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  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,343 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not even remotely close.  And I've been playing (sub-optimally) for three+ years.
  • zonatahunt
    zonatahunt Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker

    I hit the post-ISO threshold about four months ago.  It's amazing, I never have to worry about leveling.  Currently I'm sitting on 2.7 million ISO.
  • Kahmon
    Kahmon Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    Not there yet, but I feel close.

    The biggest obstacle has been the 4 star tier, but that is nearly done. Just Howard and the 3 latest remain. Recently I had too many 14th covers in too short of a time and had to morgage my farm, but managed to get them all champed with 0 waste.

    I only have 4 2*s champed right now and several 2-3 deep in 13 covers needing the iso to champ. Fortunately I only had to sell of 2 maxed 3*s and my queue drops massively at a time. Last night I rechamped a wolverine with 26 covers waiting. Next up is Magneto with 22 covers waiting. Once my farm is rebuilt I can start leveling up my 5*s.

    I actually feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Some days I feel optimistic that it's right around the corner, relatively speaking. Other days, it feels like I'll be in the hamster wheel for another year. 

    I've got 55 champed 4*s. Right now, I've got 14th covers for Punmax, Shuri, Kraven, and Chulk on my vine. Valkyrie is my only 4* with fewer than 10 covers, at eight. 

    Unfortunately to keep pace with my 4*s, I've burned down much of my 2* farm, not really kept pace with champing my 3* dupes, and have basically ignored my 5*s. My ISO debt is still well into the millions. 

    I'm hoping to be mostly over the 4* hill by the end of the summer or so. Hopefully caught up by the end of the year. 
  • Raud
    Raud Posts: 74 Match Maker
    I'm almost.
    I only need 2 years  :)
  • mrb
    mrb Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    I'm 3 champs into my 4* transition and almost 3 million ahead of my needs. I only level 4*s as needed for specific events, since they're not usually going to swing fights before they're nearly or fully covered.

    Maybe there's a later phase coming when I'll need all my iso and more just to champ my fully-covered characters, but so far I've always been hp-constrained, but never iso-constrained.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2018
    mrb said:
    Maybe there's a later phase coming when I'll need all my iso and more just to champ my fully-covered characters, but so far I've always been hp-constrained, but never iso-constrained.
    I had the exact same experience during the 3* - 4* transition. When the (lack of) ISO tsunami hits, it will hit hard.

    There is a point where you'll likely reach an equilibrium, when you've rostered all the characters. Suddenly, your HP will start piling up, and chances are most, if not all of your characters will be at their max.

    But then the covers come for the 4*s, and they have a sharp increase in leveling costs once you get around Level 200 or so. It costs three times as much to champ a 4* as it does a 3*, afterall. And it's the largest tier by a longshot, and will only continue to grow.

    So yes, prepare yourself for the ISO drought. 
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm a Top ~400 PVE player and Top ~200 PVP player in a not-at-all serious alliance, so covers remain far more of a limiting factor for me than iso.  By not caring about rostering everyone (including some 2* dupes, I only have 121 characters), I've more-or-less accidentally become post least unless something changes drastically.   

    I was really short on iso when I was in the middle of getting my 3*'s champed and ready to champ my first 4* (I was evenly leveling my 3*'s and my lone 13-cover 4*, so the 13-cover 3/4*'s were all ~Lv110-120 when championing went into effect, with many other, less-covered ones below that).  When SHIELD Clearance Levels were introduced, the large influx of iso ended the shortage for me and it's never returned.  When I was soft-capping my 4*'s (before I had 3+ 4* champs), I had 4+M iso, but now that I immediately raise them to their max allowable level, I'm still hovering in the 1.2-1.7M iso range as I cover newer characters.  For 4*'s I'm at 33 champs, I have two with 11 covers at Lv229, one at (whatever the max level for a 2/4/2 is) and no one else above 5 covers.  For 3*'s everyone's champed and 2*'s are being farmed like most everyone else around here.  I raised my 5*'s above Lv280 to make them easier to find, but none are well enough covered (two vintage ones have 8 covers, the rest have 5 or less) to really consider making that transition.

    This may all change when/if I start cycling 3*'s, but my highest 3* is a Lv 261 Carol, but no other 3* is above 245, so I'm still a ways off needing to really worry about that. 
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    I feel like I'm there. Following the last "vaulting" debacle, all my 4*'s that were close to being finished happened to be the same ones that weren't available. I built up to over 2 million ISO and haven't fallen much below that number since then. This is mostly due to being a casual player that won't be investing in 5*'s anytime soon. 
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    I wouldn't call vaulting a debacle. It was definitely the most iso starved I've been tho. I remember one time having 50+ covers in my queue, mostly 2*s waiting to be rechamped, but not having iso because I was champing a new 4* every week or so.
    I mostly keep my iso around 300k nowadays. When it gets above that I start leveling up my dupe 2s and 3s. I don't know what I'd do with 2 million iso.
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 981 Critical Contributor
    I would say i'm ahead in iso, not post-iso. The rate in which i acquire covers is slower than my iso building up. If i chose to level up all my characters, i think i could atm with some iso to spare. But right now i'm more on a level up if needed for event basis.
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    I'm not post-ISO by any stretch, but I AM post-ISO-panic, which feels like the penultimate stage. Eight champed 5*s with any of the remainder easily champable in the event of a freak cover windfall, and only two-three unchamped and undercovered 4*s at any given time. I can't think of the last time I've felt like "****, gonna have to scramble to avoid burning a cover," and that's with a 2* farm and a solid raft of 3* dupes.

