Feedback Request: Versus Matchmaking Test - Magnetic Mayhem



  • generalTsobot
    generalTsobot Posts: 65 Match Maker
    edited March 2016
    I didn't see any noticeable difference during my climb -- same mix of champed 3* rosters up until 600 or so, which switched to underleveled then champed 4*'s from there, with some 5*'s sprinkled in of various covers and levels. Still often stuck in queue hell once above 900 and around 1000, but I didn't think that was going to change since that's more determined by who's out there and unshielded.

    The one large difference I saw was after breaking past 1300, when flipping through nodes while shielded, I was getting matched with low-to-mid level 5*'s who were paired with champed 4*'s (e.g. OML with champed Teen Jean). That in itself was nothing new, but the points they were worth was -- There were nodes nodes of this type worth around 6, 8, 11, and 13 points. Looking over these players' rosters, it looks like their roster composition is similar to mine, but the points don't match up. Why were these showing up in my queue? Lots of ISO skip tax wasted.

    For reference, I have three unusable 5*s and four champed 4*s.
  • an1979
    an1979 Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    2* and 3 usable 3* with not optimal 13/13 3*Magneto
    Climb was harder - instead of 2* teams; 3*
    On "the top" (600-700+) very little diversity, even worse than before. 2-3 looped players in ISO skip tax, low points very scary rosters.

    Then I got hit MUCH earlier and MUCH harder than before by 250+ 4* teams.

    With this new MMR and ****,nerfed 3* I doubt that I will be making 1000 in PvP.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Neither positive or negative. Climbing to 800 was not measurably different from any other time. I'm a 3*-4* transitioner with a handful of 13-covered but not maxed 4*s and 30 championed 3*s. I probably should have gone higher but I was not interested in the rewards as to spend HP in shields.
  • freakygeek
    freakygeek Posts: 96 Match Maker
    I have several championed 4 *'s, a pile of fully or mostly covered 4*'s not yet leveled, and a bunch of unusable 5 *'s with almost all 3*'s championed. Most everything was as normal as ever. 1st day was a standard climb, 2nd day was another standard climb and getting rolled over by a few OML teams. Final day was normal except the queues seemed even sparser than normal and of course mostly teams I couldn't hope to touch getting presented. Nothing like the PVE scaling fail.
  • roberts_2
    roberts_2 Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    I just finished the PVP and and did not enjoy both before the first MMR rage days.
    For the feedback my team was icon_magneto.pngicon_ragnarok.pngicon_blade.png all champions and i fight against another 3 star.png champions teams just like mine, not JeanBusters OP everywhere, not 5 star.png +lv.300; only teams on my level, you could win and could lose but you could try for several bouts without healthpacks.

    I really have enjoyed this pvp so much as i have hated the same system on wolverine's PVE.

    pd: not an issue on test but infinite cascades are a problem because the AI plays on tetris mode (machine can see next drop gems). It is too obvious.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2016
    I just finished my slice of Magnetic Mayhem about 40 minutes ago, joining a bracket about 9 hours ago. Without reading anyone else's posts, here are my matchmaking thoughts:

    I quite liked this. I ran to the mid-500s without shielding, playing against a number of 2* super-buffed and 3* champed teams very similar to my roster. I threw up a shield earlier than I wanted to, but I had to work and stuff...

    I broke my shield about 3 hours later and rise to mid-800s. I briefly showed 900+, but attacks made my final tally 849, then down to mid-600s. Out of health, I reshielded and broke with 15 minutes left to win 2 and get hit once.

    By the time I got to the end, I was being hit by 4*s and offered 3*/4* teams. I hate getting hit, but I thought the matches were quite fair, much better than the Wall o' Champed JeanBusters and ThingPools I was limited to face in the Elektra event.

    The rosters are still limited by buffing, but at least that rotates weekly and gives lower guys a puncher's chance at me and me at the guys a little better off.

    Whatever you've done, I like it. Keep it up.

    EDIT: Also, much less ISO spent on skip tax than on previous PvPs. I never hit teams below 30 (for courtesy and self-preservation), but I had a lot of higher, yet attainable, targets to hit.
  • an1979
    an1979 Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2016
    About 100pts earlier attacks, very sparse pickings near the end (though only marginaly worse than before) and for very little points when making first climb (not a full day before end).

