MPQ at Hawkeye Makes His Mark



  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,334 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon Roach wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    I really don't like the artist they're using now. Very bland, and they don't do faces well at all.
    They can't all be Iceman.

    Is Rob Liefeld doing anything at the moment?

    Certainly not feet, I'd say.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    Jeremy Renner made him bearable for the movies but Hawkeye is probably the lamest hero in the marvel universe. #SAD
  • Mechahamster
    Mechahamster Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    Moon Roach wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    I really don't like the artist they're using now. Very bland, and they don't do faces well at all.
    They can't all be Iceman.

    Is Rob Liefeld doing anything at the moment?

    Oh man, now I desperately want to see a Beast designed by Liefeld. Where would he stick the pounches? Will he give Beast dainty little feet?
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    irwando wrote:
    WHY? WHY????

    Please ask the Dev's why they give us more variant characters that no one is asking for yet ignore the survey results where we provide a long list of characters we do want.


    You mean like...
    Dr Strange
    Black Bolt

    None are variants and all were released within last 6 months. I think what you mean to say is "When can we have more mutants?!" The answer is probably never as Chutulu has stated the rights for these characters don't belong to marvel and negotiating their use is tricky which is why we don't get them anymore after Marvel and Fox's standoff
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Xenoberyll wrote:
    Jeremy Renner made him bearable for the movies but Hawkeye is probably the lamest hero in the marvel universe. #SAD

    If you're an avid reader of Cap comics (like I am) you'd probably disagree as they are one of the most entertaining teams in the marvel universe when they do teams ups, which was quite often until someone killed him for shock value.

    I think only Peter Parker and Johnny Storm is a more entertaining pair than Cap and Hawkeye
  • Felessa
    Felessa Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    As always, I'm more excited we will get a new 3* icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    Two more Hawkeyes... I couldn't care less...
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    smoq84 wrote:
    Two more Hawkeyes... I couldn't care less...
    That means you do care.
    At least a Little.
  • whycantwesyncpc
    whycantwesyncpc Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    irwando wrote:
    WHY? WHY????

    Please ask the Dev's why they give us more variant characters that no one is asking for yet ignore the survey results where we provide a long list of characters we do want.


    You mean like...
    Dr Strange
    Black Bolt

    None are variants and all were released within last 6 months. I think what you mean to say is "When can we have more mutants?!" The answer is probably never as Chutulu has stated the rights for these characters don't belong to marvel and negotiating their use is tricky which is why we don't get them anymore after Marvel and Fox's standoff

    Come on, lets be honest here. Other than Thanos and Dr. Strange where any of them that highly requested?
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    irwando wrote:
    WHY? WHY????

    Please ask the Dev's why they give us more variant characters that no one is asking for yet ignore the survey results where we provide a long list of characters we do want.


    You mean like...
    Dr Strange
    Black Bolt

    None are variants and all were released within last 6 months. I think what you mean to say is "When can we have more mutants?!" The answer is probably never as Chutulu has stated the rights for these characters don't belong to marvel and negotiating their use is tricky which is why we don't get them anymore after Marvel and Fox's standoff

    Come on, lets be honest here. Other than Thanos and Dr. Strange where any of them that highly requested?

    Someone voted for Medusa, spider-woman and Riri in that poll, or is everyone gonna pretend they didn't?

    As for the rest they've all been requested at some point by quite a few people. Oddly I don't remember many people requesting Thanos but nobody is complaining he wasn't highly requested. Like I said the ones which are 'highly requested' tend to be ones which they devs can't introduce due to the aforementioned reason.

    EDIT: Ok maybe mordo wasn't lol
  • astrp3
    astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    Come on, lets be honest here. Other than Thanos and Dr. Strange where any of them that highly requested?

    Didn't Medusa win a player poll?
  • Chipster22
    Chipster22 Posts: 298 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2017
    Quebbster wrote:
    smoq84 wrote:
    Two more Hawkeyes... I couldn't care less...
    That means you do care.
    At least a Little.

    Way off topic, but according to this Merriam-Webster video it is not quite that simple. ... -care-less

    [Edit] More on topic: Coulson was a character I requested in the surveys.
  • whycantwesyncpc
    whycantwesyncpc Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    irwando wrote:
    WHY? WHY????

    Please ask the Dev's why they give us more variant characters that no one is asking for yet ignore the survey results where we provide a long list of characters we do want.


    You mean like...
    Dr Strange
    Black Bolt

    None are variants and all were released within last 6 months. I think what you mean to say is "When can we have more mutants?!" The answer is probably never as Chutulu has stated the rights for these characters don't belong to marvel and negotiating their use is tricky which is why we don't get them anymore after Marvel and Fox's standoff

    Come on, lets be honest here. Other than Thanos and Dr. Strange where any of them that highly requested?

    Someone voted for Medusa, spider-woman and Riri in that poll, or is everyone gonna pretend they didn't?

