For the Mods, in reference to cheating discussions



  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    There was neither pitchfork nor torches in my post.  I’m suggesting that it’s better to err on the side of punishment rather than the side of “in-depth” investigations,

    Also let’s not talk about how they’re walking a fine line of policies - the EULA has been posted here multiple times regarding the policies on cheating and other explorations.  They don’t follow their own guidelines, so defending them isn’t going to make us feel any better about the lack of actions.
  • tfcrazy1980
    tfcrazy1980 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    Thread closing and swept under the rug in 5,4,3,2,1......
  • tfcrazy1980
    tfcrazy1980 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    You know, for what its worth, i cant say i feel anything for the people that cheat or dont cheat, im indifferent, honestly the game is so lopsided and rigged i cant say i blame them for finding an exploit, it sucks for the people that play honestly but to me, its kinda obvious when things are controlled by certain people who's names are familiar if you look at the top 20 who are usually always there and get free swag for "services rendered" we'll call it, theres alot that needs to be changed and it never will until the game is close to death, im willing to bet that people are dropping off like flies right now because of the "not mentionable" goings on that we're not suppossed to know about, the problem doesnt start with cheaters in my opinion, it starts with the game itself, i know the odds arent in my favor and i cant say i blame people for trying to find an edge against ridiculous odds
  • tfcrazy1980
    tfcrazy1980 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    And i know, it turned into a rant!
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    And i know, it turned into a rant!
    At least you stayed true to your user name 
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    You are blatantly dismissive of the situation(s).  The spin of this post is literally 200 words that amount to nothing.  I don’t even know where to start.

    There are known exploits that @Brigby has previously posted stating that devs are aware of and would “take appropriate actions”.

    NOTHING was done, nothing will be done.

    How about erring on the side of boxing people and let them provide you their case as to how they didn’t cheat/exploit. 
    That sounds a whole lot like guilty until proven innocent. You seriously think this game would survive if everyone that was reported as cheating was unable to play until CS reviewed it?

    hmm this guy is ahead of me in pve, must be cheating! Oh, look now I’m in first....
    This.  If the changed their policy to this there would be a witch hunt with people accusing people of cheating just so they could beat them in placement or stop them from attacking them.
  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2017
    I do not think it would be a good idea for D3/Demi to err on the side of "guilty until proven innocent".

    That said, from everything said and done, it appears they err too far on the side of "innocent until proven guilty by every last possible minute scrap of possibility". Which is not a reasonable standard when it means that months have gone by without much if any apparent action taken on known exploits and there's a better than 90-95% chance that someone has participated in some sort of cheat or exploit based on their game behavior/roster differences that can't be explained otherwise/etc.

    Getting the investigation right is important. Getting it done in a reasonable time frame is EQUALLY important and there does not appear to be much if any emphasis on that. Unless the brouhaha spills out to the forums and then and only then and only in regards to specific players who are being called out, do things speed up.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    I can agree with this premise.  The so-called in-depth investigations seem to all be on going, just as almost everything that has been “looked in to”.

    And again, there are clear instances that prove they don’t need this long to figure it out.  The 7cp/$2 error springs right to mind.  They identified the problem, they figured out how to fix it, implemented fix within hours, people still exploited post-patch, and then when those who benefited from this went to do latest swaps, they received messages saying they identified the account as one who took part in this, and suspended swap privilege (which isn’t a punishment, but does show they did classify this as cheating, else why punish at all?)

    This didn’t take 10 months, it was a much smaller time frame.  It’s all spin coming from the ivory Tower.  It’s disingenuous to think that they’re unable to sus out the guilty in a reasonable amount of time and take action.
  • Eichen
    Eichen Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    Before I found MPQ I played a different mobile game.  It was published by GAMEVIL. It had a terrible problem with cheaters.  To reign it in they started to box every account that had any form of cheating, even the things most deem as exploits rather than cheats.  Even playing on a unrooted device automatically got players boxed.  Every week (or 2 weeks, I forget the timing) they would announce all the boxed accounts with an in-game pop-up.  The whole player base could see that they were actively working to eliminate the cheaters.  

    I have to say it was very satisfying to see a "Libber", that had previously beat you in an event, get added to that list.  

  • ramoramo86
    ramoramo86 Posts: 89 Match Maker
    edited December 2017
    tobismaul said:

    Please accept this comment as independent of the current situation that seems to have created such a stir among some players.

    For the most part there are only 2 parties that can confirm if someone has cheated. The person that cheated and the developer. Everything else is anecdotal or circumstantial evidence that can be presented to the developer but ultimately the developer has to investigate and come to some sort of conclusion.

