Avengers' Battle Kit (possible new purchase) - now w/ Poll!



  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    OH -ahem serious face

    I said no.

    LT most intriguing
    Heroic least intriguing
  • Ralph-Wiggum
    Ralph-Wiggum Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    The fact that they are considering this option (at either price point) means they must know $19.99 for 13,200 ISO is completely bonkers, right?
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    2 legendaries. Good.
    10k iso. Poor. Seems stingy. 25k better.
    4 heroics. Ok. Maybe bump it to 5.
    9cp. Make it 10 or 15.
    700 hp. Ok maybe 800 hp

    I'd buy monthly at a rate of $9.99 sure, if they tweaked it slightly. Bearing in mind you can only do it once a month, it should be a very good deal like the 50/100hp token deals imho. Would be too good to pass up.
  • PeterGibbons316
    PeterGibbons316 Posts: 1,063
    brisashi wrote:
    At $9.99 I'd probably buy one every month. Seems like a great deal in relation to other purchases.

    At $14.99 I might get one every 2-3 months.
    Same here. Which is funny, because at $10/month I would be willing to spend $120/year, but for $15/month I would only spend $60-$90/year.

    I think the 2.5 LTs are the biggest draw for me. The 10k ISO is a nice gesture, and HP would pay for shields for a handful of events, and the heroics would be mostly useless.

    I agree that a percentage increase in ISO rewards would be better than a one time amount, but that's probably a lot harder to code.

    I'm completely against rewards like this being based on days plays for a couple reasons - first, you have people paying the same amount for different items which is just wrong, and second there are guys on here that have been playing twice as long as me with rosters half as strong. Just because I have only played 500 days doesn't mean I don't struggle with the same ISO needs as the 2+ year vets.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    the only things that will impact my performance and roster are iso and 5* covers. the LTs/cp is ok, but if I'm spending, it should be more than 1K iso / $. however, if this was available for purchase repeatedly with no restrictions, it would end any iso purchases from the store since it is not only more iso per dollar (at 9.99), you'd also get the other goodies.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    I see a lot of posts saying how this is a good deal by the standard of the rest of the things for sale in game. But, to me, that just seems like setting up a false dichotomy. While buying an itchy sweater for $500 is technically better than spending $1000, both are still bad.

    First, it is still RNG. Buying tokens has never been the smart play. Even though they're LTs, that doesn't prevent the icon_hulkcho.pnghotdog.png draw or the 6th on your 5/2/2 in the color you've already got at 5.

    But, even putting aside inevitable bad draws, play that out over a year. You've spent $120 or $180 for 24 covers + 5 more classic draws from the CP.

    Is enough covers for a single character, being randomly selected, not of your choosing, worth 70 bucks? The cover system is a good obfuscation. The deal isn't two characters. It is two thirteenths of a character. For the amount needed to get one character done, you could have gotten Doom or Overwatch. A copy of Doom is a hell of a lot more compelling than having Drax on my squad.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got $14.99 on Android. I said no. I would probably have said yes to $9.99.

    The iso amount continues to be incredibly stingy though. Had it been 20,000 iso, with all the rest, I'd have definitely said yes to a $9.99 price.
  • PeterGibbons316
    PeterGibbons316 Posts: 1,063
    firethorne wrote:
    I see a lot of posts saying how this is a good deal by the standard of the rest of the things for sale in game. But, to me, that just seems like setting up a false dichotomy. While buying an itchy sweater for $500 is technically better than spending $1000, both are still bad.
    This is just your opinion. The fact of the matter is that MPQ is making money, so people are currently spending on the "bad" priced items in the store, and this seems to be a better deal than what people are already willing to spend. So it stands to reason that people would also be willing to spend on this bundle, and the bundle could potentially be valued high enough to get people that previously had't spent to start.

