Answers To The 8 Questions About Vaulting (5/2/17)

Hi Marvel Puzzle Quest!
I’m Dave Guskin, the lead designer, and I wanted to take some time to answer some really great questions from user @Daredevil217about the recent changes to comic offer content, often referred to as vaulting. I want to be upfront and say that not all of these answers are going to be ones you want to hear, nor are some things you wish were different about the system going to change. However, I hope it’s clear that we take these kinds of changes seriously, and (as you’ll see later down) we’re definitely open to making additional changes to address player concerns with consequences of this system.
#1 - Why the change?
For some time, Marvel Puzzle Quest has lived with a problem we call pack dilution. Pack dilution is the fact that since comic packs contain ALL characters ever released, each new character release “dilutes” the chance of drawing a given character of that rarity. When there were few 4-stars, each had a significant chance of being the 4-star you pulled when you received that rarity. Once there’s a large number of 4-stars in the offer, the chance of drawing any particular one is very small - and it continued to decrease with each new release.
One of the complaints we've been very sensitive to is that players that roster a new character are just spending HP on a roster slot for an unusable character that they are carrying around indefinitely. By reducing the number of characters in packs, we've more than doubled your chance of getting multiple covers for a single character, meaning we’ve halved the time it takes to make progress on the latest characters.
#2 - Should new players be focusing on a smaller pool of heroes now?
Yes, and there's a huge benefit in focusing on fewer characters at once. We believe that as players progress now, they’ll make faster progress on 3-star and 4-star Heroes. This should make you more competitive in events faster, earning you better event rewards as you climb SCLs. You'll also be able to make choices about who to favorite as a Bonus Hero, so you can make direct progress on characters that enhance your roster, and not entirely random progress, distributed between lots of characters without enough covers to be viable in play.
#3 - What is in place for those who want to level evenly?
We think players who want to level more evenly will still have a vastly improved experience. You’ll find that token pulls reward more covers to the latest characters, so instead of leveling forty characters that have 1-5 covers, you'll be leveling twelve characters plus Bonus Heroes that have 10+ covers.
We understand that players have different play styles, and we want to support as many as we can. More fundamentally, we want players to always feel a sense of progress, especially week to week. By focusing on a narrower band of characters, players can still choose to level a lot of characters evenly, but will see more noticeable gains across those characters.
#4 - If vaulting didn’t work in the past, why bring it back?
Although vaulting isn’t without flaws, we still believe it is an important component of an effective solution to the pack dilution problem above. The single largest complaint we received last time was that players who were a few covers away from a max'd character couldn't make any progress until the character was rotated back in. Bonus Heroes helps to address that issue, by letting you make progress on a character that is no longer available in packs.
#5 - Is this change designed to encourage hoarding?
No. Our expectation is that as players receive more covers of a smaller set of characters, they’ll have more opportunity to use their iso-8 to get those characters to level max faster than before.
We absolutely realize that it feels terrible to pull a 4-star or better cover that you have to throw away. We definitely want to improve this experience.
#6 - With older characters being more of a rarity, how are newcomers supposed to compete for these characters without having these essential characters in the first place?
New players haven't been able to compete because they've been making extremely slow progress on their rosters. We see players with lots of Champion'd 3-stars, but no usable 4-stars. They have plenty of 4-star covers, but no 4-star is above 5 covers, and so they are completely locked out of the 4-star transition. With this change, those players should have a much shorter on-ramp to the 4-star game and therefore to competing for rewards at that level.
#7 - Is this change meant to slow (or in some cases eliminate) champing?
We had, perhaps incorrectly, felt that we had provided enough opportunities to continue to collect covers for older (out of packs) 4-stars via event rewards. We’re evaluating this assumption and are open to feedback - we don’t think we’ve gotten it quite right yet. We’ve already been trying to find limited ways to make these characters more available, such as the off-season Vintage Heroic store. We’ve got more work to do here, so stay tuned.
#8 - If enough people voice concern, would you be willing to end vaulting?
