A Truly Generous Gift... Oh Wait... Nevermind



  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    babar3355 said:
    Oh did I?
    i guess not :)
  • Corn_Noodles
    Corn_Noodles Posts: 477 Mover and Shaker
    Gormhaus said:
    They should have just sucked it up and let everyone have a gift. Would have made the customers happy. Now it just made everyone that didnt get one frustrated. Happy customers are more likely to stay than angry ones.

    Unfortunately, that would most likely have resulted in some people getting two of them.
  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gormhaus said:
    They should have just sucked it up and let everyone have a gift. Would have made the customers happy. Now it just made everyone that didnt get one frustrated. Happy customers are more likely to stay than angry ones.

    Unfortunately, that would most likely have resulted in some people getting two of them.

    Must always err on the side of screwing the masses!
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gormhaus said:
    They should have just sucked it up and let everyone have a gift. Would have made the customers happy. Now it just made everyone that didnt get one frustrated. Happy customers are more likely to stay than angry ones.

    Unfortunately, that would most likely have resulted in some people getting two of them.
    Not if they hadn't withdrawn the offer in the first place. Too late for that now, of course, with their kneejerk reaction of 'Oh god!! We've given our players FREE THINGS!!!!'.
  • Doomstat
    Doomstat Posts: 115 Tile Toppler
    Mistakes happen. I just wish I had paid attention at that time. I was playing story mode when it apparently happened, and just thought my little red dot was my free card booster. Barals.
  • Dave808
    Dave808 Posts: 55 Match Maker
    Pfft... I didn't get mine because I was too busy having to restore my account after it was lost in the update which was released to fix the lost account issue but messed it up for even more people. Love it. Mistakes piled on top of mistakes piled on top of mistakes. Way to go d3, keep racking up the love and confidence of your customers! You're doing a great job! Also, I've never said anything with more sarcasm in my entire life. 
  • Sarahschmara
    Sarahschmara Posts: 554 Critical Contributor
    @Tvinn I get it! Don't let the grumpies get to you. There are some very valid points from the long-term players as to what would make the game better/more accessible/more fun and there are a LOT of people that are really invested in this game at high levels of play. This is a passionate and very opinionated player base. 

    I'm not going to say I wasn't a bit bummed seeing all of the chatter on slack about it while I was locked out of my account and I'm very glad that some players did get to take advantage of it!

    But this could've been a wonderful opportunity for D3GO to restore some of the goodwill it's lost by simply saying "oops. We goofed, here's a free pack for everyone." They wouldn't even have to admit that the pack itself was a mistake, they could've just ran with it but instead, now it's this big thing where some people got it and those that didn't might feel left out.

    Whatever, sometimes we're in the right place at the right time, sometimes we're not. But the way that it was just handled was perhaps not the best.
  • Marvaddin
    Marvaddin Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    Seriously, I also think they could let all have it as a free gift. I just feel some of you are exagerating. Look at the cards, I saw nothing special (haven't even collected my gift yet, thinking if I should wait for new cards in EIGHT days... this is how much I'm excited by those cards). Even if some of the cards were strong, it would be ONE card, not a "shift of balance".

    I like the game, and I'm aware devs don't care about the community. This seems true, look, for example, at the disgusting change to get free boosters. Also, they consider their bug list updated, and are ignoring some big language errors I reported for Portuguese cards (could even report more, but why would I if they don't care?). It's TEXT. How difficult is to correct that? If they don't correct it, it's because they don't care.

    But I think, not EVERYTHING needs to be a big issue. Let's ignore the bad things and have fun. When I get a card with non-sense text, I will check the real text. When some people get a free mythic, accept. People have tons of mythics already, while I have 3, and it's still playable to me.

    In the end, it's a game, let's not forget it. If all you get is being upset by everything, think about quitting.

    And yes, I intend to remain as free player. For now, I don't feel the urge to give my money to these devs, Just having fun.
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    This thread is a seething mass of envy masquerading as righteous anger. 
  • Tilwin90
    Tilwin90 Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
    I agree with you guys that some of us overly passionate about the game can take things to higher proportions. But the free-to-play players also need to understand that when you invest in a game, you have certain expectations from that game. It's just how any business works from a rational point of view - that matters degenerate into irrationality and not everything makes sense nowadays, I can accept as a reality. Doesn't mean I approve with it or that I won't fight against stupidity and nonsense!

    What pushes my buttons in this situation are two things:
    - The lack of fairness - some people got it, some people didn't. In this situation, that was the case. Whatever you try to justify via "well you were not at the right moment" blah blah is just that, blind justification.
    You might also say "life isn't fair". Sure thing, but we have come a long way to ensure we at least try to minimize unfair situations for us and those around us. Think of many other situations where the fairness rationale applies and you will not try to combat this argument so easily.
    The lack of communication - in spite all that was written here, the official response was an empty, one-way message that did not address the issue itself, but just came as a big fat blah. Communication involves listening. Empty announcements are not communication with the players - players may or may not read them, may agree or not agree with them. If you don't care about these reactions or responding them, plain and simple, you don't respect or care about your players.

    Please do note that what is being addressed here does not concern Brigby or any particular individual - it's not personally targeted at one person or another. D3 and Hibernum are companies that have people put in certain roles - and it's those roles I am targetting.
  • Lagartha
    Lagartha Posts: 186 Tile Toppler
     You guys can all have my Sunder. I can't fathom ever using it. =/

    I DO wonder, though, if the gift was meant for everyone who got locked out of their account and d3 just royally screwed up by accidentally releasing it to everyone while many players were still locked out. I hope you guys get something from that mess other than more motivation to leave. =[
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Remember literally just last week, someone was complaining that people not inconvenienced by the event error were also compensated?

    You can't satisfy everyone. What you can say is that we shouldn't be unhappy when we don't get something not meant for us. Congratulate the ones that stumbled on their bonus and not be pissed we didn't get lucky. We should be better than that. 
  • Volrak
    Volrak Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    Ohboy said:
    You can't satisfy everyone. What you can say is that we shouldn't be unhappy when we don't get something not meant for us. Congratulate the ones that stumbled on their bonus and not be pissed we didn't get lucky. We should be better than that. 
    Indeed.  We should not get hung up on what we or others didn't get, and look at the bigger issues here.  (I think I saw one go past 140 minutes ago.)
  • Stormbringer0
    Stormbringer0 Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    I woudln't have even noticed, that there was an elite pack I missed until now. Thanks forums, I'm sad now. :|
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    Steeme said:
    Ohboy said:
    This thread is a seething mass of envy masquerading as righteous anger. 

    Or, D3H blundered another opportunity to do something outstanding for the community.

    The Elite pack is irrelevant.  Even moreso since this rotation is pretty much a pass for most players.

    The pack goes in your inventory. You don't have to claim it this week.

    Also.. doesn't the fact that a item worth 400 jewels is kinda worthless at the moment demonstrate that maybe there's something wrong with this game?
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lagartha said:
     You guys can all have my Sunder. I can't fathom ever using it. =/
    I'll swap you for my Counterspell.
  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards

    Well about half of the people complaining on these boards are people that did actually get the elite pack and still think it was an epic blunder by D3.

    But then again, you never care about truth or justice but just like to paint everyone else's intentions in the worst possible light, eh @ohboy?

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