This Game Isn't Fun Anymore



  • I am fast coming to the conclusion that the fun I am having with my 2* roster is basically the peak of the game and I should not bother getting to 3* icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • pasa_ wrote:
    It will mean in few weeks everyone who won anything considerable will get to top and is doomed to play only 141 bands onward. Some already got there, others are approaching.
    I choose to believe (b/c hope springs eternal) that this is a predecessor to a revamp of the healing out of combat system (i.e. getting rid of it). I would be fine with facing a wall of 141s and losing points for a loss if it meant that I could go right back in to the fray with a team that is on even footing (i.e. not half health or lower).

    Health packs may have once represented a significant chunk of MPQ's revenue stream, but now it feels more like the horrid energy system that so many f2p games use and that everyone despises (and I have a vauge memory that Al has said similar in the VentureBeat series; I'll have to go back and check). But really, out-of-combat healing = energy. A rose by any other name, and all that.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Why do you think healing would be gone? I can't remember of a single instance of devs getting rid of a revenue source, however small (only character nerfs come to mind).
  • I still have some fun playing this game, but my enjoyment has definitely dropped. Scaling in PvE is a big part of the decline in fun factor. I have settled for playing just enough in PvE to get the new 3* covers because I know if I play too much my scaling will go up and make it even less fun to play. The rewards in subevents and overall for that matter have diminished lowering my incentive to play even further.

    Another factor is the end game. I'm on day 186 and have every character. Most of the characters are fully covered and leveled to a playable level. I enjoy the diversity my roster offers so I do play to get the covers of newly released characters, but I no longer care to be #1. The latest addition of alliances to the game is kind of a love/hate relationship. I love the fact that we can team up and work towards rewards, but hate the fact that I can't bow out of events without hurting the alliance. The same goes for the Season structure. Miss a couple of PvP events and lower your chances for a top tier reward. And that reward of 10x heroic packs is really not all that enticing now since I'm likely to get a bunch of characters I don't need.

    The business model of release new character that will be required for the next couple of events to unlock new characters cycle gets old real quick. Is that the only motivation to play this game now? The original Puzzle Quest had more story and more mini games to make things interesting. Granted you eventually end up doing everything and then there's nothing left to do. That's where MPQ shines. Player vs player keeps a game fresh longer and while it's not true PvP you still compete directly with others. But without interesting rewards it gets old. How many times can you beat the same teams for the same reward before it gets boring?

    TL;DR: Scaling discourages playing freely and the rewards for beating highend opponents is not worth the trouble. That applies to PvE and PvP with the mmr changes recently.
  • locked wrote:
    Why do you think healing would be gone? I can't remember of a single instance of devs getting rid of a revenue source, however small (only character nerfs come to mind).
    For what it's worth, that was a mostly joking post.

    But I would also choose to think of changes in terms of game longevity. If changing a pricing structure improved the longevity/stickiness/arpdau of a game, they'll make the change.

    For example, taking my mostly joking post from above, if your hurt characters came out of combat fully healed, would you play more? Would you be less likely to skip opponents in PvP? If the counter-balance to that was that "knocked out" characters stayed knocked out for some amount of time (based on rarity), and you could fully rez a character with a health pack, how would that alter your health pack usage? Would you be more likely to push harder at the end of a tourney and / or purchase health packs?

    That's just a simple (and probably not well thought out) example of changing a pricing model based on gameplay changes, rather than getting rid of a revenue source.
  • The only thing that remains fun about this game is the hyper competitive aspect at the top. There is no content, the new characters are lame, the events are recycled and most of the changes have been done with the Mr. Money Bags spirit in control. But Here is why I love it. I didn't have a good mags, and finally from all my tourney winnings I decided to buy the last covers I need and drop some ISO. I went from a lvl 41 mags to a level 80 mags in a week. Then I went to LR to test drive him and after an intense 75 minutes I finished second to an alliance mate by a match difference. It was exhilarating and the fact that we could discuss the event after wards on our alliance group discussion and people were commenting on the race was fun too. A lot of the fun me and other higher level people get are from the meta games we play. I personally would like to see an expansion of the Storyline campaign outside of the dark reign arc, but since that won't happen I'll settle for the hyper competition.
  • Add Oscorp: Heroic to that list icon_e_smile.gif
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    UncleSam wrote:
    The business model of release new character that will be required for the next couple of events to unlock new characters cycle gets old real quick. Is that the only motivation to play this game now? The original Puzzle Quest had more story and more mini games to make things interesting. Granted you eventually end up doing everything and then there's nothing left to do. That's where MPQ shines. Player vs player keeps a game fresh longer and while it's not true PvP you still compete directly with others. But without interesting rewards it gets old. How many times can you beat the same teams for the same reward before it gets boring?
    I mentioned this in one of the old threads and got someone who strongly defended Demiurge's business model and implied/hinted that he liked it that way. Cue to few weeks after his reply he quit the game to focus on work and life.
  • I am one who took a hiatus, and may never play as competitively as I once did because I hate when games make demands on me that I want to meet but have to give up something else in meatspace to reach, like sleep...

    Right now, and I can only speak to my personal experience but the new heroic has several new elements compared to the old ones and is definitely not a cookie cutter. The forum tells me there was a problem at the beginning and everyone has the torches in pitchforks out over that. Ignoring that, this event ~seems~ already much more enjoyable than many of the last few, if they hadn't made a mistake that effects people's rewards I wonder if more people would agree with that.

