*** Magneto (Classic) ***



  • I'm happy I didn't max him out.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,327 Chairperson of the Boards
    rednailz wrote:
    Beast1970 wrote:
    My immediate concern, and one that someone else has most likely already figured out, is how to deal with Hulk.

    Yup, in general CMAGS was the only viable sollution for hulk without needing 3 health packs after. Now I see nothing unless you save up 90 AP with cap to use his stun then shield, and then do it again if you get the return AP.

    Stupid. I expected and agreed with a nerfing, but now we have 1 less purple AP player, which makes it nearly 0 playable purple, and although I like the no spamming, CMAGS's heavy hitting superpower is now nothing much, and his yellow is a joke.

    Thanks for the memories CMAGS, guess I will be playing you with whatever other C-team players I have. I think the overnerf put him too far down the list. Mags was a formidable villian, now he's less of a pain than a moderate toothache.

    This is patently false. I deal with Hulk just fine every time and luck of the draw has meant for me that in 300 days of playing I only have 5 Mags covers so it was never a possibility for me. I just bring Spidey to Hulk fights and it's a breeze. Or if I can't bring Spidey for one reason or the other, leave Hulk for last, bash him around for a while with normal matches (since besides Anger he's mostly harmless) to collect AP and then unleash a nuke and finish with Punisher's Retribution in the same turn.

    You may not get now the super easy, unchallenging fights chaining infinite blues or abusing Patch with ultracheap projectiles, but he will still be a beast in defence, as the new Magnetised Projectiles is basically an untouched, colour-shifted Magnetic Translocation. That power has been the cause of easily around 50% my losses.
  • Consider Hulk does practically nothing on offense I'm not sure why people feel entitled to be able to effortlessly destroy him on defense. So now you can't just Hulk without even paying attention to him. Since Daken got nerfed it's not like anybody's going to be accidentally triggering Anger now. You may have to actually think about how to approach Hulk but that's not much of a drawback for having a 3on2 for most of the fight.
  • LoreNYC wrote:
    was told red does AOE damage at 5 (but doesn't at 3)

    this isn't in patch notes

    The flavor text of the ability went from "Magneto propels magnetized projectiles at his enemies" to "Magneto hurls a massive metal object towards the heart of the enemy team," and for some reason people thought that meant AOE damage, even though the ability description itself never said anything about AOE damage
  • Used new Magneto and New XForce Wolvie in lighting round vs a non threatening team.

    Magneto at 5 red/5 yellow/1 blue

    End result: Win with downed Magneto and fully healed Wolvie

    My prediction:
    Magneto fades to the background and XForce Wolvie is rampant in PvP
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    gamar wrote:
    LoreNYC wrote:
    was told red does AOE damage at 5 (but doesn't at 3)

    this isn't in patch notes

    The flavor text of the ability went from "Magneto propels magnetized projectiles at his enemies" to "Magneto hurls a massive metal object towards the heart of the enemy team," and for some reason people thought that meant AOE damage, even though the ability description itself never said anything about AOE damage

    I just verified this ... with 5 covers, Polarizing Force only harms the enemy in front.
  • Anyone have ideas on who best pairs with C Mags now, post update? I used to pair him with BP or Ares, but now their is a color conflict with Battleplan and Sunder. Seems CMags will need to roll with a new crew. Perhaps HT, Punisher, or Hood are better candidates color wise, though I don't have enough covers to really give a good test run. I'm skeptical going the long game with Hood is a viable strategy though, like with LCap.
  • camichan wrote:
    Anyone have ideas on who best pairs with C Mags now, post update? I used to pair him with BP or Ares, but now their is a color conflict with Battleplan and Sunder. Seems CMags will need to roll with a new crew. Perhaps HT, Punisher, or Hood are better candidates color wise, though I don't have enough covers to really give a good test run. I'm skeptical going the long game with Hood is a viable strategy though, like with LCap.

    The most obvious synergy is The Hood because Polarizing Force destroys the color that The Hood cannot steal, which greatly increases his chance of stealing everything else.

    I don't see anything particularly interesting otherwise for combo. His skills are solid but a defensive character doesn't play well in PvP as long as there are boosts. Maybe he'd be good against another strike tile generator, but you can also just fight fire with more fire too. Punisher is plenty good against himself too.
  • MikeHock wrote:
    Used new Magneto and New XForce Wolvie in lighting round vs a non threatening team.

