Versus Matchmaking Test - Magnetic Mayhem (3/22/16)*Updated



  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bossblack wrote:
    madok wrote:
    At least it isn't a super awesome cover at 1K, if it all goes horribly wrong.

    What's the cover reward for 1K?

    Red Carnage. I'm sure some will need, but it's not a top one.

    As opposed to say, Blue Ice-Man, which probably will come up in off-season.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 455 Mover and Shaker
    As a player, I look forward to d3/Demiurge's released comprehensive analysis, appreciative communication, and collaborative and proactive constructive efforts to make this a game I will enjoy coming back to and consider a rewarding and refreshing use of my time and money.
  • Merrick
    Merrick Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    The PVE test went so well that they had to rush out and do a PVP test. Wow. Just wow.

    Couldn't wait for the results. Couldn't be bothered to respond to the 30+ pages of comments regarding how the players felt about their last test.

    Just had to go out and do another test.

    The disconnect is huge. But at least the communication is better.
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    I look forward to MMR collapsing upon itself, and being able to queue myself and only myself for all eternity.
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Hello everyone,

    We will be running a Versus matchmaking test beginning tomorrow in the Magnetic Mayhem event (March 22, 2016). The same formula is being used as the current Enemy of the State PVE test.

    I take it all back. This is pretty great news. They just fixed the ISO shortage. Every time someone beats your team, you'll gain 20 levels!
  • thanos8587
    thanos8587 Posts: 653
    will seed teams be level 270?

    im not joking. icon_lol.gif
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Will mmr go up even when we lose, like survival nodes currently function?
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    Red Carnage. I'm sure some will need, but it's not a top one.
    My 0/4/4 Carnage would love it, if only to cause at least some damage in his next DDQ4.

    I was really hoping for more details on this test, since we really don't know much for sure about how Versus MMR is currently calculated. Will my four-cover 5* Jean Grey (lvl 255) cause me to be paired up with 5* players now? Will my lack of cover-maxed 4*s (up to 12 covers on two characters now) mean I will no longer see maxed 4* opponents (I'd be totally fine with this)?

    People have surmised that after a certain point level (800?) anyone in the slice can see you and target you. This is the whole basis behind cupcakes, since they currently become available to everyone, regardless of MMR. Will the new MMR mean that you will be unable to queue up cupcakes unless they are put up by someone on your same "level" (whatever level the new MMR defines it to be)? E.g., a 2* to 3* or 3* to 4* transitioner would be unable to see a cupcake put out by a maxed 4* team, but all of the other maxed 4* players would see it? I'm not saying this is a good or bad thing; I'm just generally curious.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Will the new MMR mean that you will be unable to queue up cupcakes unless they are put up by someone on your same "level" (whatever level the new MMR defines it to be)? E.g., a 2* to 3* or 3* to 4* transitioner would be unable to see a cupcake put out by a maxed 4* team, but all of the other maxed 4* players would see it? I'm not saying this is a good or bad thing; I'm just generally curious.
    or will they only be visible to 2* players? that would completely blow if that's the case. but some would be tickled pink....until it became really really hard to hit 1300.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    A mid season test of something that has utterly failed already in PVE - I wish my work was as open to trying stupid things on our customers when they'd already told us it was terrible .... oh no wait - I like still having a job to go to not finding my work had closed down because our customers decided to stop telling us we are stupid and instead showed us be not being customers any more
  • Merrick wrote:
    The PVE test went so well that they had to rush out and do a PVP test. Wow. Just wow.

    Couldn't wait for the results. Couldn't be bothered to respond to the 30+ pages of comments regarding how the players felt about their last test.

    Just had to go out and do another test.

    The disconnect is huge. But at least the communication is better.

