Soul Gem Season Changes *Updated (6/27/17)



  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards
    Venom looks interesting. I'll be excited to try him out.

    But 3* Spidey? Too little, too late. Even if the damage on his yellow turns out to be decent, it's situational (in a situation you don't ever want to be in in the first place), and his purple is still kinda ****.

    I mean, I'm glad web bandages is gone, because it was a joke for the character. It would be like including a dose of Asprin in Batman's utility belt. Sure, maybe it's technically viable, but there are way too many other things that could represent the character to put that in one of THREE powers.

    But Spidey Senses? The superpower that's so strong it's been said to border on clairvoyance? Still doesn't REACT to anything in the game. What the **** is that? You try to improve Spidey, and don't fix that nonsense? And if there are no functional changes, that means it still drops only a few protects. Meaning it's an inferior power to 2* Bullseye's purple, which reacts when both you AND your opponent make matches, and continues to drop tiles as more matches are made.

    Could at least have improved Spidey to drop protects when an enemy matches. And maybe let it drop strikes when YOU make purple matches, to show the offensive capabilities of Spidey Sense. Then it would be useful and versatile and would make the character a little more fun.

    As is, you've improved him from a **** 3* to what might be a moderate 3*. Combined with all the evidence pointing towards the new Spidey being a 5*, it's like rubbing salt in the wound for Peter Parker fans, particularly those moving into or in the heart of 4* territory, who can't use a weak 3* Spidey, nor can they reliably build up a 5* Spidey.

    It's amazing how you can both create an exciting Venom change and a depressing Spidey change in the same update.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2017
    zodiac339 said:
    Vhailorx said:
    Have to see the numbers to know if venom is useful now.  Potentially the sort significant redesign he needed.

    3* spidey will still be weak unless his yellow does TONS of damage, something on the order of 3* cage yellow with both allies still up.
    So base damage is Luke's with no allies, while increased is Luke's with both allies?
    Ha!  I should have anticipated this confusion.  Base damage for spidey needs to be roughly equivalent to max damage for cage.  Max damage for spidey needs to be higher

    Think about it,  the conditional damage for cage proc's under favorable circumstances.  But if spidey's condition is proc'ing than the match is a tactical failure anyway.  

    Something like 6k base, and 9k max (@166) would look pretty good in the 3* tier.  But if it does something more like 4k/7k then it is basically a bit worse than mystique black.  And she is pretty mediocre.
  • zulux21
    zulux21 Posts: 249 Tile Toppler
    Borstock said:
    zulux21 said:
    zodiac339 said:
    zulux21 said:
    unless the damage is massive the 3* spiderman still won't be very interesting, the changes sure don't make him work any better with miles/gwen as they need yellow to make web tiles.

    will need to see the numbers on venom but doesn't sound great either, I don't have faith that the numbers will be high enough to make him above mid tier. 
    Yellow powers that do damage have a decent history in 3* tier. Righteous Uppercut, Flames of Faltine, and... well, those 2 are good. Oh, Thunder Strike too. Still not sure Twin Pistols should end the turn. I'll stay hopeful on the Spidey change.
    well it could do a million damage and it still wouldn't help at all in finishing off a miles/gwen team.

    that is the issue. they use yellow to make web tiles, thus to get that team going you need to use yellow to make web tiles so spider man's yellow remains useless in that regard. if it had some web tile based passive added it would be more interesting.
    An all Spidey team probably shouldn't be the goal with that color redundancy. But I agree there needs to be some sort of web tiles component for it to be useful. 
    I don't mind color redundancy as long as it leads to a fun team. 
    miles and gwen are fun together but really need one last spider character to really pull it together. as someone else said a passive web tile generation really could make things more interesting as that could start fueling things just a bit faster with the spidey team.

    maybe the new spidey will be the hero I am waiting for to make a solid spidey friends team.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jarvind said:
    Haha, man.


    Devs: Okay we replaced his bad heal with damage.


    Just can't please some people.
    It's embarrassingly true.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2017
    Jarvind said:
    Haha, man.


    Devs: Okay we replaced his bad heal with damage.


    Just can't please some people.
    That is a little unfair.  People wanted a real buff for spidey because they want him to be good.  If he is still ****, then people wouldn't be complaining about getting what they want; they would be complaining about NOT getting what they want.
  • zulux21
    zulux21 Posts: 249 Tile Toppler
    Jarvind said:
    Haha, man.


    Devs: Okay we replaced his bad heal with damage.


