How To Defeat S.H.I.E.L.D Alliance

Step by step guide on how to defeat the S.H.I.E.L.D Alliance.

Step 1: Murder them while they sleep.


  • Step 2: You don't.
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    I don't think you need to resort to murdering could hack them and reset their game progress. That'd be MPQ murder...
  • I think there's nothing to be afraid. They are tough. They have near perfect rosters. They are dedicated. They are online 24/7.

    But we will get there eventually.
  • akboyce
    akboyce Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2014
    I don't think you need to resort to murdering could hack them and reset their game progress. That'd be MPQ murder...

    That is only a temprorary solution.

    They would come back... stronger... and out for revenge....

    S.H.I.E.L.D R.E.B.O.R.N
  • I don't think you need to resort to murdering could hack them and reset their game progress. That'd be MPQ murder...

    But they would come back, they are like Terminators.
  • akboyce wrote:
    I don't think you need to resort to murdering could hack them and reset their game progress. That'd be MPQ murder...

    That is only a temprorary solution.

    They would come back... stronger... and out for revenge....

    S.H.I.E.L.D R.E.B.O.R.N

    Attention to detail on the letter D. I'd give this a thumbs up if I could. Oh
  • Gotta take em out from the inside. Someone join their alliance as a spy.
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    Gotta take em out from the inside. Someone join their alliance as a spy.

    Makes me think about all the awesome stories I read about EVE Online, I love reading that stuff. Corporate espionage and the like. Maybe I'm a sleeper agent and I don't even know it yet?!?!

    Someone will PM me with the codeword 'bagyourpath' and I'll start kicking people from the team at the end of a tourney!
    Step by step guide on how to defeat the S.H.I.E.L.D Alliance.

    Step 1: Murder them while they sleep.

    That would work on most of us, but The Ladder NEVER sleeps. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Gotta take em out from the inside. Someone join their alliance as a spy.

    We can send MechGouki to infiltrate them and if they figure it out, we will deny everything.
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    Step by step guide on how to defeat the S.H.I.E.L.D Alliance.

    Step 1: Murder them while they sleep.

    Adhemar: And how would you beat him?
    Fence: With a stick. While he slept. But on a horse, with a lance? That man is unbeatable.
  • Gotta take em out from the inside. Someone join their alliance as a spy.

    Makes me think about all the awesome stories I read about EVE Online, I love reading that stuff. Corporate espionage and the like. Maybe I'm a sleeper agent and I don't even know it yet?!?!

    Someone will PM me with the codeword 'bagyourpath' and I'll start kicking people from the team at the end of a tourney!

    Manchurian Candidate - MPQ Style!

    Haha! Love it!
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    edited March 2014
    Haha well played akboyce!

    And MPQ sleeper agents...someone call Jack Bauer and Nicholas Brody!
  • Gotta take em out from the inside. Someone join their alliance as a spy.

    Makes me think about all the awesome stories I read about EVE Online, I love reading that stuff. Corporate espionage and the like. Maybe I'm a sleeper agent and I don't even know it yet?!?!

    Someone will PM me with the codeword 'bagyourpath' and I'll start kicking people from the team at the end of a tourney!

    Wasn't it eve online where one guy killed another over an in-game sword he wouldn't sell?

    "No I will not send you a standard token" *stabby stabby*
  • Someone will PM me with the codeword 'bagyourpath' and I'll start kicking people from the team at the end of a tourney!

  • If you want to beat them, tank during LRs and push painfully hard during the end with a 20 man alliance. Thing is, there aren't that many dedicated players, and the ones that are are already in that alliance. There's another thing to consider though - that they may extend the rewards from top 1 alliance to top 5 for that bracket. Top 1 is a little **** in my not-so-friendly opinion, and encourages exactly what we're seeing, almost all of the game's whales to collaborate and circlejerk at the top.
  • Gotta take em out from the inside. Someone join their alliance as a spy.

    Makes me think about all the awesome stories I read about EVE Online, I love reading that stuff. Corporate espionage and the like. Maybe I'm a sleeper agent and I don't even know it yet?!?!

    Someone will PM me with the codeword 'bagyourpath' and I'll start kicking people from the team at the end of a tourney!

    Wasn't it eve online where one guy killed another over an in-game sword he wouldn't sell?

    "No I will not send you a standard token" *stabby stabby*

    Must be why d3 won't Institute cover trading. Some would kill for that spidey blue, GSBW green and hulk black. As a side project, I will create a hack to steal all competing alliance HP mt.gox style. Everyone else will be HP bankrupt.
  • Kamahl-FoK wrote:
    If you want to beat them, tank during LRs and push painfully hard during the end with a 20 man alliance. Thing is, there aren't that many dedicated players, and the ones that are are already in that alliance. There's another thing to consider though - that they may extend the rewards from top 1 alliance to top 5 for that bracket. Top 1 is a little **** in my not-so-friendly opinion, and encourages exactly what we're seeing, almost all of the game's whales to collaborate and circlejerk at the top.

    I agree that rewards will get tweaked but honestly top 250 got nearly same reward of a BP cover sans the HP.
  • KaioShinDE
    KaioShinDE Posts: 265 Mover and Shaker

    I agree that rewards will get tweaked but honestly top 250 got nearly same reward of a BP cover sans the HP.

    Hahaha, good one. Those HP you want to exclude are 5 friggin hundred. That's three tournaments worth.
  • Kamahl-FoK wrote:
    If you want to beat them, tank during LRs and push painfully hard during the end with a 20 man alliance. Thing is, there aren't that many dedicated players, and the ones that are are already in that alliance. There's another thing to consider though - that they may extend the rewards from top 1 alliance to top 5 for that bracket. Top 1 is a little **** in my not-so-friendly opinion, and encourages exactly what we're seeing, almost all of the game's whales to collaborate and circlejerk at the top.

    I ABSOLUTELY agree that there needs to be juicier 2-5 and 6-10/6-15 awards for alliance tourneys. 2-50 as a reward tier is super demotivating.

    Point of order: We recently outlawed S.H.I.E.L.D circle-jerks, as it excludes the awesome female players on our team.
  • pasa_ wrote:
    Step by step guide on how to defeat the S.H.I.E.L.D Alliance.

    Step 1: Murder them while they sleep.

    Adhemar: And how would you beat him?
    Fence: With a stick. While he slept. But on a horse, with a lance? That man is unbeatable.

    Knight's Tale, great film icon_e_biggrin.gif
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