The slow death of the 3*-4* transition



  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do agree that the game does need more ISO made available as right now it is definitely too low. The idea of maxing a 4* in a week though, thats too fast. The game sucks me in cause I have so much to do on it. If I reached a point where I only needed to work on maybe 1 or 2 characters, I'd likely quit.

    You'd also end up with people complaining that they cant get covers instead of complaining they cant get ISO.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Still holding out hope the devs take the first step of moving away from 3* orientation by adding the PvE featured 4* as a progression reward.

    Either add a prize between the 25CP and the prize before, or replace the prize before with the cover. Just one, no need to go crazy.
    That wouldn't even be a huge change either, I don't think. One predictable 4* cover every 4-7 days. Even at the current roster strength that's slow going. 28 characters so far, 13 covers for each. That's 364 covers. Giving us a 4* cover as progression is not going to break the entire game. By the time everyone's completed the 364 PvE events necessary to max out every 4* a whole bunch more have come out.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do agree that the game does need more ISO made available as right now it is definitely too low. The idea of maxing a 4* in a week though, thats too fast. The game sucks me in cause I have so much to do on it. If I reached a point where I only needed to work on maybe 1 or 2 characters, I'd likely quit.

    You'd also end up with people complaining that they cant get covers instead of complaining they cant get ISO.
    I just dumped 305k ISO into RHulk to take him from 168-270. I spent it all at once because he was not going to be useful until I championed him and respect him. If I spent 100k on 3 different 4* they would still not be as useful as a maxed out RHulk and 100k just in RHulk would not have made him much better than the 168 he was at since he was covered incorrectly.
    It took me a little over 3 weeks since I put some ISO into a 4* for DPDQ.
    If you are fine capping your 4* at 200 ISO won't be a big deal, getting 4* covers will be. If you get some good 4* to 270 getting 4* covers is a lot easier, but the ISO drain is a pain.
  • inEden
    inEden Posts: 41
    I have like 5 championed 3's and a fully covered XFW. All my other 4*'s have 1 or 2 covers. Except for IW who is fully covered.

    I haven't played the game for over a year and just started again since a couple weeks ago. Should I max my XFW? He is currently on level 167. I am not sure if I should save up enough ISO to max XFW to try and get 1000 prog in PVP or should I wait until I have another good fully covered 4*?

    I am just worried that if I max my XFW as my sole 4*, then the scaling will be too much as it'll be XFW and two 3*.

    FYI I quit before Iron fist and Luke Cage came out so I don't even have them.

    Any advice will be mucho appreciated.

    Thank you
  • Druss
    Druss Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    Sorry to say it but XFW is pretty much cannon fodder nowadays & you almost definitely wont get to 1000 with XF + IW.

    Also, again sorry to say it, but the whole 3* tier has taken a 25% nerf & cannot now compete with maxed 4*'s

    Only hope is a) pay & I mean a lot or b) hope to get lucky & start pulling Hulkbuster, Jean Greys or the 3 main combos (Fist & Hulkbuster) (IW40 + Thoress) or Charlies Angels (Prof X wish GSBW + Scarlet With - cant level Prof with this one though)
  • inEden
    inEden Posts: 41
    Druss wrote:
    Sorry to say it but XFW is pretty much cannon fodder nowadays & you almost definitely wont get to 1000 with XF + IW.

    Also, again sorry to say it, but the whole 3* tier has taken a 25% nerf & cannot now compete with maxed 4*'s

    Only hope is a) pay & I mean a lot or b) hope to get lucky & start pulling Hulkbuster, Jean Greys or the 3 main combos (Fist & Hulkbuster) (IW40 + Thoress) or Charlies Angels (Prof X wish GSBW + Scarlet With - cant level Prof with this one though)

    I don't know how any of those options are viable. I mean even if you pay, you need 13 covers for one top tier 4* character and with the drop rate = ENORMOUS amounts of money or free tokens (hundreds? Thousands?!!). Neither of which are viable. Maybe I shouldn't have stopped playing. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Druss
    Druss Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    sorry I cant offer a better solution but does highlight the problems with the game at the moment.

    With the possible introduction of the new PvE system there will be nowhere for newer/returning players to go.

    Uniformly hard nodes throughout & no chance of progression.

    I personally am not a fan of the 4* tier (find the characters less interesting) so often revert back to using the 3*'s, however this is becoming more & more difficult.

    Unfortunately the title of this post is misleading - it's not "slow-death" its "dead"
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Druss wrote:
    sorry I cant offer a better solution but does highlight the problems with the game at the moment.