    Magneto at 5 red/5 yellow/1 blue

    End result: Win with downed Magneto and fully healed Wolvie

    My prediction:
    Magneto fades to the background and XForce Wolvie is rampant in PvP

    X Force is dominant but he's not as dummy proof as Thor. If you just mindless take him to level 270 you'd expect to auto lose almost every fight against another level 270 X Force because that puts green as your vulnerable color for Surgical Strike, but you'd need to be heavily invested in whoever is the featured character to ensure they have a higher match strength than X Force. Additionally you'll also need to know how to build your team when the strongest color is red/yellow and possibly purple (blue and black are likely lost causes).
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    camichan wrote:
    Anyone have ideas on who best pairs with C Mags now, post update? I used to pair him with BP or Ares, but now their is a color conflict with Battleplan and Sunder. Seems CMags will need to roll with a new crew. Perhaps HT, Punisher, or Hood are better candidates color wise, though I don't have enough covers to really give a good test run. I'm skeptical going the long game with Hood is a viable strategy though, like with LCap.

    Surprised i'm saying this but i've been using Cmags with X-Force to good effect. Between the two there's lots of board shake up. The third member is a lot harder to figure out.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanos wrote:

    Surprised i'm saying this but i've been using Cmags with X-Force to good effect. Between the two there's lots of board shake up. The third member is a lot harder to figure out.

    Cmags / X-Force / Hood is a gruesome team. Wipe out team-up tiles and something else with surgical strike, and Hood's drain goes into overdrive.
  • SolidQ
    SolidQ Posts: 247 Tile Toppler

    Cmags / X-Force / Hood is a gruesome team. Wipe out team-up tiles and something else with surgical strike, and Hood's drain goes into overdrive.
    I was thinking about X-Force + Hood, but AI, mb will often intimidation instead SS icon_e_smile.gif
  • Does anything else need to be said
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron I'm looking for your analysis on this guy and thoughts on builds
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    SolidQ wrote:

    Cmags / X-Force / Hood is a gruesome team. Wipe out team-up tiles and something else with surgical strike, and Hood's drain goes into overdrive.
    I was thinking about X-Force + Hood, but AI, mb will often intimidation instead SS icon_e_smile.gif

    I wish they would've left X-Force red instead of changing it to black. Its making it a little more difficult to compose a team now. I tried hood to good effect but then you get no purple coverage which i suppose is fine. Makes for a slightly squishy team but can be very strong on offense. No clue how it plays on defense. Wish there was a practice mode that let you play against any team with any cover configuration to see how your team would play on defense.
  • MikeHock wrote:
    Used new Magneto and New XForce Wolvie in lighting round vs a non threatening team.

    Magneto at 5 red/5 yellow/1 blue

    End result: Win with downed Magneto and fully healed Wolvie

    My prediction:
    Magneto fades to the background and XForce Wolvie is rampant in PvP
    I'll gladly fight underlevel XForce Wolvies.
  • BG8eoaX.jpg

    If you look closely, you can see Spidey in the corner masturbating furiously with joy.
  • qtquazar wrote:

    If you look closely, you can see Spidey in the corner masturbating furiously with joy.

    Wow, definitely see a resemblance..

    Only MPQs is way more pathetic looking and couldn't get a hot MILF to save his life..
  • Sorry, in case there was any confusion on that post: he sucks now.

    10 blue to do damage limited swaps. Likely average at max will be circa 2500 damage.
    9 yellow to do circa ~450 in defense. At 9 yellow, both Sentry and BP outstrip this in attack. What would you rather have in PvP: 450 defense, or 450 damage? Hint: this question is rhetorical.
    8 red to smash up a bunch of TUs and not get the AP for them. Cascade possibilities, perhaps, but why pick a conditional when there are direct damage reds aplenty?

    If there's any redemption for CMags at all now, it's going to be on the red, but I'm just not seeing it. sample matches so far with him have been bad.

    This moves pretty much everyone onto the Sentry path now, and Deadpool and Fury become the fills on red and purple. What a surprise. Cashgrab.
  • I haven't thought much about him yet. Put him with The Hood if you want your opponent to suffer in PvP, though it doesn't help you too much either. The blue and red looks roughly interchangeable (more or less just damage), and if you're going to use him with Hood you might as well go all the way Coercive Field on level 5 to maximize the pain factor. I don't like the 'make your opponent suffer' type of gameplay but if you're not running Sentry, I guess this is the next best thing for defense. It won't be particularly effective at winning anything either unless the featured character allows you to put a very good offensive character, but can be an interesting defensive substitution at the end of the playing session if you don't have Sentry for whatever reason.

    For PvE the team Nonce suggested (X Force/Magneto/The Hood) seems like it can grind it out pretty well and keep the enemy locked down for a long time as long as you constantly keep multiple colors off the field which should ensure The Hood will steal AP on the remaining colors. This team works in PvP too other than that this team is currently only possible if the featured character is The Hood or Magneto.