Pvp cyber bullying



  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    RhodeyWM said:
    I never really quite understood what "bullying" means in a PvP game.  Is there some unwritten rule that you can only hit the same person so many times during a round?  Seems like too much work trying to remember who you attacked and who you didn't.  When I play, I look for points and that's it. I couldn't tell you any of the names of anyone I attacked or whether or not I attacked them once, twice or five times during that round.  Does that make me a "bully"?
    No, i think you are the opposite of a bully. You play exactly how the game is poorly designed. That's the way i play, myself. 

    It may have been awhile since the last thread on this, but it used to be the case that whole alliances would seek out specific people, to retaliate because one of them got hit when they didn't want to be hit.  Thankfully it doesn't happen as much anymore. 
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Jsh2014 said:
    What has this world come to now we started the plate about being bullied I'm a game that we attack each other and chees what has this world come to now we started played about being bullied I'm a game that we attack each other in... anybody who thinks you're being bullied needs to go see the therapist it's a game it's supposed be fun. Retur anybody who thinks you're being bullied needs to go see the therapist it's a game it's supposed be fun. 
     Well maybe to Demi bulling us into spending money lol
    Any chance you could clean this up a bit?  I would like a chance to counter your therapy argument, but your post is all over the place. 
  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    Yes ....I have been single out
    The poll options dont include a "yes it happens" just not to me.

    There are black list rooms on Line where a name gets posted and members will hit when they see. I have seen alliance commanders messaging people back and forth about abusive hitting and hit requesting. 
    Great comment! I wish I added that to the options! 
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    During the off season, I was trying to get 900 in Nefarious Foes. Once I got above 700, but especially 800, the attacks really started coming in. 

    I had hit one particular player with a certain team for a fair amount of points. In fact, I may have double tapped him, as I was in queue purgatory and kept seeing the same teams/names. 

    At some point, he changed his team to a lineup I felt wasn't worth the hassle to fight. However, almost every single time I came out of a match, I was notified I had lost a match to this player. I wasn't retaliating, but he kept kicking me down, when all I was trying to do was get to 900.

    Bullying? Probably not. Aggravating and frustrating? You better believe it. And at some point, yeah, I couldn't help but wonder if I had somehow insulted a dear family member without knowing it, because it was kind of feeling personal. 

    Reality probably was he was caught in queue purgatory too, and just saw my team as easy pickings. 

    Never did get to 900. Finally had to call it quits and go to bed. 
  • BlackWidower
    BlackWidower Posts: 250 Mover and Shaker
    The thing I've found with PVP is that you get tons of way over-powered players and then that ONE person who you know you can beat.  
    So you tap them once.  Then you go around and around and around and they keep coming up .  So you figure, ok, one more time.  And then you go around again and they just keep appearing over and over.

    There is a rare occasion where I just want the last 10 points to get the 10 CP and I have tapped a third time, but I actually feel bad and I do sort of figure someone is going to put me on their hate list.

    I wish you could PM them and say " look dude, I know that was uncool, let me level down to a one star cupcake team, I'll attack you (and of course lose) and then you can go to town on me", but you can't.

    Maybe there should be a limit to the amount of times you can attack someone?  I dunno.

    I enjoy being a tourist in PVP.   I like to dip my feet in the water and then get the heck out, because frankly, it can be stressful.  I'm not dismissing how you feel or your situation and if someone is actually sending you vicious messages, that sucks, but maybe you are just not the swim with the sharks sort of person?
  • Jsh2014
    Jsh2014 Posts: 87 Match Maker
    Jsh2014 said:
    What has this world come to now we started the plate about being bullied I'm a game that we attack each other and chees what has this world come to now we started played about being bullied I'm a game that we attack each other in... anybody who thinks you're being bullied needs to go see the therapist it's a game it's supposed be fun. Retur anybody who thinks you're being bullied needs to go see the therapist it's a game it's supposed be fun. 
     Well maybe to Demi bulling us into spending money lol
    Any chance you could clean this up a bit?  I would like a chance to counter your therapy argument, but your post is all over the place. 
  • Jsh2014
    Jsh2014 Posts: 87 Match Maker
     By the way spot gutter I did just try to repost it and it went to tiny kitty I do not know what goes on with this form is the fifth or sixth time I've lost a posting comment I give up!!!!
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    The system is what it is. Blame the devs. I don't have tons of Iso and I'm not going to waste thousands of it trying to skip repeat hits.
  • maltyo9
    maltyo9 Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    I'm triple tapping everyone who posted in this thread!
    Man, I'm glad I didn't post in this thread!

    Oh, wait...

    Tinykitty me...
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    I didn't vote because I don't play PvP enough to really be affected by this, but I've seen enough threads here that I know there are some Mean Girl-esque cliques running around and they are petty as hell. It's actually made me more aware not to double tap someone, especially on the off chance I'm going for 900.

    As noted cyber-bullying is a silly thing to call this, it's just a game.
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    I go after everyone I can to get to 575. Once there I usually stop. Lately I'm getting knocked back to 370. It's cool, I got mine now you got yours. People take this **** too seriously. 
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    The only part of this that sounds like bullying to me is part about the hate messages that one poster claims to be receiving. However, that doesn't sound like a problem with MPQ or PVP, as much as it is a problem with the community the poster engages with outside the game.

    I get pummeled like everyone else at 899 pts. I don't take it personally, because, as far as I know, it isn't personal. Maybe it's time to disconnect from whatever group the hate messages are coming from.
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    PvP is about beating players, especially the weak ones (as long as they give points)... deal with it or play PvE only...
    I also gave up the thinking about getting 4*s from PvE progress loot cuz i was no able to get above 800 points.
    575 pts are way easy to get and it is a good reward for time spent.
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    I may have been targeted once or twice for double-tapping, but not recently.  It would be nice if the developers made some changes so you couldn't see names or made it so you couldn't queue someone that you've beaten in the last hour.  For the most part though, what I see is just expected behavior in a game where people are supposed to attack each other.
  • Stick
    Stick Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    It's aggressive behaviour, sure. But it's only cyber-bullying if they attack you personally. So, private messages and the like.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn't know this existed until I heard how alliances will "retaliate" against players they feel has hit one of their players too often. 

    I do try to avoid hitting the same player too many times in a single session, but sometimes the game only gives me three teams to hit at all. When one of those teams is way weaker than the other two and I'm 100 pts or so away from 900, what am I supposed to do? 

    I try to be considerate. When that's impossible, I get over it. 
  • FokaiHI
    FokaiHI Posts: 272 Mover and Shaker
    Who has been beaten by a lesser roster? I have. I retaliate knowing that that person will also reataliate. I also know when doing this he or she will eventually lose. It will also cost them HP. Tactics like that I see as deterrents, not bullying and are fair game. 

    I always look at my opponents roster to know what I am getting into. I also notice the alliance as well because I am pretty much solo. So when I attack certain players of certain alliances, I'm prepared to get hit. That's when you shield.