. Boosted though, she is scary.
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,249 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2018
    I'm surprised Brigby or Ducky hasn't closed this thread yet for morphing into a clubhouse for the cool kids  ;)

    I guess Roland's vague title name isn't on their radar... or they love them come BF5  B)

    Re: Peggy, just focus on one enemy you want to take down. When you have enough AP or can match damage them to death, then fire blue, take out the weakling, and just sit back and watch :).  You can also bring Drax along, to add some countdown damage.  

    Hmmm, just thought of this, you could run Peggy with Shuri/BP.  Once you get BP yellow out and running a few times or Shuri's red, that lowers your AP cost, then you can lower Peggy's blue to double cast and stun the whole team.  Instead of BP, you could bring Blonde Widow (still trying to find a use for her... all i know is that when the AI ran her in an event, my team got slaughtered, wish i could remember what team the AI was running during whatever event that was...when i use her, she's meh...).  With BW and Shuri, you can get Peggy's blue down to 5 AP... also, once Peggy's countdowns are out, you can fire Shuri's red to fortify them just in case you still have a tile mover on the other side... plus with BW over BP, you potentially have more blue tiles open for countdowns due to BP spamming fortified specials on all colors... 

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2018
    I have run Peggy/Shuri/IM40 and Peggy/Shuri/P4nther. Both teams are monsters, even with a lvl 171 Peggy in between them. I too find Bl4ck Widow utterly useless and bottom tier, but I've seen 5* players talk about her like she's great so I must not be doing something right.

    with the first, you get Recharge on the board, then fire off Vibranium Virtuoso 2X. then you stun lock the rest of the team with Peggy and let nature take its course as the countdowns tick down doing mega-damage, and creating cascading fortification matches. You just need to be careful because all those countdowns will remove the fortified tiles when they expire, so you might drop out of the Shuri State without realizing it. 

    With the second, you just do the same thing, except without the acceleration. You have a bit more overlap with P4nther and Peggy there, but if you get P4nther's yellow on the board it helps to have a tile that is constantly spewing out fortified specials. I prefer this team with Main Event in the middle though, because Gamma Powerbomb as often as not will fill up some otherwise empty fortified tiles with criticals that will double dip, and his Grand Entrance set to 5 covers will pretty consistently make some good matches for you that are probably fortified tiles, and possibly fortified defense tiles.
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,249 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for the advice y'all. I have a few ideas about what order I'd like to champ them based on my current list of existing champs and the teams I like to play. I feel obligated to champ Peggy fairly soon, but I've been wanting run a Mordo/Lockjaw/Lady Thor team for the longest time - I feel like that team would be awesome. Transitioning from covers and iso being a bottleneck to a pure iso-bottleneck is an interesting new status quo for me lol. 
    I really want to like Lockjaw (who's a good boy???), but he's not very good.  The only decent team I can think of is Carnage/Kraven/Lockjaw, but with Carnage and Kraven, Nico or Medusa are far better partners.  In your team, the only thing he brings to the table is passive damage from charged tiles.  In theory he's a meat shield, but you'll burn through healthpacks with him.  Even though he has high HP, he is one of the slowest healers around.  I've had dead champed 4* get revived and back to full strength before an undead Lockjaw got back to full health.  I like Mordo, he's a powerhouse if used correctly.  Thoress kills it too, but she's much better with an accelerator, that's why you see her with IM40 all the time.  But, once she gets rolling, the other team is toast...
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2018
    Mordo brings black charge spam for 8 black with good damage on blue with +2 charge tiles and an active purple that slays, Lockjaw has multi-color charge spam on green with a yellow passive and a situational blue, and Lady Thor has an uncapped charge-tile based nuke on red, an active AOE on yellow that can do a little enemy tile spam to charge tile conversion, and a stun on blue that creates charge tiles. This team should be a single-target damage nightmare factory. For this team, I'd probably try and get Lockjaw's green going first to help accelerate AP acquisition for the other powers, but most of these powers are just 2-matches away.