    Before change I could sometimes find 40 and 50 points opponents during climb end even near my max.
    Today it was ~30 points all the time. Then hit and hit and hit and I got stuck more than 100 points below by "normal" result.
    IMHO The same as with PvE "flattening" ?

    And of course finished lower too...

    Conclusion - if you shield hop probably no difference, for normal player - worse.
    Probably only owners of single cover 5* got something positive from this change.
  • Khaoz77
    Khaoz77 Posts: 16
    an1979 wrote:
    Before change I could sometimes find 40 and 50 points opponents during climb end even near my max.
    Today it was ~30 points all the time. Then hit and hit and hit and I got stuck more than 100 points below by "normal" result.

    Same here. At first it was nice, but at the end it became a nightmare. The same effort I put today could bring me to top 25 and 800 progression in previous PVP. This time finished below 100 and couldn't reach 650...

    I'm not sure it all that attacks were a direct consequence of the machtmaking changes but the lack of 38+ targets should be adressed.
  • Sambuca
    Sambuca Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    In PvP, I generally go for the 725 point progression reward and don't shield hop but I do play/shield towards the end if I want to break into the top 100 for the 3* ranking reward. I have 11 champed 3*s but my highest covered 4* is a Jean Grey with 6 covers, with the next ones being a 4-cover Kingpin and a few others with 3 covers.

    The first team after I beat the seeds had 2 5*s and the loaner CMags! I had never seen that before...

    I was finding teams that were worth 50-60 points until around the 300s where they were more in the 40s range. On the first day, I usually go up to 400 pts for the Hero Points and then call it a night. The second day of the event, I got up to 525 for the next HP reward and the teams were all around 30-40 points so I decided to push on. Around 650, I was only getting the same 25-38 pt teams 3* teams but they were using the boosted 3*s and mine aren't yet so that was a little frustrating. I got up to 723 on my last health pack with my last few 3*s, lost my next match (it was close, literally 1 move away from winning before a particularly nasty cascade) and fell down to 677 due to that loss and being attacked while I was playing. In retaliation, I could have fought a team with 2 4*s that would have got me 9 pts, but I was already out of health packs and all my 3*s were depleted.

    Did other stuff while my health packs replenished and was busted down to around 480 (that's normal, I'm used to it), but the climb back was rough. No more 40+ pt teams, I was feeling lucky if I got a 35+ team. They were mostly the same 3* teams over and over and over again in their 20s. I think I finished the event around 580 which was enough to make Top 100, which I figure is because Sentry was the reward.

    So I did a little worse than I normally do. The diversity of the teams seemed smaller since I kept seeing the same 3* combos (which makes sense if I understand the matchmaking system). I was also surprised by how many people have max level Daredevils. I mean, Blade and Hood I can understand, even Punisher, but DD has very limited use as a support character (although Ambush as a team up is great/annoying depending on which side you're on). I feel ambivalent about it (or could still be drained from the EotS).
  • Meatbone
    Meatbone Posts: 1
    I have 4 championed 4*, none of my 5* are leveled. Everything was fine until 800+. After 800 I was getting hit more often (fine, I can deal with that). The only thing that sucked was getting hit by double 5* teams that were lvl 450+, which didn't happen in the past.
  • Bruinsfan17
    Bruinsfan17 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    I was very pleased with this test. I have mostly champ 3* characters with a few 4* that are somewhat covered, IMHB being my highest at around level 230, and an OML at level 285. I could only climb to about 850 points due to time constraints but I noticed a huge difference. Normally I'd see champ 4* rosters all through my climb and struggle to hit 800 but this time around I didn't see any 4 or 5* rosters until I was up around 700 points and even then I could skip them and find a reasonable replacement player. Also never found myself trying to skip an endless loop of 4 or 5 of the same 4,5* teams. Overall this test was a very nice change for me. I was very happy with it. Would love to see this change going forward.
  • djdv81
    djdv81 Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Lets keep the new scaling in PVP events going forward, as I actually feel like I am making progress obtaining a 4* cover through points.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    I play with 4* characters and Logan exclusively. I hope to get my Phoenix and Surfer up to scratch before too long. That said, if you hadn't told me there was a change and a test, I wouldn't have had any idea that anything at all had changed. Make of it what you will.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn't really notice much difference, except that once I got to 800 matches dried up completely. As others have said, it was a case of cycling through the same few 3 or 4 opponents for matches of 30 points or fewer.

