Gambit Character Update Details (6/26/18)



  • Dlanning
    Dlanning Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    Bowgentle said:
    Dlanning said:
    OJSP said:
    Dlanning said:
    Gambit is my only well coverd 5 (5/2/4 lvl400) and I’m happy with the nerf, except for one thing. Black should not block team mates powers. 
    In your situation, the changes are actually beneficial for you because it means you could use any of your 4* to beat other teams with Gambit.

    Even if you want to use him, you could bring Blade and Gwenpool. Let him generate purple and red and gather black. Throw everyone airborne with Gwenpool and spam her purple :wink: I used to use this team with the original 3*Gambit (I had no Gambatt, because it didn’t make sense to make one before I championed the original one).
    But his black will still block purple and red powers. That’s my only problem with the nerf. Yes the red ap will still trigger the hunger but that’s not a power worth fielding a 5* ap generator for. 

    That depends on the level of your Blade.
    At 479 he does about 15k every round, plus whatever strikes there are.

    I’ll pay that, yes. So ONE character out of, what 120 gets a feeder? Everyone else with a red nuke gets castrated. Didn’t seem at all good for my game. 
  • Dlanning
    Dlanning Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    OJSP said:
    Dlanning said:
    But his black will still block purple and red powers. 
    That’s why we bring Gwenpool: Gambit’s power won’t work when he’s airborne. Her TU won’t work because everyone gets thrown airborne. Colossus’ Fastball Special works.

    It’s just an idea, you might be surprised. Try it when the change is implemented. Just match green when someone is about to use a power so Blade takes the damage. He can heal later. Gwenpool’s purple will have more utility and can target more tile(s) compared to Gambit’s purple
    Oh wow I had no idea. I’ll admit I’ve used my 1/3/2 gwenpool a total of 3 times. 
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,399 Chairperson of the Boards
    In my opinion (as non championed Gambit owner) it doesn't look that bad except for the fact that he's still blocking purple/red, which seems a bit too restrictive now that the AP gen has moved to a tile. Then again, as probably mentioned in this thread, if you are able to fortify said tile it's still semi-permanent.

    I understand proud owners of Champbits are upset, but he was severely broken and the question was not if but when the nerf was coming. And everyone who dumped loads of real cash into the game to chase him shouldn't act too surprised, it *is* a f2p game after all. Every purchase you make is in the end only temporary, you're paying for a service that can be discontinued or changed at any time.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    As ever - overnerfed him.

    Purple seems fine - still useful to overwrite some tiles and deals a fair amount of damage.

    Red - gutted to the ground. 11k with two charged tiles on board for 10 AP? Thor deals 12,5k for 9 ignoring the protect tiles while also adding damage for up to 10 friendly tiles (for a ground total of ~19k if all goes well). This should be a 7-8 AP power for Gambit to keep him relevant (or increased damage to above Thor's basic output).

    Black - would seem fine as well if the power restriction on other characters was removed. As it is - a power that fuels character too slow to use in a game that is dictated by speed. 

    There was a simple fix - remove the countdown overwrite from the purple (kind of done well) and remove the ap destruction (while keeping the ap generation at the same level as before). Maybe decrease by 10% red damage if needed. Would still be top tier but would not be a must have. 

    Thanks for the ride Gambit. Now off to the heavy lifting shoulders of the 50Thor. 
  • Treras
    Treras Posts: 47 Just Dropped In
    So when its the new digital day? Need to prepare myself for the next inbalaced shiny carrot.  
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker

    Just want to give the Gambit time line:

    Gambit release:

    October 9th 2017

    Gambit enters Latest:

    October 23rd 2017

    Gambit 1st "nerf" which was a buff:

    December 13-15 2017

    Amazon Digital Day:

    December 28th 2017

    This day had to be the single biggest day for MPQ to ever make money.  Thousands upon Thousands upon Thousands of dollars spent on MPQ that day in a big part for Gambit

    Gambit nerf part 2:  The death of Gambit

    July 26 2018

    As I said in my comment on the first page, why should we trust this company with any of our hard earned money when they will pull the trigger and nerf anybody the could.  If they would have rebalanced him BEFORE Digital day to this current state or something along this lines, I would bet that no way would have people spent as much as they did for this day.  I know I would not have and some that  I asked already have agreed as well.   


    Totally agree...for what is worth, my vallet will be sealed from now on. Lost any bit of trust...
    Now they will release a powerful 5*Wasp but I don't mind and won't take the bait: If powerful, it will be nerfed in the upcoming months, if not it will join immediately the band of unuseful 5* character (Banner, Ock, Gambit, etc.)
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    Brigby said:

    spatenfloot said:
    Seems reasonable. Is there any indication of how much iso we would get back for selling him? At minimum, it needs to be enough to champ a hero from level 255.
    Level 450: 369,102 Iso-8
    Level 550: 564,000 Iso-8
    This seems pretty ridiculous. If you sell him, I presume you get as many Marvel Legends tokens as you have covers/champ levels - so that's a 1:1 proposition (although I don't think that was explicitly stated in the initial post). So why do you only get 369k of iso back when it cost somewhere around 554k to champ him?
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,966 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    Treras said:
    So when its the new digital day? Need to prepare myself for the next inbalaced shiny carrot.  
    Late December, it’s an annual thing. The question is, in 6 months, will anyone still go in? 

