*** Magneto (Classic) ***



  • KaioShinDE
    KaioShinDE Posts: 265 Mover and Shaker
    Which nerf are you refering to? He was on a "to balance in the future list", but that list hasn't been worked on by the devs in many months.
  • Has anyone tested how the nerf has affected Magneto? Is he still as good or ha he gotten alot worse?

    If you mean about his purple power that now counts the actual rearrengment of tiles and not only how many blues are on the board, that wasn't a nerf, that was more of a bug fix. But I haven't tested him yet to give you an answer, sorry.
  • Yep thats what I mean. Just wondering how it has affected him.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's been discussed at the end of this thread:


    Basically, the damage potential is still there as long as you have both blue and red tiles on the board. having 4 or 5 in Magneto's purple is still very viable damage.
  • Dormammu wrote:
    It's been discussed at the end of this thread:


    That's right. Closing this thread.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like running a rainbow team, and that usually requires Spidey, cMags, or BWGS. I usually pick cMags, but I keep him in the back and let the other characters control the game.

    However, when the battle turns bad, Mags is usually the last one standing. Since that usually accompanies a post-cascade board, there is usually a smattering of blue tiles available, allowing me to go into "You dare attack Magneto?" mode. A riled Magneto almost always wins. That's vastly more fun than Spidey being the last one standing, which is as fun as juggling feral demon cats.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    "You dare attack Magneto?"

    I am always saying this to myself when playing classic mags. Constantly. Life is all about the small joys, and mimicking Magneto's I'm-better-than-you superior tone is one of them. It works for Doom too: "You dare attack Doom?" (summon demons)
  • Kiamodo
    Kiamodo Posts: 423 Mover and Shaker
    I will always hear. "Welcome....to DIE!!!"
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    In coming C.Mags nerf.

    Covers for prizes for the Doctor's Orders tourney. yep, I bet they give you covers so they can nerf him on you. if they do hopefully they'll do it within 7 days of the end of that tourney so my covers don't expiere.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    In coming C.Mags nerf.

    Covers for prizes for the Doctor's Orders tourney. yep, I bet they give you covers so they can nerf him on you. if they do hopefully they'll do it within 7 days of the end of that tourney so my covers don't expiere.

    Oh no! If they nerf C.Mags how am I going to eliminate countdown tiles from lvl 260 snipers!?!
  • He's not that hard to fix imo. His main strength isn't his abilities, it's the low cost of the abilities that make him OP. You can deny your opponents a turn because you can constantly spam red and blue. The ability to overwrite two tiles for only 5 blue is unrivaled.

    If you increased blue's cost to somewhere between 7-9 AP, that would eliminate your ability to maintain your blue pool with match-5s and match-4s + 1

    If you increased red's cost to somewhere between 6-8 AP, that would eliminate your ability to continually reset the board.

    If blue's cost was raised as I have suggested, I think it would still be a decent skill. You could still get a few continuous turns in if you stored up enough blue, plus the ability to overwrite tiles is still huge.

    If red's cost was raised as I have suggested, the skill would suck and need to be improved. Maybe make the cost higher and let the skill generate AP.

    Purple is fine, maybe the damage can be tuned, but the ability fits his character profile and it's a nice purple skill when there aren't that many out there, especially one that does damage.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think even raising the cost of the blue by 1 would bring a lot of fictional effects, since that would make you need an extra AP for every match-5, and would make you run out of AP quickly if you used it on match-4s.

    If they put his red to 6 AP, then it'd need like juggernaut style board shuffling, and a significant damage boost
  • Juggernaut's board shuffling is pretty potent. The damage really doesn't matter compared to the cascades it causes.

    Magneto's blue can't be less than about 10 as long as it can overwrite any tile in the game, and even that'd be pretty cheap since it can overwrite two at once. It probably should be overwrite any basic tile all along, similar to most mass tile overwriting abilities.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is what happens when Mags' powers are nerfed "Behold the power of Magneto!"

  • kensterr wrote:
    This is what happens when Mags' powers are nerfed "Behold the power of Magneto!"


    this is pretty funny actually. thanks icon_e_biggrin.gif

    poor mags
  • Raising his blue and red cost would require other changes or he'd be more worthless than Rags. His main draw is the ability to board control. The damage from purple is decent but also has many requirements for it to be strong. I think if they wanted to change his blue or red they'd probably have to buff the effect while buffing the cost
  • Wil88
    Wil88 Posts: 159 Tile Toppler
    Anyone think it is worth levelling him at this point? I have the ablility to take him to lvl 102 now that I got a few covers. It's a lot of HP taking him there, but all my other 3* are soft capped.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Wil88 wrote:
    Anyone think it is worth levelling him at this point? I have the ablility to take him to lvl 102 now that I got a few covers. It's a lot of HP taking him there, but all my other 3* are soft capped.
    If you like your PvE scaling skyrocketing, sure... I leveled mine to 115 and got a lot of enjoyment out of his usage, even shifted through several builds like 4-4-5, then 5-4-4, now it's 5-5-3. It was good while it lasted because now my playtime with my beloved Mutant Master of Magnetism is tainted by the fact that devs think I'm too OP for 'tame' level 230 PvE.
  • Phantron wrote:
    Magneto's blue can't be less than about 10 as long as it can overwrite any tile in the game, and even that'd be pretty cheap since it can overwrite two at once. It probably should be overwrite any basic tile all along, similar to most mass tile overwriting abilities.

    I disagree. With how horrible it is on defense they would need to substantially increase the protect tile strength to make it 10 AP, 2x59 just doesn't cut it. Also keep in mind Cap can over write any tiles for a net cost of 1 or 2 AP. A cost of 6 AP is more than enough of a nerf. Doing that would drop him well out of the top 10 characters probably below Punisher.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rorex wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    Magneto's blue can't be less than about 10 as long as it can overwrite any tile in the game, and even that'd be pretty cheap since it can overwrite two at once. It probably should be overwrite any basic tile all along, similar to most mass tile overwriting abilities.

    I disagree. With how horrible it is on defense they would need to substantially increase the protect tile strength to make it 10 AP, 2x59 just doesn't cut it. Also keep in mind Cap can over write any tiles for a net cost of 1 or 2 AP. A cost of 6 AP is more than enough of a nerf. Doing that would drop him well out of the top 10 characters probably below Punisher.
    Oh, don't even get him started on punisher.

    (I seriously think even a frictional cost of 1 AP would 'fix' the infinite combo blue, taking it to 7 would be more than enough to make people consider respeccing. Red would need a lot more of a rework though)