    As for Lockjaw generally: my anti-rocket team is Medusa/Lockjaw/Kraven, mostly because i think it's embarrassing to get beat by that team, but also because it really works. Nico/Lockjaw/Mohawk Storm is a fun team as well if you don't mind mixing tiers.
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,249 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2018
    I have run Peggy/Shuri/IM40 and Peggy/Shuri/P4nther. Both teams are monsters, even with a lvl 171 Peggy in between them. I too find Bl4ck Widow utterly useless and bottom tier, but I've seen 5* players talk about her like she's great so I must not be doing something right.

    Yeah, Blonde Widow... I think it was her friggin AP destruction that was killing me, I don't know who was on her team, but I kept getting stunned and I had no AP to fire anything....

    I know Okoye goes with everybody... but Team Wakanda is truly terrifying.  All the passive damage from the fortified tiles and shields gets the damage boost from Okoye's passive.  And since each action is distinct, you can double dip on it.  By this, I mean, if you match a fortified shield tile, Okoye's passive adds damage to both Shuri's fortified damage passive, and then again with BP's shield destruction passive.  Add that to BP's strike tiles being generated all by his repeater and you're one shotting characters easily...
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,249 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mordo brings black charge spam for 8 black with good damage on blue with +2 charge tiles and an active purple that slays, Lockjaw has multi-color charge spam on green with a yellow passive and a situational blue, and Lady Thor has an uncapped charge-tile based nuke on red, an active AOE on yellow that can do a little enemy tile spam to charge tile conversion, and a stun on blue that creates charge tiles. This team should be a single-target damage nightmare factory. For this team, I'd probably try and get Lockjaw's green going first to help accelerate AP acquisition for the other powers, but most of these powers are just 2-matches away.
    Yeah, I guess Lockjaw's green is like MeH Grand Entrance, the rng works for some ppl, but it eludes me most of the time  :/
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2018
    If the plan is to just get charge tiles on the board so Lady Thor can due a 9-breaker red nuke on somebody, it doesn't matter if Lockjaw gets to also gnaw on them. I think with both Lockjaw and Kraven we all fixated on the "interesting" side effects of their powers, but the actual things they do actively can have some larger utility with a little creativity. Neither Think like the Enemy nor The Dog That Bit You are really excellent DPS moves, it's what they are also doing that makes them worthwhile. TDTBY puts down 8 charge tiles. My Lady Thor is only at lvl 168, but if i fired off Lockjaw's green and Mordo's black before using Smite, it would be doing  nearly 11k damage; surely that is even better when she's at 270+ right?
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can certainly see using Mordo - you can spam his black like no tomorrow for Thoress charge tiles.
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,249 Chairperson of the Boards
    If the plan is to just get charge tiles on the board so Lady Thor can due a 9-breaker red nuke on somebody, it doesn't matter if Lockjaw gets to also gnaw on them. I think with both Lockjaw and Kraven we all fixated on the "interesting" side effects of their powers, but the actual things they do actively can have some larger utility with a little creativity.
    Thanks.  Sometimes it really is seeing the forest before the trees  :).  
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2018
    The killer Lockjaw team going right now is the Royal Family node on whatever story that is: Medusa/Lockjaw/Bolt. If you look at Lockjaw's design, he really isn't there to be a meat shield, he's there to accelerate The Silent King into doing passive damage, and to be annoying whenever Medusa's attack tiles get matched. Anything he does on blue is incidental, but probably contributes to the opponent's general sense of powerlessness in the face of that Inhuman onslought. Of course, if you have a 2/1/0 Bolt like I do, you are forced to get creative lol.

    Some creative things he can do:
    Chavez/Lockjaw/Wiccan - Chavez loves AP, Wiccan is Black Bolt Jr, so you use the charged tiles as an AP factory to accrue AP till Wiccan becomes the Demiurge, then enjoy the comedy of row and line clears that ensue (assuming he tanks anything) while Chavez performs all her greatest comedy hits.