Forum thread.



  • dadows
    dadows Posts: 59 Match Maker
    I have a like 10 million iso deficit. 
  • BatteryHorse
    BatteryHorse Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2018
    I think I'm pretty close to post-iso.  I have 8 4*s that are not champed, Flaptain, DD, Howard, Valkyrie, Shuri, Kraven, Panther and Jubilee.  

    DD and Howard are way down my list of priorities, and of the rest only Kraven and Falcon are 13/13.  

    I honestly don't care much about Flaptain, Kraven, DD or Howard - although apparently Kraven can have his uses - and the rest are under-covered, so right now my iso goes into rolling over my 3's - since most are at 266 - and re-stocking my 2* farm, and then dumping the rest into 5*s.  I got lucky and covered Gambit and Thor before they left LLs (without hoarding), so I champed them, and I've spread some iso around to Thanos, Panther, Bolt, Spider-man and Hawkeye.  

    I'm a bit of a completionist, so I like the idea of champing every 4, but it's hard to get motivated about dumping iso into those characters that I doubt I would use even if they were boosted.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    stewbacca said:
    currently have 7.5 million iso with nothing to spend it on... everyone is rostered, everyone is champed ( except rider, jones and valkyrie, but they are all maxed)..    its pointless... at least let me exchange it for hp or  loan it to alliance mates ( over 2 months) or something..  its boring to look at.. every once in a while it dips a little bit if i rechamp a 4* in my farm..  but otherwise.. let me spend it on something.. 

    You can always skip more in PvP  ;)
  • s151pence
    s151pence Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Up to 5.6 million now, yes it is nice to skip in PVP and to level up any new characters covers etc without thinking about it. Really would love them to come up with bonus store to buy stuff or trading post idea etc

  • stewbacca
    stewbacca Posts: 82 Match Maker
    8.25 M and climbing.. slight setback with 2 5* cover payouts, 3  3* champs and a 4* champ... but still going with no need in sight...  tapping is fixed.. now please address this for vets.. 
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    While I'm a long way off of being post iso, I feel like I'm past the worst of it. New 4*s, 3* dupes and 5* champing is all I have to worry about, and my 5* acquisition rate has reduced and a lot of the older ones are trapped in Classic Purgatory so I'm not feeling any pressure for iso there. 
    If they were to announce BSSM, Phoenix and Surfer feeders from classics close together the pressure would return for a bit, but for the time being I am enjoying the calm. 
  • madoctor
    madoctor Posts: 292 Mover and Shaker
    madoctor said:
    Only 2-3 months more....

    Which is what I said 2-3 months ago...LMAO
    About 3 months more for purple.

    About 30 years more for red.
  • RTA3000
    RTA3000 Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    Covers dieing on the vine, countless 4* just a cover away from champing, no way of champing any 5*, not enough CP to pull any useful 4* and enough iso to sink multiple ships! So kinda similar to your guys, loads of iso but nothing to spend it on. The game is getting boring to be honest and threads like this make it even more obvious that people are involved in a much more fun and competitive game than I am. Maybe you have to spend more money...
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    RTA3000 said:
    Covers dieing on the vine, countless 4* just a cover away from champing, no way of champing any 5*, not enough CP to pull any useful 4* and enough iso to sink multiple ships! So kinda similar to your guys, loads of iso but nothing to spend it on. The game is getting boring to be honest and threads like this make it even more obvious that people are involved in a much more fun and competitive game than I am. Maybe you have to spend more money...

    Or time. In order to be post-ISO, you need to have paid your dues and champed the entire two-, Three- and fourstar tier (or at least most of the fourstar tier). That's an investment of several million ISO (I Think just the fourstar tier would cost around 25 million ISO to champ). The more you play, the more ISO you earn, and the easier it becomes to Catch up. Once you have caught up... well, you are probably still playing obsessively out of habit so the ISO starts to pile up. :)

  • Jexman
    Jexman Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    Kingpin is my last "classic" to champ (except for Howard and Devil Dino lol, and even there I just need a couple Howard covers). I have six more new ones to champ, all are close to fully covered. Then I can go full time Farming Simulator I guess (what a sad prospect) or go 5 star (what a sad prospect). Say what you will about being pre-ISO, as it were, at least there's a sense of something to look forward to.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    4.1 million iso and counting. Wish I had something to spend it on.
  • CharlieCroker
    CharlieCroker Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    3.3m iso with a fair chunk invested in 2* and 3* farms (recently acquired my first duo 266's having sold some previously to champ 5*s).  Only Valkyrie and Jubilee unchamped in 4* tier and they're both soft capped.

    However all my 5*s are either champed or sitting at 255 and I'll be shortly unloading my 300 LT hoard and hope to cover the three Latest (and Goblin who's at 12/13 through his feeder) so that should account for the majority of my iso.

