Lame Update



  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    It is though. You get 30 crystals back in platinum. Play trial of ambition, FiRF, emo daily training grounds as a source of crystals, I have had no problems. It is a very fair trade. 

    People who are not in platinum? Well then by design they are not meant to easily buy the elite packs anyway. According to the developers, Masterpieces are meant to be as end game chase cards for established players that have been playing for a long time, and so are the elite packs since they contain MPs.

    Don't like rewards in the lower tiers? Then move up.
  • luckyvulpi
    luckyvulpi Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Okay actually 30 crystals is pretty affordable considering 15 from training grounds makes it 15 per day.  Havn't actually tried playing it since I'm not in plat, but TotP still isn't something everyone across the board can do.
  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards

    Don't act like TotP is some equaliser that allows everyone to earn unobtanium at the same time. 
    The TotP rewards absolutely suck for anyone not in platinum and it was generally agreed that it's better to buy planeswalkers or cards for non-plat players instead.

    60 crystals per day is a huge investment that many players can't afford.  I certainly can't earn that much and I would love to know what kind of things you do in order to sustain 60 crystals per day for 4 weeks to get 1 pack.

    Just because you can afford 60 crystals per day with the best rewards doesn't mean everyone else can.
    Well, you are totally correct that TotP is a rip off for anyone not in platinum or who can't clear 8/12 fights each time they play it.

    However, for platinum players who can consistently get 30 crystals back it is the best ROI in the game.  Check out @span_argoman post on the topic here: 

    But an exert for platinum players to illustrate my point. He is discussing the various uses and expected outcomes from using 300 crystals for the following options.  

    Premium Pack: This yields 25 cards giving you approximately a 21% of drawing 1 or more Mythics, which probably means a 10 - 20% chance of drawing one or more new cards. Plus a guaranteed Rare which is likely to be a duplicate. To get a 50% chance of drawing a Mythic, you need to open 3 Premium Packs (50.7%) and that's with the chance of getting a duplicate. In short, Premium Packs are terrible value for Incomplete players.

    Half a Weekly Bundle: The only difference between this option and a Premium Pack is that you gain 2.5 more cards from half a Colour Pack which increases the chance of a Mythic to approximately 22.5%.

    Trial of the Planes: This gives you the same number of cards as a Premium Pack, hence giving you the same odds for drawing a Mythic or new card as a Premium Pack. So, the difference is the guaranteed Rare versus the other rewards which for 5 x Trial of Planes are:

    Platinum: 100 Jewels & 150 Crystals

    This is 25% of a Mythic+ Pack from the Masterpiece Collection and a 50% rebate on the Crystal cost. Not only do you double your chances of drawing a Mythic (bearing in mind you are getting a 21% chance of a Mythic or more from the 5 packs from TotP and 25% of a Mythic+ Pack in Jewels), you halve the price of your purchase with the Crystal rebate. All this at the expense of losing a guaranteed Rare which is at a high chance of being a duplicate for an Incomplete player anyway.

  • luckyvulpi
    luckyvulpi Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Okay I get it.  Plat gives you 30 crystals afterwards.  Forgive me for not looking at the rewards im not going to get since I'm not in that teir.

    Really though.  If the argument was that normal players can't earn unobtanium and the counter argument is, 'you can, but only by playing this event that's only sustainable for top teir players' then that just proves the point.

    Try playing events like your in gold for a couple of weeks and see how many unobtanium you get.  That's how some people play all the time and from my experience the rate of getting unobtanium is really really slow.
  • Szamsziel
    Szamsziel Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    Question is why do you play in gold for "all the time"? Risk make profit. Move to Plat to be on the same page...
  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
    You have no argument from me.  I was just showing you that the math for Platinum is pretty solid.

    Ultimately, I have always been one of the biggest champions for better rewards and better drop rates.  Even in platinum the reward for 1st place in EMK or **** is 20 jewels. 1/20th of an elite pack draw.  And its significantly worse for Gold I believe.   Pathetic.