    As for the rest they've all been requested at some point by quite a few people. Oddly I don't remember many people requesting Thanos but nobody is complaining he wasn't highly requested. Like I said the ones which are 'highly requested' tend to be ones which they devs can't introduce due to the aforementioned reason.

    EDIT: Ok maybe mordo wasn't lol

    Actually I don't remember too many requests for Thanos or DR. Strange, but of those listed they were the only ones I saw anyone request at all.

    Weren't they the only options in that poll? Have they ever explained why the fox stuff is off limits for them while other games seem to have no problem putting them in their games? (Especially since my understanding was the Fox only owns the movies and TV rights and everything else still belongs to Marvel) I don't really have too much problems with any of the characters, even the dumb **** like Riri, as long as they aren't forced on my like they are currently trying to do with the vaulting.

    I don't really even care how many variants of lame-eye they put in the game until they started vaulting 3*'s to do it.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards

    Come on, lets be honest here. Other than Thanos and Dr. Strange where any of them that highly requested?

    Actually I don't remember too many requests for Thanos or DR. Strange, but of those listed they were the only ones I saw anyone request at all.

    Weren't they the only options in that poll? Have they ever explained why the fox stuff is off limits for them while other games seem to have no problem putting them in their games? (Especially since my understanding was the Fox only owns the movies and TV rights and everything else still belongs to Marvel) I don't really have too much problems with any of the characters, even the dumb tinykitty like Riri, as long as they aren't forced on my like they are currently trying to do with the vaulting.

    I don't really even care how many variants of lame-eye they put in the game until they started vaulting 3*'s to do it.[/quote]

    Fox owns the media licensing rights. Which means a fox owned character cannot appear in a non fox product without first paying the licensing fee to Fox. This did not used to be an issue until Fox refused to relinquish F4 a few years ago when marvel asked for it back and instead chose to make more **** movies just to retain it and hold the characters to ransom. Marvel then decided to not support any Fox licensed characters and started cancelling their comics and withdrawing all support for them elsewhere too. As for why other games do it and this one doesn't? I have no idea beyond perhaps this game doesn't have the finances to pay Fox anymore.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Fox owns the media licensing rights. Which means a fox owned character cannot appear in a non fox product without first paying the licensing fee to Fox. This did not used to be an issue until Fox refused to relinquish F4 a few years ago when marvel asked for it back and instead chose to make more tinykitty movies just to retain it and hold the characters to ransom. Marvel then decided to not support any Fox licensed characters and started cancelling their comics and withdrawing all support for them elsewhere too. As for why other games do it and this one doesn't? I have no idea beyond perhaps this game doesn't have the finances to pay Fox anymore.

    My best guess is that those games spent a lot more money up front and acquired the (long term) rights to all the characters long before the falling out between Marvel and Fox.
  • HobieCat76
    HobieCat76 Posts: 73 Match Maker

    I think what you mean to say is "When can we have more mutants?!" The answer is probably never as Chutulu has stated the rights for these characters don't belong to marvel and negotiating their use is tricky which is why we don't get them anymore after Marvel and Fox's standoff

    This comes up over and over throughout the forum (as well as elsewhere) - people want more mutants/X-men; other people rebuff them with the above statement in one form or another (i.e., no mutants because Marvel vs. Fox). BUT, that latter point isn't exactly true because there are numerous recent examples of Marvel-licensed games, and even Marvel themselves, actively releasing new X-men content that would not be the case if "negotiating their use is tricky which is why we don't get them anymore after Marvel and Fox's standoff."

    For example:
    • Marvel Heroes 2016 is currently having an Old Man Logan event. Last month, they introduced Jubilee into the game.
    • Marvel Contest of Champions released Cable in January.
    • Marvel Comics is currently heavily promoting the launches of their new X-men Blue and X-men Gold titles (as well as their agonizingly named ResureXion event) which features most of the mutants people want

    As such, I don't feel the answer is as black-and-white as "can't use." (Maybe it's just a matter of a little more effort/interest?) Both here and elsewhere, I feel that people should continue to voice their desire for some more X-men/mutants because it clearly can happen, it just hasn't happened here at MPQ in a long while. If Brigby or another red name wants to respond with better clarification on what it would take to get more X-men into the game, I'm all for it... having some more X-men in the game would clearly drive up sales. icon_e_wink.gif

    As for new Hawkeyes... I'm very much in the "meh" camp. I love the character (I basically got introduced to him way back when, when he spun out the West Coast Avengers and led them), but was perfectly fine with him being only a 1* and 2* character. But, if MPQ wants to bring in more variants of him, I guess I'll try him out.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    Hawkeye vs Deadpool was great. Made me like Clint, Kate, and Deadpool. That was one of the first series I got when I started buying digital comics. So I'm all for some more Hawkeye
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    HobieCat76 wrote:

    I think what you mean to say is "When can we have more mutants?!" The answer is probably never as Chutulu has stated the rights for these characters don't belong to marvel and negotiating their use is tricky which is why we don't get them anymore after Marvel and Fox's standoff

    This comes up over and over throughout the forum (as well as elsewhere) - people want more mutants/X-men; other people rebuff them with the above statement in one form or another (i.e., no mutants because Marvel vs. Fox). BUT, that latter point isn't exactly true because there are numerous recent examples of Marvel-licensed games, and even Marvel themselves, actively releasing new X-men content that would not be the case if "negotiating their use is tricky which is why we don't get them anymore after Marvel and Fox's standoff."

