Upcoming Character Change to Wolverine (Old Man Logan)



  • Isay_Isay
    Isay_Isay Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    So can we get the win/play rates for all characters to get some perspective?
  • NewMcG
    NewMcG Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    Akari wrote:
    Remember when they rolled out the PvE changes to the 4 clear system, everyone on the forums said how grinding 1 node for pts at the end would ruin a lot of competitive brackets, and then the devs came out and admitted that that was exactly the case? Don't knock the forum response. It's a little biased towards the top, but it's accurate to how the game will end up being played.
    And yet 90% of the responses have been of the "just another chance to deliberately screw us over" or "this is just because the health packs weren't being bought, they're greedy vultures that just want all our money" variety. That isn't measured, thoughtful, reasonable, or productive. It's what a player says when something they have becomes less useful.

    People will point to bonus heroes as the "kind of change we want". Well, of course it is, because it gives us, as players, more stuff at zero cost to us. That can't be the standard change offered, because giving away more and more stuff for free while never making moves to benefit the bottom line means no more game before long. Do I believe this is purely out of the desire to "balance" the characters? No. I'm sure the health pack situation factors into the decision. But I'm also not one who's on here making statements about how the devs are "idiots" who have some malicious intent behind every decision they make which doesn't have a net result of "players get more free stuff at a faster rate".
  • Ezrius
    Ezrius Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    I finally got my first copy of an OML cover right before the bonus hero system was announced. Once it was announced, I knew bonus heroes were rare and 5-star bonus heroes even moreso, but I was excited that I might finally have a path to be able to slowly move towards building him up. It motivated me to start playing more often again, because even though the probability was small, it was intoxicating to imagine having the character I've seen so much and heard so much about for the past year or two.

    So much for that.
  • therightwaye
    therightwaye Posts: 459 Mover and Shaker
    firethorne wrote:
    First they came for OML, and I did not speak out - because I did not play OML...

    Then they came for Black Bolt, and I did not speak, because I'm Black Bolt. icon_lol.gif

    *credit to Loyal for this joke*

    Its not much, but I'd be done with the game if that was the case. Honestly two months of savings would afford get me a Switch. icon_question.gif
  • astrp3
    astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2017
    Dormammu wrote:
    Also, are we expected to play Bagman .8% of the time? Yelena? 3-star Spidey? I wonder how much play Reed got before his buff.

    If all characters were equally represented on rosters, equally leveled, equally liked, equally powerful (i.e. made the same contribution to your winning chances), etc. then yes. But since Bagman is a joke character and perhaps the most useless character in the game, then I would expect the % of times he appears on winnings teams to be far less than what would be expected by chance, which I'm sure it is. I think the point of the 10% figure is that OML is far more likely to appear on winning teams than expected by chance. No, that doesn't mean it's because he's "overpowered," even if we consider his health pack savings to be part of his "power" (which it seems many do not), but if the second highest such percentage were, say, under 2%, it would be more of an indicator to me that he is used because of his power.

    And if they looked at the correlation between 5* release date/# of covers/level etc. and % of times on winning teams and found that OML was off the charts compared to other characters, that would weaken the argument that those factors (rather than his strength) are the primary reasons he is used so much.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2017
    The high tier Wolverine's in this game can't catch a break. The infamous XFW nerf, and now OML. As usual, never got to enjoy either of them at their prime. I wonder how many players and alliances will be quitting over this one?
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
    While this isn't gonna hurt me personally (my OML is in a sad state of being single covered (Black)), I gotta say I have to side with the opinion that nerfing him seems unnecessary. While he's pretty solid (and offers a very convenient true heal), in my opinion some of the later 5*s far outshine him in terms of power.

    His true heal is probably one of the reason he's used so much, but the other is that he's practically the first 5* character ever. Technically SS came before him, but SS paled in comparison to OML.

    Being the first passive true healing 5*, of course people went out of their way to cover him and are using him like crazy.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 533 Critical Contributor
    Terrible idea.

    I assume you'll be reducing all of the progression awards in PvP to compensate, right?
  • Splurch
    Splurch Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    Well, looks like my only 5* worth using is getting nerfed. The thing is, I started champing 4*'s a few months ago and am finally not using OML for my fights because I generally have a boosted 4* for events. OML is seeing so much use because if you're still using 3*'s it's very hard to actually grind the nodes enough without him, even with a deep 3* pool.

    If D3 wants us to use other 5* then we need a way to actually get covers for them. All but 2 of my 5* have 3 or less covers making them non-viable for anything in the game, and of the 2 with more I have strange with 5 covers (0/4/1, so again, useless) and OML at 2/3/2. The random nature of acquiring 5* means if you get lots of covers for one of them you're likely to use them. You don't get to go, "Hey, I love that character so I want to use them!" You use what you get covers for and now D3 is punishing us for their own random system.
  • therightwaye
    therightwaye Posts: 459 Mover and Shaker
    Not to be rude, but I actually have little faith they have people over there who really put a lot of work into determining balance. It all feels kind like push every button until it's "fixed"
  • therightwaye
    therightwaye Posts: 459 Mover and Shaker
    fmftint wrote:
    Why put a feed back link in an announcement if it's really not wanted? The auto -FU- replies are beginning to roll out.
    Advice? If you don't like the change SELL THE CHARACTER

    Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.

    We thank you for the feedback on this upcoming character change. It is unfortunate that you feel negatively affected by the recent changes, but balance changes are an important part of any competitive game. These changes are only meant to balance this character, and make the game more balanced and interesting moving forward.