    I really think they are making a big mistake by keeping the flow of shiny cards so low.  I don't think they should give away the farm, but I also don't think the current drop rate and prize structure is the one that would maximize D3's profits.  Who cares if some of the whales collect the whole set?  Let some newer players chase (and CATCH) many of the best cards.  Whenever I get a new mythic I get excited and want to collect/spend more.  If this happens 1-2 times a month and I only collect 1/4 of the mychics in a set they are really blundering an opportunity.
  • Gilesclone
    Gilesclone Posts: 735 Critical Contributor
    If your collection of rares is not substantially complete, you’re guaranteed rares are more valuable.  Premium packs are much better for those players.  But as your rares fill up, TotP becomes the way to go.  One very good reason to master up to platinum. 
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Please ensure all comments are civil, on-topic, and do not attack other players. Thank you!
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    morgue427 said:
    not a bad pauper deck not sure i would use swift reckoning without derju? the cycling one that disables 2 for one turn just can be popped easier for 3 as stop 2 rampaging killers for 3 i believe, other wise looks good to me no creature is more than a on color match and one secondary color match while the rest of the deck can be cast severasl with one one color match
    The challenge was to use 2 or less cycling cards. Oketra and support removal were more necessary. I would have loved to use Derju.
  • luckyvulpi
    luckyvulpi Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    I agree with brigby. Don't don't attack my choice to stay in gold.  I play with the cards I like and it just so happens that the cards I like don't fill enough mastery to push me into plat.

    It just so happens that the 1st big pack I opened for hour of devastation gave me a dupe rare of the 1 rare I already had, so what am I suppose to master if the drop rate is low and I can't get the cool cards I want to use/master?
  • Gilesclone
    Gilesclone Posts: 735 Critical Contributor
    Everybody hates the duplicates. My chance of getting a new card from a normal booster is only about 2% per card.  I haven’t received any new cards in a week.
    We’re all hoping booster crafting will help.
    This isn’t a beginner vs elite problem 
  • James13
    James13 Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    It's worth considering going to platinum if you've been around for a while.  Progression reward improvements alone more than offset ranking concerns.  For example: the "classic" events all give you a guaranteed set rare as a progression reward.  I was intimidated by the idea of going platinum for a long time, but I should have made the move sooner than I did.
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree with Khurram and Babar3355. Trial of the planes and jewels were specifically created for end-game Platinum players to chase powerful cards without having to spend crystals on premium packs. The ROI on Totp for gold is terrible because it's meant to be. The whole idea is to have a "reward" for your efforts of competing highly in the uppermost tier. If you play Totp and training grounds every weekday to progression, you will effectively be exchanging 15 crystals for 20 jewels daily. 
  • theyrejustelves
    theyrejustelves Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    master the cards that you dont think are do you think people move up in the mastery?

    anyways, the current color mastery shouldnt be the way that tiers are structured and fairly certain that this has already been posted about.  If you dont like the rewards, move up.  If you dont want to move up, not sure what to tell you.
  • hawkyh1
    hawkyh1 Posts: 780 Critical Contributor
    you take the rough with the smooth for choosing to stay in
    gold. you just need to accept a downside is that you will
    not get as many jewels in events. are you saying that
    you need more jewels for elite packs to be able to
    compete in gold?

  • morgue427
    morgue427 Posts: 783 Critical Contributor
    i dont know about anybody else but i can get several 5 pack cards sets a month or use them for pws, i dont  belong to a coalition or play every single challenge or even the tg battles often, it adds up with decent placement in the challenges for a few extra crystals and the purples? i get some i get some otherwise not a worry. my two cents worth is all this is. been playing little over a year and have most all of the pws only 12 was bought because i wanted them rest with crystals i won, it is possible which is not the same as saying it is easy. takes time and consistency to hoard them.
  • Sirchombli
    Sirchombli Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    As a player in a top coalition I can talk about my collection all day. It's not the magical Christmas land that everybody makes it out to be. I do have like 5 copies of all the rares, but to balance that I have 5 hou mythics. 

    Also, in platinum, you can scoop up 100 jewels per week without even being in a coalition. As soon as you accept the reality that you have what you have, you'll find it isn't that bad. When I jumped to platinum I had 23 mythics. I played top. 10 with my 23 mythics. Your skill outweighs your cards. It seems silly to hold a grudge. I worked hard for my cards. Some of the best players in the game are f2p. Of course paying money will get you nicer toys, but you don't need them. I don't even have baral. I'll survive. 
  • morgue427
    morgue427 Posts: 783 Critical Contributor
    magic has always been about being able to out think your opponent, yes some cards help faster but at a cost but as many if not more just require someone to think of a way to use it to beat a specific problem in the meta that is all the rage. Perhaps we need to get back to making clever decks instead of power ones like everyone else has, be a hacker not a script kitty
  • TheDragonHermit
    TheDragonHermit Posts: 465 Mover and Shaker
    Well this thread has convinced me, it is time to grind my way up to platinum, any suggestions for that?