For the Mods, in reference to cheating discussions



  • madoctor
    madoctor Posts: 292 Mover and Shaker
    edited November 2017
    While you guys are at the subject of discussing cheating, could we take some action against those who used the *token pull* exploit?

    I see some pots calling kettle fat here.

    **removed specific exploit reference - Ducky
  • kenshohmer2
    kenshohmer2 Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    edited November 2017
    madoctor said:
    While you guys are at the subject of discussing cheating, could we take some action against those who used the *token pull* exploit?

    I see some pots calling kettle fat here.

  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    Good to know that, if you spend enough, any attempt at cheating (if caught) will be just a misunderstanding.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    DaBeast911 said:9
    tiomono said:

    And your example isnt even close to similar. Because that you personally can catch them multiple ways. What tobi has stated here is there’s no other way to prove from the community stand point somebody is cheating, unless it’s obvious. 

    Strange how player X is called out for impossible/improper roster growth and then shortly thereafter it's discovered that player X's roster has, in fact, been growing improperly.

    And I'll just go ahead and speculate a bit that this is likely just the tip of the iceberg, and as far a D3 can truly sleuth this.  Demiurge, on the other hand, . . . 
    But they do not have to respond to any of the accusations. It' not your right to know. Report suspected cheaters given the tools that you have,(the forums by the way is not one of those tools) and let them handle it.

    D3/demi do not need an online witch hunting service from players that oftentimes have their own motivations for calling an accounts properness into question. It's really that simple.

    It's sad that brigby even decided to respond and immediately got met with criticism that they are "obviously hiding something" and nothing will be done.
    You apparently haven't spent the money that we whales have. if you did, you'd see why cheating in this game is a major issue. Reporting cheating to customer service gets you nowhere. they don't care, it costs D3, Demiurge or whatever name they go by money so they let it run rampant, unchecked. it's not an online witch hunt, it's a call for action to be taken on a player that devalues every single penny ANYONE has spent on this game. If you don't know what you're addressing, don't address it at all, it's that simple.

    Brigby didn't get met with criticism, he got met with the truth. It's been proven, time and time again, that cheating doesn't have any consequences. Maybe you're new and haven't been playing for as long as the rest of us. if you have, you'd see why our belief and trust in the developers and customer service is 0.

    As @Justice Jacks mentioned, we've called this player out on the forums, emails to D3 and to customer service in regards to his roster growing at an impossible rate. it's only after taking it to the forums that something got done. My post was deleted twice by the mods here so i took it up another level. Wrote the developers, sent letters to their office, via certified mail and all of a sudden, they determined the roster growth WAS an error. We as players shouldn't have to go this route, the developers of this game should want to keep ALL players happy by providing a fair, honest and transparent platform.

    I'm on vacation but I felt the need to address your comment. Back to watching sheilas and kangaroos...g'day mate.


    **Removed inappropriate language - Ducky
    Maybe CS would have more time to deal with cheaters if they weren't so frequently tied up with whales popping hoards and demanding cover swaps. 

    You know nothing about me and make some pretty large assumptions on my time and money spent playing this game. 

    I hate cheaters. I just don't feel it's right to break rules to catch them. And it is against the rules of this forum to call out players by name. 
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2017
    CS has plenty of time to deal with cheaters.  They’ve evenly come out publicly to say they would (spoiler alert: they did nothing) over a previous exploit.

    Dont defend CS - you’re wasting everyone’s time.

  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    tobismaul said:

    Please accept this comment as independent of the current situation that seems to have created such a stir among some players.

    For the most part there are only 2 parties that can confirm if someone has cheated. The person that cheated and the developer. Everything else is anecdotal or circumstantial evidence that can be presented to the developer but ultimately the developer has to investigate and come to some sort of conclusion.

    I don't think anyone can expect the developer to comment on individual players and I don't think they should be. Are we going to a system where everyone that is reported is publicly considered guilty and the developer has to publicly clear them and explain their reasons?

    This isn't a public court of MPQ justice. Report the player and move on. If you feel like the developer isn't taking the situation seriously and it is ruining the game somehow then play another game, go have some fun. It is in the developers best interest to remove cheaters to maintain a player base for this exact reason, people will move on if they feel the game has been compromised and spend their money elsewhere.

    I understand that people get personally and emotionally attached but what else do you expect the developer to say, other than thank you for making us aware, we are looking into it. Just because you think you spotted a cheater doesn't mean you have the right to all the details about the situation.

    Another question I would as is at what point do we accept the developers decision. At what point do we accept manufactured and manipulated "evidence" by other players. At what point does this become a witch hunt.

    I agree that when there has been wide spread cheating reported and the developer has initiated communication about the cheating they should be more transparent in how they have handled or will be handling it. In the past this particular developer has failed in this regard with little to no follow up. When it comes to an individual player though, report it, move on, let the developer deal with it from there.

    If you had $100k sunk into this game, would you just say "ho hum, this cheating sucks, I'm going to move on now" or would you maybe, just maybe, do everything in your power to get the cheating resolved so you could continue to enjoy the thing you dumped so much money into.