    Also have a couple more at 12/13 (BSSM and BW) so if they get their feeders maybe I won't be quite as much post iso in a few weeks time.
  • Blindman13
    Blindman13 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2018
    Once upon a time I was "post-iso". I had so much of the stuff I would have lengthy sessions where I burnt 100,000 of it 500 ISO at a time on Basic tokens (back when you do that) just hoping to get a 3* I could use. Then sell all the useless 1*s and 2*s for more useless ISO.
    Then they bestowed Champions on us, and I've been playing catch up ever since.  I now have all the 2*-4*s champed (except the most recent ones) and I can finally give some ISO love to my 5*s.  It will take awhile, but I look forward to being Post-ISO again.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    I've thrown caution to the wind, and am no longer holding on to all those Lv. 266 3-stars like I used to. My unchamped 4s are down to just Ghost Rider, Spider-Woman, Venom, Shuri, Valkryie, and Jubilee. Didn't include the Duck and the Dinosaur. Since I'm only selling the 266 guys that have a dupe champed already, it's not leaving a deficit somewhere else when I sell their max-champed counterparts. I just have to get over my uneasiness with a baby champ after I allowed myself to get used to running the character at 266. SWitch for example was a max-champed character that I sold in order to champ her dupe, because the dupe had 8 covers on the vine at the time. I instantly regretted having a SWitch with less than 10K health all of a sudden. Working on it though lol. 

    I won't be "post-iso" yet after I finish the 4s, because I still will have a few 3s who need dupes champed. That iso need won't be as pressing though, so I don't imagine it will take long after that. I've champed 17 dupes so far, and I don't see champing another 30 taking more than 4-5 months at most. 
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    2 mil ISO.  Have all levels capped on everything.  Plus I have about 2000 tokens I have not opened. No reason to open them.  
  • madoctor
    madoctor Posts: 292 Mover and Shaker
    madoctor said:
    Only 2-3 months more....

    Which is what I said 2-3 months ago...LMAO

    It's a long journey with uncertain guideposts. No clear arrival, more like an accumulation of signs. Kinda like....

    I have all my 2s-4s champed or capped, including all dupes, and enough iso on hand to softcap the few remaining unchamped 5s.

    I haven't pulled that trigger, as I am hoarding for AA's departure. The four newest 4s are all between 6-10 covers, if they make progress when I open the short hoard, I could be right back at zero iso.

    So while i am mostly post-iso ... losing covers due to lack of iso is a distant memory ... I'm still not yet 'permanently' free. Someday ....
    Yes, it's been a while since I had to let a cover go. I still need to champ about 7 4* in total (including Howard and jubilee), but still need to work on a lot of 5* (only 7 champed, rest are almost all 255). My dupe 3s are once again approaching 266 (mostly those which have a 2* feeder) and for the first time in a bit, I have max champed copies of all 2*, with dupes also champed. I an just waiting for AA to leave to unhoard a bit and make a serious dent in the above numbers (decrease the unchamped 4s, mortgage the 3s and 2s)

    P.S. - Are we counting Pluto then?
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,343 Chairperson of the Boards
    2 mil ISO.  Have all levels capped on everything.  Plus I have about 2000 tokens I have not opened. No reason to open them.  
    I mean this respectfully and not sarcastically : is the game still fun?  I cannot imagine having everyone capped and still wanting to play.
  • Coulson_Lives
    Coulson_Lives Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    I’m there.  Sitting on 3 million atm
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2018
    2 mil ISO.  Have all levels capped on everything.  Plus I have about 2000 tokens I have not opened. No reason to open them.  
    I mean this respectfully and not sarcastically : is the game still fun?  I cannot imagine having everyone capped and still wanting to play.
    There are a ton of people like me right now.  Massive amounts of iso and nothing to do with it.  When we get a new release and get the 7-10 covers from PVP and PVE they can me instantly soft capped.  

    As for is the game fun anymore, ask any long time player right now how they feel.  Many are in the same boat as myself.  Hoping the Infinity Wats brings some new and cool to the game, yea supports my be new but not cool enough by far, to keep people around AND spending their hard earned money on this game.  
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,141 Chairperson of the Boards
    2 mil ISO.  Have all levels capped on everything.  Plus I have about 2000 tokens I have not opened. No reason to open them.  
    I mean this respectfully and not sarcastically : is the game still fun?  I cannot imagine having everyone capped and still wanting to play.
    There are a ton of people like me right now.  Massive amounts of iso and nothing to do with it.  When we get a new release and get the 7-10 covers from PVP and PVE they can me instantly soft capped.  
    I'll wager there are a lot more people that are in the opposite boat - Massive amounts of characters that aren't even close to being capped thanks to an ISO deficit.  I just recently got all of my 4-stars soft capped, which lasted all of a week until I got another Hulk - Main Event cover to get him to 5/4/3.  One more from progression will get him to 13 covers, so that's right back in the 4-star deficit.  Meanwhile, my 5-star ISO deficit could probably wipe out all of that 2M ISO and still leave several of them saying "Please, sir.  May I have some more?"