Boss Rush Event: Info & Rewards *Updated



  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    DFiPL wrote:
    Events like this make me want to quit the game. This whole season has been pretty mediocre up to this point and Boss Rush has made it the worst one yet. The fact that nothing was learned from last Anniversary's feedback makes me question my decision to continue being a part of this game and community. I'm sick of being ignored. I'm sick of being patronized (you're supposed to fail). I'm sick of paying money for something that isn't enjoyable (I stepped buying regularly 3 months ago).

    If this game is to last the 10 years that the devs think it will then some major changes are going to need to be made.

    More community engagement.
    Listen to the community, not just a few big spenders.
    Test your events better, because I KNOW there was no way there was time to test this event properly with NYCC happening at the same time.
    Compensate better when you screw something up.
    Provide better customer service overall.

    Listen to the community...but let's go lock all the threads where the community is giving voice to their displeasure. Because one ten page thread that a red name has to read all of to get a sense of what's what is going to get the point across better than a half-dozen 'oh tinykitty this' threads whose very existence ought to be a hint that there's a problem without even having to read them.

    I get it, mod voice versus private player voice, but there's an enormous cognitive disconnect there.

    If they dont enforce the one topic per subject then there would be pages and pages of very similar threads repeating the same complaints, so while one big thread isnt ideal it is probably less unwieldy than the alternative.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    If this game is to last ... 10 years.

    If all good things come to an end them this game will last forever. (yes, that"s both sarcasm and faulty logic.)
    Test your events better, because I KNOW there was no way there was time to test this event properly with NYCC happening at the same time.

    Of course there was.
    1. Should have been tested before the con. Cons arent surprises. They are schefuled years in advance.
    2. How many people does it take to man a booth?
    3. Marketers should attend cons, devs should be busy dev'ing (and testing)
    4. Why would the QA team be at the con?
    5. Ok, of course i realize the devs are east coast and thus they were local-ish. And they are probably underresourced and behind schedule. And feel entitled to attending cons. Soooo ... Use the con as a testbed.
    I can't speak to who was at NYCC, but GenCon was only D3go! redtext people (Hi-Fi, Lakestone, Cthulhu) and not Demiurge folks.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    xidragonxi wrote:
    Guys, this was actually fun. No sarcasm.

    Great! Maybe you could provide some tips on how to make this enjoyable?
    Using OML (420), Phoenix (435)

    Ah. Nevermind.
    That's unfair, the bosses are scaled, so the 5*s have a much harder time IMO. They are forced to use just a handful of available characters (very few people have more than three 5* champs), and the scaling goes vertical around level 500 (which is what 5* players start to see starting round 5). I would MUCH rather be able to pick from my pool of fifteen champed 4*s than be locked in to OML/Phx/Support Character.
    Yup, I see people using Winfinite and couldn't believe it. No way I could get it off the ground when AI has 1100 match damage in EVERY FRIGGIN COLOR!
  • famousfoxking
    famousfoxking Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    That's unfair, the bosses are scaled, so the 5*s have a much harder time IMO. They are forced to use just a handful of available characters (very few people have more than three 5* champs), and the scaling goes vertical around level 500 (which is what 5* players start to see starting round 5). I would MUCH rather be able to pick from my pool of fifteen champed 4*s than be locked in to OML/Phx/Support Character.

    Oh, I'm mostly joking. I doubt this is fun for anyone. I have 10 champed 4*s and match damage in round 4 is just a little under 1k. All these bosses need is the passive that prevents them from being stunned, and I'm pretty sure I still wouldn't be able to get terribly far.
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    In total I like this event. I've been asking for more challenging events, more puzzly events, and this is it. I like the prospect of trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to take down three massive bosses in a row. I don't like how I have to go into the fights blind (only being able to learn about the bosses from others on the forum that have tried and failed before me.) I made it through round 5 and I have only "wiped" once this entire event in round 1 when my app crashed as soon as I entered the fight. Seems like they "fixed" the force quit glitch but screwed everyone that has legitimate crashes with their buggy software. So due to missing that one boss fight I'm a round behind everyone else and haven't been able to attempt round 6 yet.

