Alliance Improvements Thread



  • Everything that has already been said, plus I'll have to add my voice to Shared HP pools. I may not have a lot of HP, but at least I'd like to contribute opening more roster spaces. Make them unwithdrawable, deposit only and only spendable on current and future improvements for the Alliance (possibly with one HUGE confirmation button when making a deposit)
  • KevinMark wrote:
    Maybe it would be good to share rewards with your alliance members ala people doing it on Facebook.

    it would be nice in general to be able to focus gift sharing with alliance memebers.
  • falconeyed wrote:
    I would let the the person who created the alliance the ultimate control of deciding who get kicks promoted/demoted.

    + 1

    There should be a way to demote a commander if he decides to quit playing without leaving or whatever. It is not an issue now but over time it will become an issue for multiple alliances.
  • More alliance member slots?

    We have 100 people waiting for approval icon_e_sad.gif and I suppose the other alliances have similar stats?
  • My big want would be statistics for each member's contributions to the current event.

    Ex - # of shields, overall, for the simulator event as well as # of shields for each of the current rooms.

    This was a problem on my previous, smaller, alliance when you had people like myself kicking a** and taking names while you had other people who either did not participate or had very little productivity.
  • I kind of am against the showing of current point totals of each alliance member. Timestamp of last battle would help see who is active and who is not.

    The game is supposed to be fun and from past MMO experience the moment other players start expecting you to play more, or perform better it becomes a job. It takes away your ability to play casually when you have time and enjoy it at your own pace, it makes you anxious in real life if you "aren't contributing enough." If you want to know an alliance member's score ask them, but give them the respect and right to not want to tell you.

    Sorry, I know not everyone plays as casually as I do, but having another player try to tell me how and when I should be playing would make me immediately quit an alliance, and possibly the game as a whole I feel that strongly about it.
  • I kind of am against the showing of current point totals of each alliance member. Timestamp of last battle would help see who is active and who is not.

    The game is supposed to be fun and from past MMO experience the moment other players start expecting you to play more, or perform better it becomes a job. It takes away your ability to play casually when you have time and enjoy it at your own pace, it makes you anxious in real life if you "aren't contributing enough." If you want to know an alliance member's score ask them, but give them the respect and right to not want to tell you.

    Sorry, I know not everyone plays as casually as I do, but having another player try to tell me how and when I should be playing would make me immediately quit an alliance, and possibly the game as a whole I feel that strongly about it.

    i agree with you, as a commander, I would definitely abuse this feature! "Hey Billy, you are slacking there my friend! Get to work before I replace you with a member of AceofBase!"

    But maybe showing if an member has been inactive or last logged on? " So last logged on 3/25/14 Ah cool, he is still playing!"
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would like players who don't play for two weeks to get a warning that they may lose alliance membership, and at four weeks have them auto-removed from the alliance. It's more gentle than some sort of Lord-of-the-Flies situation with people icing the weakest link out every time they don't make #1.

    Numbers could be tweaked of course, and the idle kickout could even be updated by a commander.
  • klingsor wrote:
    Let's consolidate suggestions for the alliance improvements into one thread. I will start with my own concerns:
    1) Ability to rejoin after being kicked
    2) Ability to kick commanders by a new tier "leader" or if new tier not an option, an ability to demote a commander back to normal
    3) Better Alliance Reward Tier 2-50 is way too broad. 2-10 would be better, 2-5 would be ideal (more rewards, dont move them from SP progression)
    4) A way to distinguish Alliance members in battle so as to not attack them (so that people don't have to remember 19 names)
    5) Automated Cheater protection (if you are in cheating DB, you can't join any alliance)

    Please Copy and paste from other threads whatever I'm missing and keep this thread alive. Thanks!
    1) no.. You got kicked for a reason
    2) just leave the alliance
    3) awards are fine
    4) probably good idea
    5) they remove cheaters

    Alliance Chat
    Alliance player tracking
  • Ok I haven't read every single post but here are 2 features that I think should be pretty high priority in being implemented.