Yes. We've made it very clear that we're interested in player feedback, and willing to adjust accordingly. Player feedback has guided our characters updates to focus on increasing 4-star power, rather than decreasing overpowered 4-star characters. This was fantastic for both sides; we saw increased use of different characters, and players were happier that we didn't have to change the 4-star characters they loved.
We think it’s very important to note that just ending vaulting is not a full solution; doing so will restore the pack dilution problem outlined in #1 above which threatens the long-term health of the game. We hope you understand that solving for all of these issues is complex and takes time, and we continue to appreciate hearing from players to hear your specific concerns with changes we make to the game.
*Just for clarity, I'm not Dave Guskin. I just posted the article for him.34
If pack dilution is the problem, and I agree it is, why not have the vintage heroes vault always available to those who want to use it instead of just off season? Also, pack dilution is a HUGE problem for the 5* characters in the classic vault, it seems to be where 5*s go to die. I'm going from my personal experience, my Phoenix has been 3/3/5 for over a year (when she went into classic vault) and I've dumped every CP I've earned or bought into the classic vault without pulling a single one of her covers. Sure I've pulled numerous other 5*s, but I would really like to finish covering her. Why not give us a 5* only vault, even if it is 50-100 CP I'm sure people would spend it to guarantee a 5* pull.
EDIT: Maybe heroic tokens could be good for two vaults- the current heroic and the vintage heroic, then people can choose what pool of characters they want.
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I appreciate the response. But isn't the answer just giving players multiple legendary tokens to choose from with different sets of heroes? I mean it doesn't seem to be that complicated. Doesn't that answers all the issues?32
how about colorless covers? i
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Feedback: Streamline ALL of your tokens such that they can be used in either of two categories.
Latest or Classic.
Meaning that any given token type be it Heroic, Legends, pvp specific tokens, etc have a universal token type that can be accepted at Latest or Classic Stores.
If you want a suggestion on how to accomplish this without making the user interface a mess then post all your stores as they are now defaulted to LATEST and simply add a button to click/press that says something like "Vintage Store" "Latest Store". Clicking the button converts the existing store page to the group.
The LT that once only worked in the latest store could now be a universal Legend that works in either the Latest Legends or Vintage Legend store. Same goes for heroic token, etc.
The great thing about my above implementation is that it removes store clutter. In addition you could be super awesome and add a 3rd category because lets face it, 3's, 4's and 5's could use it.
Latest Store = 12 newest
Vintage Store = Selected group of half the remaining characters
Classic Store = Selected group of the other half of remaining characters
With 5*'s Legend tokens:
Latest Store = 3 newest
Vintage Store = Selected group of half the remaining characters
Classic Store = Selected group of the other half of remaining characters
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killerkoala said:how about colorless covers? i
I'd say he's being understandably cautious about mentioning any strategies that they might be considering, so as not to be taken out of context as having promised whatever feature.
Think of it this way: He didn't say they were NOT considering colourless covers1 -
How about bumping the 12 up to 16. You could add 4 of the "vaulted" characters to rotate in and out every season.
Yes dilution was a problem. Instead of tweaking one thing (bonus heros) to try and solve it you overtuned by vaulting 75% and growing of the 4 stars.
And the vintage heroic tokens giving you a chance at them is pretty lousy. It's 75% chance at getting a 2 star. More ways to earn 2 stars should in no way be involved with trying to solve the dilution of 3's and 4's.24 -
Like many of the others, I agree that we should have better access to the vaulted 4*s. Changing the Classics to contain only vaulted 4*s is an easy solution that many have suggested.
However, I also wonder if the latest 12 should be changed to the latest 15-20. I find that I am fully covering the latest 4*s a bit too quickly, especially given ISO scarcity. So either increase that pool a bit, or increase ISO flow to complement the vaulting.5 -
Before I dive in, I just want to say thanks for these responses. I can't speak for others, but the fact that you have been open about your design choices easily outweighs any reservations I might have about answers that I may not have wanted to hear. That being said...
#5 - Is this change designed to encourage hoarding?No. Our expectation is that as players receive more covers of a smaller set of characters, they’ll have more opportunity to use their iso-8 to get those characters to level max faster than before.