    With the possible introduction of the new PvE system there will be nowhere for newer/returning players to go.

    Uniformly hard nodes throughout & no chance of progression.

    I personally am not a fan of the 4* tier (find the characters less interesting) so often revert back to using the 3*'s, however this is becoming more & more difficult.

    Unfortunately the title of this post is misleading - it's not "slow-death" its "dead"

    I see where you're coming from but the transition is still possible. It's just much harder and more random than it used to be (and it was already quite hard and random). But yeah, for players fed up with all that, it's pretty much dead.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    I never like the fact that progression was largely random, i like to control what i'm building. this game has always been too costly to do that for many of the non-top tier characters, but even with that once too many people jump on the bandwagon they get nerfed or countered.

    This game was especially infuriating when you finally do pull the character only for it to be the wrong color and now totally useless, i might have still been playing, and many players may have, if they would of made a change to make all rewards, from tokens at least, colorless. But it might of did little to prevent the slow death due to lack of iso which literally, just takes some values or rewards tweaked or even 2x iso events popping up more often or even weekly, or even permanent 2x iso lightning rounds with more iso with a rewards instead of covers(covers would can still be given during the normal run times or not and just rename the event iso frenzy). Another option was to have championed characters, mainly 2* characters, yield an iso burst at the completion, or at milestones, to make it overall 15000 or 20000 iso positive.

    Anyways, i don't make the changes, it is totally up to the developers and they backed themselves into a corner by not thinking ahead and/or not listening to their player base, so let the heads roll.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Little update for everybody interested and who didn't see it: I asked Anthony, a developer if they were aware of all this feedback and discussion regarding the nerf of 3*s and he said that they have been following the discussion but that there are currently no plans of changing anything yet.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Little update for everybody interested and who didn't see it: I asked Anthony, a developer if they were aware of all this feedback and discussion regarding the nerf of 3*s and he said that they have been following the discussion but that there are currently no plans of changing anything yet.

    Yay for feedback I guess. :/

    But it sure feels like the game has gotten a hell of a lot more grindy/expensive, and slower to progress of late. So it's definitely comforting to know that devs are aware that the players feel that way and have no plans to do anything about it. . .

    (and this in a game that was already grindy and slow to progress)
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    But it sure feels like the game has gotten a hell of a lot more grindy/expensive, and slower to progress of late. So it's definitely comforting to know that devs are aware that the players feel that way and have no plans to do anything about it. . .

    (and this in a game that was already grindy and slow to progress)

    Totally agree with this. If we could buy covers, I would have bought a couple already. Sitting at 11 or 12 covers for a couple characters and repeatedly pull the ONE color I can't use, instead of the two I could use to finish these off.

    The only way to get a specific cover anymore is in the rotation for PVP. But there are what, 30 4*'s now? And you see three 1K's a it's 30 weeks to see one of every 4* cover. If you can even get them!

    And don't get [anyone] started about ISO. I hate how hard it is to get specific 4* covers, but it's even harder to get ISO to make those 4*'s worthwhile! The end-game "progress" is awful right now.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    WHY would they fix anything, though? lol

  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    And don't get [anyone] started about ISO. I hate how hard it is to get specific 4* covers, but it's even harder to get ISO to make those 4*'s worthwhile! The end-game "progress" is awful right now.
    I got my 13th Hulkbuster cover a couple of weeks back (yay), and I'm working on bringing him up to 270, but it is excruciatingly sssssslllllllloooooooooooooowwwwwww.

    Don't get me wrong, I can grind with the best of them (I wouldn't like to say how much time I spent on Final Fantasy VII to see ever skill, etc), but this has actually made me question the worth of playing the game, trying to get that amount of Iso with the time I have. Kills excitement for getting more characters to 13 covers. I'd like to take Nick Fury and Elektra up, but at a >month of grinding each, for limited use, ain't gonna happen, and that is a shame.
  • inEden
    inEden Posts: 41
    Many many players aren't even up to that stage. We are just trying to get covers and with so many 4* in the game it'll take far too long to have a competitive 4* as most of them aren't even considered that useful.
  • Viking Tacos
    Viking Tacos Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    the only way to win is not to play.

    im seriously considering it.

    and even if you do get the covers theres not enough iso to do anything with them.

    I have spent more on this game than any other video game I have ever played, and I am still behind, 3* transition still ongoing largely because of the great iso embargo and the fact that I'd like to do other things in my life beyond mpq.

    There is NO balance in mpq, at all.

    MPQ retirement sounds good.