    For example:
    • Marvel Heroes 2016 is currently having an Old Man Logan event. Last month, they introduced Jubilee into the game.
    • Marvel Contest of Champions released Cable in January.
    • Marvel Comics is currently heavily promoting the launches of their new X-men Blue and X-men Gold titles (as well as their agonizingly named ResureXion event) which features most of the mutants people want

    As such, I don't feel the answer is as black-and-white as "can't use." (Maybe it's just a matter of a little more effort/interest?) Both here and elsewhere, I feel that people should continue to voice their desire for some more X-men/mutants because it clearly can happen, it just hasn't happened here at MPQ in a long while. If Brigby or another red name wants to respond with better clarification on what it would take to get more X-men into the game, I'm all for it... having some more X-men in the game would clearly drive up sales. icon_e_wink.gif

    As for new Hawkeyes... I'm very much in the "meh" camp. I love the character (I basically got introduced to him way back when, when he spun out the West Coast Avengers and led them), but was perfectly fine with him being only a 1* and 2* character. But, if MPQ wants to bring in more variants of him, I guess I'll try him out.

    Chtulu has confirmed this in the hawkeye(clint barton) character thread by stating that they only have the license rights to certain characters and acquiring new ones isn't always easy.
    Cthulhu wrote:
    FrostKnux wrote:
    Seriously? Hawkeye is NOT a five star character. How have we gone from Silver Surfer and Phoenix to Black Widow and Hawkeye? You know who's five star? Odin. Dormammu. SEVERAL X-Men. Not these two chumps. Not the civil war chumps.

    The article on Marvel starts "Need more Hawkeye in your life? What kind of question is that? Of course you do..." NO, I don't. Literally no one asked for this.


    We do not have the rights to use certain characters, but we are always trying! Some day soon we hope to be able to have an update on this. But we do not have any current estimated date of exactly when.

    I can say this Hawkeye is really fun, and the 3-Star I'm about to add is also a fun character.

    As for why other games have it and this doesn't I think Jaedenkaal explanation probably fits best.
    Jaedenkaal wrote:
    Fox owns the media licensing rights. Which means a fox owned character cannot appear in a non fox product without first paying the licensing fee to Fox. This did not used to be an issue until Fox refused to relinquish F4 a few years ago when marvel asked for it back and instead chose to make more tinykitty movies just to retain it and hold the characters to ransom. Marvel then decided to not support any Fox licensed characters and started cancelling their comics and withdrawing all support for them elsewhere too. As for why other games do it and this one doesn't? I have no idea beyond perhaps this game doesn't have the finances to pay Fox anymore.

    My best guess is that those games spent a lot more money up front and acquired the (long term) rights to all the characters long before the falling out between Marvel and Fox.
  • HobieCat76
    HobieCat76 Posts: 73 Match Maker
    Cthulhu wrote:
    FrostKnux wrote:
    Seriously? Hawkeye is NOT a five star character. How have we gone from Silver Surfer and Phoenix to Black Widow and Hawkeye? You know who's five star? Odin. Dormammu. SEVERAL X-Men. Not these two chumps. Not the civil war chumps.

    The article on Marvel starts "Need more Hawkeye in your life? What kind of question is that? Of course you do..." NO, I don't. Literally no one asked for this.


    We do not have the rights to use certain characters, but we are always trying! Some day soon we hope to be able to have an update on this. But we do not have any current estimated date of exactly when.

    ^ This (in some form or fashion) should be stickied to the top of the Character Discussion forum. Would make it a lot easier for everyone. icon_e_smile.gif That said, I still feel that people should continue to voice their X-men interests regardless. Let your mutant flag fly! icon_e_smile.gif
  • whycantwesyncpc
    whycantwesyncpc Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    I was just looking online and from what I can find fox only owns the movie/tv rights and Marvel owns everything else rights wise. I think this is the same as the reason why there are no merchandise produced for any x-men of ff movies produced and marvel just doesn't want to promote it. They could make merchandise for the X-men movies and make most of the profits but don't want to promote fox's movies so they don't. It's their choice. I get the feeling that Marvels is asking the game developers not to use these characters and demiurge is just going with it more than the others. Unless there is something I am missing I don't think fox has any say on whether they can use them or not and if they did and didn't want to share could probably step in and get the characters used removed or the game blocked if they didn't (especially since they had the license long before this game was even made)

    If they want to not create characters the Marvel doesn't have film rights to because Marvel asks them not to I don't really have a problem with it. Ultimately they are the bosses after all.