    They probably had planned these tests so that they will end simultaneously, and then can review all of the data. At which point, then they will communicate about the results.
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    Gather ye cupcakes while ye may ...
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    TxMoose wrote:
    Will the new MMR mean that you will be unable to queue up cupcakes unless they are put up by someone on your same "level" (whatever level the new MMR defines it to be)? E.g., a 2* to 3* or 3* to 4* transitioner would be unable to see a cupcake put out by a maxed 4* team, but all of the other maxed 4* players would see it? I'm not saying this is a good or bad thing; I'm just generally curious.
    or will they only be visible to 2* players? that would completely blow if that's the case. but some would be tickled pink....until it became really really hard to hit 1300.
    While I think it's possible that could happen, they're saying that it's like the Story mode change, and for that they base your opponent levels on your full roster, now counting not just levels, but covers too ("players will be matched against other players based on the hero power levels as well"). What you're suggesting would require them to change the Vs. MMR to be based on the levels and covers of the teams people are using in the Versus, as opposed to the other players' full rosters.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can the developers stop referring to covers as power levels? Having more covers does admittedly make an ability slightly better but it still isn't any good until a good bit of ISO has been pumped into that character. A 13 cover character is going to suck **** until it has been levelled to at least 120 for a 3*.
  • The "power levels" is my main concern. I have 3-6 4's either at max covered or one to two short yet I haven't leveled most of them because I don't have he ISO. This sounds like it will essentially punish you for not having something they don't allow us to acquire enough of. I'd level my Thora from 70 but other characters I deem More important.

    The real fear is my 7 cover yet useless 5* Jean (3/4/1) will duck my MMR and I won't be able to beat anyone I can Q. I have two TWO maxed 4's and it's already rough enough after 500 points. Any rougher and I won't be able to do anything. Which sounds... Super.

    I do understand they're trying to address cup caking because again they want us to progress even slower than we are. Which is absurdly slow so that the game lasts longer. But as long as the whales are able to do what they do than caking shouldn't be an issue. It's negative impact is purely just on speed of progression. Which again is moot because of the lack of ISO. Progression is essentially gate behind a pay wall unless you want to wait 6 months per character. Which is a blast, ya know, because who doesn't love being forced to use only their 2-3 viable characters in every game mode repatedly.
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    And matched that way up to a certain score, as it is now, or forever? If forever, being one of those guys that hops way past their weight could be a real pain. Not a lot of 3*s past 1300, haha.
    It depends on how it's implemented, Aes. If they truly change it so that 3* players can't be seen or queued up by 4* players, that would mean 3* players would be fighting against other 3* players, and could just keep on climbing instead of getting knocked down immediately by 4* players on their way to 1300 and beyond. So you could end up with 3* to 4* transitioners in the top ranks with the 4* to 5* transitioners, and 5* players, but each level would never get queued by each other, only by the people on their same level. It doesn't sound like a particularly good idea for people concerned about placement (even more higher scores, more competition to beat) but would actually be great for more people hitting progression.

    Of course, that's assuming A LOT, and since we don't even know how the current MMR works, and will only be able to guess at how the new one works, who knows.

    So, D3/Demiurge: thanks for communicating that you're testing a change. That is appreciated. But for a competitive game that is all about high scores in each event, the more detailed information you can provide to the higher level players (of which I don't count myself as one, I'm more of an observer; a Watcher, if you will), the better. The Story Mode test description was much more detailed, laying out the refresh schedules, enemy levels increasing, etc. It would be really nice to get a commensurate level of detail for Versus as well.
  • generalTsobot
    generalTsobot Posts: 65 Match Maker
    Linkster79 wrote:
    Can the developers stop referring to covers as power levels? Having more covers does admittedly make an ability slightly better but it still isn't any good until a good bit of ISO has been pumped into that character. A 13 cover character is going to suck **** until it has been levelled to at least 120 for a 3*.

    Yes, this. In PVE, fully-covered, soft-capped characters are very effective because the enemies you face are scaled to your roster's average level (top 3, anyway). This doesn't translate to PVP, where you may be initially matched to similar rosters, but you'll hit a wall quickly against others with higher level rosters. Nobody fears a 13 covered Jean Grey at level 120 in PVP.

    If the new PVP scaling will match you up against similar "powered" rosters, does this mean that soft-cappers get an advantage in PVP now as well?

    I'll be curious to see how this test goes.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    My question is this: Will we be getting extra tokens or CP for placement for playtesting your changes like we are in PvE? It would be highly appreciated, especially since it is midseason.