We absolutely realize that it feels terrible to pull a 4-star or better cover that you have to throw away. We definitely want to improve this experience.
In the case of intent vs reality, I'm going to suggest that you missed the mark on this one a little. The current system absolutely encourages vaulting. I hoarded occasionally before vaulting, as a means to optimise draws when new characters were added to the pools. I hoard now because I cannot afford to open tokens. I shouldn't have to tell you that's a poor position for a customer to be forced into.
If you want to "improve this experience", then stop covers expiring altogether. That's a solution which is achievable within the current framework of the game, and provides good customer experience. If you want to maintain a certain degree of uncertainty designed to encourage users into spending money (Albert Reed talked about this at length on a blog, so I believe it's a core part of the MPQ design philosophy), then just leave the system as it is.
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justsing said:Like many of the others, I agree that we should have better access to the vaulted 4*s. Changing the Classics to contain only vaulted 4*s is an easy solution that many have suggested.
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justsing said:However, I also wonder if the latest 12 should be changed to the latest 15-20. I find that I am fully covering the latest 4*s a bit too quickly, especially given ISO scarcity. So either increase that pool a bit, or increase ISO flow to complement the vaulting.0
Good info, thanks. What about 5* Classics? Once a 5* moves to Classics, it's pretty much dead weight for many of us that pulled a cover or even a few. It's all but impossible to adequately cover a 5* that moves into Classics. If dilution is the enemy, can't we attack it on all fronts?
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#1, #2, #3, #4 Before vaulting I had about 80% chance of pulling a usable hero (not counting the newest 12), now I have a 5% chance of getting one of the vaulted heroes (only because of Bonus heroes) BUT that 5% is split amongst all the favorited 4*. so if I have 2 selected its 2.5% chance each. I will take the dilution any day over 5% chance.
#5 is untrue. I see countless players (including me) hoarding harder than ever. Before I could pull as necessary until I felt like my chances for getting unneeded covers was too high. Now I have to have the resources to champ 12 heroes at once in order to make my pulls useful.
Im sorry but the logic at the beginning of #7 is just awful. Anyone with experience in this game would tell you right off the bat this new system of vaulting completely neutered champion leveling.
If #8 is true then all the suggestions for put vaulted heroes in the Classics store would have been implemented already. But here were are.
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#7 - Is this change meant to slow (or in some cases eliminate) champing?
We had, perhaps incorrectly, felt that we had provided enough opportunities to continue to collect covers for older (out of packs) 4-stars via event rewards. We’re evaluating this assumption and are open to feedback - we don’t think we’ve gotten it quite right yet. We’ve already been trying to find limited ways to make these characters more available, such as the off-season Vintage Heroic store. We’ve got more work to do here, so stay tuned.
I'm very glad to see that you acknowledge there's an issue here. With vaulting, progression in the older 4-star characters has essentially stopped. In particular, this method of vaulting has created an issue where you've essentially shut out the higher level 4-star champion rewards (which are the really good rewards too!). Anytime a player gets close to the higher level 4-star champion rewards, the 4-star will rotate out of currency into the vault.4 -
While I appreciate the lead designer taking the time to answer the questions a player posted a couple of months ago, we already knew or figured out what the answers would likely be to many of these questions.
I want to know why they have not addressed the suggestions we made about vaulting. There was many more very "liked" posts about it, such as having a 3rd LT of older 4*s (and further breaking up 5*s to reduce their dilution). Has this suggestion been discussed?
Do they truly feel the Vintage Heroic tokens are helping? Right now we're just opening the same 2*s over and over again. How about the Vintage token be 3/4* only. It's only available for a limited time (week between seasons). It will give us a real reason to play PvP in the offseason.
Bonus Heroes (BH) is nice and helped me build my Nova but if I have a character with a skill at 5 covers then I'm not going to risk wasting a BH on that character. Any chance we'll eventually see colorless or a system that will allow us to apply the cover into a color that isn't on 5, or even prevent us from opening a cover that's at 5? Basically a system that prevents the dreaded 6th that ultimately gets sold (wasted).
