The current pink elephant in the room. 5 star boosted Gambit from ill-gotten gains.



  • TF1977
    TF1977 Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    I'm sure their working on this
  • PenniesForEveryone
    PenniesForEveryone Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    IMO anyone that didn't take advantage of the 7 CP/$2 offer should be given the chance to for some limited period of time.  Put a cap on it at whatever quantity the most egregious "exploiters" bought, and give everyone the opportunity to gain the same advantage that was given to them.

    We all compete, and it's not fair to give a 50x CP advantage to one group and not another.  On the other hand the one group really did nothing wrong - they purchased an offer that was given to them. The only fair thing to do is to give everyone else a chance at the same offer.
  • RemoDestroyer
    RemoDestroyer Posts: 277 Mover and Shaker
    IMO anyone that didn't take advantage of the 7 CP/$2 offer should be given the chance to for some limited period of time.  Put a cap on it at whatever quantity the most egregious "exploiters" bought, and give everyone the opportunity to gain the same advantage that was given to them.

    We all compete, and it's not fair to give a 50x CP advantage to one group and not another.  On the other hand the one group really did nothing wrong - they purchased an offer that was given to them. The only fair thing to do is to give everyone else a chance at the same offer.
    I don't think this offer should be made. Anyone who gained an edge in this game by building a roster over a lot of time or spent a lot of money will be equals with a big group of players who may have potentially spent little time and/or small money.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    IMO anyone that didn't take advantage of the 7 CP/$2 offer should be given the chance to for some limited period of time.  Put a cap on it at whatever quantity the most egregious "exploiters" bought, and give everyone the opportunity to gain the same advantage that was given to them.

    We all compete, and it's not fair to give a 50x CP advantage to one group and not another.  On the other hand the one group really did nothing wrong - they purchased an offer that was given to them. The only fair thing to do is to give everyone else a chance at the same offer.
    I really don't want a "solution" that just encourages an arms race.
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2017
    IMO anyone that didn't take advantage of the 7 CP/$2 offer should be given the chance to for some limited period of time.  Put a cap on it at whatever quantity the most egregious "exploiters" bought, and give everyone the opportunity to gain the same advantage that was given to them.

    We all compete, and it's not fair to give a 50x CP advantage to one group and not another.  On the other hand the one group really did nothing wrong - they purchased an offer that was given to them. The only fair thing to do is to give everyone else a chance at the same offer.
    My suggestion is to only extend an offer to people who previously purchased prior to this instance. Either give them your suggestion or a 1 for 1 chance at the 7 CP/$2  for every purchase they have previously made, whichever amounts to the smaller total CP number. No one could complain at that point that they felt their money was devalued. Also, and this may annoy some people looking to maximize their CP, but I don't care: This would not be an official announcement. Affected spenders would receive and in game pop up notifying them they could make purchases until the "red sale" (typical way they highlight a sale) ran out and that this would be compensating them only, there would be no 7 CP for alliance members.

    That last part is a little gray area, as buy clubs would still have come out way on top, but I think it would satisfy enough people who've spent to end this debate and restore some credibility to MPQ that they've definitely lost with recent glitches that are giving away more goods than intended to only a small amount of lucky people.

    Edit: Also wanted to add that this game is already an "arms race" and that's why people are so angry about issues like this.
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    mexus said:
    Beer40 said:
    IMO anyone that didn't take advantage of the 7 CP/$2 offer should be given the chance to for some limited period of time.  Put a cap on it at whatever quantity the most egregious "exploiters" bought, and give everyone the opportunity to gain the same advantage that was given to them.

    We all compete, and it's not fair to give a 50x CP advantage to one group and not another.  On the other hand the one group really did nothing wrong - they purchased an offer that was given to them. The only fair thing to do is to give everyone else a chance at the same offer.
    My suggestion is to only extend an offer to people who previously purchased prior to this instance. Either give them your suggestion or a 1 for 1 chance at the 7 CP/$2  for every purchase they have previously made, whichever amounts to the smaller total CP number. No one could complain at that point that they felt their money was devalued. Also, and this may annoy some people looking to maximize their CP, but I don't care: This would not be an official announcement. Affected spenders would receive and in game pop up notifying them they could make purchases until the "red sale" (typical way they highlight a sale) ran out and that this would be compensating them only, there would be no 7 CP for alliance members.

    That last part is a little gray area, as buy clubs would still have come out way on top, but I think it would satisfy enough people who've spent to end this debate and restore some credibility to MPQ that they've definitely lost with recent glitches that are giving away more goods than intended to only a small amount of lucky people.

    Edit: Also wanted to add that this game is already an "arms race" and that's why people are so angry about issues like this.
    I'd welcome that but noooot gonna happen. 
    I know, but have to put it out there and hope  ;)
  • PenniesForEveryone
    PenniesForEveryone Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    @Beer40 I agree - that definitely seems like a good solution to me.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    Are we still on this? They won't do jack.
    The new cheat you have to worry about is faking purchases to trigger cp gain.
  • RemoDestroyer
    RemoDestroyer Posts: 277 Mover and Shaker
    edited November 2017
    How do you delete a comment?
  • TF1977
    TF1977 Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
  • PJ_Dupa
    PJ_Dupa Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    edited November 2017
    LMAO who is this Rocket Scientist who fakes purchases and d3 emails? 

    **Removed insult and issued warning for trolling - fight4thedream
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    PJ_Dupa said:
    LMAO who is this Rocket Scientist who fakes purchases and d3 emails? 

