Boss Rush Event: Info & Rewards *Updated



  • Dalbok
    Dalbok Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    I'll add to the sentiment that I'm not enjoying Boss Rush at all. I get the impression that players aren't intended to win but simple whittle away at their progress bar and get as far as they can. But that is not enjoyable in my opinion. I guess in the big picture it can be viewed that way, but I'd like to feel like I have a chance. I was able to win twice in Round 4 and gained points to make it to Round 5 and I think I may be able to achieve Round 6 but there won't be time to get further I'm fairly certain. Earning too few points.

    And if that was the intention, I imagine that was also the thinking behind the original Galactus event. If so, they should've learned from that it wouldn't go over well.

    Boss Rush and BFF were good ideas but not good implementation. They need a play test group to provide feedback before these go live.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Boss rush would be great if it were two easier bosses, with the third being very tough. So then you could save up your AP by fighting the first two bosses, and then you could unleash all your major attacks on the final, deadly boss.

    But instead, if you save your AP and avoid doing attacks on the first two bosses, they will just kill you. And even if you miraculously win, you barely make any points toward progression, plus you still need to use 3 healthpacks, so it's a bit frustrating.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I ask the same question now that I did when Galactus was designed as a problem you couldn't solve by design.
    I don't like the phrase in general but I'm talking design philosophy and theming here rather than tossing out a tired meme about business strategies. If we're meant to lose in the event, why are the characters not regenerated to full health after the attempt?

    This was an issue with Galactus. The idea was "He's unbeatable because he's Galactus, obvs. So he's going to swat you away and carry on with what he's doing". Okay, fine, but why do I have to spend 3 health packs after he's swatted me aside?
    Same here. If the goal is to get as far as possible and grind away at point values:
    1) Why do the pins increase in difficulty at all, isn't the boss tough enough as it is? Remember Galactus round 1 where the pins were so absurdly difficult some people couldn't even GET to the boss?
    2) Why am I penalised for playing the boss mode as it's designed? Imagine playing Halo but every time you killed an Elite you lost part of your shield. You'd think Bungie or 343 Studios had gone raving mad. And yet here we are being told the goal is to get as far as you can and finishing is a bonus...but if you fail to finish you're stumping up 3 health packs for being such a loser.

    This is *literally* the same list of problems as Galactus last year. It's quite uncanny, really. Boss is too hard and designed to wipe your party. Pins will eventually become too long winded and grindy to be fun. Health packs are drained within a half hour. All the while the devs seem somehow completely oblivious to the fact that repeatedly dying and losing in a game *isn't fun*.

    I gave you guys the benefit of the doubt, I said in several threads about this "I reckon they just turned boss scaling on by accident, or someone set the scaling too high by accident" and then the first dev reply we got expressed puzzlement that we weren't enjoying being flogged to the bone.
  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    I am just now champing 3*s, with only 5. I have all the 4 and 5s, but only 2-3 have enough covers to be useful. I can't beat round 4 and i just quit. A 338 green goblin who drops protect tiles that negate all match damage, have no weak tiles, spawn minions that heal him each time, while having minions that also heal him? Not fun at all. And to think, there are 2 bosses after that!
    I'm done, and i'm going to focus on hitting 3k in pvp for the 10 pack.
    At least when the gauntlet got hard, we had other events to do.

    My roster:
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    Dalbok wrote:
    I'll add to the sentiment that I'm not enjoying Boss Rush at all. I get the impression that players aren't intended to win but simple whittle away at their progress bar and get as far as they can. But that is not enjoyable in my opinion. I guess in the big picture it can be viewed that way, but I'd like to feel like I have a chance. I was able to win twice in Round 4 and gained points to make it to Round 5 and I think I may be able to achieve Round 6 but there won't be time to get further I'm fairly certain. Earning too few points.

    And if that was the intention, I imagine that was also the thinking behind the original Galactus event. If so, they should've learned from that it wouldn't go over well.

    Boss Rush and BFF were good ideas but not good implementation. They need a play test group to provide feedback before these go live.

    The whittle away aspect would be Ok if the whole Alliance was involved. As a solo thing, it's completely stupid.
  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Seeing as how it's Friday I'm betting the Devs will ignore their player base and hope we learn to cope with the bad game design over the weekend so they can tell us about how great the 3rd anniversary event was for us.

    Instead, if D3 really cared, they would make a post saying "our bad" and "here is how we are going to fix the mistake".

    There is no debate over the FACT that boss rush is a failure. Admit D3. Ignoring your players is never a good solution to your mistakes.
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Poodlec wrote:
    So, what did you said was unfair ?
    It's unfair to dismiss his opinion because he has a couple high level 5*s when the scaling is whacked for everyone.

