Infinity Season *Updated (9/19/17)



  • Arix90
    Arix90 Posts: 244 Tile Toppler
    That 20 hp has to be a mistake right?
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    So the 1st event just popped up and in order to get a 4* cover you need to win 40 matches.  This is a crazy number of wins for PVP.  The CP is still in placement which is encouraging higher level players to drop down in CL to get the CP they want. 

    Here re is a little reality for the Devs.  A win based system might be better for lower roster players, but you have always said you want people to level their roster.  Well a win based system is going to drive players away from PVP because of the grind it will now be.  You should have a system that encourages players to play and play at their highest CL.  This is a system that requires high roster shield rank players to drop down to lower CL to earn CP.  

    why do do you refuse to test a hybrid system for an event of win X or score X to get each prize.  This way players will climb for placement and progression and players can grind out wins who are frustrated with losing points.  It does not have to be only one way.  Figure it out or you will lose a ton of players.
  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Arix90 said:
    That 20 hp has to be a mistake right?
    No, it's not. Like a good bean-counter they've gone ahead and divided every season reward they could by 5. After all the "season" is 1/5th the length of a normal season.

    I guess we should be happy they didn't replace the 10pack with 2 heroic tokens.
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    20 HP at the end does seem strange, but that should satisfy the people who complain some rewards are extremely backloaded.

    I see a Heroic 10-pack at 31 wins, and pretty nice season placement rewards considering it's a 2 event season.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pants1000 said:
    20 HP at the end does seem strange, but that should satisfy the people who complain some rewards are extremely backloaded.

    I see a Heroic 10-pack at 31 wins, and pretty nice season placement rewards considering it's a 2 event season.
    You'll see zero of those placement rewards.
    CL 5 to 8 will be filled with 5* rosters getting their t10 CP.
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker

    My gripe with this format hasn't changed.  The number of different opponents I see late on in the event is still only about 5, which means triple-tapping or worse, if I want the 40 wins.

    They may not lose progression, but they'll lose points and possibly placement and I might antagonise a member of the wrong alliance.  I've heard they can be worse than our mods used to be. :wrysmileit'sajokepleasedon'tbanmeemoji:

    There must be some method of opening up available opponents.  How about adding in the 5 players either side of me in the table, but only if currently shielded.

    I quote this, as this hinges on the biggest issue with current PvP really, which is MMR/Opponents.

    The reason many struggle to 575+/900 is the MMR is extremely restrictive, and doesn't let you target lots of people, so if you are in a narrow group, you get low target points, and it'll not get better. Opening that up to 3*/4* rosters would make their jump to 575+ much easier and get rid of a lot of issues.

    The fact we're doing the same thing again suggests they are happy with the percentages of players who are able to earn rewards such as the 15 CP, and so will continue on no matter the points raised are here. Albert Einstein said it best, about repeating the same text and expecting a different response. 
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    Pants1000 said:

    I see a Heroic 10-pack at 31 wins

    Ah, true, I hadn't even noticed that, the top two rewards were so pathetic. So if you can't be bothered with the grind to 32/40-wins in each event, two lots of 16 will get you the 10CP each time and the 10-pack. I think that'll do me.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    So they still didn't remove the most annoying feature: only top 10 placement receives the 15+ co, which is the onlybprize that matters.

    Thus you are making things worse for advanced players (and maybe other players too) by taking away the one prize they could depend upon.
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Richyyy said:
    Pants1000 said:

    I see a Heroic 10-pack at 31 wins

    Ah, true, I hadn't even noticed that, the top two rewards were so pathetic. So if you can't be bothered with the grind to 32/40-wins in each event, two lots of 16 will get you the 10CP each time and the 10-pack. I think that'll do me.
    Yup, same here. I hope they check the numbers and see that myself and other regular players that normally hit 900+ every event, quit after the 10 cp reward.  

    If i have any optimism left, its that they changed matchmaking or mmr.  If i can find 4 or even 3* teams, i may beat them up a little more. But that's a big IF.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2017
    Guess I can look forward to not getting worthwhile season placement as I usually manage (by skipping an event or two).

    Great job rewarding the whales (and hyper-alliances) with this mini-season. I'm sure they appreciate the ten-packs they don't need.
  • Merrick
    Merrick Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    Let's go whole hog. Forget points entirely. Only wins matter. Whoever can break through mmr the fastest and club the most seals wins. 
  • Blergh
    Blergh Posts: 159 Tile Toppler
    What cracks me up is it's gone from a system where people buy shields to get the four cover to a system where you can get that cover without shielding or spending anything. 

    If the main point of getting 900 was that four cover not placement why should they bother to shield? I mean 930ish didn't even get me top 25 in the last event. There is no reason to score big in the first place, I'll be hitting the weakest regardless of points they have just to maximise the win count. New players coming into this system will have no clue why 900 points is significant. 

    It's a win for the wallets at least. Be interesting to see how many people stop shielding altogether if it is introduced main season and shift their focus to a PVE alliance. Most probably doesn't make much of a difference off season. From a business perspective it seems like a dumb move. *shrugs* 
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    20 hp at 67 wins? Come on. That's the exact same reward at 5 wins. You could have done something really cool like a 4* cover or 5k iso. That's just insulting. But I guess when you're rewarding players with a standard token for the sixth clear of a node it shouldn't be too surprising.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 535 Critical Contributor
    I really hoped that after the last test, D3 would revise the amount of wins for progression awards.

    As it stands, they are really terrible - both at the level of the individual PVP event as well as for the mini-season progression.
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    40 wins for a guaranteed 4*?
    yes, please. thx. 
  • Player1575
    Player1575 Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    Looks like I'll be playing a lot less pvp if they don't adjust the numbers for the win totals. I don't have time to slog through 40 matches for a 4* in addition to playing pve, which gives better rewards. 

    Took maybe 2 hours to climb from 0 to 900 in the past, maybe a bit longer if I don't have 2 boosted 4*s. 40 wins will take a lot longer than that.