    The biggest problem with this event though is the repetition and the time commitment. DDQ4 is challenging, but still fun - because you can fail without consequence, and continue to attempt it until you beat it to earn your reward. In this event any failure is detrimental to progress - which is a problem since you are supposed to lose. And not only is it insanely hard, but you have to keep banging your head against this massive wall that is 5* scaling five times every eight hours for 3 days to get your progression rewards. My round 5 battles were taking like 20 minutes each. It takes a long time to get through almost 250k+ total health.

    So I like the concept, I like the challenge. But it's too much. Too much stress to have to keep fighting these ridiculously tough and long battles every 8 hours. This level of difficulty would be fine for a couple clears through round 8, but just 8 hours into the event the scaling has cranked everything up to 11 and obviously it's killing it for virtually the entire playerbase.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    Had my first wipe, which was in Round 6. Amazingly, fantastically, freakishly shockingly, I defeated Phoenix.

    Surfer.... Oh my god. Ouch.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,488 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree with fightmaster's comments. This is all a bit too much. The real issue with their "your supposed to lose" assumption is that no one can afford 15 hps to have the same 3 characters die in every boss mode attempt.

    The scoring is reasonably fair, I'm making decent progress towards knocking out the levels/rounds. But philosophically, this is bad game design because even though the scores and progressions have been adjusted to dying in every battle, the health packs have not been adjusted.

    Its a reasonable compromise to design a scoring system that gives you the majority of points for 2/3 bosses. It is not reasonable to expect players to have 2/3 dead 5* at the end of each attempt and then expect players to use their hps to ressurect.

    paygate gaming at its worst.
  • JFisch
    JFisch Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    Have had some good luck in round 5 with champion Kingpin/champion Cho/champion 4* Cyclops. Cho keeps a countdown out for Kingpin's black at all times. Cyclops's yellow turns team-up matches into black AP for Kingpin. KP's black does close to 11K damage.

    I look forward to Phoenix obliterating this team in round 6.
  • Cartoon Face
    This was the push i needed to finally knock this game on the head.

    Thank you, you have saved me a lot of money icon_lol.gif
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Orion wrote:
    Tl;dr - abandon all hope, ye who enter round 6.

    Already done at 4.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just have this vision of the event designer(s) rationalizing the absurd difficulty of the event with a thought process like "They'll be overawed by the sheer power of these bosses, but when they get a good combo going and some good cascades that let them just squeak by, they'll think 'That was awesome!!' and it'll be a great, memorable experience." icon_rolleyes.gif

    The best part about bashing your head against the wall is it feels so good when you stop...
  • beckyxx92
    How many people are complaining about the difficulty of the bosses. It's so ridiculous. I'm not happy. Turns me off from playing the game and if it continues I may not play the game. I'm not asking to make it easy. I like challenges but I don't like impossible mission.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wouldn't even mind the large hit points if the match damage and special attacks weren't so high. That would be challenging but more fair.

    The bosses shouldn't be able to one-shot kill us (or greatly damage us)... that's just punishing and not fair.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade wrote:
    I agree with fightmaster's comments. This is all a bit too much. The real issue with their "your supposed to lose" assumption is that no one can afford 15 hps to have the same 3 characters die in every boss mode attempt.

    The scoring is reasonably fair, I'm making decent progress towards knocking out the levels/rounds. But philosophically, this is bad game design because even though the scores and progressions have been adjusted to dying in every battle, the health packs have not been adjusted.

    Its a reasonable compromise to design a scoring system that gives you the majority of points for 2/3 bosses. It is not reasonable to expect players to have 2/3 dead 5* at the end of each attempt and then expect players to use their hps to ressurect.

    paygate gaming at its worst.