    Also I think it's a good entry level item. As it is now the only "economical" way to speed up your 5* transition is to join $100 buy clubs for 140 CP a pop. $100 is not a microtransaction and just plain doesn't make sense for the vast majority of players. But $10 or $15 for 2.5 LTs (a little less than half what you get out of a buy club) is a decent accelerant for someone that wants to progress just a little more quickly, but doesn't have $100 to blow on a freemium mobile game.
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    Was offered 9.99 and said yes.

    Having said that, my ideal package would be 500hp, 60cp, and an iso-8 multiplier for the month.
  • Thevipper
    Thevipper Posts: 90
    I said yes on the 9.99 but i put in the comments that i loved it but that the hp wasnt enough for 1 roster slot and i had 2 questions would the old packages still be available if i need hp for a roster slot? and would this package be available to buy more than once so i could double up on them if i wanted?
    Through out the month i would get
    1400 hp
    20,000 iso
    4 legendary tokens
    8 heric tokens
    18 cp
    By paying 19.98... I have money and you can take it now if you allowed it.

    But as a single purchase i would still buy it

    After hearing theres a 14.99 going around hmm even with 29.98 if you could double up...

    But i might consider this for 14.99
    1000 hp
    12,000 iso
    2 legendary tokens
    4 heroic tokens
    10 cp and i would be willing to drop it back to 9 cp to keep it at 12,000 iso/1000hp if i had to.
    And i would double up if i could
  • justplainchips
    justplainchips Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    This thread should have a poll.

    Also, the player survey should have been more sophisticated. Asking no responses to indicate what would make it a yes.
    Added. Hopefully there aren't too many options and that they all make sense. icon_e_smile.gif
  • ynglink
    ynglink Posts: 195
    I got the $10 one in my survey and yeah I'd buy it. I think what I care less about is the Heroic tokens honestly. Though I would like more Iso to be honest in there.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    Until they fundamentally change how they approach this game and stop focusing on new characters instead of new content, no sale/subscription will ultimately matter.
  • Legasher
    Legasher Posts: 67 Match Maker
    I just logged in and didn't get the survey at all. I'm in Colorado, an early 4* transition player. I would pay the $10.00. That's a solid roster slot and 2.5 covers for my 4*s and about 1/3 day of iso. Considering I spend $20 on an inconsistent basis for two roster slots and .04 of an LT, it seems reasonable (well, more reasonable in comparison at least).
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,790 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nope not for me, $9.99 would probably not convert to £6.99. As usual I will get stiffed on the conversion rate where they just change the $ to a £. If you are going to go stealth subscription I'd also want enough free roster slots for the amount of toons you lob at us in a month. Add that as the bonus for paying a monthly fee and the chance of me buying goes up from zero to 5%.

    I'm not bothered about iso, I don't subscribe to iso shortage, if anything they gave too much away early on. The game would have been better if you only really had a chance to level 1/3 of each tiers toons and choices were made depending on fav's and play style.
  • CyberVenom2001
    CyberVenom2001 Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    I got the $9.99 and said yes. I'd like to bump up that iso though to 25000 or higher. I'll take any tokens I can get
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    The biggest issue I have with it, and I put this in my survey, is that the purchase you just made is drip fed to you. "Throughout the month"? Really? When I make a purchase it is because my current resources are too low for me to do something within the game at that precise moment. Obvious reason would be to purchase a roster slot.

    My survey offered the Kit @ $14.99. If you play the game you should actually out do these rewards with ease within a month.

    LTs most interested
    Heroics least interested

    RNG is a fickle deity...
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    Honestly d3p u are sittin on a gold mine and u have no clue what to do with it.add to these rewards a cover of my choice you got yourself a deal.
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    To the majority of the players, this IS a good, even a great deal. Especially by the established price points in the store. I suspect for the bulk of the responses, it will be about whether the player would spend AT ALL, not whether it's necessarily a good deal. For most players, if they would ever spend, then this is a good deal.

