Alliance Improvements Thread



  • -JBK- wrote:
    Gotta add my vote for some resolution to Commander inactivity.

    Especially, those who were promoted by accident, spent no HP to join, and have contributed nothing for over a month.

    I sincerely hope something is done about this type of issue on the next update.

    Maybe I have a part of the solution about it.
    If we could put those inactive(s) Commander(s) on sideways (and other ex: illness, vacations, overworking...) and have for example 5 people who are just substitutions for the team; they would earn covers, HP & ISO when they are part of the alliance.

    When those people are on sideways, they only earn the covers (if some have been won sure).
    I think it would settled some people who don't really like to be inside a team BUT who really need those covers (Falcon & Nick fury...for example).

    Is this would be fair ?
  • It had been suggested elsewhere to only take the top 15 scores out of an alliance. A few people need to take a day off, the rest of the alliance can cope without them.

    That guy who makes awesome jokes in alliance chat and everyone loves even though he only gets 100 points, you need never feel bad about keeping him around if there is a buffer like this. No need to make it overly complicated with conditional members icon_e_smile.gif
  • It might be nice to be able to purchase Hero Points to share with my alliance. That way if I feel particularly motivated to obtain a certain character, I can help out my alliance by subsidizing the cost of their shields.

    Purchase Logans Loonies for $20
    Share 75 HP with each of my alliance, 1425 HP
    I have 1475 HP remaining.

    Perhaps a bonus could be offered
    $20 buys 1900 HP, plus 75 HP for each member of your alliance.


    purcahse $20 Hero points, select an option to share 50 hero points per alliance member. Game kicks in extra 25 per alliance member.
  • Alliance changes I would like to see.

    1. Allow alliance members to see how many points each player has contributed for that day.

    2. Possibly add a daily MVP bonus that double the alliance bonus for the MVP.

    3. Lower the cost of adding people to an alliance.
  • Unknown
    It would be very nice if (specially in season 1) alliance rewards will be cover instead of hero points.

    Rank 26 till 100 - Nick Fury + 500 Iso + 25 HP
    Rank 100 till 150 - Nick Fury + 100 Iso + 0 HP

    Just my 2 cents

    Have a good day and keep the goooooood work go on icon_e_smile.gif

  • Unknown
    Hiyo, I'm new here. Figured it wouldn't hurt to give some ideas out before I go back into Lurker status. Apologies if these have been mentioned before:

    Rewards for top performers in your own Alliance

    RIght now you can tell who is performing/underperforming in an alliance, but at the moment they're only for show. If there was a rewards system for top performers within an Alliance for each event, it would provide some incentive for players to continue to contribute and play. Granted, it doesn't need to be super amazing, but it should be something worth attempting to beat out your alliance members for (say, tokens, small amount of HP, Iso).

    This would be especially helpful for Alliances that don't have a realistic shot at getting the 'top 100' rewards in events (like me).

    Things to keep it in check (and to prevent exploitation)

    - Requires a member minimum limit (so players can''t easily create a number of dummy accounts to abuse the system)
    - Only applies at the end of events.
    - Restricted to top 'x' placers (I'd say around top 3).
    - Only applies to members that have been active in the event for 'x' days/time (so you can't hop in and out of alliances to swipe the awards)

    Using ISO to purchase an Alliance slot

    Mostly as a means for players to bypass the HP system and still remain relevant to the Alliance rankings. Given that HP is the only way to get more slots, it'll become quite expensive towards the 10 digit numbers. If you add an alternative cost, such as 20k ISO or something, it would at least provide an incentive to continue to play towards forming the roster, as opposed to hoping you get lucky Daily rewards, placement in events, earning tier rewards, etc.

    History of individual performance in Events

    Mostly to help Commanders/Players track their progress and see how much has been contributed. Performance history would make it easier to understand who the top contributors are.

    It would be nice if there was a sort of progression/performance reward for players the contribute a lot, but yea....

