Board Drop of Death (crash bugs) [Android - Fixed in R133 | Devs Aware]

Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
Devs seem to be ignoring this and/or don't seem to acknowledge that this is a common issue, so I'd like to see some numbers.
It's been reported that CS said it was an isolated incident to a PC user... I'm on PC and this happens to me all the time, so no. It's not.
From what I've heard people are losing (especially over the period of time this has been around) thousands of points, positions and prizes over this. And make can make all the difference in a successful shield hop to a bitter waste of HP.
Happens to me pretty daily. If I'm lucky every second day.

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  • ngoni
    ngoni Posts: 112 Tile Toppler
    Happens on mobile too. Get at least a couple crashes on the drop every day.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,050 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah it definitely happens on mobile as well. I have a long standing ticket with CS that I update every time it happens. I don't want any kind of compensation just want them to know that it is an ongoing issue so each time it happens I send in an addendum to the original ticket.
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    Working theory is that frequent restarts forestall these crashes. By their nature, the app is restarted all the time on phones. On computer it can run days, weeks on end. In theory. This game is a light load for a modern PC.

    I can tell you now that this is a myth!
    I've loaded up the game to have the board drop of death on my first match.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Working theory is that frequent restarts forestall these crashes. By their nature, the app is restarted all the time on phones. On computer it can run days, weeks on end. In theory. This game is a light load for a modern PC.

    My laptop stays in standby all the time but my desktop goes into shutdown every night.

    In neither case is MPQ left running. I exit the app whenever I'm done with it, and I *still* get the Board Drop of Death regularly; sometimes it's the first match of the day, sometimes the fifth, and sometimes the tenth.

    Restarts haven't had anything to do with it for me.
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    I get this type of crash at least three times a week. It has been mitigated since they make health loss only 10% instead of 25% now.
    I do have a theory that some of the crashes might have to do with resets or updates to certain events.
    For example, for me I believe it is more likely to occur after a new lighting round has just started or an event has started or an event has flipped after getting the 1000 people to fill it up.
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    I experience this crash at beginning with board drop regularly.
    At least once per day, sometimes more.

    Statistically speaking, this happens more often when I'm playing PvE, DDQ etc... when this doesn't matter a lot

    But yeah sometimes it happens when I unshield for a carefully planned hop and I fear this moment icon_e_confused.gif

    Note: Steam PC user here (aka without-intercept-rewards-player icon_neutral.gif )
  • Mechahamster
    Mechahamster Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    Is this the thing where you start up a match and the app just crashes? Yup, have that several times a week on PC.
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    Often when the game crashes on a PC (but not always, not even close), it creates a dump file. They are found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Marvel Puzzle Quest\Binaries\PC\Ship ... one PC has 83 of them. The other 75. A fraction of the crashes over the last 22mos.

    oh, thanks for the tip!
    I have actually 102 crash reports, starting from August 2015, there may be a few that aren't related to the same underlying issue though
    edit: I see now that the frequency is below once per day... but sometimes I cancel the creation of the report
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just crashed windows 7 also windows 10. Have two accounts. Dumpfile created. Can't believe they don't take this seriously.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Still happens to me every now and then.
  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    I play on PC, on a very nice high end gaming rig and this has been happening 2-3 times per day for at least the last three months. It takes all of ten seconds to restart the game so I don't lose anything over it. In pve it's not that big of a deal but it keeps me from playing pvp most of the time.
  • Alkyoneus
    Alkyoneus Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    I have this happen several times a week, and every time it's happened when there's a match-5 available on the board. I think there's something to that, but that may be confirmation bias on my part. Attempting to fit a symptom to an unrelated problem.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    I've opened a couple of tickets on this problem (running the game on PC). The first one was back in 3/19/2015, then another on 10/13/2016.

    Crashes used to be much rarer. My first crash file is from 5/30/2014. I have 54 crashes dumps between then and 9/12/2016. Since 9/12/2016 I've had 65 crashes. According to what I wrote in one of my tickets there was a release on 9/12 that dramatically increased the number of crashes (I had only 11 crashes in 2016 prior to 9/12).

    I also wondered if board configuration (especially match 5's) had an impact so I did screen capture several crashes, but there was no direct correlation that I could see.

    The biggest costs to me from the crashes are the losses as I try to hit 900 in PVP and the loss of seed team fights in Lightning Rounds.

    It is getting frustrating enough that I'm considering a new MPQ motto: "No more cash until you fix the crash!"
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've had it. Haven't personally seen it in in 117 yet, but don't doubt the ones that say they have.
  • deadtaco
    deadtaco Posts: 409 Mover and Shaker
    Happens randomly on my phone, but usually in batches. The other day two of the first three ddq nodes CTD.

    To those that say they won't admit the issue, I thought when they lowered the retreat penalty awhile back they did so because of the crashes.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,276 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's a +3 year old bug they havent managed to fix yet, that should tell you something icon_lol.gif

    At least you lose less health now, not sure if the change was 100% because of the bug but it's appreciated.
    Just wish they'd fix it altogether seriously, this is not a minor bug, how do you let your game be released
    in this state?
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    Often when the game crashes on a PC (but not always, not even close), it creates a dump file. They are found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Marvel Puzzle Quest\Binaries\PC\Ship ... one PC has 83 of them. The other 75. A fraction of the crashes over the last 22mos.

    81 here from a year ago yesterday. I'd have to fire up my old laptop to check that one for the other near 2 years of playing. icon_cry.gif

    And this is only the times that I actually create the report. Most the time I don't.
  • Chipster22
    Chipster22 Posts: 299 Mover and Shaker
    On my Android phone MPQ hasn't crashed very often, but when it has, I think it has always been when a new board dropped.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I play on iOS mobile and I think the game has crashed on me like...twice, ever, in a year and a half. I don't remember if it was on a board drop, though.
  • AlexxKats
    AlexxKats Posts: 99 Match Maker
    I recall I used to have the app crash mid fight, when switching between apps (video, line, receiving a call etc). Being an android user, decided to play safe and stop swapping apps during hops at least, never submitted a ticket. Then August 2016, when the fb fix was live (and didn't work), I've started my love experience with Board Drop of Death (BDoD from here on). Figured I did something wrong. Tested on a spare mobile, a couple of tablets and yeah, all had the BDoD. A couple of days later I sent a ticket to cs with all the data collected. Their precious reply was: please give us ign and device you're playing, plus the obligatory have you tried to close app and reopen? Maybe even clear cache? Ticket has been on hold ever since I gave then the copy paste of original message with info. BDoD has been daily since that day, minimum 2 crashes, maximum 6 on the day r117 got downloaded.