    I'm experiencing the same thing as you. My highest tier of characters only has 3 champed, the rest of my roster is damn near unusable. My support characters help, but if they get stuck out front they die from a single enemy ability use. It's REALLY hard.....for everyone.

    I even heard that He who shall not be named wiped in round 6.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    ZeiramMR wrote:

    I can't speak to who was at NYCC, but GenCon was only D3go! redtext people (Hi-Fi, Lakestone, Cthulhu) and not Demiurge folks.

    This is only in regards to C2E2, but actual dev representation at this con has dwindled greatly.
    2014 - IceX, a few other D3 producers, and Demiurge designer Will were there.
    Most Recent Game Update = 3-Star Human Torch had just been released, and they teased She Hulk, Nick Fury, & two others I forget. Pre "True Healing" BTW...
    2015 - Hi-Fi, a few other D3 producers, no devs.
    Most Recent Game Update = First run of Civil War hit, with the debut of Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, & Hulbuster.
    2016 - Didn't attend in any capacity.

    In 2014, they weren't known as "D3 GO", so it's possible their philosophy on many fronts has changed since the name change.
    Simply, some publishers don't believe it's worthwhile to send devs to cons. After all, can't crank out feature while "on a vacation" talking to fans!
    They think that publisher producers and/or marketers are enough.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    Poodlec wrote:
    So, what did you said was unfair ?
    It's unfair to dismiss his opinion because he has a couple high level 5*s when the scaling is whacked for everyone.

    I'm experiencing the same thing as you. My highest tier of characters only has 3 champed, the rest of my roster is damn near unusable. My support characters help, but if they get stuck out front they die from a single enemy ability use. It's REALLY hard.....for everyone.

    I even heard that He who shall not be named wiped in round 6.

  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 804 Critical Contributor
    I'm as frustrated as everyone else and have nothing new to add to the previous pages of discussion as I wait to take on lvl 550+ bosses.
    One thing I do want to mention is people are misplacing their irritation.

    D3Go! are the publishers and as such make none of the design decisions. Hi-Fi can only pass on what he is told.

    In Hi-Fi's words your "vitriol" should be aimed squarely at Demiurge. They are the ones who designed this. They are the ones who thought this would be "fun". They have also been on multiple times this morning seeing the feedback.

    It would be really nice if we hear from the Demiurge guys before Happy Hour in Cambridge; Hi-Fi is waiting to tell us what you would like us to know.
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2016
    Hey guys, I'm late to the party. Lemme leave this here before I go get some good sleep rather than attempting this tinykitty.


    Hopefully Big G hasn't and wont't make an appearance, or I'll need to update this again, was lazy to scroll through 20 pages to check
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Arphaxad wrote:
    Seeing as how it's Friday I'm betting the Devs will ignore their player base and hope we learn to cope with the bad game design over the weekend so they can tell us about how great the 3rd anniversary event was for us.

    Instead, if D3 really cared, they would make a post saying "our bad" and "here is how we are going to fix the mistake".

    There is no debate over the FACT that boss rush is a failure. Admit D3. Ignoring your players is never a good solution to your mistakes.

    Uggghhh, again I feel myself compelled to assume there's a good reason for the silence, and that good reason is "We literally have no time to talk because we're too busy working out how to fix this mess"

    Yes it could be they're all eating the leftover anniversary cake (I bet it has raisens in it.) and patting themselves on the back for a job well done, oblivious to the havok they've wrought...but I always want to believe the best in them for some reason.

    I just cannot fathom why they thought this was fun or enjoyable. I mean, video games have survival modes, sure, Dead or Alive came to mind when I was trying to work out why anyone would go into a game *knowing* they're going to lose. Thing is though survival mode in DoA doesn't say "Well you got to wave 8 and lost, so now you're not allowed to play for an hour as punishment".
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards

    I even heard that He who shall not be named wiped in round 6.
    I think we'd all like an opinion there. Well, I'd like to see something anyway. I should check around to see if a certain someone has made a post today.
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    metallion wrote:
    Hey guys, I'm late to the party. Lemme leave this here before I go get some good sleep rather than attempting this tinykitty.


    Hopefully Big G hasn't and wont't make an appearance, or I'll need to update this again, was lazy to scroll through 20 pages to check
    this poster is pretty cool - did you make it?

    seems BSS has an eye boogey tho
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    Just want to echo the fact that the difficulty is absurdly punishing.
    - Round 4 felt like a suitable round 8 encounter for my roster.
    - Round 5 was doable but even then I considered the boss nodes to be asking too much even for a round 8 boss.
    - Round 6 I've only won as a result of good luck so far.

