*** Magneto (Classic) ***



  • turul wrote:
    Is damagw per swap same with lvl 4 and lvl5 puprple?

    No, damage still goes up, so if you have someone with a stronger red, there's still a solid motivation to keep him 5/3/5. I know I will for the time being.

    It does tempt me to respec him to 5/5/3 though and just stop using other characters for their reds, but... given how, if you remove heroes with red skills out of the 3* pool, you're left with less than 5 to pick from? No thankyou. Not to mention I'd rather have my other characters using their reds in almost all situations except Lazythor and Ragnarok.
  • Hmm, currently 4/5/4 so it'd be an easy switch to 5/5/3, but that nerf tho. Didn't wanna take blue to 5 because you know it's gonna get destroyed in the nerf, but that nerf is taking so long. And this week is heroic LRs. I might just wait it out I dunno.
  • Just curious, is this bug fix the Magneto nerf or is there more to come?

    I would like to know that too, mine is actually at 105 and I want to get him to 141, but if they're going to keep nerfing him then I won't
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was constantly using my Magneto during red-iso event (to override countdown tiles with his blue) and last night I was still doing 3000+ damage with 4 in purple. You just have to be more cautious and not spring his purple when there is only one or two red/blue tiles on the board.
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    Sorry if this is mentioned already - but does Mags red skill deliverately avoid countdown and stike tiles?
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    It only destroys basic tiles.
  • Since Magnetic Field reduces the number of blue tiles on the board, usually the only limiting factor is the number of blue tiles for his purple. Of course there are always exceptions but I find that finding enough blue is much harder than having a corresponding number of red once you get Magnetic Field going (not that this is a bad thing).
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the C> Mags nerf should make 5/3/5 unviable, since even if blue is the limiting factor most of the time, the chances of getting more than 9 red and blue tiles on the board at the same time are extremely low from my experience. However, I've had my mags at 5/4/4, and I've barely seen any change in damage with the nerfs. As Phantron said, blue is typically the limiting factor, so I'm not seeing too many instances where the red tiles actually matter. I'm expecting mass migrations to 5/4/4 for people who want a relevant purple ability, and 5/5/3 for people that want to abuse Patch.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the C> Mags nerf should make 5/3/5 unviable, since even if blue is the limiting factor most of the time, the chances of getting more than 9 red and blue tiles on the board at the same time are extremely low from my experience. However, I've had my mags at 5/4/4, and I've barely seen any change in damage with the nerfs. As Phantron said, blue is typically the limiting factor, so I'm not seeing too many instances where the red tiles actually matter. I'm expecting mass migrations to 5/4/4 for people who want a relevant purple ability, and 5/5/3 for people that want to abuse Patch.

    See, I disagree, if anything I feel it actually makes the 5/3/5 an even more viable choice, if... you value your nuke damage in your style of play. Now I am a 5/4/4 Mags, and while we all agree blue is still more of the limiting factor than red, it then doesn't change anything other than making it less confusing. In a board of 8 blue and 6 red, you will only do 6 swaps, if you are x/x/3 or x/x/4 or x/x/5 you all will do the same number of swaps at 6, but an x/x/5 is going to do the most damage. In that case

    6 swaps
    x/x/3==2742 dmg
    x/x/4==3276 dmg
    x/x/5==3816 dmg

    as you can see you will be severely hindering your purple damage output if you decided to not go 5 in purple.

    In short, if you have a 5/3/5 it's not the end of the world, since the nerf I have watched my tiles and not once in my 15 casts since the nerf has red at all dictated the damage, it's always been blue, so basically all the fix did was that, it fixed the bug and made the skill = to the discription. Yes, there are going to be times where red will be a hinderence, but seriously if you go 5 in purple you know you are almost never going to have 13 swaps even when it only counted blue, you went 5 in purple because you wanted the max damage per swap, and you still have that.
  • I received and email today (way to improve on your communication d3!) about the next/current update

    "The forces of magnetism have been more powerful than they should have been for some time, possibly due to the mysterious influences of Iso-8. As a result, Magneto (Classic)'s Magnetic Translocation was dealing more damage than it should have been, as it was counting the number of Blue tiles in total instead of number of swaps. The universe has been righted and magnetism reduced to its proper strength. Magneto (Classic)'s ability will now only deal damage for the number of swaps made."
  • Magneto's purple has been changed back to normal now, so is 5/5/3 his best spec now?
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    zpzpz wrote:
    Magneto's purple has been changed back to normal now, so is 5/5/3 his best spec now?

    Absolutely not. Mine is staying at 5/4/4. His purple is still deadly.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2014
    zpzpz wrote:
    Magneto's purple has been changed back to normal now, so is 5/5/3 his best spec now?

    No, I stated earlier, it really did nothing to him, it just fixed his bug. I'm still putting out the same damage, I have casted MT 28 times since nerf and red still has not mattered in calculating my damage and my build is 5/4/4

    Edit: You go 5 in purple not for the swaps, but for the max damage, bug fix or not, very rarely were you ever getting 13 swaps unless you perfectly seeded the board with blue, then yes, the bug fix will mess with you, but if you were playing as normal and would maybe throw a couple blue shields onto the board right before casting, this fix isn't going to be an issue.
  • Well, I tend to agree. Looking at his purple again from 3 to 4 is a leap of around 25% increase in dmg. Not too shabby. And it's for one of the better purple skills in the game as well....
  • Was c.mags recently nerfed?
  • TropicYeo wrote:
    Was c.mags recently nerfed?

    His purple was bugfixed.
  • To save some hassle I am staying 5/3/5. 5/4/4 might be a tiny bit more versatile but if I use mags red its usually because I am in trouble anyway. 5/5/3 is the go to patches combo though. As in, kinda broken good. Between 5 blue and 2 reds always getting strike tile damage added you only need about 6 red 6 blue and enough green for one berserk to win most matches with maybe having to make a real match once or twice if you get a bad board. 5/3/5 is still his best option if you aren't teaming him with strike tiles imo..especially as there seem to be more and more characters with pretty good red abilities.

    On top of that, the 1 100% guarantee if they nerfed mags would be the red changing...I am sure the blue would change too, but to be honest his blue makes or breaks him. If the blue is still good post Nerf you still want 5 in it likely. If its not still good, you might as well drop him as mags just for his purple is kinda a waste. At this point, I would def not make any choices based on the assumption of nerfs though. Good chance they never come and if they do I am sure we will be broadsides by them anyway...no point constantly looking over your shoulder for a runaway car.
  • finwe wrote:
    TropicYeo wrote:
    Was c.mags recently nerfed?

    His purple was bugfixed.

    Didnt even knew it was bugged.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do think nothing has really changed too. I will continue with my 5/4/4 build because I think it is the best of both worlds, and I continue to think that 5/3/5 is a viable build.

    Maybe D3 should mention in the power description the stealth damage upgrade so people outside the forum nows this upgrade exists.
  • Has anyone tested how the nerf has affected Magneto? Is he still as good or ha he gotten alot worse?