    Either way game seems better right this moment than when I hiatused myself. Maybe taking a whole week off is the new optimum tanking method and things are just nice and easy for me right now. If that is true then I highly recommend the reduction in stress about a game was marvelous, telling myself I in no way NEED those falcon covers (don't even get me started on fury) was the best thing I have done in a long time, for my sanity, engagement in real life and surprisingly enjoyment and moderation of the game too.
  • Really it looked promising on the first day, but too many PVE had similar start (almost all of them?) Some people entered with 230+ enemies and we can easily arrive that range in 2 days with majority of the event ahead just due to Patch regeneration.

    D3 already showed they are happy to take a bad corrective action soon then rather leave the field broken instead of either apply actual fix or restart. (I really can't understand the latter -- what real problem it is to cancel an event, start it over immediately, maybe post a heroic for every 1000 pts collected to those started early...)
  • Agreed starting over immediately would be a bonus even to those who got a head start they get double rewards for everything they had already done.

    And I don't envy those with ridiculous scaling. But this one has been fun so far. We will have to wait and see where it ends.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    kensterr wrote:
    UncleSam wrote:
    The business model of release new character that will be required for the next couple of events to unlock new characters cycle gets old real quick. Is that the only motivation to play this game now? The original Puzzle Quest had more story and more mini games to make things interesting. Granted you eventually end up doing everything and then there's nothing left to do. That's where MPQ shines. Player vs player keeps a game fresh longer and while it's not true PvP you still compete directly with others. But without interesting rewards it gets old. How many times can you beat the same teams for the same reward before it gets boring?
    I mentioned this in one of the old threads and got someone who strongly defended Demiurge's business model and implied/hinted that he liked it that way. Cue to few weeks after his reply he quit the game to focus on work and life.

    Yep. I went toe-to-toe with the same guy in the same discussion. I remember you from that thread, I think. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Game is rarely fun for me anymore and I've scaled back playing MPQ over the last 2-3 weeks. Every week it's the same ol' same ol'

    PvP: I enter into an event and see maxed out Lazy Thors, Lazy Caps and other maxed out 3*s. Should I have to skip until I lose 100+ ISO to find a match that I can win without losing most of my team? Eff that.

    PvE: grind grind grind grind those 7-10 day events to potentially win a single cover? It's patheticly boring now. No thanks.
  • Did I miss something?

    Is there really a mechanism that adjusts scaling if you've used Level 100+ Spidey and Magneto?

    Those are two of my top three 3* characters and I've not seen enemies higher than 240. Then again, I've not played as much as I used to and really don't care anymore, but was there really a dev confirming or stating that high scaling is due to Spidey and Magneto overuse?
  • There was a post mentioning the amount of damage you take during a fight is one of the factors.
    So finishing a fight at full heath (through stunlocking, healing, infinite chain combos, not letting any goon timers go off, etc.) would cause your rate of scaling to go up faster than an epic battle to the death you barely win.

    This seems to cause a difficulty curve where eventually everyone does start taking black eyes, getting kicked around, and complaining on the forum about scaling

    So it is more like personal and community scaling go off the charts when too many people are abusing spidey, cmags, patch(he regens!), daken(more regen), OBW, m.storm(forest and desert ftw), goon nodes in general, and any other combo of note.

    maybe we should all start using ares and juggs?
  • Konman
    Konman Posts: 410 Mover and Shaker
    At what point is it no longer fun enough to worry about getting the next shiny new cover, which will be required to get the next even shinier new cover?
  • trey9
    trey9 Posts: 102
    This new pvp change is horrible. Pvp was the most fun aspect of this game for me. Now pvp is impossible/not fun and pve is not really fun either. Gonna stick it out because I still enjoy playing, but it is getting very tedious and I am sure these recent changes will cause many players to quit outright. One of the members in my alliance just quit because of this recent pvp change.
  • trey9 wrote:
    This new pvp change is horrible. Pvp was the most fun aspect of this game for me. Now pvp is impossible/not fun and pve is not really fun either. Gonna stick it out because I still enjoy playing, but it is getting very tedious and I am sure these recent changes will cause many players to quit outright. One of the members in my alliance just quit because of this recent pvp change.

    You can't play this game for the rest of your life. You'll have to quit eventually. Wouldn't now be as good a time as any? I'm sure you'll find productive things to do before the next game get you.
  • klingsor wrote:
    The only thing that remains fun about this game is the hyper competitive aspect at the top. There is no content, the new characters are lame, the events are recycled and most of the changes have been done with the Mr. Money Bags spirit in control. But Here is why I love it. I didn't have a good mags, and finally from all my tourney winnings I decided to buy the last covers I need and drop some ISO. I went from a lvl 41 mags to a level 80 mags in a week. Then I went to LR to test drive him and after an intense 75 minutes I finished second to an alliance mate by a match difference. It was exhilarating and the fact that we could discuss the event after wards on our alliance group discussion and people were commenting on the race was fun too. A lot of the fun me and other higher level people get are from the meta games we play. I personally would like to see an expansion of the Storyline campaign outside of the dark reign arc, but since that won't happen I'll settle for the hyper competition.

    I'm reallllly not liking the trend towards "1100 for top 10" icon_e_sad.gif
  • farlus
    farlus Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    After 6 months of daily (2-3 hours per) play, I think I've finally hit that wall where it's becoming not fun for me anymore. I finally maxed out my first 3* cover (Punisher at 141) so I was glad to start turning that corner, but the ridiculous grind of constant lengthy events and these ridiculous Heroic events has finally got me just worn out. You can only continue chasing the next big thing for so long.

    Going to take a short hiatus and see if the hunger returns. For now, I think I may be on the way out.
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