Are the devs concerned about players using the same characters since the latest 12 4*s are the easiest to obtain (e.g. Carol, Medusa)? The recent Earth's Mightiest PvP was full of teams consisting of 4* Carol, Peggy and Wasp. I'm seeing more of the same teams now than in my previous 2yrs. This was due to vaulting. Players are worried this might cause someone like Carol to be at 10% useage and get nerfed like 5* OML. What are their thoughts on this potential issue?
The lack of ISO is always a huge complaint. Now with vaulting, players feel the need to champ a 4* before it leaves the latest 12 for vaulting. You mentioned that hoarding is not necessary because we can level our 4*'s faster but you the amount of Iso has not increased. Can we expect an increase in Iso? Perhaps SCL9 or a revision to the lackluster SCL8? Sure we can purchase additional Iso, but another common complaint is the pricing for Iso is too expensive for what you get. For $100 you cannot even fully level a 2* character. Will the Iso pricing ever be visited?
Lastly, we've been noticing more latest 12 characters being rewarded in PvE instead of vaulted characters. Nova was a breathe of fresh air during the Thanks Boss Event. We know it's likely due to DDQ Crash of the Titans but can we start to see more vaulted characters as PvE rewards and less latest 12?
I'm sure there's more questions from others players but these are a few I hear from around the playerbase.
Again, thank you for gathering the answers. We appreciate it and hope the game continues to evolve, but for the better.
- Tom aka Punisher5784
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One issue that remains a problem caused by vaulting is the daily rewards are now vastly out of date. I'm on day 507, and am getting 4* Thor rewards, who is a vaulted character. These rewards now become pretty mediocre because I'm never going to pull any other 4* Thor covers to go with the ones I'm getting. So I'm left with either throwing them away or having a roster slot that is really never going to improve.10
For #6 I liked someones suggestion that progression and placement for an event should be the characters required for the next event. That would help newer people be able to compete more. And since the progression cover is basically free anyway why not swap it around.1
#5 doesn't work as you think, the hoarding isn't because they don't have a opportunity to use their iso8, it's because we don't have the iso 8 to use the covers.
I get about 30k iso per day, and I have 4 Max covered 4*s waiting to champ, or 1.4 million iso needed to champ them, which amounts to about 43 days playing. That's one of the reasons that I don't recommend this game to my friends, even with vaulting, progress is too slow.12 -
This is pretty much a TLDR of the dozens of topics and hundreds of posts over the last 2 months that have debated the pros and cons of vaulting.
I don't get number 8 though. They want the ones complaining to voice their opinions more? They want more opinions from the player base as a whole? It's probably good PR policy to not say anything definitive, but the 7 other previous answers have made it clear they won't just flat out "end vaulting."1 -
Steellatch said:#1, #2, #3, #4 Before vaulting I had about 80% chance of pulling a usable hero (not counting the newest 12), now I have a 5% chance of getting one of the vaulted heroes (only because of Bonus heroes) BUT that 5% is split amongst all the favorited 4*. so if I have 2 selected its 2.5% chance each. I will take the dilution any day over 5% chance.
By the time vaulting hit I had champed over 20 4*s and I can tell you only one of them got champed due to an extent of luck drawing their covers from tokens. Most of the necessary covers were acquired by earning them from events, which is a thing that has not changed. Yes, missing even those few RNG covers makes it slightly worse/slower, but at least BHs allows me to improve things where I want. Whereas if I needed one or two covers to finish a great character like Iceman or Peggy and I got frustrated by continuously opening Venoms or Elektras instead, now I can control that.
So you need to let the hopes of randomly progressing your old characters go. It was a hollow hope that greatly depended on RNG, anyway. Instead, accept that now you can max-cover the new 4*s much, much more quickly (in 120 average pulls as opposed to 400 in the previous scenario) which will make you more competitive, which in turn may help you more easily place and advance in events that reward the old 4*s you want in a more controlled and assured manner than simply RNG.
I have to say I am mostly satisfied with this response. I was already aware of the benefits outlined in the first 4 answers and my main concern left, that of the champion levels for old characters is addressed in answer 7 with the promise of being worked on. I look forward to this (and no, the vintage off-season store is no help at all).18
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