    1. Commanders should be able to donate in increments. 500 hp 700hp 1000hp whatever they feel like. Given the pay for your slot rules being implemented by some alliances some members are having to pay 1300 while others are having to pay 1800 etc etc. if we were able to advertise a set rate like 1200 hp donation required to enter, it would be much more fair.

    1a. With this feature you could have the alliance upgrades for hp, IE , 1000hp for +1% attack/ ISO gain / all the usual **** up to 10% so the supreme commander could spend it towards how he's sees it hear fit for the alliance.

    2. If a commander donates a certain amount, IE 1500 hp donations puts a lock where the commander cannot be kicked for 30 days (or whatever is deemed fit). This stops obvious forms if abuse. Something could be figured out for extreme circumstances.
  • ackerlight wrote:
    More alliance member slots?

    We have 100 people waiting for approval icon_e_sad.gif and I suppose the other alliances have similar stats?


    Thirty slots would be nice.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    ackerlight wrote:
    More alliance member slots?

    We have 100 people waiting for approval icon_e_sad.gif and I suppose the other alliances have similar stats?


    Thirty slots would be nice.

    Holy cow...

    That's 25,500 HP.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Before just making my own, it would have been nice to see a list of alliances without having to search for a specific name.
    Why not simply have a list of all alliances? That way people can scroll through them and see which they want to join. Not everyone that plays the game hangs out on the forum.
  • Emeryt wrote:
    dlaw008 wrote:
    ackerlight wrote:
    More alliance member slots?

    We have 100 people waiting for approval icon_e_sad.gif and I suppose the other alliances have similar stats?


    Thirty slots would be nice.

    Holy cow...

    That's 25,500 HP.

    5 more slots at least... the problem with the HP basis is that it will eventually become an issue where the in-game rich get richer by leveraging HP and the poor alliances won't be able to keep up. The last 5 spots should be not be tied to HP but given as a reward for having a full alliance.
  • Here is another nifty idea: Alliance Badges.
    Like 5DV - Winners of the Simulation %DATE_OF_EVENT%
    That way when you search for an alliance you can see their badges.
    I dislike the generic (you finished top 2!) messages, so badges would clear the issue.
  • I'd be good with taking out the HP basis, but obviously they gotta monetize everything. It's how they make their living. I just wish we could get more spots to let in the people we still want now that we're full. Sure, the HP cost is outrageous, but I was surprised to see so many alliances already jump to 20. We have been placing pretty highly, so I can't scroll down to lower placing alliances, but at least the top 10-15 are almost all 20 person alliances, so I can only imagine how far down the list until you start to see 10 person alliances. Clearly there is a demand for more slots.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    I'd be good with taking out the HP basis, but obviously they gotta monetize everything. It's how they make their living. I just wish we could get more spots to let in the people we still want now that we're full. Sure, the HP cost is outrageous, but I was surprised to see so many alliances already jump to 20. We have been placing pretty highly, so I can't scroll down to lower placing alliances, but at least the top 10-15 are almost all 20 person alliances, so I can only imagine how far down the list until you start to see 10 person alliances. Clearly there is a demand for more slots.

    Everyone wants to win. Imagine if Shield had 10 spots open? They could hold auditions if they wanted to.
  • Twysta wrote:
    I'd appreciate if you'd reduce the size of your sig as well.

    Turn off signatures in your user settings.
  • There should be something that at least hints at player's participation. If players quit on the game it'll hurt their alliance.

    I would suggest each alliance has an internal leaderboard for each event that shows relative rankings, and an opt in feature to show and view other alliance member's points. You'd only get to see the exact points of other players if you agree to share yours. This way you could get an idea of how others are doing, and have the option of sharing more information.
  • klingsor wrote:
    Here is another nifty idea: Alliance Badges.
    Like S.H.I.E.L.D- Winners of the Simulation %DATE_OF_EVENT%
    That way when you search for an alliance you can see their badges.
    I dislike the generic (you finished top 2!) messages, so badges would clear the issue.

    Fixed icon_e_wink.gif