    If you find that you are unhappy with the recent changes, we do offer an bonus for selling recently changed characters. This bonus offer becomes active and lasts for a few weeks immediately after changes to a character go live and the offer includes an increased amount of Iso-8 and an additional amount of Hero Points that normally are not given when selling a character. No further compensation or refunds will be offered outside of the enhanced sell rate.

    We also encourage you to consider the updates as a whole rather than focusing on a single change or two. The metagame and how characters match up against one another is altered with each change, so looking at one single character when trying to assess the updates can be less useful than trying out all changes after they are released. If you are still dissatisfied with the changes after taking the time to tinykitties them post-release, we encourage you to take advantage of the temporary sell bonus so you can invest your Iso-8 and Hero Points into other characters more suited to your style of game play.

    So is everyone creating a support ticket for this? I'm doing one now.
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    Others have made very good cases for why the nerf is not necessary - but if you feel the need to change him please make him as good as he is now but in a different way. He is far from the most powerful in the tier and I and many others don't need one high level 5* dud on our rosters. Consider this an opportunity to pleasantly surprise us or at least not **** us off too much
  • SangFroid
    SangFroid Posts: 177 Tile Toppler
    The Devs have asked for feedback and the first time they they tried this it was overwhelmingly negative. The same feedback is being shared again nobody wants this so really the feedback is clear but they are going to push forward with it anyways.

    This change will definitely reduce player time and engagement with the game which is really bad for the health of the game. The Devs are completely missing the point of why play is skewed towards OML. Other 5*'s should be balanced to have some passive heal or damage mitigation and then you would see a change is variety and usage. Nerfing a character most people put 1.5yrs of effort into covering and levelling is not the way to go. Devs have show a decent ability lately to improve characters but their record for rebalancing "OP" characters is horrendous with the exception of CMags which was decent. 4Thor XFW 3Spidey Sentry went from being the meta to being NEVER used they have not shown the ability to turn power down slightly they just destroy.
  • astrp3
    astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    New McG wrote:
    And yet 90% of the responses have been of the "just another chance to deliberately screw us over" or "this is just because the health packs weren't being bought, they're greedy vultures that just want all our money" variety. That isn't measured, thoughtful, reasonable, or productive. It's what a player says when something they have becomes less useful.

    You forgot to mention the conspiracy theories about how the timing of moving the forums was just a ploy to deflect criticism of the OML changes (which was done to deflect criticism of vaulting) or to outright remove such criticism when it conveniently "fails to get transferred" to the new site. Or maybe the whole idea to create new forums was a dodge to cover up the OML nerf (I don't think anyone is actually going this far, but on here, you never know). As to why they wouldn't just not announce it at all rather than announcing it, then going through the rigamarole of coordinating a move to a new site and "losing" the criticisms to cover it up, don't ask me. And don't ask me why, if they wanted to keep this hush-hush, they announced it on the D3 site and prominently displayed it in the in-game news (how they are planning to "lose" that info is beyond me). Or how they would think that players wouldn't remember, notice, or mention that the posts dealing with the change (and only those posts?) had all been lost in the shuffle. Or how they believed that 43 other threads about OML wouldn't immediately appear on the other sites in about 3 nanoseconds (sure, they could lock, delete, or creatively edit them to say that everyone loved the nerf, but they could do all that on the current site without switching to a new one). Or why they would go through such machinations to appease like 1% of the playerbase. Or.....you get the picture.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor

    Thanos, and arguably Black Bolt, are more overpowered than OML.

    OML helps with climbing because I don't have to continuously pump health packs into my team. But when it comes to the high end battles up past 900, I would rather have Thanos and Black Bolt on my defense. No one stays away from a champed OML, everyone evades fighting champed Thanos and champed Black Bolt.

    You guys are crazy.

    I will reserve my final judgement for when you have the guts to post the final stats on OML but I see nothing good coming from this.

    Is this nerf really worth it?

    I don't shy away from fighting champed OML or champed Phoenix in fights, but I sure as hell stay away from champed Thanos paired with Champed Black Bolt.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    I dunno guys when I see the hyperbolic posts I ignore them instead of giving em more attention then the overwhelming majority of posts that aren't.

    People are upset because everyone's favorite 5 is getting changed. No one is quite sure how severely,
    We just all can be more than sure the compensation won't be anywhere near adequate enough to sell a 5, so most will end up keeping him.

    And due to scaling have to keep using him.
  • Arix90
    Arix90 Posts: 244 Tile Toppler
    On behalf of all the players who dont have old man logan covers thank you d3go! Maybe now i can finally be competitive in PVP.
  • Square-Chopper
    Square-Chopper Posts: 54 Match Maker
    Arix90 wrote:
    On behalf of all the players who dont have old man logan covers thank you d3go! Maybe now i can finally be competitive in PVP.

    Not super likely.
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    Why neuter him? Why not make better characters to combat him? Why not make characters a little easier to cover?

    This is especially disappointing for me. D3 didn't care when 90% of pvp was X force and 4thor. Then, 2 days after I finally had him fully covered he was nerfed. I never got to use him in his full glory. Now my logan has 11 covers and is my strongest toon at 420.

    I'll never get to see him at what he is for so many others. 880 days and a few grand in, and I am likely to walk away and at the very least will be a casual free player.

    D3 has taught me not to spend. Even if you get what you pay for, they'll change it and say it's for the greater good. Maybe for them. Not for me.

  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    Arix90 wrote:
    On behalf of all the players who dont have old man logan covers thank you d3go! Maybe now i can finally be competitive in PVP.

    Not super likely.

    Sorry, if you aren't in the phase of the game where you can beat old man logan easily, then you are going to have even worse luck against bolt/thanos , or maybe one of those 2 in combination with strange or natasha.