Power Gem Season Updates *Updated (4/6/17)



  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only thing i would add to fightmaster's post is that the compensation system for nerfed charactershas always been ****.  It's intentionally designed to incentivize character retention.  

    The problem is just much more apparent at the 5* tier because "just finding other options" isn't really practical when it takes many many months of hard grinding, several hundreds or thousands of dollars, and lots if RNG luck to cover any 5*.
  • Gmax101
    Gmax101 Posts: 182 Tile Toppler

    I think it has all been said to death.... but wanted to register an opinion...

    OML - the actual changes will impact players to varying degrees... some will be unaffected (no OML), some will be minorly inconvenienced (Strong 5* rosters or mostly 4* with under-levelled 5*) and others will have had their game utterly broken (Single high level 5* being OML, driving MMR and PVE scaling where he is now useless), and in case someone decided they were better off without, the refund is ridiculous...

    OK, so I have not invested any ISO in mine, but at 5 covers (3 bonus covers after some heavy legendary opening) it has meant an opportunity cost (those covers could have been Thanos...)

    I would get 1 token... so one random cover given that I have pricely 7 rostered 5* characters.... OML (5 covers), Black Bolt (6 covers), Thanos (7 covers), Black Panther (1 cover), Dr Strange (13 covers) Black Widow (13 covers) and Hawkeye (13 covers)... notice a trend... unsurprisingly my free token was not useful (random BSSM cover). So why would I sell the OML for 1 lousy cover that is almost certainly be unusable.

    Carnage - What the hell....? what were they actually trying to achieve... they removed his one interesting power and replaced with the MPQ equivalent of a gentle slap with a wet flannel... whilst giving your opponent their own flannel to hit you back with... Seriously, no clue what they wanted to achieve. When 3* Storm does far far far more for just 4ap more with no downside you have a problem.

    Elektra - OK, this change I like. :) some interesting tweaks that make her far more useful... at least 1 out of 3 is interesting, But she is still lower teir competitively. I just might use her more cos she has always been a favourite of mine.

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    What should be doubling insulting to the player base is that the nerf happened when it did because of the cloak and dagger release.  That character was developed over several month and they knew about the problems associated with the yellow and black ap generation.  

    Don't get me wrong.  in light of C&D the OML nerf makes total sense.  But every player  who spent hard earned cp for OML token should be be pissed as hell.  They had 3 months to explain why the OML nerf was necessary in light of C&D and to come up with an appropriate mitigation strategy for the player base.  and the only result we got was.

    If they don't like the direction of the game they can leave.

    How hard would it have been to say this 

    "We have a great new character that we are developing with some pretty exciting powers that haven't been in the game.  Unfortunately, its gonna mean a pretty significant rework to a popular 5* char.  We are telling you this ahead of time so you can make the necessary roster adjustments.  We know some people won't be happy with the changes to OML,  so when we do release the char.  we'll have some sort of migration plan.  But ultimately, we think you'll be really satisfied with the new chara and how we adjusted OML to work with them."

    If they had said that 3 months ago, people would have been excited about C&D and had plenty of time to make some decisions on what they would do with OML.

    Its called a product roadmap.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade:  your plan makes great sense from a "keep everyone as happy as possible" perspective.  But that is not demi's perspective.  The announcement you suggest would have created a lot of short term anxiety and hoarding among players (in addition to the anti-nerf fervor we currently see).  Demi hates hoarding.  Every player resource spent on a token or cover that ultimately proves to be junk is music to demi's ears.  It means 1 more player who is resource poor but still thirsty for desirable digital goods.  

    The path that demi chose was, as is frequently the case with mpq, much worse for players and much better for demi/d3.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    I still have another week to decide on my OML. He is champed, but just at 450 exactly.

    I have seen how he is pretty easily handled now in PvP myself, but it is hard to pull the trigger on a handful of random, even with several of my 5*s sitting at 255 with 10-11 covers...
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    jackstar0 said:
    I still have another week to decide on my OML. He is champed, but just at 450 exactly.

    I have seen how he is pretty easily handled now in PvP myself, but it is hard to pull the trigger on a handful of random, even with several of my 5*s sitting at 255 with 10-11 covers...
    Not worth it unless he is absolutely destroying your ability to get the results you want in pvp.  The sale price is **** and only makes sense for this with under-covered dupes.

    What's worse is that this is clearly demi's design intent.  They WANT the compensation price to be higher than normal, but not high enough to actually incentivize many sales.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    you need to pair oml with C&D.   C&D ap generation is through the roof.  you'll be firing OML yellow like Juggernault fires his green and red
  • matthatter
    matthatter Posts: 151 Tile Toppler
    Phumade said:
    you need to pair oml with C&D.   C&D ap generation is through the roof.  you'll be firing OML yellow like Juggernault fires his green and red
    Curious that Cag3 didn't get a nerf too. Considering if you put C&D w/ 3Fist and Cag3 you could be popping off Jab, Jab, Cross every other turn. All you need is Cloak in the Pocket Dimension and 5 purple... 
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've got max champed Cag3  that could be a fun combo for sure.