    This event was poorly tested before being given the green light.

    This strikes me as the first release of the new Test PvE system rather than something that was made with prior mistakes in mind. D3 should know by now that they made the original Galactus and the original Ultron events WAY too unforgiving. They should know but now that it took 4 or so nerfs to the test PvE's to get it to a state where players weren't frustrated by the challenge.

    I just don't understand how you can keep making the excessive difficulty mistake over and over and over again when it comes to new content.

    What I LIKE about Boss Rush
    Once I realized this was mainly a solo event with relatively minor alliance interactions I actually found myself really getting behind this event concept.

    To me this feels like a different take on The Gauntlet except with time pressure and FAR SUPERIOR rewards. I know the player base hates 8 hr refreshes in general but I can live with it given that this event isn't an every day thing.

    Proposed Changes
    - Cut the difficulty in half making it so Round 4 boss equals the final round 8 boss.
    - Add some XP to every Boss Battle win so that this feels like a PvE event

    That's it as far as I'm concerned. Though I may be a bit easier to please than some icon_e_smile.gif
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Jam_Adams wrote:
    this poster is pretty cool - did you make it?

    seems BSS has an eye boogey tho

    Yeap, just a quick 1 hour edit of dumping images.

    And yea, I realised. It was part of a botched OML edit apparently. Edited the original post just a few seconds after your post
  • dasquish
    dasquish Posts: 21
    edited October 2016
    metallion wrote:
    Hey guys, I'm late to the party. Lemme leave this here before I go get some good sleep rather than attempting this tinykitty.


    Hopefully Big G hasn't and wont't make an appearance, or I'll need to update this again, was lazy to scroll through 20 pages to check

    First off, AWESOME poster. They should use it for advertising. Second, might as well get to editing. Galactus does show up later. I hear it's super fun.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,040 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2016
    Well guys, I think I've found a team that can push you through round 4 & 5. Here's who I used.....

    3* icon_ironman.png 4/4/5
    icon_shehulk.png 5/4/4
    icon_kamalakhan.png 3/5/5

    All at lvl 176

    I should change the covers a bit but we'll get to that later.

    Im40 is the battery but a very important one. Don't use his red or blue unless it's a finisher. Keep the board free beforehand so the yellow can get off.

    She-Hulk is the hitter, the drainer, and the healer at the same time. Use her red when the field doesn't have im40's yellow. The damage is eh, but what's important is the board shake. You're gonna be facing characters that have fortified tiles and CD tiles (GG and Cap) so her red can bring them down and/or destroy/match them on that turn or the next turn. Use her green A LOT. Drain the **** out of Cap, GG, IM46, Hulk, etc. they can't do anything without AP. And this keeps the healing going because you're gonna get hit, you're gonna get cascades against you and the occasional power against you. When the boss' AP is down to all 2 or less, only then should you use KK's green. Save her blue for those enemy tiles. You won't use IM's blue. It's for her to steal.

    KK's purpleflag.png is key to fuel Shulks green, keep im40's yellow from matching during its countdown, and to prevent boss matches of their main colors. Her green should only be used to either finish off a TEAM (not just a boss) and only if you have 24 green.

    When the team is together, everything flows and your health will fall but be regained. You can't afford to lose character but if you must, let IM take the fall. Shulk + KK can survive better than any other combination.

    I'm gonna switch the covers to get more health from healing and have Shulk do more damage with her red.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    If we guess the safe word, can we make this event stop?
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2016
    I'm as frustrated as everyone else and have nothing new to add to the previous pages of discussion as I wait to take on lvl 550+ bosses.
    One thing I do want to mention is people are misplacing their irritation.

    D3Go! are the publishers and as such make none of the design decisions. Hi-Fi can only pass on what he is told.

    In Hi-Fi's words your "vitriol" should be aimed squarely at Demiurge. They are the ones who designed this. They are the ones who thought this would be "fun". They have also been on multiple times this morning seeing the feedback.

    It would be really nice if we hear from the Demiurge guys before Happy Hour in Cambridge; Hi-Fi is waiting to tell us what you would like us to know.

    My only comment would be that we dont necessarily know that d3 is off the hook. Demi clearly designs the events, but we dont knkw what sort if revenue or ither mandates they get from d3. Its entirely posssible that demi designs an event, and then d3 says "looks great, but why dont you crank up the difficulty to sell more healthpacks (*twirling mustache!*)."

    Obviously my example is intentionally overstated for effect, but the point is external forces on demi may impact their design decisions. But i agree that our commentary should mainly be directed at cambridge until we have more information.
This discussion has been closed.