    Ways to kick out Commanders or transfer ownership

    Sometimes, there are Commander-level players that become inactive. Given there is no method to kick them out, it's a little painful to have that valuable slot just sit there and go to waste. A method to kick out or remove that player would be helpful, provided it's a fair method.

    Alliance progression rewards in Events

    Doesn't need to be amazing, but hey, it'll provide players with incentive to continue to play in an Event. It just needs to be a little something extra.

    Bracketed Alliances in Events, according to # of members in an Alliance

    There is some risk of exploitation, but it would be nice if the lower member number Alliances were better separated from the the higher number ones. Mostly to help give lower membership Alliances a better shot at the rewards. In Season 1 PvP, I know that no matter how well I perform, I will have no shot at getting that Nick Fury cover since the super-good Alliances pvershadow mine by a large margin. It'd be nice to have a more believable shot at it, haha. On the flip side, if the higher member Alliances were better seperated, a scaling rewards system could be added to make it so that you'd have better rewards (likely in the ISO or HP sense), and to still incentivize to get more Alliance slots.

    Hopefully MPQ guys take a look at mine. Anyhow, back to lurking.
  • Unknown
    I totally agree that the main problem is that commanders cant be kicked at all.

    Our alliance has one that for all we know could have uninstalled the game, or spontaneously combusted. No clue.

    Now all of our invested interests in the alliance cannot continue. icon_e_sad.gif

    At least have alliance founder kick inactive commanders after a week or so. IMO
  • KrazyKeylime
    KrazyKeylime Posts: 367
    i think they should allow trading of covers to people in the same alliance that way we can concentrate 3* characters
  • Unknown
    -Not being able to kick players over a certain season score in the final days of a pvp event.
    -A 3 weeks or a month of inactivity from a commander should demote them and allow them to be kicked, 2 months of inactivity from the commander who created the alliance results in a warning, and then after a further week of inactivity they are demoted and the highest one or two players are promoted to commanders if there is only one commander for the team.
    - Better alliance chat and the ability to PM other members.
    - A rewards system for the top five players in the alliance for each PVP and PVE event. Extra Iso and then extra HP if they get a consecutive streak going, so if they are the top 5, 5 times in a row they get extra iso and also extra HP.
    - Change the names, instead of everyone being a commander, make a co-commander promotion, with the ability to still upgrade to commander.
    - Add a prize to the season event being the top 100 or so teams also win the power to buy another alliance spot so instead of 20 it would go to 21 members they can have, but it will be maxed out at say 22-25 and it will still cost HP but at half the usual price. Also if a team with only a small amount of members make it into the top 100 they win a free alliance spot so if they have 10 members they win a free 11 member slot.
    - If a player is kicked a reason why they have been kicked should be shown, so the player knows.
  • Cragger
    Cragger Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    - If a player is kicked a reason why they have been kicked should be shown, so the player knows.

    Lots of stuff in there, but this one is absolutely required at this point.

    Add a checkbox when you click to boot someone.
      You are about to kick someone from your Alliance. Please select a reason below to communicate to the player.
      o You have been inactive.
      o You have acted inappropriately and/or offensively.
      o Your performance has not been adequate.
      o Your communication with Alliance members is not sufficient.
      o Other (please explain)
    • Avalokitesvara
      klingsor wrote:
      2) Ability to kick commanders by a new tier "leader" or if new tier not an option, an ability to demote a commander back to normal
      Please, we have a commander who plays once every 10 days!
      At least make commander be degraded to normal members if they don't log for 7 days
    • absolut821
      absolut821 Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
      1.I would like to search for a player and then invite said player.
      2.Share the Cards that i already have maxed with alliance members
      3.Create a donation pool to increase size.
      4.A tiered system for commanders. The person who creates the alliances should be able to kick other commanders if they've stopped playing.
    • turborunner
      Since alliance slots are now free

      This would be a good time to add this feature:

      Is make the Alliance Creator a General that can promote, demote, accept new members and kick alliance members at anytime(including commanders),
      Commander powers they can vote to accept new members, vote to kick a non-commander out of the alliance and the majority wins. commanders can't kick other commanders or promote or demote.