    Just going to point out that this problem was foreseeable. I predicted it 10 days ago:

    And that's before even considering the scaling and communication gaffes.
  • aesthetocyst
    aesthetocyst Posts: 538 Critical Contributor
    Phumade wrote:

    paygate gaming at its worst.

    Amen. In a game in which heals are required, and those heals act as quarters did in payphones in the last century, any fatalistic event design is literally a money grab.

    Players will always resent devs hands in their pocket. They should be spend because they like playing, not spending because they must if they want to play at all. Pay-to-play Marvel games played on different hardware and looked like this:

  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    At least give us a chance to win the match. Boss Rush is no fun. It's like D3 likes to remind us once a year that we suck as players by giving us unwinnable events to play on their anniversary.

    One day the D3 bully is going to find they have no one left to shake down for lunch money.
  • joaoleal
    joaoleal Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    I've done round 4 with KK, Storm and IMHB (level 213). My roster is mostly 3* champs and lots of 5*@255 and a couple of 4* over 200

    Probably will get round 5 completed thanks to the non-boss nodes, but don't expect any peggy covers, sadly ):
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade wrote:
    I agree with fightmaster's comments. This is all a bit too much. The real issue with their "your supposed to lose" assumption is that no one can afford 15 hps to have the same 3 characters die in every boss mode attempt.

    The scoring is reasonably fair, I'm making decent progress towards knocking out the levels/rounds. But philosophically, this is bad game design because even though the scores and progressions have been adjusted to dying in every battle, the health packs have not been adjusted.

    Its a reasonable compromise to design a scoring system that gives you the majority of points for 2/3 bosses. It is not reasonable to expect players to have 2/3 dead 5* at the end of each attempt and then expect players to use their hps to ressurect.

    paygate gaming at its worst.

    Do the health packs NEED to be adjusted when you've got 8 hours to do each wave? There's plenty of time for them to regen and for you to get through and finish a set of clears, right?
  • stochasticism
    stochasticism Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc wrote:
    Phumade wrote:
    I agree with fightmaster's comments. This is all a bit too much. The real issue with their "your supposed to lose" assumption is that no one can afford 15 hps to have the same 3 characters die in every boss mode attempt.

    The scoring is reasonably fair, I'm making decent progress towards knocking out the levels/rounds. But philosophically, this is bad game design because even though the scores and progressions have been adjusted to dying in every battle, the health packs have not been adjusted.

    Its a reasonable compromise to design a scoring system that gives you the majority of points for 2/3 bosses. It is not reasonable to expect players to have 2/3 dead 5* at the end of each attempt and then expect players to use their hps to ressurect.

    paygate gaming at its worst.

    Do the health packs NEED to be adjusted when you've got 8 hours to do each wave? There's plenty of time for them to regen and for you to get through and finish a set of clears, right?

    And we are supposed to ignore the 3 lucrative PvP events happening now?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc wrote:
    Phumade wrote:
    I agree with fightmaster's comments. This is all a bit too much. The real issue with their "your supposed to lose" assumption is that no one can afford 15 hps to have the same 3 characters die in every boss mode attempt.

    The scoring is reasonably fair, I'm making decent progress towards knocking out the levels/rounds. But philosophically, this is bad game design because even though the scores and progressions have been adjusted to dying in every battle, the health packs have not been adjusted.

    Its a reasonable compromise to design a scoring system that gives you the majority of points for 2/3 bosses. It is not reasonable to expect players to have 2/3 dead 5* at the end of each attempt and then expect players to use their hps to ressurect.

    paygate gaming at its worst.

    Do the health packs NEED to be adjusted when you've got 8 hours to do each wave? There's plenty of time for them to regen and for you to get through and finish a set of clears, right?
    If you don't PVP, maybe.
    As it is, yes, they need to be adjusted.
This discussion has been closed.