This Game Isn't Fun Anymore



  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    How much are D3 paying you, Phantron? I honestly have no idea how you can defend this but you just keep on going.
  • How much are D3 paying you, Phantron? I honestly have no idea how you can defend this but you just keep on going.
    It actually is quite a defensible position. Scaling and rubberbanding make sense within the context of a competitive PvE environment. This thread makes it apparent that a lot of the anger and frustration (though not all) stems from the confusion and obfuscation that surrounds the mechanics. Rubberbanding and refreshes are a guessing game each event, while I'm not sure any patterns have ever been determined for scaling. For example, I was top 10 in the Hunt, and I'm currently top 50 in the Sim, but my scaling has barely crested 200 (and I'm using 2x 141 and a 100+ for most of the fights, and I'm using Spidey and OBW since we're on the last set of subs). A lot of the people in this thread would kill (or suicide) to get enemies at that level.

    I've stated it a goodly number of times that I'm not a huge fan of competitive pvp, yet I will still (to some extent) defend the scaling and rubberbanding, when they function correctly (as far as we can tell) and in a just and fair manner. They are reasonable alternatives to having separate events for people with lower tier rosters.
  • First time posting in this thread. I agree with most of the sentiments here that the game has become far less enjoyable. I am copy/pasting something I wrote on a different thread because it sums up my feelings on the current state of the game:

    "What saddens me is that this game I love so much feels like it has turned into some sorta weird Skinner box experiment where Demiurge is just looking at numbers trying to figure out how to make the game more profitable, instead of trying to figure out how to make the game more fun. Almost every single recent change addresses the former, but not the latter."
  • Tharos
    Tharos Posts: 129
    Sorry for this long post. It is not to complain, but only to give an explanation, in case some developpers read the forum and asks why people are leaving this game, or at least play less.

    For me, this event is just a joke.
    As always, it started pretty nicely, but this third round is just madness for me.
    With my maxed levels 85* ans one punisher level 115, I am not able to beat half of the nodes, their levels being 200-230. And I am talking about "normal" mode. Even though at this point, I wouldn't call 10-15 more levels "difficult mode", it is just the same.
    From two days this round started, all my "best" teams got wiped. I used every health pack I can when they come back, but the battles never came easier.
    The few nodes I cleared were due to having two match-5 when starting the game. Do you call it fun?

    And for the ones who asked, I never used Magneto, Spiderman, or Modern Storm on desert/forest. The only "glitch" I used, is going to shield training with OBW to heal some characters if they are not too low on health (I used to use prologue a few weeks ago, but it did not worked well and is too slow).
    Maybe I am supposed to use OBW as a 2-power character? I don't thing the devs gave her a third power to punish us when we use it.

    I am now sure about what makes me sad/angry above everything else, more than the game no longer fun: it is not fair.
    If everybody would have the same opponents as me, I will be ok: the fights are unbeatable for me, it is ok. I had the first two rounds to do my best. This third round would have been for the 3* rosters, ok, no problem.
    But the game is not like this. A lot of people with weaker roster have easier ennemis.

    I ended round 2 #16. Now, althouth I try a node everytime I can heal a character, I am #60. I am pretty sure I won't have any Falcon cover.
    My alliance mates, with about the same rosters (only 85's) or weaker have levels 60-100 opponents. Less than half my levels! How is it possible? Why are they allowed to enjoy this round and gain some points, and not me?

    So I came to this very simple conclusion: this game is no longer for me. At least not as I played it before.
    The dev wants us to play less (or at times when I can't play)? No problem, I will play less. I am losing my mental health in this pve for three events.
    They want more casual players? I will play more casually: no more pve past the first rounds, and pvp only to reach the 300 points (unless there is really nice covers).
    My chance is that I am not in a competitive alliance, so no problem to play less.
    But playing casually never meant to spend money in it for me. I'm done with it. The dev no longer deserves my money now for this madness.

    It is sad, because this game used to be really great. But now, I am going from 2-4 hours of daily play to 1 battle-1 hour of play.

    Good bye old MPQ, hello to new free time!
    Thanks to the community and this forum for being so constructive and helpful when needed. Hope to come back "full time" with a stronger roster, in a fun game!
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah all the recent changes have definitely encouraged me to play less.
    And I have.

    Now I spend more time back on all my old time tested games which I know and love and which I've enjoyed through the ages.
    The moment games become a chore you know it's time to take at least some time off.
  • Twysta wrote:
    Yeah all the recent changes have definitely encouraged me to play less.
    And I have.

    Now I spend more time back on all my old time tested games which I know and love and which I've enjoyed through the ages.
    The moment games become a chore you know it's time to take at least some time off.

    Yeah, time to get back to my other games that DON'T brutally punish me for playing them

    Like Dark.... Souls..... 2

    Nooooooooooooooo icon_cry.gif
  • Puritas
    Puritas Posts: 670 Critical Contributor
    gamar wrote:
    Twysta wrote:
    Yeah all the recent changes have definitely encouraged me to play less.
    And I have.

    Now I spend more time back on all my old time tested games which I know and love and which I've enjoyed through the ages.
    The moment games become a chore you know it's time to take at least some time off.

    Yeah, time to get back to my other games that DON'T brutally punish me for playing them

    Like Dark.... Souls..... 2

    Nooooooooooooooo icon_cry.gif

    well in dark souls I punish other people for playing icon_e_smile.gif
  • Vohnkar
    Vohnkar Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    I'm in the same boat as some of you. I've been playing the game since the release on Steam 5th of December. I had a couple of months that I was unable to place well on any event until I understand the MMR and Tanking. Now that I finally start to get some 3* at high level the game is more dificult than when I had 1*.