    The resources go, in order, to champing characters with a cover (in descending star order) and steadily bringing up 5*s of value. And yeah, the monotony is starting to set in - with the exception of standout characters like America, there's no feeling of urgency to get any 4*s covered because the covers come, the covers ALWAYS come - it's so weird to reflect on when that wasn't the case.

    So I crank out my daily 4/6, maybe a few more if I wake up before my alarm, finish DDQ before falling asleep at the end of the day, and maybe knock out a 575 in PVP for the CP. Hang tight for a HfF or Daily Resupply with a 5* I actually need and lather, rinse, repeat. My only 5*s of note left to level are Phoenix (12 covers), Bolt (11 covers), and Hawkeye (10 covers), and I'm having a hard time feeling much drive to bring up the rest other than for their once-in-a-blue-moon essential PVEs. I'm feeling like post-ISO might look a lot like post-MPQ for me.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards

    Yeah, I've been post-Iso panic for months, if not years.  I cannot tell you the last 3* or higher cover that I let expire because I've lacked the Iso to champ them.  I've dipped into my 2* farm several times, and I've even sold some duplicate 3*s probably before I should have, but at worst I've had to delay champing a character until I got an extra cover.  Sometimes I needed a week, week and a half of its cover being in inventory too.

    Vaulting caused a crunch, but for the most part I benefited from it as my non-latest 4*s were almost all champed by then.  I think I had maybe one or two stragglers...  OTOH, my 2* farm was devastated by vaulting and took 3 or 4 weeks to recover...

  • Histamiel
    Histamiel Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2018
    I am kind of in a post-iso position. I have currently all my character at their max level available and I have more then 1 million iso in bank. It stays pretty much the same since one month. I always apply the cover as soon as I get them and level up the character to max level. I have almost all the characters rostered also (except for 5 5* and 5 1* and also Jubilee who is not yet available in game).
    It is good to not be in the iso-cruch moment.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,927 Chairperson of the Boards
    Histamiel said:
    I am kind of in a post-iso position. I have currently all my character at their max level available and I have more then 1 million iso in bank. It stays pretty much the same since one month. I always apply the cover as soon as I get them and level up the character to max level. I have almost all the characters rostered also (except for 5 5* and 5 1* and also Jubilee who is not yet available in game).
    It is good to not be in the iso-cruch moment.
    Are you a 3*/early 4* player?

    A lot of people in this thread are what I would consider "pre-iso".  I remember when I had over 3 million iso. Until those 13th and 14th 4* covers started coming in.  And since I built mostly evenly, they all came in a relatively short span.  Bye bye 3 million!  Hello huge Iso debt!
  • Histamiel
    Histamiel Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    @Daredevil217, I am in firmly 4* land (13 champs at the moment and a few at 11 or 12 covers waiting for RNG to give me the last ones).
  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2018
    I'm getting close to "post-ISO", at least the way I've defined it in my own head.  :D

    I have only four more 4's to champ (Miles, Spider-Woman, 4BP and Valkyrie), with another this week in Jubilee. I usually net 350k-400k ISO a week, so I expect to champ roughly one a week and be close to "done" in a month, close to my in-game third anniversary. 

    Of course, new 4's will continue to be released after that, but I'll be champing them as they pop up, so I'll never have to deal with "oh no, I have 4's dying on my vine and need ISO to champ X in the next two weeks or throw them out" again. Which will be a pretty good feeling. 

    So while I'll still need ISO for 5's, I've almost reached a place I've never experienced in MPQ: being able to stockpile ISO with little pressure to spend it, and for the first time I'll be able to throw ISO at some 5's just for the tinykitty of it. 
  • stewbacca
    stewbacca Posts: 82 Match Maker
    currently have 7.5 million iso with nothing to spend it on... everyone is rostered, everyone is champed ( except rider, jones and valkyrie, but they are all maxed)..    its pointless... at least let me exchange it for hp or  loan it to alliance mates ( over 2 months) or something..  its boring to look at.. every once in a while it dips a little bit if i rechamp a 4* in my farm..  but otherwise.. let me spend it on something.. 
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,141 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not even close to being post ISO.  I've got a few 4-stars that aren't champed (only Spider Woman, at 5/5/1, in a "classic" one) so their ISO needs aren't all that bad..maybe 450K ISO?  It's the 5-stars that are a huge deficit.  Thor is 472K all by himself, and Strange is another 350K.  All told for the 5-stars, it's probably in the 4M ISO range.  Can I take out a loan, stewbacca???