    It must have been really good for some though, the final leader board had a lot more players over 2000 points than usual.

    Riddle me this. How is it that finding decent matches is impossible, yet when I shield hop and am unshielded for 2 matches and 5 minutes, I'm then hit by 8 - 10 others almost as soon as I'm shielded?
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Now that I've finished Magnetic Mayhem, I've come to the conclusion that I really like the new mmr. For me personally, this was a huge improvement. The matches weren't all super easy seed teams, but they weren't super hard teams above my level either. The teams I faced were all close to my level. This made the game still a bit of a challenge, but not so much that I couldn't handle it. So all in all, my experience was a positive one. I rather enjoyed this new format.

  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Difficult to say if it made much of a difference for me. My only maxed 4* is cyclops, so while it seemed easier than normal to reach 1k, it may have had more to do with a boosted character that can deal 21k in a single shot (combined with a maxed boosted hood that people don't want to deal with) than the mmr changes.

    I did have to skip a LOT to find targets from 800+, but they were there. I didn't get stuck in the 3 target purgatory until one match after 1k at 1060. Shielded and called it a day.
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    I didn't play intensely, but I definitely saw more reasonable, comparable teams through 400.

    On the other hand, the reward was Sentry, and I wound up placing disproportionately high for my point total (and I got in my slice early), so I wonder how many people were actively playing....
  • pabasa130
    pabasa130 Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    There was definitely a noticeable difference, but I think part of it can be attributed to my IMHB, whom I levelled and championed in the middle of the run.

    Used IMHB and Iron Fist to climb up to 800 points before shielding before bed, left IMHB and championed Blade as scarecrow. All matches were manageable, and there were no more well covered OMLs hindering my progress. Also noticed very similar teams to mine, as in many teams were maxed levelled/Championed 4* (other IMHB, Iceman, JG) coupled with a boosted 3* of the week (typically Blade or Hood).

    Woke up and only had 3 retaliations while shielded. Woke up groggy and didn't want to gamble on the climb to my target score of 1000, so I won 2 matches, lost 1, then won another 1 and shielded at 900. Again, similar teams, although one of them was an undercovered OML plus Iceman I think. About 2 hours later before breaking shield for my final climb, again was hit 3 times while shielded. Safely reached 1000 points, and I think I could have climbed higher but I didn't have the balls to do it (not an intense PvPer and don't have Line).

    Key points that I liked
    Matchmaking seems to be working well. I fought people who had similar leveled teams to mine all the way from around 700 points to 1000.
    - As a result, less skip tax. I avoided teams with Hood because I was using the +2 AP boost during the climb, thus I skipped a lot, but it was no longer due to facing an endless wall of very high leveled championed Jeanbusters or any well covered and leveled OMLs in the current meta.

    I'd say I'm liking this change, although again, I have to take into consideration that my leveling IMHB from 250 to 270 means I may have become a better scarecrow than before, and the list of boosted characters that do not play well with 3*Mags means that I would tend to face a typically easier bunch of enemies.
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    I thought the quality of the opponents I faced was a bit improved. I was still seeing a few max-level 4* teams, but for the most part I felt I was competing against my peers.

    The problem I had with the change is that I rarely found anyone worth more than 40 points. I had to pay ISO to skip right after the 3 seed teams, because every team that it kept giving me was less than 38 points. I'd catch an occasional high-40s, and a couple mid-50s, but otherwise I climbed up by hitting low to mid 40-point targets. That was less fun.
  • RWTDBurn
    RWTDBurn Posts: 291
    I ran Championed Cmags, 360 OML, and Championed XFDP.

    I found the matchmaking to be better. It wasn't a huge difference but it was nice to see more variety in opponents. I'd still see the same level 400+ 5*s (as I should at this point) but I also had a good mix of 3* and 4* teams during the climb. That variety made the climb more enjoyable rather than feeling like work just to get from 100 to 1k. While I would much rather see tiered events with better rewards for the higher tiered rewards, this is at least an improvement.