    **Removed insult and issued warning for trolling - fight4thedream
    It is against forum rules to call out a player for cheating so I am afraid your question must be left a rhetorical one. And if you haven't done so already, please be sure to go over the Forum Rules. 
  • RunningMan
    RunningMan Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    I don’t understand the reasoning behind people calling those who took fair advantage of a mis-pricing cheaters, nor the demand for those who missed out on it, for equal opportunity to purchase at the same price.  

    If if you see that some steak was mid-labeled at the supermarket for $0.50/lbs instead of $5.00/lbs and the store was honouring the labeled price, would you not buy as much as you could use? Should you be considered a “stealer” if you did?  If you only heard about this pricing error the next day from your neighbour, would you demand that the supermarket allow you to purchase steak today at that same price because you didn’t happen to go shopping yesterday?

    Granted, if there were some that exploited through some intentional deliberate means the pricing error after it was patched (ie: hacked device or manipulated OS or something, not just that the price didn’t update on their device through no fault/action of their own), then that (and only that) should be considered an exploit and dealt with.  
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    It's more than just inaction.  Leaving a device on the purchase screen for hours after a data push that everyone knew was to close down that loophole is intentionally taking advantage of a clear mistake.  Everyone involved knew exactly what was going on, this wasn't an innocent mistake.

    I'm not saying people should be punished for this beyond a rollback, but the fact that purchases made after the patch weren't immediately rolled back is the really problematic issue here.
  • FokaiHI
    FokaiHI Posts: 272 Mover and Shaker
    Maybe all the people that used their cps when the classics were at 25% should have that rolled back too. 
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Didn't know about this at all until just now, as I don't use Line.

    I'd just like everyone's math to be straight.

    It's not $2 for 7 CP. It's $2 for 140 CP. It didn't only affect individuals.

    Comparing 25% vs 15% is not on the same order of magnitude as $2 vs $100.

    And the main reason this matters more than someone getting free drinks and someone else not is because MPQ is a competitive environment.

    Knowing about this makes me less likely to continue in the game. 5* Gambit is already annoying because he's all that matters in 5* world. The PVP jerking around was annoying and causing me to think about playing something else. I'll probably wait until my current LT hoard is ready and see how things pan out in the game, but it definitely seems like this game's going to die soon. This certainly isn't going to make all the whales quit, but even if some stop spending at the same rate, it's going to start the end of the game.
  • RunningMan
    RunningMan Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    For an example that included competition, think of it this way.  Say you're running in a Nike sponsored marathon, and you bought their newest Nike super sneakers for $300 two weeks ago.  Then, you find out from your neighbor they were able to buy the same shoes for $30 yesterday because of an error in pricing.  You're both running the same race tomorrow.  Do you expect Nike to offer you and everyone else running the race the same shoe for the same mislabeled price?  Of course not!

    Sometimes, some people are more fortunate to have stumbled across an advantage while others are less fortunate to have missed out.  That's life.

    Those that took advantage of this mis-pricing were the lucky ones.  Those that missed it, the unlucky ones. Those that kept it at the purchase screen after a data push (likely an extreme minority) are at most arguably exploiters at the worst (D3 could have forced an update) but I doubt that the majority of people with a champ Gambit exploited.
  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    How many man hours does it take to write the code and create graphics etc to even have a button in the store that allows a player to purchase cp for 2$ ? and how would that change even be implemented? It was not an accident it was not a bug. it was collusion between groups of spenders and the company the runs the platform. That's in the LEAST cheating but its worse even: its conspiracy, insider trading, fraud, price fixing, money laundering, embezzling. If a party acts in bad faith or takes part in an illegal contract their actions are also illegal/indefensible.
    These coordinated buy rooms and alliance money transfers were not innocent players getting a BoGo deal at walmart on chinese Bluray players cuz the stock boy printed the wrong signs. This was the company that runs the market going "pssssst_ hey bro, wait until 345 when my boss's leave and I can hook you up!"
    Why havn't they done anything about the cheaters?: cuz they were in on it! 

    everyone knows a hat doesn't help anything, you need a tinfoil helmet to protect you 
  • PenniesForEveryone
    PenniesForEveryone Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    For an example that included competition, think of it this way.  Say you're running in a Nike sponsored marathon, and you bought their newest Nike super sneakers for $300 two weeks ago.  Then, you find out from your neighbor they were able to buy the same shoes for $30 yesterday because of an error in pricing.  You're both running the same race tomorrow.  Do you expect Nike to offer you and everyone else running the race the same shoe for the same mislabeled price?  Of course not!

    Sometimes, some people are more fortunate to have stumbled across an advantage while others are less fortunate to have missed out.  That's life.

    Those that took advantage of this mis-pricing were the lucky ones.  Those that missed it, the unlucky ones. Those that kept it at the purchase screen after a data push (likely an extreme minority) are at most arguably exploiters at the worst (D3 could have forced an update) but I doubt that the majority of people with a champ Gambit exploited.
    Terrible analogy for two reasons.  First, it wasn't $30, it was $6 - and the competition spent the same $300 as you did but got 50 pairs of shoes so that they can start every single race for the next year with a brand new pair of shoes.  And second, any shoe store with a halfway decent sense of customer service would have either offered you the same $6 deal, or refunded you $294 of the $300 you spent.  D3 has done neither to my knowledge.
  • RunningMan
    RunningMan Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    Show me any (ANY!) retailer that would’ve refunded you the difference or offered goods at the same (mistaken labeled price, which is different than price protection in the case it goes on sale shortly after purchase).  There isn’t one.

    As to collusion, that’s total ****.  Companies don’t function that way.  If any time you miss an advantage that others were able to partake in, you call collusion, that’s a pretty self centred point of view you have.  There were no special graphics required.  They all already existed ($2 iso button, +7CP graphics, etc) which are probably overlayed procedurally based on a data driven system.