    To most forumites tho, whether already spenders or not, it's a pittance.
    Agreed. I think the majority of forumites are not the typical MPQ player. I'm the commander of a very casual alliance, made up of primarily 2* to 3* transitioners (including my son); I'm the only vet. I'm continually amazed by how many command points I receive on a monthly basis from my alliance. I think casual players are more willing (than me, at least) to spend money on something that will give them rewards without putting in excessive game time.

    From my personal perspective, I could see buying the Avengers Battle Kit for a month that I don't feel like I'll have a lot of time to play. Like maybe next month, where for about a week and a half I will be camping on vacation and won't be able to play much, if at all. I won't be hitting PVE progression or getting any HP or covers from PVP, so paying $10 and still getting HP, CP, and legendary tokens sounds like a pretty good deal, without putting the time into the game that I normally do. Yes, the 10,000 ISO over the course of a month is ridiculously low, but Demiurge seems completely unwilling to let people spend money to get reasonable amounts of ISO, so it does fit their MO.

    This sort of goes hand-in-hand with the False Dichotomy of the "New" PvE System thread. As sinnerjfl pointed out in a post, development of MPQ is really more focused on the bottom line than the happiness of veteran players. Because if you're not getting the average revenue per daily active user (ARPDAU) that you want, you have to question the future viability of the game, and the reasons for continuing to put resources into it.

    I don't think Demiurge can always listen to what forumites want, because we aren't the majority of players. Their game modes and purchasing options have to appeal to the majority of their players, not just the hardcore elite players, because you can't rely on just a handful of people paying for a game. You're better off spreading out your purchases to be small ones made by many thousands of players instead.

    As has been pointed out by OJSP in another thread, last season there were only 20,161 active alliances. If you say that every alliance was full with 20 active members (which we all know they aren't), you're still only talk about approximately 400,000 people playing MPQ; OJSP rough estimated it's more like 350,000 people due to alliances that aren't full, and even that's an optimistic estimate. Of those, we know that the top 100 alliances are made up of the most hardcore players of all, where the #100 alliance has an average per-person score of 10,042. That's 2,000 super hardcore players, or approximately 0.6% of the player base (based on the 350,000 number) If we assume that the next 100 top alliances have about half of their players putting up 10,000 points on average per season, we're up to 3,000 total hardcore players, or 0.9% of all players. If we assume that there are still another 500 people who put up at least 10,000 points in a season, we're up to 3,500 hardcore players, working out to exactly 1% of the player base.

    Now there are going to be hardcore players that focus on PVE and not PVP at all. If we assume it's another 3,500 players (and I think that's optimistic) we're saying that just 2% of the people who play MPQ (whether PVE, PVP, or both) are hardcore players. That 2% actually matches the Top 100 of a 5000-player bracket perfectly, by the way.

    I think it's safe to say that those 2% who have put in more time and effort than the casual players are the ones who are most vocal on the forums. And whenever we hear from "newer" posters who pop on to say that they really like the PVE tests, or they think $10 for this amount of stuff is reasonable, they get shot down by the hardcore players.

    I'm not saying that veterans/hardcore players are wrong to feel entitled to better prizes, more consistent ways to get 5*s, more ISO, or anything else that we complain about (just see the Suggestions Index of Hot Topics) but I do think we need to be a little more open-minded on the forums when the 98% majority of players are speaking up about what they like, and what they would want to buy.

    There are likely many players who read but don't comment often (or at all) on the forums -- those players are taking advice from forumites and perusing guides on how to progress. Meanwhile, those non-forumites are almost certainly spending more money combined on the game than the all of the veterans/hardcore players. Whales and super mega whales most definitely help, but not as much as 300,000 casual people throwing $10 or more at the game every month.

    TL;DR: I estimate that 98% of the people who play MPQ are more casual players than the average vocal forumite, and deals like this are more appealing to that type of player, who are also essential to the profitability/longevity of the game.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think not.

    Now, if they offered something that let me catch up on daily supplies, I'd probably leap at that.