    I'm punished for using OBW/Spidy? for healing? for playing the game I LOVE to play?¿ come on guys... Its really poor design when you encourage your playerbase to stop playing, for me the scaling system killed the PvE events. I have fun the first couple of resets, but after they reach lvl 100+ I stop playing because I can't beat anything without boosts, and in the case I can do a single match, I need to 3health pack inmediatly to continue playing. For now it seems PvP is still quite fun, so I'm Sticking to it until they destroy it with some **** change to MMRs or Tanking.

    I hope they listen and stop making the game artificially dificult and unbalanced with those extrange scalings they are doing. The game was fun as it was without any scaling. With my lvl 85 roster I had really dificult matches on the events and if I wanted to rank top I had to boost, but I knew that I could decide what to do. Right now the game is deciding for me. If I don't play early on an event, it scales and I cant do many points. If I play a lot it scales and I have to stop playing... NICE!!! icon_rolleyes.gif

    Right now my 20/20 alliance is starting to have serious inactivity. I've been semi inactive in the simulator and sitting on 40k points, and I'm doing more points than half of my alliance, they are burning out even more than me.

    Please, D3 rollback the PvE to how it was some moths ago...
  • gamar wrote:
    Instead of a 40-pack of worthless tokens, sell an option to turn off all animations for 15,000 HP

    you could be PRINTING MONEY here, people!!

    I would throw money at demiurge for that option.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    gamar wrote:
    Instead of a 40-pack of worthless tokens, sell an option to turn off all animations for 15,000 HP

    you could be PRINTING MONEY here, people!!

    I would throw money at demiurge for that option.
    I prefer the option to reskin the characters instead - let their in-house artist earn some moolah for them instead of the coffee deprived programmers who can't code properly.
  • kensterr wrote:
    gamar wrote:
    Instead of a 40-pack of worthless tokens, sell an option to turn off all animations for 15,000 HP

    you could be PRINTING MONEY here, people!!

    I would throw money at demiurge for that option.
    I prefer the option to reskin the characters instead - let their in-house artist earn some moolah for them instead of the coffee deprived programmers who can't code properly.

    Reskin? That sounds terribly gory....
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Reskin? That sounds terribly gory....
    It all depends on the framing:

    Let our patented formula refresh, renew, rejuvenate, & revitalize your skin.

    Bid adieu to the old you! Say hello to a whole new you!

    Reskin, by L'Oreal.
  • I must be brutally honest here. When i made this post i was hoping and praying that it would reach 69 likes and now that it has, my job here is done.


    disclaimer: not really.
  • DD-The-Mighty
    DD-The-Mighty Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    I gotta say. I wasn't really felling you 100% unwise. It sounded like the usual endgame fellow (well as endgame as one can get in this grind factory of a game) a little butthurt because someone not on the l33t list got a good prize. but i understood where you were coming from.
    But now, i kinda do agree. (though not on a few "low" levels winning PVE prizes, sorry.) Noone on any level should feel punished for the flaws of a bad design decision.

    It hit me at the end of the simulator. Scheduling and a life kept me away from playing vidya games on my cell phone. I chose dinner and a movie over babysitting the last 2 hours of a bracket. Had a simple goal of top 50. round out that whopping 1/1/1 Birdman. needless to say that was not gonna happen. completely forgot check in on my pet burden and missed that last grindy push for 50+.

    top 75. and as im looking at this relatively useless 0/1/1 it hits me: aggressive indifference.
    I'm not as angry as i was expecting. nor disgusted, just and eye roll and a "whatever".

    My scaling wasn't bad, I have a well rounded roster of lvl 85-, no real complaints other than the crippling slow progression and my empathy for 2* low-mid levelers and the punished endgame minority. For the most part i really like the sims. they're better than fighting more lame DAs. but this is maybe the third consecutive pve that felt like a colossal waste of time. And given what im seeing from the more established folks the future of my MPQ tenure if only going to get worse. Maybe that's what they want, i don't know and I don't think i care anymore.

    I guess your right. The game is fun but they system its in... just isn't. Time to dial it back.

    Cool story, bruh.
  • A really good description of recent PVE experinece:

  • Aggressive indifference. A very good description.
  • Starting to get pretty crabby. No iso in simulator and can't compete to win otherwise ill ruin my scaling and not pve. If im losing iso I wont do it.

    Now pvp mmr is mono 141 teams and I cannot lower it even after 6 rounds of lr tanking. Had to use blue boosts the entire time in the doom bracket or risk taking lots of extra damage and run out of health packs. Iso neutral on that event.

    So cannot make iso and im getting told how to play and slapped when I have fun...ok...
  • My pvp mmr is through the roof and it makes fights very tedious as it's all 141 teams. My will to quit this game intensifies.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    Microtom wrote:
    My pvp mmr is through the roof and it makes fights very tedious as it's all 141 teams. My will to quit this game intensifies.
    I think everyone's chasing for the season's final score - else some would have taken a break and skipped some of the pvp tourneys
  • Yeah, the PVP change is interesting, this far seems like they just removed the effects of losing entirely, and cleared all the old scores.

    It will mean in few weeks everyone who won anything considerable will get to top and is doomed to play only 141 bands onward. Some already got there, others are approaching. Unless another change hits it will not be a really fun world and we can revive all the "**** progression is good for really?" threads.
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