    If you neighbor keeps flinging dog poop against your house, do you just leave your house, and all the $ you invested in it, sitting there and move into another house?  Personally, I'd do everything I could to get a restraining order against the neighbor, but I'm just weird like that, I guess. 

    If I had $100k sunk into this game, my wife would have killed me by now. And, frankly, cheating in a game like this =/= a neighbor throwing feces.
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    Sounds like someone thats spends lots of money that they want to keep happy.

    I don't blame them, that's pretty typical practice of any business tbh.

    Would you rather the guy that not play or the guy keeps what he has at the rate he has and the game keeps going.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sounds like someone thats spends lots of money that they want to keep happy.

    I don't blame them, that's pretty typical practice of any business tbh.

    Would you rather the guy that not play or the guy keeps what he has at the rate he has and the game keeps going.
    It's a counter-productive strategy when it means all your other income flow starts to dry up because people (including other big spenders) get really annoyed that someone is so flagrantly getting (away with) so much.

    Ultimately, you keep the one guy happy and you get to keep his $1000, but you lose $1400 in other varied revenue.
    Agreed.  Diversifying is an important part of any financial strategy. Even if they keep that one guy happy, he could get hit by a bus tomorrow then they'd wish they hadn't irritated their larger audience...
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017
    CS has plenty of time to deal with cheaters.  They’ve evenly come out publicly to say they would (spoiler alert: they did nothing) over a previous exploit.

    Dont defend CS - you’re wasting everyone’s time.

    Well then i will stop "wasting" people's time and move on after one last question. 

    Why are so many of you still here if you have zero trust in the devs and CS to do what is right? Just move on from the game, like I am from this discussion.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can we get Frank Castle on this? If the system is broken then Punisher has his way.
  • huktonfonix
    huktonfonix Posts: 214 Tile Toppler
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone.

    As some of you may know, there has been a particular player that the community has recently brought to our attention. We have investigated the player’s account, and found there was an error on our part that created their rapid roster growth; a combination of legitimate Customer Support cover swaps, and an oversight with accreditation of Classic Legends characters.

    We will be working with this player to address this incident, and resolve it in a fair and appropriate manner. We apologize for any confusion this situation has caused.

    9 days later, this player still has the same ill-gotten roster, and as we speak is passing me for first place in our PVP bracket.  Will those of us who miss out on placement because we're competing head-to-head against a player that you've admitted is using characters 70+ levels above what they should be receive compensation in the form of the placement rewards we were denied?
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    Anyone who has spent money on this game after they knew the game was exploitable knew what they were getting into.  If you move into a neighborhood where everything is splattered with feces, you shouldn't be surprised when people start aiming them at your new house: it was all obviously coming from somewhere, before you spent a cent.

    Anyone who didn't know the game was exploitable either hasn't spent money on the game, or is tragically poor at money management.

    In any case, the way forward from here is clear.
  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    @Justice Jacks your a troll go back to line and troll there! 
  • Jkirnan1980
    Jkirnan1980 Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    Why do people assume that in the past 9 days nothing has been done? Roster looks different to me. Some levels lower. Some higher. Did people expect a public statement made? 
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why do people assume that in the past 9 days nothing has been done? Roster looks different to me. Some levels lower. Some higher. Did people expect a public statement made? 
    I have some "insider" knowledge as to what has been done to resolve the "issue". The true problem is not the distribution of covers but the sheer amount of covers "earned" in a short amount of time. So, yes, based on what has been done to "correct" the problem shows in lower levels here AND higher levels there. But, again, the problem is the sheer amount of covers "earned" in the time frame "earned" that is the problem with the people that really watch.....
  • Michaelcles
    Michaelcles Posts: 100 Tile Toppler
    I think the complaints against cheaters are as effective as yelling underwater.  D3’s policy is that they’ll deal with it however they deem fit.

    Prohibited Conduct.  You agree not to engage in any of the following conduct through or in connection with the Game:


    (i) cheat or use, develop or distribute automation software programs (“bots”),  “macro” software programs or other “cheat utility” software programs or applications that are designed to modify the Game experience to the detriment of fair play;


    D3PA reserves the right to determine what conduct violates these restrictions or is otherwise outside the intentions of this EULA or the Game and to take action as a result, which  may include termination of your account and exclusion from further participation in the Game.

  • Michaelcles
    Michaelcles Posts: 100 Tile Toppler
    IMHO, it is foolish to not punish the guilty appropriately (up to and including dropping them from the game) and provide compensation for the victims.

    Not punishing the guilty just encourages more cheating.  i was shocked at how simple it was to find a long history of cheats for this game.

    Why pay for the cow when you get the milk for free?
  • Michaelcles
    Michaelcles Posts: 100 Tile Toppler
    Should also point out that this is all part of “the best player experience”.

    D3 Go! is dedicated to creating the best player experience and support on all major gaming platforms and mobile devices
  • Electrovirus
    Electrovirus Posts: 64 Match Maker
    I feel bad for all the competitive players that are honest.  You guys sink not only money but tons of time, hours and hours of it, to grind away, play optimally and place high to earn your rewards, only to have cheaters rank higher and develop rosters faster.  I hope the offending players get an appropriate reprimand.  In the long term this will drive many competitive players out of the game if the developers allow it to happen.