    If they make another super OP character it sets up players for either:  1. Chasing that character with full 100% expectation that said character will be eventually “fixed because we made him too powerful” or 2.  Don’t chase and be left out of the meta.

    Don’t spend lots of money chasing anyone, is my advice.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,966 Chairperson of the Boards
    Richyyy said:
    Brigby said:

    spatenfloot said:
    Seems reasonable. Is there any indication of how much iso we would get back for selling him? At minimum, it needs to be enough to champ a hero from level 255.
    Level 450: 369,102 Iso-8
    Level 550: 564,000 Iso-8
    This seems pretty ridiculous. If you sell him, I presume you get as many Marvel Legends tokens as you have covers/champ levels - so that's a 1:1 proposition (although I don't think that was explicitly stated in the initial post). So why do you only get 369k of iso back when it cost somewhere around 554k to champ him?
    You never get all your iso back.  Never.  It’s in the terms of service or something. Plus you got to use him for a while, which isn’t nothing.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,704 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn't realize this in my first read-through, but you all realize we have a whole month before the nerf goes live, right?

    That's an unprecedented level of advance notice for this game, maybe for any game.  Thanks for that.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,851 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    I know that a lot of people complaining about the nerf liked Gambit 2.0 because he was quick. You don't necessarily want to sit and play the game for hours on end after you've been playing for 3-4 years and have seen every event 50 times. You skip the animations. You skip the story points at the beginning and end of matches. But I feel like all they had to do was make Gambit slower and that would have been enough, because it would give teams an opportunity to down him before he became an every-turn problem.

    Altering the AP generation/destruction power alone should have sufficed, to the nerf iteration or perhaps even further if it became necessary. This felt like a "reinventing the wheel" nerf. I know Gambit was frustrating for a lot of people, so there's a lot of "Hallelujah" out there on this one, but how can anyone be happy when a character has ALL THREE of their powers altered? Is that really how you want changes to come down in the future?
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker

    bluewolf said:
    Richyyy said:
    Brigby said:

    spatenfloot said:
    Seems reasonable. Is there any indication of how much iso we would get back for selling him? At minimum, it needs to be enough to champ a hero from level 255.
    Level 450: 369,102 Iso-8
    Level 550: 564,000 Iso-8
    This seems pretty ridiculous. If you sell him, I presume you get as many Marvel Legends tokens as you have covers/champ levels - so that's a 1:1 proposition (although I don't think that was explicitly stated in the initial post). So why do you only get 369k of iso back when it cost somewhere around 554k to champ him?
    You never get all your iso back.  Never.  It’s in the terms of service or something. Plus you got to use him for a while, which isn’t nothing.
    True. It just seems like the cover return is saying "yep, we're changing him enough that it's perfectly reasonable for you to get just as many 5* covers of other characters instead", whereas the iso return is saying "well we're changing him, but look how much fun you had already! Here, have some of it back and be happy".
  • Meander
    Meander Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    Balefire said:

    I picked up Gambit when opening a hoard so have a fair number of extra levels.  While it sounds like he has lost a lot of viability, completely selling him off with no way to rebuild him easily to 450 seems like overkill. Please float the idea of allowing to break champ levels for cashing in to the Marvel Legends store while still retaining the fully covered and max level character for PVE 5E node use.  Thank you.
    This was a great idea that I didn't see addressed. 

    @Brigby is there any way to make this happen so we still have Gambit for pve but still can sell off our excess?
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    Meander said:
    Balefire said:

    I picked up Gambit when opening a hoard so have a fair number of extra levels.  While it sounds like he has lost a lot of viability, completely selling him off with no way to rebuild him easily to 450 seems like overkill. Please float the idea of allowing to break champ levels for cashing in to the Marvel Legends store while still retaining the fully covered and max level character for PVE 5E node use.  Thank you.
    This was a great idea that I didn't see addressed. 

    @Brigby is there any way to make this happen so we still have Gambit for pve but still can sell off our excess?
    We will still need Gambit for Essentials in PVE, so selling fully is a fool's errand.
    This is a better proposition.
    However 46 Champ levels spread out over 20 characters in tokens helps me in no way. A bump of 2 levels per character, some Classics still unchamped, is in no way a recompensation.
    Letting us freely move as many Champ levels as we want to characters of our choice would be.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    My 1/1/1 Gambit will remain terrible and un-used, and I am less afraid of champing my 5/2/2 reyes ghost rider (best covered 5*) when I get those last 4 covers, so this news is okay by me.
  • LeRoy1979
    LeRoy1979 Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    It will be interesting to see how much we've all taken for granted the 2 ap destruction since it's mostly an invisible effect. It will be noticed. Like many others I am a little disappointed, though not surprised, at the level of nerfing here. I expected the unconditional ap gain to be addressed, and the countdown over-write to be eliminated, and for the record I strongly support both of those moves. I'm not sure that Red needed both damage and ap cost adjustments though. The combo of those seem to push him well out of the top tier.

    I'll never know though. I plan to use him for one event, get my free LL token, and then cash him for 40 5* covers, especially since JJ, Thor, and Okoye are in the pool. I did the same thing with OML and never once regretted it (well, except that the sell-back token rate was much worse). I've been in the crew calling for his re-balance since the initial nerf/buff.
  • wingX
    wingX Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    I hope that the developer can at least let 5* Gambit be a essential in a PVE before the change to let us enjoy him in all his current glory one last time.