    Just can't please some people.
    you can go through my post history on here and other sites.
    I have never asked for that once (that I can recall :P).
    the only buff I have every  mentioned for 3* spidey has been to make him play better with miles and gwen after their buffs :p

    beyond that though, even with his **** heal gone it's not like his other two moves are great without some web tiles on the board. He is way to slow to get his own web tiles going and doesn't pair well with the other web tile generators.

    it would have been nice if his yellow had done damage and added a way to make web tiles.

    I mean with damage he should at least be interesting but he will still likely be far from a great character unless it is massive damage (even then it sounds like it will be single target)

    that all being said spiderman might go from still completely useless while buffed to actually okay while buffed, but I can't see him going above middle tier with this.

  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    aa25 said:
    I've been waiting for his fix (4Venom) too. Although, his power set seems way too convoluted (another 5/5/5 preferred syndrome). Hope the number will make up this complicating mechanic.
    The way I read it, Give and Take will reduce enemy Protect tiles, increase Venom's match damage (only, ala Thanos, only passive), and increase the damage that Venom (only) takes from Red and Blue matches. So if Venom isn't tanking everything and Protect tiles aren't a huge concern (hah), you could leave this at 3 and be pretty happy, I would think.
    I don't want to speculate too much, but I read his yellow passive like it will proc by damage dealth by other characters too. So we may have to keep his black at 5 covers again just so that he will not negatively hurt the team and the benefit from black still sounds quite minimal. Hope that the numbers from either his green or yellow will make up for that.
  • Zappa
    Zappa Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    Yeah Jarvind, we should just sit here and accept their frankly lazy attempts at character balance. For 3* spiderman, a character who has been around for YEARS, with dozens upon dozens of suggested rebalances to make him an interesting character, the only thing they did was give him a conditional damage dealing skill. No consideration for teamplay, synergy with the host of other spider heroes, or the low power of his remaining two skills. No consideration that they took a month off of fixing heroes and this is what they came up with. That they spent said downtime instead looking at their poor profits and attempting to extort the player base for more money (albeit poorly). I'm glad you're so happy to sit back and accept their 'best' efforts at improving the game. Stop mocking people that do not.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm intrigued by these changes...
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am glad to see 3* Spider-Man getting some attention! Anytime a 3* gets adjusted it gives me hope they'll fix the rest of the bottom of the barrel 3*.  Changing that crummy yellow is a good start, though I wish purple had been pumped up a bit - maybe have it create a web tile on a basic tile in addition to a protect tile. Also, I agree with the comments that it's the freakin' Spidey Sense! It should react to a match from either team to function - maybe even more so from an enemy purple match. Destroying a random enemy strike, attack, or protect tile on the enemy matching purple would be an interesting possibility (possibly countdowns at 5 covers?). 
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    Any chance of giving Bag-Man an update too?  Perhaps you could make his yellow increase in AP cost as you add more covers, to match the theme of his other powers.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    mexus said:
    Let's bet on Spider-Mans new punch!
    I'm guessing (5 covers, level 166) he packs a 3500 damage punch, boosted by 1200 if one of his allies has been downed.
    Too low. It's 12 AP and his only way to deal damage. It should actually end up being closer to 4500 with maybe 3K or more of a boost.
  • Felessa
    Felessa Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    I'm just glad they are revisiting the 3* tier again, and hopes for more future updates in that tier too!
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,311 Chairperson of the Boards
    The really missed opportunity with Spidey was not making that Yellow power be green or black.
  • AlluAllu
    AlluAllu Posts: 86 Match Maker
    Spidey already plays well with Falcon, so this should make team of Spidey, Falcon and Gamora even stronger.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    mexus said:
    zodiac339 said:
    Sure it has a drawback. Your allies have to dies first. That's a pretty big drawback.
    Not if the allies are Ragnarok and Sentry.
    A power that requires you to kill off your teammates or bring terrible teammates that can die without consequence has a pretty significant drawback!
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    mpqr7 said:
    I'm intrigued by these changes...
    I'm pretty sure I'm not. I do think the changes are positive, but the descriptions don't have me itching to throw either of these characters onto a team where they're not boosted/essential.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    Venom probably another partner for Medusa. If her countdown triggers an enemy protect every turn, it could really make him dangerous. I like his changes overall, his black now helps more and hurts less. I suspect his yellow base damage is less, but could potentially do more. The change on green was uninspired, but depending on the numbers and how easy it is to generate enemy protects it could be enough. He can finally pair with Carnage since those enemy attack tiles aren't buffed. Depending on the board his green might be better to use than Carnages green.

    Spiderman doesn't make him useful in 4* land, and his blue and purple still are not good. He's definitely better, but still not very good. I was hoping for a base 2 turn stun on blue, and more web tiles somewhere. The changes are a little too simple to be interesting, but I guess it will be cool to see a new animation? But I am glad they addressed the characters that seemingly everyone thought they should.