    I don't think anyone can expect the developer to comment on individual players and I don't think they should be. Are we going to a system where everyone that is reported is publicly considered guilty and the developer has to publicly clear them and explain their reasons?

    This isn't a public court of MPQ justice. Report the player and move on. If you feel like the developer isn't taking the situation seriously and it is ruining the game somehow then play another game, go have some fun. It is in the developers best interest to remove cheaters to maintain a player base for this exact reason, people will move on if they feel the game has been compromised and spend their money elsewhere.

    I understand that people get personally and emotionally attached but what else do you expect the developer to say, other than thank you for making us aware, we are looking into it. Just because you think you spotted a cheater doesn't mean you have the right to all the details about the situation.

    Another question I would as is at what point do we accept the developers decision. At what point do we accept manufactured and manipulated "evidence" by other players. At what point does this become a witch hunt.

    I agree that when there has been wide spread cheating reported and the developer has initiated communication about the cheating they should be more transparent in how they have handled or will be handling it. In the past this particular developer has failed in this regard with little to no follow up. When it comes to an individual player though, report it, move on, let the developer deal with it from there.

    If you had $100k sunk into this game, would you just say "ho hum, this cheating sucks, I'm going to move on now" or would you maybe, just maybe, do everything in your power to get the cheating resolved so you could continue to enjoy the thing you dumped so much money into.

    If you neighbor keeps flinging dog poop against your house, do you just leave your house, and all the $ you invested in it, sitting there and move into another house?  Personally, I'd do everything I could to get a restraining order against the neighbor, but I'm just weird like that, I guess. 
    if anyone spends $100k on this game they have much bigger problems to worry about than some cheater. And if your neighbor is flinging poop at you then you probably deserve it 
  • Michaelcles
    Michaelcles Posts: 100 Tile Toppler
    Dayv said:
    How about erring on the side of boxing people and let them provide you their case as to how they didn’t cheat/exploit. 
    [Mod voice on: please keep the pitchforks and torches to a minimum.  Note: the minimum is “no pitchforks and torches at all”.  Be nice.]

    This is a fine line to walk, and their privacy policies restrict them from even telling you how well they’re walking it.

    They write their own privacy policy.  As has been pointed out, other games are more forthright in combating cheaters.

    An accountant somewhere said “we can spend X going against cheaters, or we can spend almost nothing ignoring customer service tickets.”

    BTW, the EULA does not guarantee customer service.

    No Support.  You agree that D3PA has no obligation to provide technical, maintenance or other support relating to the Game. You further agree that the applicable Mobile Platform Operator has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any technical, maintenance or other support services with respect to the Game. We may provide limited support to users who contact us through; provided, however, that we may discontinue such support at any time.
  • Michaelcles
    Michaelcles Posts: 100 Tile Toppler
    So tell me why players shouldn’t cheat?
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dayv said:
    How about erring on the side of boxing people and let them provide you their case as to how they didn’t cheat/exploit. 
    [Mod voice on: please keep the pitchforks and torches to a minimum.  Note: the minimum is “no pitchforks and torches at all”.  Be nice.]

    This is a fine line to walk, and their privacy policies restrict them from even telling you how well they’re walking it.

    They write their own privacy policy.  As has been pointed out, other games are more forthright in combating cheaters.

    An accountant somewhere said “we can spend X going against cheaters, or we can spend almost nothing ignoring customer service tickets.”

    BTW, the EULA does not guarantee customer service.

    No Support.  You agree that D3PA has no obligation to provide technical, maintenance or other support relating to the Game. You further agree that the applicable Mobile Platform Operator has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any technical, maintenance or other support services with respect to the Game. We may provide limited support to users who contact us through; provided, however, that we may discontinue such support at any time.
    In all fairness I think nearly every game has the same fine print. 
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    They do - and as been posted by others there are examples of how other games have handled cheating/exploits including naming those who have been boxed.  

    The mods rushing to the defense of d3 re: privacy is bunk as just another “reason” that we are kept in the dark for literally months while things are “investigated”.
  • PJ_Dupa
    PJ_Dupa Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    edited December 2017
    This topic is still going on lol. Usually before you accuse you show proof. And showing a ss of a roster growing face is not proof.

    //Removed Attacks Toward Other Players -Brigby
  • DaBeast911
    DaBeast911 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    edited December 2017
    We all have seen the proof, everyone on the LINE community. Having multiple 5 stars go to 550 in less than a week, that screams certain words I can't say here but many others know what it means. 

    //Removed Attacks Toward Other Player -Brigby
  • tfcrazy1980
    tfcrazy1980 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    Well this thread took an interesting spin..
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,736 Chairperson of the Boards
    Best popcorn thread ever.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Please keep all comments civil and do not attack other players. Thank you!