      I also agree with Cragger's idea
      Cragger wrote:
      - If a player is kicked a reason why they have been kicked should be shown, so the player knows.

      Lots of stuff in there, but this one is absolutely required at this point.

      Add a checkbox when you click to boot someone.
        You are about to kick someone from your Alliance. Please select a reason below to communicate to the player.
        o You have been inactive.
        o You have acted inappropriately and/or offensively.
        o Your performance has not been adequate.
        o Your communication with Alliance members is not sufficient.
        o Other (please explain)
      • Sidlon
        Sidlon Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
        Suggestion: in an event's Member Contributions view, somehow indicate each member's time slice

        As is, this view is inherently useless and misleading. Someone might be at the bottom due to not playing, or picking a later slice than the rest of the group.
      • Najbolji
        Najbolji Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
        How about highlighting the member's name that has already finished his slice in red or whatever?

        That would really facilitate alliance management, as well as indicate how hard the remaining members had to push to achieve the alliance's goal, whatever it may be.
      • KrazyKeylime
        Grazzt wrote:
        And ability to view member's points in current events.
        if you go into the main event then to event rewards then to alliance rank and finally your alliance score you can find a player by player break down
      • voodoodreamer
        What I would like to see is way for players to exchange extra covers with alliance members. Maybe I'm maxed out on Daken, but a friend in my alliance could use my four extra covers. Instead of selling them for a laughable amount of Iso-8, I should be able to give them to that person. We can already send team-ups to alliance members, so it shouldn't be hard to add the other as well. Also, why can't we share Iso-8 and Hero Points with Alliance members? If I'm just building up a massive unused amount over here, but my wife (co-commander) needs to level up a few characters, instead of hoarding mine, I should be able to help her out. That's what teamwork is all about, right? I understand that it's more about casual solo play than the social experience, but a few additions to the alliance system would be truly beneficial within the alliance.
      • As alliance improvements i would like to see:

        - Some permanent window at the chat side where we/i could write for example alliance rules so that people that check messages would always see the text without us having to always rewrite them since they get lost on the chat when people speak to each other.

        - Some way of checking peoples activity other than the daily reward window. I'm a commander and if i miss a day of gaming i have no way of knowing who all have been in game the time i wasn't there. For example some window for commanders where we could see the activity of players during a weeks time or so would be nice.

        - And a changing covers between alliance members would be great too! Even if it would be just once per week or so but still some way to help lower players with the covers we higher ones don't need. icon_e_smile.gif
      • DeNappa
        DeNappa Posts: 1,377 Chairperson of the Boards
        ayaki-chan wrote:
        - Some permanent window at the chat side where we/i could write for example alliance rules so that people that check messages would always see the text without us having to always rewrite them since they get lost on the chat when people speak to each other.


        Or actually, in more detail, I'd like to see the following:
        Right now the alliance screen has 3 tabs: Chat, Details (member list + commander options), Search.

        Change this to:
        • Chat: Keep it as is, but improve the chat sync (it's buggy, sometimes lines appear hours later) and remove team up requests.
        • Alliance events: display all active team up requests, and clan CP rewards from purchases. Maybe also keep a tally of how well the alliance performed in recent events.
        • Details: Add a section where the commander can type and display the alliance rules/news. Also keep the member list here, but it can also be moved to its own tab.
        • Search: No change
      • BlackSheep101
        BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
        DeNappa wrote:
        [*] Alliance events: display all active team up requests, and clan CP rewards from purchases. Maybe also keep a tally of how well the alliance performed in recent events.
        I really like this idea. It would be great to see a history of alliance finishes.